928 research outputs found

    Northernmost occurrence of the offshore rockfish, <i>Pontinus kuhlii</i> (Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae), in the Mediterranean sea

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    An adult male specimen of the offshore rockfish, Pontinus kuhlii (Bowdich, 1825), was caught off the coast of Alghero (NW Sardinia, Italy) in August 2004. That capture represents the second documented record of this Atlantic migrant in Italian waters, after more than a century from the first report. Furthermore, the new specimen is the largest specimen of this species ever recorded in the Mediterranean Basin and the most northern capture for this geographic area. Morphologic and meristic characters of the collected fish are described and the existence of a Mediterranean population is hypothesized

    Fitofarmaci e ambiente naturale

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    È noto che nelle nazioni ad economia avanzata, i pesticidi sono parte integrale dei sistemi di produzione agricola. Essi prevengono o limitano le perdite dovute ad organismi nocivi, rendono possibile agli agricoltori di avere produzioni regolari, di alta qualità (?), di razionalizzare e intensificare i sistemi di coltivazione. Non conosciamo i danni all'ambiente ed all'uomo indotti dall'immissione di tutte queste sostanze nell'ambiente Sardo, ma alla luce di quanto conosciuto in altre parti del mondo questi devono essere senza dubbio molto gravi. Per questo, molto si può fare e qualcosa si va facendo in Sardegna per ridurre un inquinamento infido, molto difficile da controllare e rilevare

    Le Trappole a feromoni nella lotta al <i>Prays oleae</i> bern.

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    Researches carried out from 1980 to 1983 in Sardinian oil-producing olive groves investigated Prays oleae infestations by examining weekly 300-600 flower clusters or newly-formed olives. The trend of male catches was examined weekly (in some groves daily) using 3-6 pheromone traps in each grove. The daily catches revealed the influence of climatic factors, trends being similar in the same zone even between groves distant from each other. A strict correspondence was observed between catches, each in sect generation development and plant vegetative stages. Anthophagous generation catches proved to be the most numerous (June-July), and carpophagous generally the least. Peak oviposition occurred on the drupes when the newly·formed olives began to enlarge, and anthophagous male catches were maximum. Thus, pheromone traps offer an excellent means of establishing the correct time for insecticidal treatment against the eggs and newly-hatched larvae of the carpophagous generation. No correlation was found between anthophagous male catches and oviposition on the olives nor between the number of eggs and larvae boring into the kernel. Up to the moment, therefore, it has not been possible to determine an intervention threshold based on pheromone trap captures

    El sometimiento de los pueblos originarios y los debates historiográficos en torno a la guerra, el genocidio y las políticas de estado

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    La propuesta en esta exposición es volver sobre los conceptos que trabajamos desde nuestro equipo de investigación en el abordaje de diferentes casos o prácticas situadas de lo que ha sido el sometimiento de los pueblos originarios en el proceso de construcción del Estado en Argentina. Cuando planteamos estos casos entendiéndolos como política de estado se nos presenta quizás una imagen homogénea que no ha caracterizado precisamente a dicho proceso. No obstante, el gran desafío es pensar si a pesar de esa heterogeneidad de casos, de esas prácticas situadas, que muchas veces parecen arbitrarias e incluso casuales, podemos y de qué forma hablar también de la construcción del Estado como relación. En particular me interesa abordar el concepto de genocidio que titula y fue utilizado a lo largo de este encuentro. Propongo entonces hacer un recorrido muy sintético con respecto a las formas de nombrar este proceso.Conferencia realizada el 28 de octubre de 2014, en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, UNLP en el encuentro de debate sobre la cuestión de los Pueblos Originarios en Argentina y los vínculos con las políticas de Estado durante el siglo XIX y XX.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Viscoelastic Analysis of High Strain Composites for Deployable Structures in Space Applications

