86 research outputs found

    Aggregates of Cyanine Dyes: When Molecular Vibrations and Electrostatic Screening Make the Difference

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    Aggregates of cyanine dyes are currently investigated as promising materials for advanced electronic and photonic applications. The spectral properties of aggregates of cyanine dyes can be tuned by altering the supramolecular packing, which is affected by the length of the dye, the presence of alkyl chains, or the nature of the counterions. In this work, we present a joint experimental and theoretical study of a family of cyanine dyes forming aggregates of different types according to the length of the polymethinic chain. Linear and nonlinear optical spectra of aggregates are rationalized here in terms of an essential-state model accounting for intermolecular interactions together with the molecular polarizability and vibronic coupling. A strategy is implemented to properly account for screening effects, distinguishing between electrostatic intermolecular interactions relevant to the ground state (mean-field effect) and the interactions relevant to the excited states (excitonic effects). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to simulate nonlinear spectral properties of aggregates of symmetric dyes accounting for molecular vibrations

    A novel framework for chimeric transcript detection based on accurate gene fusion model

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    Next generation sequencing plays a key role in the detection of structural variations. Chimeric transcripts are relevant examples of such variations, as they are involved in several diseases. In this work, we propose an effective methodology for the detection of fused transcripts in RNA-Seq paired-end data. The proposed methodology is based on an accurate fusion model implemented by a set of filters reducing the impact of artifacts. Moreover, the methodology accounts for transcripts consistently expressing in the sample under study even if they are not annotated. The effectiveness of the proposed solution has been experimentally validated on of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) samples, providing both the genes involved in the fusion and the exact chimeric sequence. \ua9 2011 IEEE

    Physical Activity and Nutrition INfluences In ageing (PANINI): consortium mission statement

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    First paragraph: Current demographic trends indicate that by the year 2020, almost one in five of the European population will be aged 65 years or over. Although life expectancy is increasing by 2 years per decade, the period of life spent in good health is not keeping pace and most Europeans spend their last decade in poor health. Consequently, there is an urgent need to understand how lifestyle factors can influence age-related changes from gene to society level and how they may be integrated into a net effect of healthy ageing. It is also crucial to develop and validate interventions and health policies to ensure that more of our older adults have a healthy and active later life. This is an urgent and cross-cutting research priority in Europe, and to achieve this, it is vital to increase research capacity in this area to push forward the frontiers of scientific understanding. The Horizon 2020 funded Marie Curie Sklodowska Innovative Training Network—PANINI is addressing this capacity issue by focusing on research and training in two major interacting lifestyle factors with impact at multiple levels, namely, physical activity and nutrition

    An isoform of the giant protein titin is a master regulator of human T lymphocyte trafficking

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    Response to multiple microenvironmental cues and resilience to mechanical stress are essential features of trafficking leukocytes. Here, we describe unexpected role of titin (TTN), the largest protein encoded by the human genome, in the regulation of mechanisms of lymphocyte trafficking. Human T and B lymphocytes express five TTN isoforms, exhibiting cell-specific expression, distinct localization to plasma membrane microdomains, and different distribution to cytosolic versus nuclear compartments. In T lymphocytes, the LTTN1 isoform governs the morphogenesis of plasma membrane microvilli independently of ERM protein phosphorylation status, thus allowing selectin-mediated capturing and rolling adhesions. Likewise, LTTN1 controls chemokine-triggered integrin activation. Accordingly, LTTN1 mediates rho and rap small GTPases activation, but not actin polymerization. In contrast, chemotaxis is facilitated by LTTN1 degradation. Finally, LTTN1 controls resilience to passive cell deformation and ensures T lymphocyte survival in the blood stream. LTTN1 is, thus, a critical and versatile housekeeping regulator of T lymphocyte trafficking

    Whole-genome sequencing and SNV genotyping of 'Nebbiolo' (Vitis vinifera L.) clones

