114 research outputs found


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    Introduction. Job performance of nurses in hospital was important for hospital’s evaluation to achieving highest healthy care. Application on job performance of nurses was influenced by many factors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of individual, psychological, and organizational factors on job performance of nurses in Universitas Airlangga Hospital. Method. The design of the study was analytical descriptive with cross-sectional approach. The population was nurses in Universitas Airlangga Hospital. Sample was 56 respondents, taken by purposive sampling. The independent variables in this study were background (education and length of working), demography (age, married status, and gender), reward, workload, and motivation. The dependent variable was job performance. Data were collected by using questionnaires for independent variables and secondary data for dependent variable. Data were analyzed by using multiple logistic regression with degree of significance p<0.05. Result and Analysis. Result showed that job performance was influenced by length of working (p=0.033), age (p=0.034), and reward (p=0.011). But education (p=0,078), married status (p=0,339), gender (p=0,436), workload (p=0,911), and motivation (p=0,291) were not influence for nurse’s job performance. Discussion. Length of working was the most dominant factors that influence job performance in nurses (Exp value=37.02). It is suggested for nurses to increase their effort for high job performance and health status of people in Indonesia. Keyword : Nurses, job performance, length of working, reward, ag

    Crises in the financial regulation of finance-led capitalism: a minskyan analysis

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    sem informaçãoFinancial markets are subject to more developed regulatory mechanisms than those of other sectors of the economy. This can be explained by the nature of financial transactions and by the extremely harmful consequences of financial crises for the entire ec6114sem informaçãosem informaçãosem informaçã


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    AbstrakPemerintah mempunyai fungsi melakukan pemberdayaan, pengaturan, pelayanan, dan pembangunan. Maka pemerintah daerah harus mampu melakukan tugas dan tanggung jawab sesuai dengan fungsi pemerintah yang ada. Sesuai dengan fungsi pemerintah, maka Pemerintah daerah harus memberikan pelayanan salah satunya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia akan kegiatan olahraga, dari setiap warga masyarakat dan juga bisa berguna untuk mewujudkan sumber daya manusia yang berkuialitas, sehat, jasmani dan rohani dan mampu bisa memberikan keamanan dan perdamain lewat keolahragaan. Pentingnya olahraga bagi kehidupan manusia bukan lagi menjadi rahasia umum, olahraga menjadi suatu kegiatan rutinitas yang mampu membuat tubuh seseorang menjadi sehat dan bugar. Olahraga bisa berupa aspek yang memerlukan pengaturan, pendidikan, pelatihan, pembinaan, pengembangan, dan pengawasan. Selain itu Olahraga juga merupakan kegiatan yang tidak terpisahklan bagi setiap kehidupan manusia dan juga merupakan suatu bentuk aktivitas yang terencana dan terstruktur yang dimiliki oleh setiap individu manusia. oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Peran Pemerintah dalam Pembinaan Atlet di Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud dengan mengunakan metode kualitatif informan yang dipilih adalah Kepala Dinas, Sekertaris Dinas, Kepala Seksi Olahraga, Kepala Bidang Perencanaan, Atlet dan pimpinan oraganisasi olahraga di Kabupaten Talaud. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Peran Pemerintah dalam Pembinaan Atlet sudah cukup baik. Dapat dilihat dari unsur pemerintah daerah yang sudah menyediakan bantuan anggaran buku tabungan bagi atlet berprestasi.Kata Kunci: Peran Pemerintah, Pembinaan Atlet


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    Instabilidade financeira numa economia de mercado de capitais

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    Hyman Minsky is one of the key authors in the monetary economics field, being a benchmark for many. The Financial Instability Hypothesis that he developed relates the cyclical and unstable behavior of the capitalist economies to the increasing systemic indebtedness necessary to finance investment production. Minsky's theoretical framework was built based on an economy where the banking credit was the bulk of the financing system. However, one of the main characteristics of the contemporary financial system is the increasing fund raising done through securities issuing, both tradable bonds and equities. In other words we have been seeing a transition from an economy where fund raising based on banking credit prevailed to another where funds have been increasingly obtained in the capital markets. Given that, the main goal of this article is to defend the adequateness of the Financial Instability Hypothesis to the new financial system scenario. To do that we discuss the macroeconomic effects - from the point of view of the generation of higher fragility and, consequently, the susceptibility to crisis - that result from the use of the new financial Instruments.Hyman Minsky is one of the key authors in the monetary economics field, being a benchmark for many. The Financial Instability Hypothesis that he developed relates the cyclical and unstable behavior of the capitalist economies to the increasing systemic indebtedness necessary to finance investment production. Minsky's theoretical framework was built based on an economy where the banking credit was the bulk of the financing system. However, one of the main characteristics of the contemporary financial system is the increasing fund raising done through securities issuing, both tradable bonds and equities. In other words we have been seeing a transition from an economy where fund raising based on banking credit prevailed to another where funds have been increasingly obtained in the capital markets. Given that, the main goal of this article is to defend the adequateness of the Financial Instability Hypothesis to the new financial system scenario. To do that we discuss the macroeconomic effects - from the point of view of the generation of higher fragility and, consequently, the susceptibility to crisis - that result from the use of the new financial Instruments

    Banking-system transformations after the crisis and their impacts on regulation

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    sem informaçãoThe serious financial crisis, which started in 2007 in the heart of capitalism, and became widespread throughout the world in 2008, is still unfolding with important structural repercussion and transformations. Such transformations are already taking plac44277111sem informaçãosem informaçãosem informaçã

    Os bancos Too Big To Fail nos Estados Unidos e a nova regulação: uma crítica a partir de Minsky