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    Thin-ply composite laminates capable of enduring high strains are currently under investigation for compliant deployable spacecraft structures. Deployable structures such as booms fabricated from these materials can be flattened and coiled to high curvatures, achieving a compact configuration for stowage. Once in orbit, they are released with minimal actuation for deployment, allowing the operational geometry to be recovered. Previous studies have shown that the viscoelastic properties of the composite epoxy matrix can negatively impact final shape accuracy due to stress relaxation during stowage. In addition, since the strain energy stored is relied upon for deployment, considerable relaxation can potentially result in deployment stall. Stress relaxation in composites and the aforementioned effects it can have on deployment have not been analyzed sufficiently for space applications. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the moment relaxation and curvature recovery behavior of thin-ply composite laminates through a combination of analytical, numerical, and experimental approaches. The viscoelastic Kirchhoff plate model that serves as the theoretical basis of the analyses is first presented. An analytical solution for the recovery of a composite plate after stowage is derived. The numerical integration of the viscoelastic plate constitutive equations and its implementation as a user-defined subroutine in finite element programs is then described. The subroutine allows relaxation of 3D thin-shell structures to be modeled, and is applied to simulate stowage and recovery of a thin-ply composite currently of interest for solar sailing applications. The subroutine is then compared with results obtained from experiments for a thin-ply composite for bending relaxation and curvature creep recovery after being unloaded

    Entrar y salir de la Etnohistoria

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    Hacia fines del siglo XIX, un criterio de clasificación estatal de las diferentes unidades sociopolíticas indígenas de Pampa y Patagonia ha sido el modo en que cada una de ellas estaba vinculada al sistema de tratados y convenios establecidos con el gobierno argentino. En la década de 1870, las planillas elaboradas por el Ministerio de Guerra establecían un ordenamiento jerárquico de diferentes caciques (principales, secundarios, caciquillos), su ubicación geográfica y número de personas y lanzas sobre las que cada uno de ellos ejercería su influencia. Estas planillas también indicaban el número de ganado yeguarizo y raciones que recibirían por parte del estado nacional de acuerdo a lo establecido por los mencionados convenios y tratados. Estos números coincidían con el rango atribuido a cada uno de los caciques, estableciendo una jerarquía entre los mismos. Este tipo de documentos, permite una serie de preguntas en relación con los complejos procesos por los cuales una serie de datos son seleccionados como conocimiento práctico para el control y vigilancia del cumplimiento de una determinada política estatal. Pero al mismo tiempo, no podríamos considerarlos sólo como el resultado de dicha agencia. En ellos también se expresan complejos procesos de construcción de representación indígena, a partir de los cuales se definirían quiénes, dónde, cómo y en representación de quiénes, han participado en el conjunto de parlamentos realizados entre autoridades criollas e indígenas. Habilitan preguntas sobre la agencia indígena, en relación con sus objetivos, alianzas y estrategias pero fundamentalmente, y lo que me interesa abordar aquí, con respecto a desde qué paradigmas, marcos de interpretación y conceptualizaciones de agencia y política, se llevaron adelante este tipo de relaciones. A partir de este ejemplo, es decir de lo que "el número de ganado" implica de acuerdo a los marcos de interpretación que entran en relación en dicho proceso, el objeto de este trabajo es participar en la discusión en torno a los modos en que podríamos definir un campo interdisciplinario que enfoque en las relaciones asimétricas implicadas en este tipo de procesos de construcción de mismidad y otredad. Identificando que este tipo de relaciones sociales, estos procesos de construcción de subalternidad en términos de etnicidad, han concentrado las miradas y perspectivas antropológicas e historiográficas de aquello definido como Etnohistoria.Fil: Delrio, Walter Mario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones En Diversidad Cultural y Procesos de Cambio; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro; Argentin

    Dix ans d'observation sur l'entomofaune nuisible au Chêne-liège en Sardaigne, pour la protection de la forêt

