373 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Kooperatif Team Games Tournament Dan Learning Cycle Pada Mata Pelajaran Elektronika

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    This study discusses the comparison of the effectiveness of Team games tournament cooperative learning model and learning cycle model on students\u27 achievement. Both of these methods emphasize a situation where students work in small groups and help each other to learn the course material. Students become the center of the learning activity (student-centered). This study uses quasi-experiment method, with subjects consisting of two classes, i.e. class X TAV 3 and X TAV 4. The results show that there is a difference in average academic achievement between learning cycle model (0,58) and team games tournament (0,73). tobt = 3,69, thus tobt = 3,69 > ttable(0.95)(58) = 1,676. It is concluded that a learning activity with TGT cooperative learning model is better than a learning activity with learning cycle model in improving students\u27 achievement

    Assessing Community Participation in A Rural Collaborative Placemaking: Case of Trucuk Sub-village, Bantul Regency, Indonesia

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    To address poverty, many rural communities mobilized tourism at the grassroots level in Indonesia. Such manners raised the government’s concern about potential social-environmental problems, motivating them to collaborate with academia to develop responsible tourism through placemaking. Meanwhile, studies evaluating the success/failures of placemaking in the rural context remain limited. This article aims at qualitatively assessing the capacity of rural placemaking to motivate community participation by using the Trucuk sub-village in Bantul Regency as the case study. Methods employed are semi-structured interviews, observations, and document reviews. Using the theories of Arnstein, Innes and Booher, and Project for Public Space as its framework, this study found that the lack of community participation from the ground rules establishment and negotiations of power redistribution, awareness development of making use of local capital to affect outcomes, and diverse opinions in planning led to declining interest of the community in participating. Future planning should address those issues by ensuring the involvement of diverse groups within the community, employing innovative and interactive methods to foster participation, evaluating the representativeness of the tourism awareness group, and setting a considerable limit on the authority’s dominance in the planning


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    The objective of this study is to determine the link between macroeconomic variables and JCI, STI, and KLSE which are the stock price indexes of Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia stock price indexes. Multiple linear regression is used to investigate the influence of four macroeconomic factors on the stock market composite index, namely GDP growth, broad money (money supply), inflation, and interest rate spread. The finding indicates that inflation has a negative effect, while interest rate spread positively affecting the stock price Indexes. Investors may profit from this situation by purchasing blue chips when inflation and interest rates are rising. Keywords: GDP growth, inflation, interest rate spread, money supply, stock price indexe


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    ABSTRAK Limbah cair yang dihasilkan oleh industri PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda mengandung kadar amonium yang tinggi sehingga apabila dibuang ke lingkungan akan membahayakan ekosistem perairan dan juga biota air. Untuk itu, limbah cair ini perlu direkoveri untuk mengurangi kadar ammonium di dalam limbah. Struvite merupakan salah satu produk yang dapat dihasilkan dari rekoveri ammonium limbah cair tersebut. Struvite merupakan pupuk yang memiliki kualitas yang sangat baik untuk pertumbuhan tanaman dan juga harga produksi yang terjangkau sehingga apabila produk ini dipasarkan akan memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi. Prarancangan pabrik Struvite ini menggunakan limbah cair industri pupuk urea sebagai bahan baku. Kapasitas produksi pabrik Struvite ini adalah 2.000 Ton/tahun. Proses yang dipilih dalam prarancangan pabrik ini adalah proses granular karena penanganan terhadap produk lebih mudah. Pabrik pupuk struvite ini direncakan akan didirikan di Kota Krueng Geukeuh, Kabupaten Aceh Utara, tepatnya di dekat PT PIM. Bentuk perusahaan yang direncanakan adalah Perseroan Terbatas. Kebutuhan tenaga kerja untuk menjalankan perusahaan ini berjumlah 170 orang. Luas tanah yang dibutuhkan untuk mendirikan pabrik adalah seluas 24.600 m2. Sumber air pabrik Struvite ini berasal dari Sungai Peusangan, Kabupaten Bireun, Provinsi Aceh dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik diperoleh dari Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) dan Generator dengan daya 1.470 kW.Total bahan baku yang digunakan pada pabrik pupuk Struvite 200,46 kg/jam dengan bahan baku utama limbah amonia sebesar 26,37 kg/jam. Produk pupuk yang dihasilkan sebesar 279,62 kg/jam. Hasil perhitungan analisa ekonomi yang diperoleh adalah Fixed Capital Investment sebesar Rp 114.849.160.786, Working Capital Investment sebesar Rp.28.712.290.197, Total Capital Investment sebesar Rp.143.561.450.983, Total Biaya Produksi adalah Rp. 47.443.053.429, Hasil Penjualan sebesar Rp. 47.443.053.429, Laba bersih adalah sebesar Rp. 20.558.904.585, Pay Out Time 4 tahun 5 bulan. Break Event Point yang diperoleh adalah 57,8%, Rate Of Return sebesar 14,3 %, dan Internal Rate Of Return 14 %

    Real Estate Segmentation: A Model of Real estate Decision Support System

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    Due to human limitations of computational thinking, the quality of rational decision-making is constrained, and as a result, people encounter bounded rationality. A decision support system is widely demanding in tackling this problem, especially in real estate management. This study focuses on 3 main purposes. Firstly, comparing K-means, X-means and K-medoid algorithm performance in clustering sold house characteristics to be further used for pricing houses. Second, characterizing each cluster for developing a suitable marketing strategy by utilizing machine learning technology. Lastly, providing a managerial implication as a decision support system for assisting stakeholders in making a decision. Eventually, K-means and X-means algorithm show very similar performance. X-means can automatically determine the number of clusters while k-means utilize the elbow method to find the optimum number of clusters. Three clusters were identified as cluster 0, cluster 1, and cluster 2. Cluster 0 was occupied by 85.77% of low house prices.  There are two practical implications of this study. Firstly, the results of clustering analysis which reflected in a model of decision support system. Second, an intuitive and comprehensive methodological framework is presented for helping stakeholders designing a decision support system


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    Perkembangan teknologi saat ini sudah semakin maju, terutama dalam bidang telekomunikasi. Teknologi komunikasi melalui fiber optic merupakan salah satu teknologi yang banyak digunakan Sebagai pengiriman data antara pengirim dan penerima dalam satu jaringan yang memungkin antara pengguna dapat saling berkomunikasi dengan kecepatan data yang tinggi. Dan dalam pengiriman data tersebut di butuhkan sebuah keamanan data agar data tersebut aman pada saat dikirimkan teknik, Keamanan yang digunakan yaitu Optical steganografi di mana data yang akan dikrim disembunyikan di dawah jaringan umum agar data yang dikirimkan aman dan tidak terdeteksi oleh peretas. Dalam studi kasus ini menggunakan sebuah software yaitu Optisystem Sebagai simulasi untuk medesain jaringan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu studi literatur, dengan melakukan perancangan dan analisis sistem dan mengimplementasikan sistem keamanan data Optical steganografi tersebut ke dalam modul Optisystem. Kata Kunci : Fiber optic, Optical steganografi , Optysiste
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