236 research outputs found

    Factors Contributing to Business Process Reengineering Implementation Success

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    Organizational leaders continue to use business process reengineering (BPR) as a process improvement methodology even though BPR implementations have had low success rates. To increase BPR success rates, organizational leaders must understand what specific factors contribute to successful BPR implementations. Grounded in Lewin\u27s field theory, the purpose of this nonexperimental, cross-sectional study was to examine the impact of gender and education on BPR. Data collection consisted of nonprobability convenience sample of 122 members from the professional networking website LinkedIn and the professional organizational website American Society for Quality. Data were gathered from a 6-point Likert-type scale survey instrument based on Hammer and Stanton\u27s pre-identified BPR failure factors. The MANOVA results indicated no significant gender, education, or gender and education interaction effect on a linear combination of perception of BPR success factors, F (33.00, 318.00) = .591, p \u3e 0.05, partial eta squared =.058. The results of this study might contribute to social change by helping organizational leaders understand factors that do not appear to be related to successful BPR implementations. The elimination of these factors could allow organizational leaders to focus on other factors for successful BPR implementations. Successful BPR implementations might lead to increased organizational profits, which could allow organizational leaders more opportunity and increase corporate social responsibility, all of which may directly affect the quality of life in a community

    Assessment Of An Engineering Technology Outreach Program For 4th-7th Grade Girls

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    This paper describes a workshop led by female Engineering Technology students, with support from female faculty, to provide an introduction to Engineering Technology to 4th – 7th grade girls through a series of interactive laboratory experiments. This outreach program was developed to improve attitudes towards science and engineering in middle school-aged girls by making science tangible and fun. The workshop takes place on a college campus and makes use of four different Engineering Technology laboratories. Each lab activity includes a hands-on experiment, beginning with an overview of the engineering technology discipline and a brief description of the theories related to the experiment. The day culminates with a panel session between the participants and the college students. An ancillary outcome of the program is that it serves as a community building event for female Engineering Technology college students. Connections are developed between the students and between students and faculty in the college. The college students gain the satisfaction of influencing the attitudes of participants and develop critical communication skills. An attitude survey given to participants before and after the workshop shows that participation in these workshops results in a more positive attitude towards science and technology. College student volunteers were also surveyed after the workshop to determine the impact of their participation. A full workshop description is given in this paper as well as analysis of the assessment results for the participants and the college students.

    The Turlington Act : 1923 North Carolina Prohibition Conformity Act

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    Engineering Technology Undergraduate Students: A Survey of Demographics and Mentoring

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    A report published by a group of engineering technology practitioners and others interested in engineering technology called “Engineering Technology Education in the United States” was released in early 2017. The report provided recommendations of areas for further study related to engineering technology students to increase our understanding of the population. These specifically suggested focusing on the students in comparison to other students in similar and different fields of study. Following these recommendations, a team of engineering technology education researchers has been collaborating to gather information in these areas. The team obtained institutional approval and distributed two surveys throughout the United States. The first survey was directed towards undergraduate students and the other towards those who have already completed their undergraduate degrees. This paper is focused on a high-level review of the results of the undergraduate survey, with future, in-depth publications focused on the issues identified by the report. The survey was designed to address the issues described in the report focused on matriculation, retention, and graduation from engineering technology. In this case, we are examining the demographics of undergraduate engineering technology students, mentoring, and other issues that participants self-reported, as related to their peers in other STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) majors. Later work will focus more on program (2-year vs 4-year) comparisons, socioeconomic issues, and level of preparation for the various majors categorized as STEAM. This paper is not intended to provide responses to the recommendations of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) report, but rather provide an overview of the responses to the inquiry focused on addressing this topic. The undergraduate engineering technology student subset of the STEAM survey respondents is about 68% male and 30% female. This is as expected, recognizing that engineering technology and related disciplines tend to be male dominated. The reporting students most frequently identified as white, followed by Asian and Hispanic. Most students attended a suburban, public high school and about 47% of students reported receiving no support as they prepared to attend college

