31 research outputs found


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    Spatial scale effects on taxonomic and biological trait diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates in Mediterranean streams

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    We examined the effect of spatial scale on aquatic macroinvertebrate communities in Mediterranean streams from six basins distributed across southern Europe, including Spain, France, Italy, and Greece. We classified the studied streams according to their long-term aquatic regime into the three following types: (i) permanent (P), (ii) intermittent with summer pools (I-P), and (iii) intermittent with summer dry channels (I-D). For each stream type, we analyzed taxonomic and trait diversity, as well as the composition of the macroinvertebrate community, following a spatially nested design at three spatial scales of analysis: microhabitat (substratum patches), mesohabitat (pools vs. riffles), and macrohabitat (streams). In order to assess intrinsic seasonal variability in streams from the Mediterranean region, 20 Surber samples were taken from each stream according to meso- and microhabitat frequency in the wet and the dry season during 2010. Given the need for adaptation to specific hydrological conditions and the fact that microhabitats should encompass the niche requirements of particular taxa, we hypothesized that this spatial scale would have a greater influence on macroinvertebrate taxa composition and biological traits than the other two larger spatial scales in intermittent streams. We observed that patterns in the relative importance of variance components across hierarchical spatial scales changed with time because low flow or droughts altered both mesohabitat preva - lence and microhabitat composition. Our results confirm the importance of the microhabitat scale in I-P streams in the wet season but not in the dry one, when a loss of microhabitat diversity occurred. Stream-to-stream variability was more important in P and I-D streams. Our study also explored the relationships between traits and aquatic regimes. We found that aquatic macroinvertebrates inhabiting permanent streams exhibited traits related to the longer duration of life cycles in these rivers (e.g. large size of adult stages) and adaptations to flowing conditions (e.g. modes of aquatic dispersal), whereas aquatic macroinvertebrates inhabiting intermittent streams with summer pools had traits adapted to depositional conditions and ecological preferences for confined habitats (i.e. disconnected pools without flow). Finally, aquatic macroinvertebrates from intermittent streams with summer dry channels had adaptations conferring ability to survive periods with no water (e.g. modes of aerial dispersal, resistant stages). These results indicate that microhabitat conditions should not be neglected as they can play an important role in certain situations

    A biological tool to assess flow connectivity in reference temporary streams from the Mediterranean Basin

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    Many streams in the Mediterranean Basin have temporary flow regimes. While timing for seasonal drought is predictable, they undergo strong inter-annual variability in flow intensity. This high hydrological variability and associated ecological responses challenge the ecological status assessment of temporary streams, particularly when setting reference conditions. This study examined the effects of flow connectivity in aquatic macroinvertebrates from seven reference temporary streams across the Mediterranean Basin where hydrological variability and flow conditions are well studied. We tested for the effect of flow cessation on two streamflow indices and on community composition, and, by performing random forest and classification tree analyses we identified important biological predictors for classifying the aquatic state either as flowing or disconnected pools. Flow cessation was critical for one of the streamflow indices studied and for community composition. Macroinvertebrate families found to be important for classifying the aquatic state were Hydrophilidae, Simuliidae, Hydropsychidae, Planorbiidae, Heptageniidae and Gerridae. For biological traits, trait categories associated to feeding habits, food, locomotion and substrate relation were the most important and provided more accurate predictions compared to taxonomy. A combination of selected metrics and associated thresholds based on the most important biological predictors (i.e. Bio-AS Tool) were proposed in order to assess the aquatic state in reference temporary streams, especially in the absence of hydrological data. Although further development is needed, the tool can be of particular interest for monitoring, restoration, and conservation purposes, representing an important step towards an adequate management of temporary rivers not only in the Mediterranean Basin but also in other regions vulnerable to the effects of climate change

    Clinical outcomes of patients with complicated post-operative course after gastrectomy for cancer: a GIRCG study using the GASTRODATA registry

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    Gastrectomy for gastric cancer is still performed in Western countries with high morbidity and mortality. Post-operative complications are frequent, and effective diagnosis and treatment of complications is crucial to lower the mortality rates. In 2015, a project was launched by the EGCA with the aim of building an agreement on list and definitions of post-operative complications specific for gastrectomy. In 2018, the platform www.gastrodata.org was launched for collecting cases by utilizing this new complication list. In the present paper, the Italian Research Group for Gastric Cancer endorsed a collection of complicated cases in the period 2015–2019, with the aim of investigating the clinical pictures, diagnostic modalities, and treatment approaches, as well as outcome measures of patients experiencing almost one post-operative complication. Fifteen centers across Italy provided 386 cases with a total of 538 complications (mean 1.4 complication/patient). The most frequent complications were non-surgical infections (gastrointestinal, pulmonary, and urinary) and anastomotic leaks, accounting for 29.2% and 17.3% of complicated patients, with a median Clavien–Dindo score of II and IIIB, respectively. Overall mortality of this series was 12.4%, while mortality of patients with anastomotic leak was 25.4%. The clinical presentation with systemic septic signs, the timing of diagnosis, and the hospital volume were the most relevant factors influencing outcome

