10 research outputs found

    Modelling human choices: MADeM and decision‑making

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    Research supported by FAPESP 2015/50122-0 and DFG-GRTK 1740/2. RP and AR are also part of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics FAPESP grant (2013/07699-0). RP is supported by a FAPESP scholarship (2013/25667-8). ACR is partially supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)

    The Lower Saxony research network design of environments for ageing : towards interdisciplinary research on information and communication technologies in ageing societies

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    Worldwide, ageing societies are bringing challenges for independent living and healthcare. Health-enabling technologies for pervasive healthcare and sensor-enhanced health information systems offer new opportunities for care. In order to identify, implement and assess such new information and communication technologies (ICT) the 'Lower Saxony Research Network Design of Environments for Ageing' (GAL) has been launched in 2008 as interdisciplinary research project. In this publication, we inform about the goals and structure of GAL, including first outcomes, as well as to discuss the potentials and possible barriers of such highly interdisciplinary research projects in the field of health-enabling technologies for pervasive healthcare. Although GAL's high interdisciplinarity at the beginning slowed down the speed of research progress, we can now work on problems, which can hardly be solved by one or few disciplines alone. Interdisciplinary research projects on ICT in ageing societies are needed and recommended

    Transcription factors orchestrate dynamic interplay between genome topology and gene regulation during cell reprogramming

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    Chromosomal architecture is known to influence gene expression, yet its role in controlling cell fate remains poorly understood. Reprogramming of somatic cells into pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) by the transcription factors (TFs) OCT4, SOX2, KLF4 and MYC offers an opportunity to address this question but is severely limited by the low proportion of responding cells. We have recently developed a highly efficient reprogramming protocol that synchronously converts somatic into pluripotent stem cells. Here, we used this system to integrate time-resolved changes in genome topology with gene expression, TF binding and chromatin-state dynamics. The results showed that TFs drive topological genome reorganization at multiple architectural levels, often before changes in gene expression. Removal of locus-specific topological barriers can explain why pluripotency genes are activated sequentially, instead of simultaneously, during reprogramming. Together, our results implicate genome topology as an instructive force for implementing transcriptional programs and cell fate in mammals.This work was supported by the European Research Council under the 7th Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 (ERC Synergy Grant 4D-Genome, grant agreement 609989 to T.G., G.J.F., M.A.M.-R. and M.B.) and the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, SAF.2012-37167. R.S. was supported by an EMBO Long-term Fellowship (ALTF 1201-2014) and a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (H2020-MSCA-IF-2014). We also acknowledge support from 'Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2013-2017' (SEV-2012-0208) and AGAUR to the CRG

    Information and communication technologies for promoting and sustaining quality of life, health and self-sufficiency in ageing societies – outcomes of the Lower Saxony Research Network Design of Environments for Ageing

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    Stem Cells, Patterning and Regeneration in Planarians: Self-Organization at the Organismal Scale.

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    The establishment of size and shape remains a fundamental challenge in biological research that planarian flatworms uniquely epitomize. Planarians can regenerate complete and perfectly proportioned animals from tiny and arbitrarily shaped tissue pieces; they continuously renew all organismal cell types from abundant pluripotent stem cells, yet maintain shape and anatomy in the face of constant turnover; they grow when feeding and literally degrow when starving, while scaling form and function over as much as a 40-fold range in body length or an 800-fold change in total cell numbers. This review provides a broad overview of the current understanding of the planarian stem cell system, the mechanisms that pattern the planarian body plan and how the interplay between patterning signals and cell fate choices orchestrates regeneration. What emerges is a conceptual framework for the maintenance and regeneration of the planarian body plan on basis of the interplay between pluripotent stem cells and self-organizing patterns and further, the general utility of planarians as model system for the mechanistic basis of size and shape


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