694 research outputs found

    The Future of Free Trade in Europe and the World

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    This speech discusses the future of global free trade, and recommends more international efforts to bolster the multilateral system. The author looks to the European Union as playing a leading role in this effort, not only, as is sometimes claimed, because of its economic weight and its interest in free trade, but primarily because of its identity as an ordered community of nations, representing the very model of balance

    The political economy of the Jospin government

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    This article explores the political economy of the French Socialist Party (PS), beginning with the neo-liberal U-turn of 1983. It then charts the re-evaluation of the PS's political economic foundations after the 1993 defeat, the rejection of the neo-liberal 'pensée unique', and the rehabilitation of a broadly Keynesian frame of reference. The article goes on to explore how this shift has fed through into the Jospin government's policy and positions at both the national and international level. It explores aspirations to reinvent the EU as a Keynesian social democratic 'policy space', and at the national level, employment, macroeconomic, and structural policies

    Proposal of an evaluation tool for the measurement of the media competence during the preschool education

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    RESUMEN: A través de estas líneas presentamos el proceso realizado para la elaboración de una herramienta fiable, innovadora y actual que nos permita establecer resultados significativos en materia de competencia mediática en la etapa educativa de Educación Infantil. Este estudio se enmarca en un proyecto I+D+i coordinado con diferentes audiencias a investigar. En su faceta de educación formal, las autoras se encuentran inmersas en el estudio de dicha competencia en distintas etapas educativas, siendo la de Infantil la que se describe en este artículo.ABSTRACT: The current article shows the process for the development of a reliable, innovative and effective tool which assessed significant results about media competency in the field of preschool education. This study is framed in a National Research Project which studies different target populations. In the regulated education concept, the current investigators are involved in the study of of different educational stages. In this paper the tool for preschool education stage is presented.La presente investigación forma parte del Proyecto de Investigación I+D+i (EDU2010- 21395-C03-03), denominado "La enseñanza obligatoria ante la competencia en comunicación audiovisual en un entorno digital" dirigido por el Dr. J. Ignacio Aguaded Gómez, y financiado por la Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación del Gobierno de España

    The rights of the child: are we creating a world in which all children are enabled to reach their full potential?

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    This chapter, through the lens of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, reviews whether we are actually creating world in which children’s development needs are recognized and met. The principle focus of the chapter is each child’s right to an education. In particular Articles 28 and 29 of the UNCRC are highlighted to provide a benchmark against which to consider education provision in multiple international contexts. Reference is made to the UN Millennium Declaration, the eight Millennium Development Goals and the UNICEF report “The State of the World’s Children 2016: A fair chance for every child” to enable examination of how a world fit for children is being achieved or not. From examination of the aforementioned reports, three imperatives emerge: economic, education and moral. These imperatives challenge the reader to consider how legislation and policy works towards or hinders the goal of creating a world in which all children are enabled to reach their full potential

    The interdisciplinary approach in textbooks: A study on energy issues

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    [EN] In a globalized and constantly changing world, education must be continuously updated. This requirement plays a major role in scientific and technological education, since technology may under goes significant changes in short periods of time. In such context, our students need educational opportunities that allow them to link scientific and technological aspects to many other subjects and situations which are closer to their personal interests and responsible actions. How to help our young people to discuss issues that need the consideration and integration of a variety of disciplines? How to encourage them to participate in a responsible way? In this study we focused on teaching and learning the nature of energy, and other related concepts, in science from an interdisciplinary point of view. We analyzed contents of secondary education textbooks and curricular guidelines, taking into account their importance as classroom resources, and discussed the level to which controversial issues were displayed, considering a multidisciplinary approach. Results highlight a lack of consideration of environmental and social impacts derived from energy production and consumption, and also a lack of attention to interdisciplinary aspects. Attention given to renewable energies does not fit the present role of these kinds of energies in society, focusing more on non-renewable energies. Generally texts emphasize traditional energies without regard to the future possibilities.Martín Gámez, C.; Prieto Ruz, T.; Muñoz Gallego, AR. (2014). The interdisciplinary approach in textbooks: A study on energy issues. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences. 1(2):90-109. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2014.2264.SWORD9010912Bliss, J., Monk, M. & Ogborn, J. (1983). Qualitative Data Analysis for Educational Research. London: Croom-Helm.Delors, J. (1996). La educación encierra un tesoro. México: Ediciones UNESCO.Edwards, M., Gil, D., Vilches, A. & Praia, J. (2004). La atención a la situación del mundo en la educación científica. Ense-anza de las Ciencias, 22 (1), 47-64.Fernandez, M. A. (2010). O ensino das enerxias renovabeis factor clave na educación enerxética. Boletín das Ciencias, 69, 103-115.García-Carmona, A. (2008). Relaciones CTS en la Educación Científica Básica. I. Un análisis desde los textos escolares en la ense-anza electrónica. Ense-anza de las Ciencias, 26(3), 375–388.Holbrook, J. & Rannikmäe, M. (2009). The meaning of scientific literacy. International Journal of environmental and Science Education, 4 (3), 275-288.Jiménez, J. D. & Sampedro, C. (2006). ¿Son las Energías alternativas la solución del futuro? Alambique, 49, 71-80.Lemke, J. L. (2006). Investigar para el futuro de la educación científica: Nuevas formas de aprender, Nuevas formas de vivir. Ense-anza de las Ciencias, 24(1), 5–12.Martín, C. & Prieto, T. (2011). El potencial educativo del problema energético en la sociedad actual. En J. J. Maquilón, A. B. Mirete, A. Escarbajal & A. M. Giménez (Eds.), Cambios educativos y formativos para el desarrollo humano y sostenible (pp. 29-38). Murcia: Edit.um.Solomon, J. (1983). Messy, contradictory, and obstinately persistent: A study of children's out-of-school ideas about energy. School Science Review, 65(231), 225 -233.Zembylas, M. (2007). Emotional ecology: The intersection of emotional knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(4), 355-367. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2006.12.00