    Engineering Technology Graduates: A Survey of Demographics and Mentoring

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    Early in 2017, a team of engineering technology practitioners along with others interested in the state of engineering technology published a report entitled “Engineering Technology Education in the United States.” This report garnered a list of recommendations and things that needed to be investigated to further our understanding of this student population; specifically focusing on the students and how they relate to other students studying both similar and different material. A team of like-minded engineering technology education researchers have been working together to ascertain the answers to the findings. They prepared two surveys, obtained institutional approval, and distributed it throughout the United States. One survey was designed to query undergraduate students and the other student graduates or those who have already graduated. This paper is intended to provide a high-level review of what was found in the graduate survey, while future journal publications will take a deeper look into some of the prevailing issues identified by the report. The survey was designed to address issues described in the report as “loose coupling” of completed degrees and employment. In this case, we are examining the demographics of graduates and potential influences of their career and academic choices. Later work will focus more on salaries and other factors that influence engineering technology graduates and their lives post-graduation. Responding graduates are closely aligned to the graduate demographic with nearly 57% male and nearly 42% female. Since STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) graduates were polled, the number is expected to be closer to par, representing the general graduate population. Most students were white, followed by Hispanic and Asian; other races are far fewer in number. Nearly 17% of the graduates began their studies in a two-year institution, and the balance at a 4-year institution. Thirty-three percent of the respondents stated they had a graduate degree. This paper will focus on the engineering technology graduate subset of the STEAM graduate survey respondents

    Connectivity Series at RIT- Developing & Delivering an Effective Professional Development Workshop Series for Women Faculty in STEM

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    In science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines within the United States; women faculty are underrepresented within many disciplines including engineering, computer science, and physics. At a large private university, RIT, the ADVANCE institutional transformation project (supported by NSF Award No. 1209115), referred to as Advance RIT, aims to increase the representation and advancement of women STEM faculty (which includes social and behavioral sciences, SBS) by removing barriers to resources that support career success and by creating new interventions and resources. This paper reports on the design, delivery and evaluation of a professional development workshop series, called the Connectivity Series, which is a vital initiative within this large-scale, multi-year, strategic institutional transformation project. The workshop series consists of programs to promote the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women faculty. The project team developed workshop themes based upon the results of a faculty climate survey and a literature review as part of a previously conducted NSF ADVANCE funded self-study (0811076). Project researchers created the Connectivity Series for all tenure-track women faculty on campus as well as targeted workshops for women of color and deaf and hard of hearing women faculty. All disciplines represented within the university (STEM and non-STEM) have been identified as the target audience for workshop offerings due to the high prevalence of STEM disciplines within the university. Program assessment and evaluation results are presented. In addition, a sustainability plan is outlined for continuation of these targeted workshops beyond the five-year grant funding period

    Remembering 'zeal' but not 'thing':reverse frequency effects as a consequence of deregulated semantic processing

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    More efficient processing of high frequency (HF) words is a ubiquitous finding in healthy individuals, yet frequency effects are often small or absent in stroke aphasia. We propose that some patients fail to show the expected frequency effect because processing of HF words places strong demands on semantic control and regulation processes, counteracting the usual effect. This may occur because HF words appear in a wide range of linguistic contexts, each associated with distinct semantic information. This theory predicts that in extreme circumstances, patients with impaired semantic control should show an outright reversal of the normal frequency effect. To test this prediction, we tested two patients with impaired semantic control with a delayed repetition task that emphasised activation of semantic representations. By alternating HF and low frequency (LF) trials, we demonstrated a significant repetition advantage for LF words, principally because of perseverative errors in which patients produced the previous LF response in place of the HF target. These errors indicated that HF words were more weakly activated than LF words. We suggest that when presented with no contextual information, patients generate a weak and unstable pattern of semantic activation for HF words because information relating to many possible contexts and interpretations is activated. In contrast, LF words tend are associated with more stable patterns of activation because similar semantic information is activated whenever they are encountered

