1,893 research outputs found

    Experimental Measurements and Computer Simulation of Fission Product Gamma-Ray Spectra

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    Airborne gamma ray spectrometry using high volume scintillation detectors, optionally in conjunction with Ge detectors, has potential for making rapid environmental measurements in response to nuclear accidents. An experimental investigation and computer simulation have been used to characterise the response of such detectors to short lived fission products. Small samples of 235U were irradiated in a research reactor for short periods, to generate fission product sources. Gamma ray spectra were recorded over a period of one year using both high volume scintillation detectors and semiconductor detectors. The main gamma emitting nuclides have been identified, and their associated signals in each detector defined. Simulation work has been used to calculate the corresponding spectra which would have been observed at airborne survey heights, or from fission product sources irradiated for a prolonged period. While Ge detectors can record a fuller range of isotopes, of interest in characterising release terms, the NaI spectra also have potential for providing data on a range of radiologically important isotopes at all stages

    Elected Mayors: Leading Locally?

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    The directly elected executive mayor was introduced to England a decade ago. Drawing inspiration from European and American experience, the elected mayor appealed to both New Labour and Conservative commentators in offering a solution to perceived problems of local leadership. There was a shared view that governance of local areas was failing and that elected mayors were the answer. The first local referendums were held in 2001. Most have continued to reject the idea of the elected mayor. During 2012, the coalition government initiated 10 further mayoral referendums in England's largest cities but only one, Bristol, opted for an elected mayor. Overall, there is no evidence of widespread public support, yet the prospect of more mayors - with enhanced powers - remains firmly on the policy agenda. Drawing from a decade of research, this paper considers reasons for the persistence of the mayoral experiment, the importance of local factors in the few areas where mayors hold office and the link to current policy debates. Using the authors' analytical leadership grid, this paper links the governmental, governance and allegiance roles of mayors to the problematic nature of local leadership. It then draws tentative conclusions about the strange case of the elected mayor in England

    Stuck in the slow lane: reconceptualising the links between gender, transport and social exclusion

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    This article draws upon primary research undertaken with over 3,000 women in the North East of England to explore the links between women, transport and the labour market. The research, funded by the ESF, advances the idea of spatiality as a social construction and builds on seminal studies relating to women and poverty to consider the way in which a gender division of transport constrains women's mobility and restricts their employment opportunities. It is likely to contribute to important debates, concerning strategies to tackle worklessness and the most effective spatial level at which to configure public transport networks

    Growing old in England: economic and social issues

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    This paper examines the economic and social impact of changes in the duration of working life for the 80 per cent of older adults living in urban England. While some people are experiencing extended retirement because of moving out of paid work in their fifties, a growing minority of those beyond the state retirement age continue in paid employment. This paper highlights the considerable challenges for urban policy makers in addressing the economic and social inclusion of all older adults

    Living In Cold Homes After Heating Improvements: Evidence From Warm Front, England's Home Energy Efficiency Scheme.

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    Objective: To investigate explanatory factors for persistent cold temperatures in homes which have received heating improvements. Design: Analysis of data from a national survey of dwellings and households (in England occupied by low-income residents) that had received heating improvements or repairs under the Warm Front Scheme. Methods: Over the winters of 2001–02 and 2002–03, householders recorded living room and main bedroom temperatures in a diary. Entries were examined for 888 households, which had received high level heating interventions. Two hundred and twenty-two households were identified as occupying cold homes, with mean bedroom temperature below 16 °C or mean living room temperatures below 18 °C. Binary logistic regression was used to model dwelling and household features and then occupants’ behaviour and attitudes in the ‘cold homes’ sub-set compared with the remainder of the high intervention group. Seventy-nine supplementary, structured telephone interviews explored reasons given for lower temperatures. Using graphical and tabular methods, householders preferring cooler homes were distinguished from those who felt constrained in some way. Results: Cold homes predominate in pre-1930 properties where the householder remains dissatisfied with the heating system despite major improvements funded by Warm Front. Residents of cold homes are less likely to have long-standing illness or disability, but more likely to experience anxiety or depression. A small sample of telephone interviews reveals those preferring lower temperatures for health or other reasons, report less anxiety and depression than those with limited control over their home environment. Their ‘thermal resistance’ to higher temperatures challenges orthodox definitions of comfort and fuel poverty

    The effect of motion and signalling on drivers’ ability to predict intentions of other road users

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    Failure in making the correct judgment about the intention of an approaching vehicle at a junction could lead to a collision. This paper investigated the impact of dynamic information on drivers' judgments about the intentions of approaching cars and motorcycles, and whether a valid or invalid signal was provided was also manipulated. Participants were presented with videoclips of vehicles approaching a junction which terminated immediately before the vehicle made any manoeuvre, or images of the final frame of each video. They were asked to judge whether or not the vehicle would turn. Drivers were better in judging the manoeuvre of approaching vehicles in dynamic than static stimuli, for both vehicle types. Drivers were better in judging the manoeuvre of cars than motorcycles for videos, but not for photographs. Drivers were also better in judging the manoeuvre of approaching vehicles when a valid signal was provided than an invalid signal, demonstrating the importance of providing a valid signal while driving. However, drivers were still somewhat successful in their judgments in most of the conditions with an invalid signal, suggesting that drivers were able to focus on other cues to intention. Finally, given that dynamic stimuli more closely reflect the demands of real-life driving there may be a need for drivers to adopt a more cautious approach while inferring a motorcyclist’s intentions

    Defining sustainable transport in rural tourism: experiences from the New Forest

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    Transport policy agendas have long sought to bring about more sustainable transport at tourism destinations. While there are examples of successes, it remains unclear what inroads have been made towards creating a sustainable transport future. Policy directions have evolved over a number of years and in many tourism destination contexts it is far from clear what a desirable transport future looks like. When translated to implementation, the aims of initiatives can be unclear and baseline measures inconsistent, making success difficult to judge. This paper analyses how sustainable travel has been implemented in practice at a destination level. The focus is rural tourism and data are derived from a specific case, the New Forest National Park, UK, where a wide range of transport initiatives have been implemented since the Park’s designation in 2005. The study adopts a social practice theory perspective. Data are derived from a visitor survey, interviews and observations. It finds there is scope to improve sustainable transport provision at destinations through understanding visitor practices, but limited scope to influence meanings associated with visitor travel and travel skills. Policy meets the needs of some visitors more than others

    The potential impact of reforms to the essential parameters of the council tax

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    Council Tax was introduced in Britain in 1993 and represents a unique international property tax. There is a growing belief that it is time to reform the number and structure of council tax bands but such views have a minimal empirical base. This paper sets out to assess the impact on personal and local government finances, and extends the analysis to the role of the tax multipliers linked to each band. The research is based on the experience of a representative sample of local authorities in Scotland. A statistical revaluation for 2000 is estimated for the existing eight band system, and from this base a ten band system is calculated. Financial implications are then simulated for each local authority taking account of central resource equalisation mechanisms. The results indicate that increases in bands will have little impact on the burden of the council tax compared with regular revaluations. Changing the tax multiplier range has the greatest impact on local authority finances and council tax payments