264 research outputs found

    Improved post-processing for GMM based adaptive background modeling

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    In this paper, we propose a new post-processing method for Gaussian mixture model (GMM) based adaptive background modeling which was proposed by Stauffer and Grimson. This is a ubiquitous and successful background modeling method. A drawback of this method is that it assumes independence of pixels and relies solely on the difference between current pixel value and its past values. This causes some errors within the foreground region and results in fragmentation of foreground objects detected. Our method uses relaxed-thresholding and adds foreground edge information in close proximity of detected foreground blobs. The close proximity is obtained as the union of convex hulls of close-by regions which we call the hysteresis region. Our results show that we can achieve increased recall rate with the proposed method without much decreasing the precision of the conventional method

    Research On Building Integrated Photovoltaic Systems And Their Performance Evaluation

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2009Bu tez, hem fotovoltaik teknolojisini ve binalara entegrasyonunu hem de binalara fotovoltaik uygulamasının örnek çalışma binası ile simülasyonunun yapılmasını ve incelenmesini hedeflemektedir. Bu hedefi gerçekleştirmek için, öncelikle pasif ve aktif güneş enerjisi sistemleri ve bu sistemlerin mimarlar için bina tasarımındaki önemi açıklanmış ve fotovoltaik modüller aktif bir güneş enerjisi sistemi olarak tarihçesinden yeni teknolojilere kadar bileşim, bağlantı ve ilgili ekipmanların teknik detayları ile tanıtılmıştır. Ardından fotovoltaiklerin binalarda çatı, cephe, atriyum ve gölgeleme elemanı olarak kullanılması dünyadan göze çarpan örneklerle açıklanmıştır. Daha sonra, ticari bir bina olan ve İtalya’nın Torino kentinde yer alan örnek çalışma binası çizelgeleri ve fotovoltaik sistemin özellikleri ile tarif edilmiştir. Bu bina, fotovoltaik panellerin de uygulandığı enerji yüklerini düşürmeye odaklanan sürdürülebilir bir yenileme projesinin bir parçasıdır. Örnek çalışma binası PVSYST, DesignBuilder ve EnergyPlus programları kullanılarak simule edilmiştir. Ayrıca, fotovoltaik sisteminin ürettiği elektrik miktarının binanın toplam elektrik tüketimine oranını tarif eden “fotovoltaik sistemin yararlılık oranı” simülasyon sonuçlarına göre hesaplanmıştır. Son olarak, aynı örnek çalışma binası, elektrik üretimini ve yararlılık oranını iki farklı iklimde karşılaştırabilmek için Türkiye’nin İstanbul ili koşulları için de simüle edilmiştir. Tezin sonunda bu iki şehir koşullarında fotovoltaik panellerin yararlılık oranının kıyaslaması yer almaktadır.This thesis aims both at studying the photovoltaic technology and its integration into buildings and at simulating and examining building integrated photovoltaics with a case-study building. In order to achieve this aim, firstly passive and active solar energy systems and their importance in building design for architects are explained, and photovoltaic modules are described from their history to new technologies as an active solar energy system with technical details of composition, connection and related equipments. Then the application of photovoltaics in buildings as roofing, façade, atrium and shading devices is clarified with significant photovoltaic integration samples throughout the world. Afterwards, a case-study which is a commercial building located in Turin, Italy is described with schedules and photovoltaic system’s properties. This building is a part of a sustainable renovation project focused on decreasing energy demands; thereby the installation of photovoltaic panels. The case study is simulated by using PVSYST, DesignBuilder and EnergyPlus simulation tools. Besides, the actual utility ratio of photovoltaic system, which is the ratio of electricity produced by the photovoltaic system to the building total electricity consumption, is calculated according to simulation results. Finally, same case study is simulated for Istanbul, Turkey weather conditions in order to compare the electrical output and the utility ratio in the two different climates. The comparison of photovoltaic panels’ utility ratio for the two cities is located at the end of the thesis.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Export Sophistication for MENA Countries