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    XX Encontro Nacional de Economia Política: desenvolvimento Latino-Americano, Integração e Inserção Internacional - UNILA, Foz do Iguaçu, 26 a 29 de maio de 2015A crise fi nanceira de 2007/2008 trouxe à tona a questão dos bancos too big to fail. No debate que se instaurou a seguir alguns entendiam que uma regulação adequada e uma supervisão corajosa poderiam controlar essas organizações, reduzindo a instabilidade e os custos que sua eventual falência poderiam acarretar, enquanto outros entendiam ser fundamental que fossem reduzidas e simplifi cadas. Contudo, nos Estados Unidos, o problema dos bancos too big foi, de certa forma, agravado após a crise, uma vez que as operações de salvamento levaram à formação de bank holdings ainda maiores e mais complexas. O objetivo central deste trabalho é analisar o movimento de longo prazo de crescimento da concentração no sistema bancário norte-americano e a sua intensifi cação após a crise recente, bem como avaliar o sentido das medidas que estão sendo tomadas, no âmbito do Dodd-Frank Act, especifi camente voltadas para as instituições chamadas de sistemicamente importantes. A hipótese é que a despeito do estabelecimento do Financial Stability Oversight Council no novo aparato regulatório, a estabilidade sistêmica, no sentido Minskyano, não é o fundamento da nova regulaçãoBanco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES); Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu (ITAIPU); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) e Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA

    Teoria e politica do financiamento na ortodoxia economica

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    Orientador : Fernando Nogueira da CostaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de EconomiaResumo: Nesse trabalho, analisamos a história do pensamento sobre o financiamento após a "era keynesiana", dentro da corrente principal da teoria econômica - mais especificamente, na macroeoconomia de curto prazo. Ao fazê10, verificamos que há dois momentos importantes - e virtualmente únicos - nos quais esse tema torna-se, efetivamente, um objeto na análise convencional. O primeiro dá-se no início da década de 1970, quando a teoria da repressão financeira é apresentada e ganha influência. Na década seguinte, ela é substituída pelo modelo do racionamento de crédito, que veio a ser representativo da nova corrente principal, o novokeynesianismo. Analisamos essas duas teorias procurando apreender o debate em torno delas, seus antecedentes, sua seqüência, seus limites. A partir daí, defenderemos a tese de que a teoria da repressão financeira e a teoria do racionamento de crédito apresentam semelhanças tais que as caracterizam como seqüenciais, dentro de uma mesma agenda de pesquisa. Em seguida, avaliamos a contrapartida das teorias na dimensão da política econômica, e defenderemos também a tese de que as políticas deduzidas das teorias da repressão financeira e do racionamento de crédito coabitam porque, sendo extraídas da mesma matriz teórica, há grande similaridade e complementaridade entre elas. Estruturamos o trabalho em três capítulos. No primeiro, apresentamos o debate sobre o financiamento na "velha" macroeconomia mainstream, no período que vai de meados da década de 30 até a década de 70. No segundo, dando seqüência à investigação, o objetivo é tratar o tema dentro da macroeconomia que se produz desde a década de 70 até agora, basicamente através de uma recuperação da construção do argumento novokeynesiano. No terceiro capítulo, levamos a discussão para o plano aplicado, investigando a "face política" das teorias convencionais. Na conclusão, fazemos uma crítica "construtiva" ao pensamento convencional, apresentando uma visão alternativa sobre o problema do financiamentoAbstract: In this work we analyze the history of thought about the financing afier the "keynesian era" within the mainstream of economics - more specifically, in the macroeconomics of short termo In doing that we verify that there are two important moments - which are virtually unique - in which this subject effectively becomes an object of the conventional analysis. The first takes place in the beginning of the 1970's, when the theory of financial repression is introduced and gains influence. In the next decade it is replaced by the credit rationing model, which turned out to be representative of the new mainstream, the newkeynesianism. We analyze these two theories seeking to capture the debate around them, their predecessors, their sequence, and their limits. From there we will defend the thesis that the theory of financial repression and the theory of credit rationing present such similarities that characterize them as sequential, inside the same research agenda. Next, we evaluate the results of these theories at the economic policy levei, and we will also defend the thesis that the policies generated from the theories of financial repression and of credit rationing cohabitate because, being extracted from the same theoretical matrix, there is great similarity between them. We have structured the work in three chapters. In the first we present the debate about financing in the "old" mainstream macroeconomics in the period ranging from the mid 30's through the 70's. In the second, giving sequence to the investigation, the objective is to treat the subject within the macroeconomics which has been produced from the 70's to date, basically through the recovery of the newkeynesian argument construction. In the third chapter, we discuss in the applied field, investigating the "political face" of the conventional theories. In the conclusion we make a "constructive" critic to the conventional thought, presenting an alternative view about the financing problemDoutoradoTeoria EconomicaDoutor em Ciências Econômica

    Capital controls and neo-liberal structural reforms: an international comparison

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    sem informaçãoO artigo tem por objetivo discutir vantagens e desvantagens de formas diversas de controle de capitais à luz da experiência de cinco países que realizaram programas diferentes de liberalização financeira externa: Chile, China, Índia, Malásia e Tailândia.153 (28)545576sem informaçãosem informaçãosem informaçãoAgradecemos os comentários feitos nessas ocasiões por Alexandre Queiroz Guimarães, Daniela Prates, Franklin Serrano, Lúcio Flávio de Almeida, Luiz Fernando de Paula, Paul Cooney, Paulo Gala, Reinaldo Gonçalves e Sebastião Velasco e Cruz;