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    'Nebbiolo' (Vitis vinifera) is among the most ancient and prestigious wine grape varieties characterised by a wide genetic variability exhibited by a high number of clones (vegetatively propagated lines of selected mother plants). However, limited information is available for this cultivar at the molecular and genomic levels. The whole-genomes of three 'Nebbiolo' clones (CVT 71, CVT 185 and CVT 423) were re-sequenced and a de novo transcriptome assembly was produced. Important remarks about the genetic peculiarities of 'Nebbiolo' and its intra-varietal variability useful for clonal identification were reported. In particular, several varietal transcripts identified for the first time in 'Nebbiolo' were disease resistance genes and single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) identified in 'Nebbiolo', but not in other cultivars, were associated with genes involved in the stress response. Ten newly discovered SNVs were successfully employed to identify some periclinal chimeras and to classify 98 'Nebbiolo' clones in seven main genotypes, which resulted to be linked to the geographical origin of accessions. In addition, for the first time it was possible to discriminate some 'Nebbiolo' clones from the others

    Physical Mapping of Bread Wheat Chromosome 5A: An Integrated Approach

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    The huge size, redundancy, and highly repetitive nature of the bread wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.)] genome, makes it among the most difficult species to be sequenced. To overcome these limitations, a strategy based on the separation of individual chromosomes or chromosome arms and the subsequent production of physical maps was established within the frame of the International Wheat Genome Sequence Consortium (IWGSC). A total of 95,812 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones of short-arm chromosome 5A (5AS) and long-arm chromosome 5A (5AL) arm-specific BAC libraries were fingerprinted and assembled into contigs by complementary analytical approaches based on the FingerPrinted Contig (FPC) and Linear Topological Contig (LTC) tools. Combined anchoring approaches based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) marker screening, microarray, and sequence homology searches applied to several genomic tools (i. e., genetic maps, deletion bin map, neighbor maps, BAC end sequences (BESs), genome zipper, and chromosome survey sequences) allowed the development of a high-quality physical map with an anchored physical coverage of 75% for 5AS and 53% for 5AL with high portions (64 and 48%, respectively) of contigs ordered along the chromosome. In the genome of grasses, Brachypodium [Brachypodium distachyon (L.) Beauv.], rice (Oryza sativa L.), and sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] homologs of genes on wheat chromosome 5A were separated into syntenic blocks on different chromosomes as a result of translocations and inversions during evolution. The physical map presented represents an essential resource for fine genetic mapping and map-based cloning of agronomically relevant traits and a reference for the 5A sequencing projects

    The Physical Activity and Nutritional INfluences in Ageing (PANINI) Toolkit: A Standardized Approach towards Physical Activity and Nutritional Assessment of Older Adults

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    Assessing multiple domains of health in older adults requires multidimensional and large datasets. Consensus on definitions, measurement protocols and outcome measures is a prerequisite. The Physical Activity and Nutritional INfluences In Ageing (PANINI) Toolkit aims to provide a standardized toolkit of best-practice measures for assessing health domains of older adults with an emphasis on nutrition and physical activity. The toolkit was drafted by consensus of multidisciplinary and pan-European experts on ageing to standardize research initiatives in diverse populations within the PANINI consortium. Domains within the PANINI Toolkit include socio-demographics, general health, nutrition, physical activity and physical performance and psychological and cognitive health. Implementation across various countries, settings and ageing populations has proven the feasibility of its use in research. This multidimensional and standardized approach supports interoperability and re-use of data, which is needed to optimize the coordination of research efforts, increase generalizability of findings and ultimately address the challenges of ageing

    Amphiphilic Fluorinated Unimer Micelles as Nanocarriers of Fluorescent Probes for Bioimaging

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    The unique self-assembly properties of unimer micelles are exploited for the preparation of fluorescent nanocarriers embedding hydrophobic fluorophores. Unimer micelles are constituted by a (meth)acrylate copolymer with oligoethyleneglycol and perflurohexylethyl side chains (PEGMA90-co-FA10) in which the hydrophilic and hydrophobic comonomers are statistically distributed along the polymeric backbone. Thanks to hydrophobic interactions in water, the amphiphilic copolymer forms small nanoparticles (<10 nm), with tunable properties and functionality. An easy procedure for the encapsulation of a small hydrophobic molecule (C153 fluorophore) within unimer micelles is presented. UV–vis, fluorescence, and fluorescence anisotropy spectroscopic experimental data demonstrate that the fluorophore is effectively embedded in the nanocarriers. Moreover, the nanocarrier positively contributes to preserve the good emissive properties of the fluorophore in water. The efficacy of the dye-loaded nanocarrier as a fluorescent probe is tested in two-photon imaging of thick ex vivo porcine scleral tissue
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