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    Economic development is the process of structural transformation as countries’ economic structure diversify from agriculture and manufacturing to service sector. In order to ensure this transformation, and hence, stable growth, economies should upgrade their productive structure, moving from lower to higher value-added products. Developing countries may use the advantage of being the follower, i.e., learning know-how and spillover effects to transform the production facility to higher sophistication levels. Open economic structure further increases diffusion of technology from the developed world. However, exporting more sophisticated products is another level together with the competition in the global markets. Specialization on some specific products may provide productivity whereas some may not which highlights the importance of good governance by choosing optimal policies. An index for the product complexity (PCI) is designed by Hausmann et al. (2011) that calculates the knowledge intensity of a product by considering the knowledge intensity of its exporters. In the same manner, economic complexity index (ECI) measures the knowledge intensity of an economy by considering the knowledge intensity of the products it exports. These annual indices enables country and product comparisons in terms of complexity and hence provides information for policy-makers. This study measures export sophistication for Middle East and North African countries (MENA) to make a comparison between region countries for the period of 2004-2016. We also examine the effect on export sophistication on economic growth for MENA region and confirm Hausmann et al. (2007) that export goods associated with higher productivity grow more.

    Evaluation of drug-drug interactions and side effects in COVID-19 patients in an intensive care unit

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    BACKGROUND/AIM: Considering comorbidity rates in patients diagnosed with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), polypharmacy will be inevitable when the treatment for COVID-19 is added to the treatment of existing chronic disease conditions. In our study, we evaluated the effects of comorbidities, drug-drug interactions and complications on the clinical course of the disease in COVID-19 patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was conducted retrospectively with thirty five COVID-19 patients of various age and gender groups who had been admitted to the intensive care unit in a university hospital in March and April, 2020. The demographic, laboratory and clinical data were collected. RESULTS: In our study, the average number of days intubated in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome and sepsis was found to be statistically significantly higher than those without complications. serious-use alternative interaction was detected in 85.7% of the patients, monitor closely interaction in 60%, and minor interaction in 34.3%. In 88.6% of the patients, at least one of these interactions was observed, while all three interactions occurred at the same time in 20% of them. CONCLUSION: According to the results of this study, managing the risks, interventions such as drug dosage adjustment, and drug changes and monitoring of any parameters that may indicate drug side effects for the patient may be necessary

    New localities of scardinius elmaliensis bogutskaya, 1997 (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) and its phylogenetic relationship based on mt DNA cytb region sequences

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    This study was conducted to report five new localities out of its type locality for Scardinius elmaliensis in the Western Mediterranean Basin of Turkey by providing their morphological characteristics, and their phylogenetic relationship based on mtDNA Cytb region. The results revealed significant differences of all studied populations in terms of the morphometric characters despite their low genetic differences, but their meristic characters were not different. All six studied populations of S. elmaliensis including that of type locality formed a monophyletic group with S. erythrophthalmus as sister group. The molecular result confirmed distinction of S. elmaliensis from S. erythrophthalmus based on Cytb genetic distance of 1.6-1.8%. The occurrence of S. elmaliensis out of type locality was firstly reported in this study. Such knowledge is important for future conservation strategies and habitat management of this species

    Web tabanlı öğretim tutum ölçeği: Açıklayıcı ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizi çalışması