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    Lepidopter infestation of Northern Sardinian cork-oaks was studied from 1964 to 1975. Data were obtained on population composition, factors influencing natural mortality, fluctuation rythms of the more important species, and on plant reaction to defoliation. 67 species were observed, of which the most frequently noted phytophagous lepidopters were: (1) Dryobotodes eremita Fabr. and D. Monochroma Esp., - with latent fluctuation; (2) Tortrix viridana L., Ortollosia cruda Schiff. and Spudaea ruticilla Esp., - with temporary fluctuation; and (3) Phalera bucephala L., Malacosola neustria L. and Porthetria dispar (L.), - with periodic fluctuation. P. dispar (L.) and M. Neustria L. fluctuations occurred in cycles of approximately 9 years. Severe defoliation was observed in 1973 and 1974, Malacosoma reaching maximum population density a year earlier than Porthetria. Numerous natural mortality factors affected the population fluctuation of Porthetria. Particularly significant was the impact of predators and parasites on the pre-imaginal stages as well as that of pathogenetic agents (e.g. viruses, protozoa), although the effect of the latter varied from year to year and was not entirely related to larval population density. Apart from a 7- 10% sterility, eggs showed a mortality rate varying from 2.7% to 17.7% due to the parasites Ooencyrtus kuwanai (How.) (Hym., Encyrtidae) and Anastatus disparis Ruschka (Hym. Eupelmidae) and the predators Dermestes lardarius L. (Col. Dermestidae) and Haplocnemus jejunus Kiensenw. (Col. Melyridae). The numbers of parasites on the larvae were in direct proportion to the larval population density and varied from 4.8% to 80.5 %; the most frequently encountered were Sturmia scutellata R.D., Exorista segregata Rond., Exorista larvarum L. (Dipt. Tachinidae) and Sarcophagidae of Agria and Sarcophaga genera. The predator Calasoma sychophanta L. (Col. Carabidae) appeared in large numbers the year following a maximum population density of the host larva. In addition to the forementioned dipters, the following were also observed to emerge from the Porthetria chrysalides: Pales pavida Meig. (Dipt. Tachinidae), Muscina stabulans Fall. (Dipt. Muscidae), Pimpla instigator F., Theronia atalantae Poda (Hym., Ichneumonidae) and Brachymeria intermedia (Nees) (Hym., Chalcididae). Porthetria population fluctuations were also affected by ambiental factors and by a reduction in fecundity when population densities were at their highest. Malacosoma neustria L., apart from being subject to the same parasites and pathogenetic agents as Porthetria, was particularly influenced by Pales pavida Meig. and Scambus malacosomae Seyrig (a hymenopter parasite specific to Malacosoma larvae in cocoon). Gradations in the two defoliator populations are, therefore, regulated by a whole number of contemporary factors in which tachinids, ichneumonids and disease play the predominant role. Provided that spring rainfall exceeds 180 mm, completely defoliated cork-oaks recover their foliage within 15 to 20 days. The damage caused by parasitic attack is, thus, limited to a certain extent. As a result of the observations made on the dynamics and regulating factors of the main forest defoliator populations, it is proposed that specific chemical control be confined (1) to the years of progradation, (2) to the period when the young larvae are present and (3) only to certain limited surfaces considered strictly necessary

    Eficacia de plaguicidas sobre larvas de <i>Capnodis tenebrionis</i> (L.)

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    Se determina la eficacia de algunos plaguicidas sobre larvas recién nacidas de Capnodis tenebrionis (L.) en ensayos de laboratorio. Se utilisaron algunos productos comerciales que contenían isofenfos+foxim, clorpirifos, diazinon y carbaril. Las formulaciones más tóxicas eran las que contenían clorpirifos y isofenfos+foxim que causaron una mortandad media de 83.3 y 76.2% respectivamente. El análisis de los datos reveló que el efecto residual tenía una influencia significativa en mortandad de las larvas, mientras que las diversas dosis empleada en los ensayos no afectaron la mortandad de un modo significativo

    I Defogliatori delle foreste a <i>Quercus suber</i> L.

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    Data are given on the biology, mortality factors and population dynamics of Lymantria dispar L., Malacosoma neustria L., Tortrix viridana L. and Euproctis chrysorrhoea L. the most harmful lepidopters to Quercus suber L. A revision of chemical, microbiological, biological, biotechnical and genetic control methods applied in the relevant diffusion areas is also reported
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