    Data-driven clustering of combined Functional Motor Disorders based on the Italian registry

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    Functional Motor Disorders (FMDs) represent nosological entities with no clear phenotypic characterization, especially in patients with multiple (combined FMDs) motor manifestations. A data-driven approach using cluster analysis of clinical data has been proposed as an analytic method to obtain non-hierarchical unbiased classifications. The study aimed to identify clinical subtypes of combined FMDs using a data-driven approach to overcome possible limits related to "a priori" classifications and clinical overlapping

    Criança: telespectadora ou consumidora?

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    Interest in research and learn more about the child's relationship with the media, appeared before the doubts and questions that we as educators regarding the formation of viewers. It was thought to raise some points to allow readers of this page reflection on the subject.O interesse por pesquisar e conhecer um pouco mais sobre a relação da criança com a mídia, surgiu diante de dúvidas e questionamentos que temos como educadores a respeito da formação desta telespectadora. Pensou-se em levantar alguns pontos para permitir aos leitores desta página uma reflexão sobre o assunto

    Development and characterization of light yoghurt elaborated with Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. Lactis Bb-12 and fructooligosaccharides

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    ABSTRACT: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of adding probiotic culture (Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. Lactis Bb-12) and prebiotics (fructooligosaccharide - FOS) to yoghurt formulations stored at 4°C for 28 days, using an experimental design (independent variables: (0-3% of FOS and probiotic starter cultures 0-3%). The pH, acidity, fat, syneresis, protein, ºBrix, sugars, FOS and probiotic bacteria count were analyzed. The probiotic- and prebiotic-added yoghurt formulations showed lower acidity, syneresis and glucose than the control yoghurt and compared to formulations containing probiotic and prebiotic separately. The 3% probiotic and prebiotic formulation showed a lower loss of concentration of FOS, and after 28 days presented 1.5g of FOS per 100g (0.3% kestose, 0.7% nystose, 0.5% fructosyl-nystose). Furthermore, the addition of prebiotics exerted a protective effect on probiotic bacteria, enhancing their survival

    Exame para detecção precoce do câncer cérvico-uterino: vivência de mulheres das cidades de Kobe e Kawasaki, Japão e São Paulo, Brasil Cervical cancer screening: experience of women from Kobe and Kawasaki cities, Japan and São Paulo city, Brazil

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    OBJETIVOS: estudar a vivência de mulheres japonesas e mulheres brasileiras descendentes de japoneses, quanto a exame precoce do câncer cérvico-uterino. MÉTODOS: estudo quantitativo, de caráter exploratório, das características das mulheres quanto ao exame Papanicolaou. Participaram do estudo 149 mulheres: 79 japonesas e 70 brasileiras descendentes de japoneses. RESULTADOS: a grande maioria das mulheres (82,6%) realizou o exame Papanicolaou, e as brasileiras submeteram-se mais a esse tipo de exame que as japonesas. A maioria das brasileiras (64,6%) foi incentivada a fazer o exame pelo seu ginecologista, enquanto 26,2% das japonesas foram motivadas por campanhas de prevenção; maior proporção de japonesas (53,6%) teve dificuldade para realizar o exame que as brasileiras (10,8%), sendo a "vergonha" a principal dificuldade relatada pelas japonesas. 48,6% das brasileiras e 31,5% das japonesas atribuíram suas razões para realizar o exame à importância de evitar doenças ginecológicas. CONCLUSÕES: as razões apresentadas pelas mulheres deste estudo para não realizarem o exame de Papanicolaou sugerem aspectos importantes a serem reconsiderados pelos profissionais de saúde que atuam na área da saúde da mulher.<br>OBJECTIVES: this work aimed at studying the experience of Japanese women and Brazilian women from Japanese descent submited theirselves to cervical cancer screening. METHODS: an exploratory quantitative study, was performed intending to know women's characteristics typical of their nationality and their attitude towards the Papanicolaou smear. The number of participants was 149 women, 79 Japanese and 70 Brazilian. RESULTS: the main results showed that the large majority of women (82.6%) submitted themselves to the cervical cancer screening. The Brazilian women (92.9%) showed a higher participation percentage than the Japanese (73.4%) women. The majority of Brazilian women (64.6%) were encouraged by their gynecologist to run the Papanicolaou smear, whereas 26.2% of Japanese women were encouraged by prevention campaigns. Japanese women (53.6%) had greater difficulty in submitting to the test than the Brazilian group (10.8%). The greatest difficulty of the Japanese women (58,7%) was their sense of "shame" to run the Papanicolaou smear. CONCLUSIONS: the reasons presented by the women for not running the Papanicolaou Test points out to many important issues which need to be reconsidered by health professionals working with women's health