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a scale to measure the students’ attitudes towards web based instruction. Also, perform the reliability and validity studies of this scale. With this aim in mind, a five-point Likert type scale was prepared which was consisting of 58 items. This scale was administered to a sample of 127 university students who were attended in Bilgi University e-MBA master program. The construct validity of this scale was assessed by factorial analysis. After factor analysis, the scale appeared to have two factorial components which were “Efficiency of web based instruction”, and “To resist web based instruction”. Reliability analyses were carried out through item total, item reminder correlations and item discriminating power. After item analysis, 16 items were removed from the scale. Cronbach Alfa internal consistency coefficient was found to be 0.917. The latest version of the scale was tested by using confirmatory factor analysis. The measurements revealed that the result had high goodness of fit and it could have been used in the measurement of students’ attitudes towards web based instruction.Bu çalışmanın amacı, öğrencilerin web tabalı öğretim karşı tutumlarını belirlemeye yönelik Likert tipi bir tutum ölçeği geliştirmektir. Bu amacı gerçekleştirmek üzere 58 maddelik bir deneme formu hazırlanmış ve bu form Bilgi Üniversitesi’nin web tabanlı işletme yüksek lisans programında öğrenim görmekte olan 127 öğrenciye uygulanmıştır. Deneme formu oluşturulan ölçeğin öncelikle faktör analizi çalışması yapılmış, daha sonrada madde analizi çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Faktör analizi çalışması sonucunda ölçeğin iki farklı yapıdan oluştuğu gözlenmiştir. Bu iki yapı, uzman görüşlerinden ve ilgili literatürden yararlanılarak “Web Tabanlı Öğretimin Etkililiği Boyutu” ve “Web Tabanlı Öğretime Karşı Direnme Boyutu” olarak adlandırılmıştır. Gerekli geçerlilik ve güvenirlilik çalışmaları tamamlanan ölçeğin tamamına ilişkin, Cronbach Alfa iç tutarlılık katsayısı 0.917 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmanın son bölümünde doğrulayıcı faktör analizi çalışmaları gerçekleştirmiş ve uyum iyiliği indekslerinin kabul edilebilir düzeyde olduğu belirlenmiştir

    Levels of serum 25 (OH) D3 in naturally infected lambs with giardia duodenalis

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    Giardia duodenalis kuşlar, reptiller ve bir çok memeli hayvanı enfekte edebilen binükleuslu flagellalı bir protozoondur. Söz konusu patojen insanlarda ve çiftlik hayvanlarında başta olmak üzere şekillenen ishalin en önemli nedenleri arasında yer almaktadır. Çalışmada Giardia duodenalis ile doğal enfekte kuzularda serum 25- hidroksi vitamin D3 seviyelerindeki değişimlerin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın hayvan materyalini Aydın bölgesinde bulunan yaşları 15-35 günlük arasında her iki cinsiyetten sakız ırkı Giardia duodenalis ile doğal enfekte (n=30), benzer yaş aralığındaki aynı ırktan (n=15) ve her iki cinsiyetten sağlıklı kuzular oluşturdu. Enfekte ve sağlıklı hayvanlardan dışkı örnekleri rektal tuşe yöntemi ile steril dışkı örnekleri, serum 25-hidroksi vitamin D3 seviyelerinin belirlenmesi amacı ile de tekniğine uygun olarak v.jugularisden toplamda 5 ml olacak şekilde kan örnekleri alındı. Dışkı örneklerinden direkt mikroskobik bakı yöntemi ile giardia taraması yapıldı. Elde edilen serum örneklerinden Savant marka flöresan immunoassay cihazı ile 25-OH-D seviyeleri ölçüldü. İstatistiksel analizde Mann-Whitney U testinden yararlanıldı. Sağlıklı ve doğal enfekte hayvanlara ait 25-hidroksi vitamin D3 seviyeleri arasında istatistiksel (p<0,05) anlamlı değişimlerin olduğu belirlendi.Giardia duodenalis is a binuclear flagellated protozoan that can infect birds, reptiles and many mammals. The pathogen is one of the most important causes of diarrhea in humans and farm animals. The aim of this study was to determine the changes in serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels in naturally infected lambs with Giardia duodenalis. The animal material of the study was used Sakız sheep which had naturally infected with Giardia duodenalis between 15-35 days of age from the Aydın region (n = 30), healthy lambs in the same age range (n = 15) and both sexes. Sterile stool samples with the method of rectal touching of fecal samples from infected and healthy animals, blood samples were obtained in a total of 5 ml of v.jugularis according to the technique in order to determine serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels. Giardia screening was performed by direct microscopic examination of stool samples. 25-OH-D levels were measured with Savant brand fluorescent immunoassay device from the obtained serum samples. Mann-Whitney U test was used in statistical analysis. Statistically significant changes were observed in 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels of healthy and natural infected animals (p <0.05)

    Relationship between serum IgE level and anxiety, depression, somatization and quality of life in pediatric asthma

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı çocuklarda astım şiddeti il”e depresyon, açık kaygı, yaşam kalitesi, somatizasyon gibi değişkenleri ve astımda bağışıklık sistemi belirleyicilerinden olan IgE düzeyi arasındaki olası ilişkiyi analiz etmektir. Toplamda 141 katılımcının bulunduğu bu çalışmanın örneklemini 6-12 yaş arası astımlı çocuklar oluşturmaktadır. Katılımcıların ruh sağlığı belirtilerini değerlendirmek adına Çocuk Depresyon Ölçeği, Çocuklar İçin Açık Kaygı Ölçeği, Pediatrik Astımda Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği ve Davranış Değerlendirme Ölçeğinin Somatik Yakınmalar Alt Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Astım şiddeti, astım kontrol düzeyi üzerinden uzman hekimlerce değerlendirilirken, Serum IgE düzeyleri ELISA tekniği kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Kontrolsüz astım grubunda bulunan katılımcıların açık kaygı puanlarıyla IgE düzeyleri arasında orta düzeyde anlamlı yüksek korelasyon olduğu görülmüştür. Araştırma verileri değerlendirildiğinde, ruh sağlığı değişkenlerinden açık kaygı ile astımda bağışıklık sistemi belirleyicilerinden olan IgE düzeyi arasındaki ilişkinin, astım hastalığının şiddeti üzerinde etkili olabileceği yönünde veriler elde edildiğinden, gelecek araştırmaların söz konusu ilişkiyi psikonöroimmunolojik açıdan derinlemesine incelemesi önerilmektedir.The main purpose of the current study is to explore the potential relationship of asthma with depression, somatic predisposition, quality of life, manifest anxiety and Serum levels of IgE level. 141 participants between 6 and 12 years old were recruited and the following scales were used: Child Depression Inventory, Revised Version of Child Manifest Anxiety Scale, Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire and the Somatic Complaints Subscale of Child Behavior Check List. Based on asthma control level, severity of asthma was assessed by the specialists and the serum levels of IgE were assessed by using ELISA technique. The results indicated that there was a highly correlated relationship between serum levels of IgE and manifest anxiety levels among uncontrolled asthma group. These results suggested that, since the strong correlational relationship between the serum levels of IgE and manifest anxiety would have an effect on asthma control, future research should focus on this relationship from the aspect of psychoneuroimmunology.Publisher's Versio

    Vagal nerve stimulation effects on generalized-partial seizures and medication in adult drug-resistant epilepsy patients

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    AIm: The aim of this study was to find out if vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) affect the generalized-partial seizure count and medical treatment in adult drug resistant epilepsy patients. Mater Ial and Methods: Twenty adult patients who were diagnosed with drug-resistant epilepsy were investigated retrospectively for vagal nerve stimulator implantation between 2001 and 2010 at the Neurosurgery Departments of Ufuk University and Gulhane Military Medical Academy. The effects of vagal nerve stimulation on generalized-partial seizures and medical treatment was scored and if a significant difference was found, a comparison was made by Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test and Pairwise. For all the group analyses, the statistical significant rank was accepted as a p value <0.05. Bonferroni correction was made when it was needed during pairwise comparisons. Results : VNS significantly decreased the scores of generalized-partial seizures. There was no decrease in the doses of antiepileptic drugs and the medical treatment was resumed as before the implantation. The results were correlated with the relevant literature. ConclusIon: VNS is an alternative treatment option for drug resistant epilepsy for patients who are not ideal candidates for surgery or are not healed after epilepsy surgery