30 research outputs found

    Investigating the potential of mobile games as learning environments for independent adult skill development

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    The research described in this thesis is grounded in the fields of independent adult learning, user experience for mobile applications and game design. It considers the case for mobile game-based learning in the context of informal microlearning and investigates the potential of mobile games to assist the independent skills development of adults. Initial research found that adults expressed positive attitudes towards the idea of learning with a mobile game, while even those who did not use mobile games recreationally appeared positive to using them if they perceived them as an effective way to develop their skills. Guidelines were then developed to inform the design of effective mobile learning games based on theories of adult learning, game-based engagement, mobile usability and mobile game design. These guided the development of a mobile game prototype aimed at assisting adults, speakers of English as a second language, to build their academic vocabulary. To evaluate the effectiveness of the prototype, a mixed methods approach combining quantitative and qualitative data collection instruments was utilised. Player engagement and system usability were measured rather than direct measures of learning outcomes. Overall the results were encouraging since evaluation participants were found to be engaged by the activity and able to easily pick up the game and play. Additionally, qualitative data on participants’ experiences and perceptions were collected, which supported initial research findings on the positive attitudes of adults towards using mobile games for learning. Though caution is recommended when generalising the evaluation results, the potential of mobile games for the independent learning of adults was supported. Overall this research offers a rationale for the use of mobile game-based learning, an insight into the nature of adult learners’ needs and their mobile devices usage patterns, a critical discussion on the type of learning that would be appropriate for the context, a set of guidelines for the design of mobile learning games, and finally a discussion of evaluation methods along with a collection of empirical data on the post-experiential attitudes of adults with regards to mobile games for learning

    Aperiodic and modulated Pb thin films on fivefold icosahedral Al-Cu-Fe and Al(111): Tailoring the structure of Pb

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    We report on the growth of Pb thin films deposited either on the Al-rich fivefold surface of the icosahedral Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystal or on the (111) surface of fcc Al. On the quasicrystalline substrate, the diffusion length of Pb adatoms is short due to heterogeneous nucleation that enforces a quasiperiodic structure in the monolayer. On the Al(111) substrate, the mobility of Pb adatoms is high and the interaction with the substrate is flatter, leading to the formation of a (√31×√31)R8.95° higher-order commensurate structure. This moirĂ© structure propagates up to the highest coverages investigated

    Chemical contrast in STM imaging of transition metal aluminides

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    The present manuscript reviews recent scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) studies of transition metal (TM) aluminide surfaces. It provides a general perspective on the contrast between Al atoms and TM atoms in STM imaging. A general trend is the much stronger bias dependence of TM atoms, or TM-rich regions of the surface. This dependence can be attenuated by the local chemical arrangements and environments. Al atoms can show a stronger bias dependence when their chemical environment, such as their immediate subsurface, is populated with TM. All this is well explained in light of combined results of STM and both theoretical and experimental electronic and crystallographic structure determinations. Since STM probes the Fermi surface, the electronic structure in the vicinity of the Fermi level (EF) is essential forunderstanding contrast and bias dependence. Hence, partial density of states provides information about the TM d band position and width, s–p–d hybridization or interactions, or charge transfer between constituent elements. In addition, recent developments in STM image simulations are very interesting for elucidating chemical contrast at Al–TM alloy surfaces, and allow direct atomic identification, when the surface does not show too much disorder. Overall, we show that chemically-specific imaging is often possible at these surfaces

    The surface science of quasicrystals

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    The surfaces of quasicrystals have been extensively studied since about 1990. In this paper we review work on the structure and morphology of clean surfaces, and their electronic and phonon structure. We also describe progress in adsorption and epitaxy studies. The paper is illustrated throughout with examples from the literature. We offer some reflections on the wider impact of this body of work and anticipate areas for future development. (Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version

    Restauration des films : le principe de la documentationet le rÎle de la recherche