    Deficits of knowledge versus executive control in semantic cognition: Insights from cued naming

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    Deficits of semantic cognition in semantic dementia and in aphasia consequent on CVA (stroke) are qualitatively different. Patients with semantic dementia are characterised by progressive degradation of central semantic representations, whereas multimodal semantic deficits in stroke aphasia reflect impairment of executive processes that help to direct and control semantic activation in a task-appropriate fashion [Jefferies, E., & Lambon Ralph, M. A. (2006). Semantic impairment in stroke aphasia vs. semantic dementia: A case-series comparison. Brain 129, 2132-2147]. We explored interactions between these two aspects of semantic cognition by examining the effects of cumulative phonemic cueing on picture naming in case series of these two types of patient. The stroke aphasic patients with multimodal semantic deficits cued very readily and demonstrated near-perfect name retrieval when cumulative phonemic cues reached or exceeded the target name's uniqueness point. Therefore, knowledge of the picture names was largely intact for the aphasic patients, but they were unable to retrieve this information without cues that helped to direct activation towards the target response. Equivalent phonemic cues engendered significant but much more limited benefit to the semantic dementia patients: their naming was still severely impaired even when most of the word had been provided. In contrast to the pattern in the stroke aphasia group, successful cueing was mainly confined to the more familiar un-named pictures. We propose that this limited cueing effect in semantic dementia follows from the fact that concepts deteriorate in a graded fashion [Rogers, T. T., Lambon Ralph, M. A., Garrard, P., Bozeat, S., McClelland, J. L., & Hodges, J. R., et al. (2004). The structure and deterioration of semantic memory: A neuropsychological and computational investigation. Psychological Review 111, 205-235]. For partially degraded items, the residual conceptual knowledge may be insufficient to drive speech production to completion but these items might reach threshold when they are bolstered by cues. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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    O presente trabalho é fruto de pesquisas realizadas no litoral norte do estado do Espírito Santo, cuja proposta é monitorar as modificações geomorfológicas e fitogeográficas ocorridas nos manguezais da foz do rio São Mateus desde 1970 até os dias atuais. Realizou-se levantamentos fitossociológicos do setor 1 dos manguezais em 1999 e a reavaliou-se em 2011. O resultado parcial desse trabalho é o mapeamento da foz do rio São Mateus em cinco diferentes anos, analisando o processo de sedimentação e possível colonização por mangues. A análise integrada de todos as dados levantados, ira possibilitar considerar a correlação entre os processos naturais e as atividades humanas e entender a evolução e a configuração do estuário e de seus elementos morfológicos e fitogeográficos, apoiada nos pressupostos metodológicos de Ab'Sáber (1969), Ross (1992) e Thom (1982). A correlação dos elementos e fatores, à luz da visão sistêmica foi fundamental para esta pesquisa

    Spoken word recognition of novel words, either produced or only heard during learning

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript Version of the following article: Tania S. Zamuner, Elizabeth Morin-Lessard, Stephanie Strahm, and Michael P. A. Page, 'Soke word recognition of novel words, either produced or only heard during learning', Journal of Memory and Language, Vol. 89, August 2016, pp. 55-67, doi: 10.1016/j.jml.2015.10.003. Under embargo. Embargo end date: 1 December 2017. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Psycholinguistic models of spoken word production differ in how they conceptualize the relationship between lexical, phonological and output representations, making different predictions for the role of production in language acquisition and language processing. This work examines the impact of production on spoken word recognition of newly learned non-words. In Experiment 1, adults were trained on non-words with visual referents; during training, they produced half of the non-words, with the other half being heard-only. Using a visual world paradigm at test, eye tracking results indicated faster recognition of non-words that were produced compared with heard-only during training. In Experiment 2, non-words were correctly pronounced or mispronounced at test. Participants showed a different pattern of recognition for mispronunciation on non-words that were produced compared with heard-only during training. Together these results indicate that production affects the representations of newly learned words.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio