194 research outputs found

    A path model “why-what-how-when” to Implement an IC reporting

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the results of an empirical study and the critical success factors for implementing Intellectual Capital (IC) reporting. Selecting an IC model to be implemented in a specific context at a particular time depends on several contingent factors. In light of this, we propose the following “why-what-how-when” agenda, which will be applied in the case study: 1. Why implement IC reporting in a specific context? 2. What IC approach/tool is suitable to satisfy users’ informational needs? 3. How is the quality of information? 4. When is information available? The research is qualitative and focused on a case study in order to understand the dynamics of a given process. The company analyzed designs and develops Large Systems for Homeland Protection. The analyzed case study shows that there isn’t “one best way” to report on intangibles. Thus, the main critical factors of the process investigated are the following: accurate identification of actors involved in the decision-making process; quality and availability of information. The case study allows us to analyze how changes in decision maker(s), users’ informational needs and information quality can impact the selection of the framework and its relative artifact/tool to be used to report on intangibles

    Integrated reporting: A structured literature review

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    This paper reviews the field of integrated reporting () to develop insights into how research is developing, offer a critique of the research to date, and outline future research opportunities. We find that most published research presents normative arguments for and there is little research examining practice. Thus, we call for more research that critiques ’s rhetoric and practice. To frame future research we refer to parallels from intellectual capital research that identifies four distinct research stages to outline how research might emerge. Thus, this paper offers an insightful critique into an emerging accounting practice

    Family business e performance aziendale delle società italiane

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    L’effetto della struttura proprietaria delle imprese sulla performance e la crescita del sistema economico è oggi al centro di un intenso dibattito. Il campo degli studi sulle teorie di impresa si è tradizionalmente rivolto al modello della public company come un paradigma organizzativo in grado di indirizzare più efficacemente le imprese verso obiettivi di creazione del valo- re. Le analisi sulla diffusione del capitalismo familiare evidenziano, tuttavia, una presenza rilevante, talvolta maggioritaria, di società caratterizzate da una forte concentrazione dell’azionariato nelle mani di uno o più membri di una dinastia imprenditoriale, finanche tra le società quotate (Faccio, Lang, 2002; Claessens et al., 2000; Morresi, 2009b), invalidando potenzialmente l’ipote- si di superiorità del sistema di governance della public company. I benefici in termini di minori costi di agenzia associati ad assetti proprietari meno diluiti e a un accentramento delle funzioni decisionali in capo agli stessi azionisti di maggioranza, lasciano presupporre che il sistema di governo familiare possa rappresentare un modello premiante, con riferimento alla performance con- tabile e di mercato, rispetto a un modello non familiare (Morresi, 2009a). Questa tesi viene inoltre corroborata dagli sviluppi teorici della stewardship theory (Davis et al., 1997) e della resource-based view (Zahra et al., 2004; Habbershon, Williams, 1999), entrambe inclini a enfatizzare i vantaggi strutturali connessi a un sistema di governance family-oriented. Tuttavia, l’impresa familiare non è immune da potenziali elementi di criticità. Le problematiche successorie, la scarsa diversificazione di porta- foglio, l’estrazione di benefici privati da parte dei familiari a danno degli azionisti di minoranza, la rinuncia ai benefici derivanti dalla specializza- zione delle funzioni decisionali rappresentano minacce non trascurabili alla realizzazione di un efficiente governo societario. In questa prospettiva, ïżŒanalizzare i drivers e i drainers della performance aziendale nelle imprese familiari è un esercizio intellettuale non privo di interessanti suggestioni. Del resto, ogni sistema di governo delle imprese è caratterizzato da conflitti e possibili fonti di inefficienza che non permettono di identificare a priori il modello ottimale. Verificare sotto quali condizioni l’impresa familiare costi- tuisca un habitat fecondo del gene dell’imprenditorialità e sotto quali ipotesi è possibile supporre l’esistenza di un legame significativo tra familiness di un’impresa e risultati aziendali, identifica un filone di studi ormai conso- lidato a livello internazionale, ma poco approfondito a livello nazionale, con alcune rilevanti eccezioni (i.a. Corbetta, 1995; Corbetta et al., 2011; Montemerlo, 2005; Morresi, 2008, 2009a, 2009b). Lo studio effettuato in questa sede si inquadra precisamente nel framework degli studi aziendali sul family business e si basa su un approccio comparativo che si pone l’obiettivo di confrontare le differenze tra i due gruppi di imprese (familiari e non fami- liari) in cui è stato ripartito il campione analizzato, composto da 193 società italiane quotate sulla Borsa di Milano ininterrottamente dal 2004 al 2006

    Inclusive development & civic wealth in UNESCO sites. A pilot project to regenerate the stables of the Duke Federico da Montefeltro in Urbino.

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    Lo studio affronta il tema di come le amministrazioni locali fronteggiano la sfida di rigenerare le cittĂ  storiche culturali grazie all’impegno delle comunitĂ  e degli stakeholder valorizzando il patrimonio culturale (CH). Il caso di studio presentato Ăš quello della cittĂ  di Urbino (Italia), patrimonio UNESCO. Il disegno di ricerca si basa sull’osservazione di un’iniziativa specifica, nota come “il rilancio dello spazio DATA” (le scuderie del Duca Federico da Montefeltro risalenti al Rinascimento). Le premesse che hanno attivato le comunitĂ  locali a collaborare al progetto sono state ricostruite e interpretate sotto la lente teorica della creazione di ricchezza civica. La metodologia adottata per ricostruire i processi messi in atto, i fattori che hanno attivato i meccanismi di generazione di ricchezza civica e i risultati generati, si Ăš basata su un approccio qualitativo. Per cogliere la percezione degli stakeholder sul CH e identificare gli approcci per il coinvolgimento dei cittadini, le informazioni sono state tratte da una molteplicitĂ  di fonti primarie e secondarie (interviste non strutturate rivolte agli attori chiave coinvolti nel progetto, analisi di documenti e discussioni pubbliche, delibere del Consiglio comunale, analisi del sito web del Comune). I risultati evidenziano che la riscoperta del proprio patrimonio culturale, basato sull’ereditĂ  del passato ma riutilizzato nella vita quotidiana, puĂČ diventare il collante che favorisce il networking e il benessere della comunitĂ . Tuttavia, poichĂ© la creazione di ricchezza civica richiede che visioni e interessi dei principali stakeholder convergano, il caso di studio rivela che la collaborazione tra gli stakeholder ha fortemente bisogno del sostegno dell’amministrazione locale come facilitatore/organizzatore capace di perseguire nel tempo un equilibrio tra le diverse esigenze e aspettative.The study focuses on how local administrations can activate and foster the process of linking cultural heritage to civic wealth creation by engaging different stakeholders in urban regeneration initiatives. The research design relies on the observation of a project known as “the Relaunch of the DATA space” – the stables of the Duke Federico da Montefeltro – in Urbino (Italy). The premises that activated local communities to collaborate on the project have been reconstructed and interpreted under the theoretical lens of civic wealth creation. The methodology adopted to reconstruct the processes put in place, the premises and factors that activated the mechanisms supposed to create civic wealth and the outcomes generated, was based on a qualitative approach. Multiple sources (both primary and secondary sources) were used to grasp stakeholders’ opinions on culture-led regeneration initiatives and to identify approaches for citizen engagement, including semi-structured interviews addressed to key actors involved in the project, analysis of public documents and public discussions, municipality website and the city strategic plan. Findings highlight that the rediscovery and reuse of one’s cultural heritage rooted in a common identity may become the glue that favours networking and the community’s wellbeing. However, as civic wealth creation requires the key stakeholders’ expectations come together, our case study reveals that collaboration among stakeholders strongly necessitates the support of the local administration as a facilitator/orchestrator, pursuing balance among different visions and needs over time

    Dalle politiche europee ai progetti del Governo locale per una responsabilitĂ  sociale di territorio. Il caso Regione Marche

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    From European policies to Local Government’s projects for a Territorial Social Responsibility. The case of Marche Region Territorial Social Responsibility (TSR) is founded on the rediscovery of the values shared by economic, social and institutional actors within a territory. CSR-oriented partnerships between local and private partners can be considered as a new generation of policies which are the result of a common path founded on collaboration. The shift from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to collective responsibility sees institutions and organisations (public and private, for profit and non-profit) participating in a form of economic development that is socially and environmentally sustainable. Drawing from the above consideration, after having analysed how the concept of TSR has been adopted in the EU policies and in the Italian national plan, the aim of our research is the evaluation  of Italian local government initiatives to promote Corporate Social Responsibility through public-private network. The empirical study is focused on the “Regione Marche” experience, which is an example of shared territorial governance and of a practive model aimed at promoting a territorial sustainable developmen