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    En repartant des dĂ©bats toujours vifs concernant les notions d'original et de recrĂ©ation d'une Ɠuvre dans le processus de sa « restauration » – tels que Cesare Brandi les a posĂ©s et qui sont discutĂ©s de nos jours parmi les archivistes de films –, cet article veut mettre en lumiĂšre l'importance de la documentation (interne et externe Ă  l'Ɠuvre) et donc de la dimension de recherche scientifique Ă  laquelle sont dĂ©sormais vouĂ©s les restaurations de films, de la nĂ©cessitĂ© d'Ă©tablir une charte de restauration et de dĂ©finir des protocoles prĂ©cis dĂ©finissant une dĂ©ontologie. Le contexte de mutations technologiques que connaĂźt le cinĂ©ma dĂ©cuple, en effet, les dangers d'altĂ©ration que comportent l'idĂ©ologie de « l'amĂ©lioration » et la recherche d'une « perfection ». Il appelle enfin Ă  une collaboration accrue entre archivistes, chercheurs universitaires thĂ©oriciens qui loin de se situer dans deux mondes diffĂ©rents appartiennent au mĂȘme, l'histoire du cinĂ©ma.Starting from the existing debates regarding ideas of the original work and its recreation in the process of restoration – as defined by Cesare Brandi and debated by contemporary film archivists – this article seeks to highlight the importance of (internal and external) documentation, and thereby the research dimension of film restoration, as well as the need to establish a restoration charter and to define precise protocols governing practice. The current context of technological changes in film culture increases the risks implicit in the philosophy of improvement and the search for perfection. Finally, the article calls for increased collaboration between archivists, researchers and theoreticians, who, far from working in separate worlds, in fact live in the same environment : the history of cinema.Ripartendo dai dibattiti sempre attuali sulle nozioni di originale e di ricreazione di un'opera nel processo del suo « restauro » – cosĂŹ come li ha posti Cesare Brandi e che sono discussi ancor oggi tra gli archivisti di film –, questo articolo vuole mettere in luce l'importanza della documentazione (interna ed esterna all'opera) e quindi della dimensione di ricerca scientifica a cui sono ormai votati i restauri filmici, della necessitĂ  di stablire una carta del restauro e di definire i protocolli precisi che ne definiscano la deontologia. Il contesto di mutazioni tecnologiche che il cinema sta sperimentando decuplica, infatti, i pericoli d'alterazione insiti nell'ideologia del « miglioramento » e nella ricerca di una « perfezione ». Richiede infine una collaborazione accresciuta tra archivisti e ricercatori universitari teorici, che lungi dal collocarsi in due mondi differenti appartengono allo sesso : quello della storia del cinema

    Film restoration : the developmentand application of deontological ethics in the current technological context : the case of Max Ophuls’Lola Montes

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    Cette thĂšse propose une dĂ©ontologie de la restauration des films s’appuyant sur la thĂ©orie de la restauration des Ɠuvres d’arts plastiques et sur les recherches des nombreux archivistes du cinĂ©ma qui, depuis trente ans, tentent de formuler des principes Ă©thiques pouvant s’appliquer Ă  leur mĂ©tier. La thĂ©orie dĂ©veloppĂ©e prend en compte l’ensemble de l’histoire technique du cinĂ©ma et, de cette maniĂšre, de la situation actuelle, oĂč l’art cinĂ©matographique passe de l’ùre analogique Ă  l’ùre numĂ©rique. Ce travail a notamment comme but de constater dans quelle mesure et de quelle maniĂšre une thĂ©orie Ă©thique de la restauration des films est applicable dans le contexte technologique actuel. Les enjeux Ă©thiques qu’engendre ce changement radical du paysage cinĂ©matographique et patrimonial sont analysĂ©s, la restauration du film Lola MontĂšs (Max Ophuls, 1955) Ă©tant choisie comme Ă©tude de cas dans le mĂȘme but. Afin de porter une analyse critique sur ce projet, prĂ©sentĂ© par la CinĂ©mathĂšque française en 2008, l’histoire du film – depuis sa crĂ©ation jusqu’à sa derniĂšre diffusion – est longuement Ă©tudiĂ©e. De nouveaux Ă©lĂ©ments concernant son parcours particuliĂšrement agitĂ© sont d’ailleurs rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©s, grĂące Ă  la consultation de documents encore inĂ©dits. L’urgence de la crĂ©ation d’une charte Ă©thique de la restauration des films, dĂ©taillĂ©e, rigoureuse et actuelle, sous l’égide des instances patrimoniales internationales, le besoin d’une formation continue Ă  la fois technique et dĂ©ontologique pour le personnel des archives, et l’importance du dĂ©veloppement de la recherche sur les technologies cinĂ©matographiques anciennes, constituent les idĂ©es fondamentales que ce travail entend mettre en valeur.This thesis proposes a deontological ethics of film restoration based on the theory of restoration of works of art and the research of numerous cinema archivists for over thirty years attempting to formulate the ethical principles that can be applied to their profession. The developed theory takes into account all of the technical history of cinema and, as such, the present condition where the cinematographic art passes from the photochemical and analogue era to the digital era. The main purpose of this work is to ascertain the extent and the way in which an ethical theory of film restoration is applicable in the current technological context. Ethical issues generated by this radical change in the film and heritage landscape are analysed; the restoration of the film Lola Montes (Max Ophuls, 1955) is chosen as a case study for this purpose. In order to construct a critical analysis of aforementioned digital project, presented by the French CinemathĂšque (CinĂ©mathĂšque française) in 2008, the history of this film - from its creation until its last broadcast - is extensively studied. New information concerning its particularly agitated course of life is also revealed, through consultation of yet unpublished documents. The urgency for creating a code of ethics for the detailed, accurate and contemporary restoration of films, under the aegis of international heritage bodies, the need for both technical and deontological ongoing training of the archive staff, and the importance of the development of research in older film technologies constitute the basic ideas around which this work evolves

    Eigenschaften der CuGaSe2 und CuInSe2 (001) OberflÀche

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die (001) OberflĂ€che von CuGaSe2 und CuInSe2 in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von PrĂ€paration und Stöchiometrie untersucht. Die Kenntnis der atomaren Struktur sowie anderer OberflĂ€cheneigenschaften ist wichtig in Hinsicht auf die Optimierung von neuartigen DĂŒnnschichtsolarzellen. Zur Charakterisierung der Schichten wurden hauptsĂ€chlich Augerelektronenspektroskopie, niederenergetische Elektronenbeugung und Photoelektronenspektroskopie durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Entwicklung eines geeigneten Verfahrens mit Ar+ Sputtern und Annealen kombiniert mit Decappen ermöglichte die PrĂ€paration von sauberen und gut geordneten OberflĂ€chen. In AbhĂ€ngigkeit von der PrĂ€paration und der Zusammensetzung der Schichten wurden unterschiedliche OberflĂ€chenstrukturen beobachtet. Nach der PrĂ€paration mit Sputtern und Annealen wurde zum ersten Mal eine (4x1) Rekonstruktion auf CuGaSe2-Schichten, die mit moderatem Cu-Überschuss gewachsen wurden, beobachtet. Entsprechend konnte zum ersten Mal auf CuInSe2-OberflĂ€chen von Cu-armen Schichten eine (4x2) Rekonstruktion nachgewiesen werden. Auf Cu-Ă€rmere Schichten wurde auch eine Rekonstruktion beobachtet, allerdings konnten (112) Facetten/Stufen nicht vollstĂ€ndig entfernt werden. Cu-reichere Schichten waren facettenfrei, allerdings war die beobachtete Rekonstruktion auch schwĂ€cher. Infolgedessen wurde gezeigt, dass im Gegensatz zu den bisherigen Erwartungen, an Hand dessen nur die (112) FlĂ€che stabil ist, auch die (001) unter bestimmten Bedingungen stabil ist. Das Auftreten der Facetten oder Stufen geht einher mit dem Vorhandensein von CuIn3Se5 bzw CuGa3Se5 Phasen. Diese Information ist bedeutend auch fĂŒr das VerstĂ€ndnis der Korngrenzen im polykristallinem CuGaSe2 und CuInSe2. Verschiebungen der Bindungsenergien wurden zum ersten Mal auf allen Se3d, In4d, Ga3d, Cu3d Rumpfniveaus der rekonstruierten OberflĂ€chen gefunden. Durch den Vergleich mit Ergebnissen aus der Literatur fĂŒr die Ă€hnliche ZnSe (100) OberflĂ€che wurde ein Modell fĂŒr die (4x2) Rekonstruktion vorgeschlagen. Die OberflĂ€chenkomponenten in der Se3d, In4d und Cu3d Emission wurde Se Dimeren bzw In und Cu Adatomen zugeordnet. Die x1 PeriodizitĂ€t bei der (4x1) Rekonstruktion von CuGaSe2 wird als Ga/Cu Unordnung in den Adatom Ketten erklĂ€rt.The main task of this work was to investigate the (001) CuGaSe2 andCuInSe2 surface in dependence of preparation and stoichiometry. The knowledge of the atomic structure as well as other surface properties is important in respect to optimization of novel thin film solar cells. For the characterization of the layers mainly Auger electron Spectroscopy, low-energy electron diffraction and photoelectron spectroscopy were implemented. The development of an appropriate procedure with Ar+ sputtering and annealing combined with decapping enabled the preparation of clean and well-ordered surfaces. Different surface structures were observed in dependence of the layer preparation and composition. A (4x1) reconstruction was observed for the first time on CuGaSe2 layers grown with a moderate Cu-excess after preparation by sputtering and annealing. Similarly a (4x2) reconstruction was detected on CuInSe2 surfaces of Cu-poor layers. A reconstruction could be also observed on Cu-poorer layers, however the facets/steps could not be completely removed. Cu-richer layers were facet-free, however the observed reconstruction was also weaker. Thus it was shown that in contrary to recent expectations, according to which only the (112) surface is stable, also the (001) can be stable under particular conditions. The appearance of facets or steps is correlated with the presence of CuIn3Se5 or CuGa3Se5 phases. This information is furthermore important for the understanding of grain boundaries in polycrystalline CuGaSe2 and CuInSe2. Binding energy shifts were observed for the first time on all Se3d, In4d, Ga3d, Cu3d core levels of the reconstructed surfaces. By comparison with results from the literature from the similar ZnSe (100) surface a modell for the (4x2) reconstruction was proposed. The surface components in the Se3d, In4d and Cu3d emission were attributed to Se dimers or In and Cu adatoms respectively. The x1 periodicity of the (4x1) reconstruction of CuGaSe2 is interpreted as a Ca/Cu disorder in the adatom chains

    The CuGaSe2 001 surface a 4 1 reconstruction

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    We report on the formation of a 1 4 reconstruction of the chalcopyrite CuGaSe2 001 sur face. Using Ar ion bombardment and annealing of epitaxial CuGaSe2 films grown on GaAs 001 substrate it was possible to obtain flat, well ordered surfaces showing a clear 1 4 reconstruc tion. The cleanliness and structure were analyzed in situ with AES and LEED. AES data suggest a slight Se enrichment and Cu depletion upon surface preparation. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of a stable, reconstructed Cu amp; 8722; III amp; 8722; VI2 001 surface at al