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    The debate on accounting truth is an old problem (Briloff, 1979) and it is at present more and more important in harmonization process, especially involving small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Their users’ needs regarding the extents and type of accounting information as well as the costs of their providing are widely discussed as the arguments for differential reporting for SMEs, although there is still more literature focusing on financial reporting of large enterprises. The standards setters try to decrease the reporting burden for SMEs, keeping the relevant information for their reports users, while considering harmonization goals in the same time. In such an attempt, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued an International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) designed for use by small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) the 9th of July 2009, however some national European standard-setters seem not to be keen to introduce them. The aim of our paper is to analyse, the attempts and difficulties to reach all these goals in the same time and to implement the IFRS for SMEs, such as drawn by the IASB, in the European countries. Croatian experiences presented, running from International Accounting Standards (IAS) implementation as obligatory for all the companies, towards Croatian Financial Reporting Standards (CFRS) introduction for SMEs, represent an interesting experiment in the European context


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    U radu se analizira proces računovodstvene harmonizacije u malim i srednjim druĆĄtvima (SME) temeljem empirijskog istraĆŸivanja primjene računovodstvenih standarda pri talijanskim i hrvatskim SME-ima. Cilj je istraĆŸiti primjenjivost MRS/MSFI pri SME, s aspekta pripreme i uporabe financijskih izvjeĆĄtaja u kontekstu ekonomski i institucionalno diferentnih okruĆŸenja. Razmatraju se problemi financijskog izvjeĆĄtavanja SME-a, razrađuju aktivnosti međunarodnih tijela na harmonizaciji računovodstva SME-a (IASB, UNCTAD-ISAR) te iznose rezultati istraĆŸivanja primjene računovodstvenih standarda u talijanskim i hrvatskim SME-ima, koji upućuju na nemogućnost primjene cjelovitog seta MSFI pri SME-ima, te na činjenicu kako harmonizacija njihovog financijskog izvjeĆĄtavanja pretpostavlja harmoniziranost institucionalnih, ekonomskih, kulturoloĆĄkih i drugih čimbenika okruĆŸenj

    Hedonicity in functional motor disorders: a chemosensory study assessing taste

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    The aim of this study was to explore hedonicity to basic tastes in patients with functional motor disorders (FMDs) that are often associated with impairment in emotional processing. We recruited 20 FMD patients and 24 healthy subjects, matched for age and sex. Subjects were asked to rate the hedonic sensation (i.e., pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant) on a\u2009-\u200910 to +10 scale to the four basic tastes (sweet, sour, salty, and bitter) at different concentrations, and neutral stimuli (i.e., no taste stimulation) by means of the Taste Strips Test. Anxiety, depression, and alexithymia were assessed. FMD patients rated the highest concentration of sweet taste (6.7\u2009\ub1\u20092.6) as significantly more pleasant than controls (4.7\u2009\ub1\u20092.5, p\u2009=\u20090.03), and the neutral stimuli significantly more unpleasant (patients:\u2009-\u20090.7\u2009\ub1\u20090.4, controls: 0.1\u2009\ub1\u20090.4, p\u2009=\u20090.013). Hedonic ratings were not correlated to anxiety, depression, or alexithymia scores. Hedonic response to taste is altered in FMD patients. This preliminary finding might result from abnormal interaction between sensory processing and emotional valence

    Introducing the user to the service creation world: concepts for user centric service creation, personalization and notification

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    The “Web 2.0” feature that most permeates the nowadays web is “user-centricity”. Now users are not only consumers of items (software, information, etc.), but also creators of those items. This paper intends to push this paradigm further, targeting mashups of telco and web services in a unique service environment where personalised services will be dynamically created and provisioned by end-users themselves, regardless of ambiance and location. The paper explains how user-centricity can be applied to the service creation world and in general to the overall service lifecycle process. It also describes the platform being implemented in the OPUCE project that captures this philosophy and will be submitted to end-user validation. Whilst focusing on intuitive editors for end-users to compose services, additional hints are provided about personalization and notification approaches to improve user centricity
