205 research outputs found

    Les TIC et la réussite éducative au collégial : recherche /

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    "Cette recherche a été subventionnée par le Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la science dans le cadre du Programme d'aide à la recherche sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage"Médiagraphie: p. 97-10

    Les TIC et la réussite éducative au collégial

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    "Cette recherche a été subventionnée par le Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la science dans le cadre du Programme d'aide à la recherche sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage"Comprend des références bibliographique


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    Introducción: la práctica de actividad física y el seguimiento de una dieta cetogénica pueden suponer un doble efecto con mejores resultados en los procesos de pérdida de peso y mejora de la composición corporal y perfil lipídico. Objetivo: el objetivo de esta revisión fue investigar los trabajos realizados con pacientes obesos que siguen una dieta cetogénica y un programa de ejercicio físico, así como calcular el tamaño del efecto en cuanto a las mejoras en la masa grasa, a través de un metaanálisis. Métodos: la selección de estudios se basó en los siguientes criterios: estudios experimentales; a) estudios experimentales (diseños controlados aleatorizados) y cuasi-experimentales (por ejemplo: pre-test/post-test); b) estudios con dieta baja en carbohidratos (< 30%) o muy baja en carbohidratos (5-10%) ( 35%); c) se admitieron estudios exclusivamente con sujetos que padecieran sobrepeso u obesidad (IMC > 25 y/o enfermedad metabólica relacionada; y d) con mediciones de composición corporal y/o perfil lipídico al principio y al final de la intervención. Resultados: se analizaron 7 artículos y 3 revisiones. Comparando los diferentes tipos de ejercicio se podría afirmar que destaca la disminución de masa muscular en aquellos en los que las intervenciones son con ejercicio aeróbico, manteniéndose e incluso aumentando, en los estudios donde se realizó un ejercicio de fuerza. El metaanálisis nos muestra una reducción significativa de la masa grasa con una heterogeneidad media, por lo tanto, habrá mayor reducción de masa grasa en grupos que realizan dieta baja en carbohidratos y ejercicio que en los que no realizan dieta o tan solo realizan ejercicio. Conclusiones: la combinación de dieta cetogénica y ejercicio físico puede reducir la masa grasa en comparación con realizar solo dieta o solo ejercicio físico. Key words: Ketogenic diet. Physical activity. Endurance. Resistance. Weight loss. Fat mass. Abstract Introduction: practice of physical activity and the ketogenic diet monitoring can have a doubAbstract Introduction: practice of physical activity and the ketogenic diet monitoring can have a double effect in helping in processes of weight loss and improvement of body composition and lipid profile. Objective: the objective of this review was to investigate the work done with obese patients who undertook a ketogenic diet and a physical exercise program, as well as to calculate the overall effect size in terms of improvements in fat mass, through a meta-analysis. Methods: the selection of studies was based on the following criteria: experimental studies; a) experimental studies (randomized controlled designs) and quasi-experimental (e.g. pre-test/post-test); b) studies with low-carbohydrate diet (< 30%) or very low in carbohydrates (5-10%) ( 35%); c) studies were admitted exclusively with subjects that facility overweight or obesity (BMI > 25; and d) with measurements of body composition and/or Lipid profile at the beginning and end of the intervention. Results: for the methodological review, 7 articles and 3 reviews were analyzed. All studies, whether by establishing aerobic or strength training and show significant weight loss in all outcomes. Conclusions: comparing different types of exercise, we could say that interventions based on endurance exercise reported a decrease in muscle mass, however there was a maintenance, and even an increase, in studies with resistance exercises. Meta-analysis showed significant results at the global level with a medium heterogeneity, therefore, there will be greater reduction of fat mass in groups that realize diets with low carbohydrates and exercise that in those who do not undertake this type of diet, and those only perform exercise

    Early nutrition and adult health: Perspectives for international and community nutrition programs and policies

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    Recent economic changes throughout the world, either development or crises and recessions, have prompted a host of nutrition related problems, including a decreased prevalence of undernutrition, an increase in the prevalence of diet related diseases, widespread food insecurity as crop prices increase, and so on. In addition, evidence is mounting that suggests that exposure to poor nutrition early in life is a predisposing factor for chronic diseases in adulthood. Thus, the role of international or community nutrition professionals is vital to not only studying and understanding the interplay between economics, food policy, and health, but also to improving the ability to intervene and prevent many problems related to food insecurity in developed and developing countries. The purpose of this review is to outline and describe these issues as a means to open discussion on how to best alleviate major nutrition problems in the world

    New directions for patient-centred care in scleroderma : the Scleroderma Patient-centred Intervention Network (SPIN)

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc), or scleroderma, is a chronic multisystem autoimmune disorder characterised by thickening and fibrosis of the skin and by the involvement of internal organs such as the lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and heart. Because there is no cure, feasibly-implemented and easily accessible evidence-based interventions to improve health-related quality of life (HRQoL) are needed. Due to a lack of evidence, however, specific recommendations have not been made regarding non-pharmacological interventions (e.g. behavioural/psychological, educational, physical/occupational therapy) to improve HRQoL in SSc. The Scleroderma Patient-centred Intervention Network (SPIN) was recently organised to address this gap. SPIN is comprised of patient representatives, clinicians, and researchers from Canada, the USA, and Europe. The goal of SPIN, as described in this article, is to develop, test, and disseminate a set of accessible interventions designed to complement standard care in order to improve HRQoL outcomes in SSc.The initial organisational meeting for SPIN was funded by a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Meetings, Planning, and Dissemination grant to B.D. Thombs (KPE-109130), Sclerodermie Quebec, and the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research of the Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec. SPIN receives finding support from the Sclemderma Society of Ontario, the Scleroderma Society of Canada, and Sclerodermie Quebec. B.D. Thombs and M. Hudson are supported by New Investigator awards from the CIHR, and Etablissement de Jeunes Chercheurs awards from the Fonds de la Recherche en Sante Quebec (FRSQ). M. Baron is the director of the Canadian Scleroderma Research Group, which receives grant folding from the CIHR, the Scleroderma Society of Canada and its provincial chapters, Scleroderma Society of Ontario, Sclerodermie Quebec, and the Ontario Arthritis Society, and educational grants from Actelion Pharmaceuticals and Pfizer. M.D. Mayes and S. Assassi are supported by the NIH/NIAMS Scleroderma Center of Research Translation grant no. P50-AR054144. S.J. Motivala is supported by an NIH career development grant (K23 AG027860) and the UCLA Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology. D. Khanna is supported by a NIH/NIAMS K23 AR053858-04) and NIH/NIAMS U01 AR057936A, the National Institutes of Health through the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research Grant (AR052177), and has served as a consultant or on speakers bureau for Actelion, BMS, Gilead, Pfizer, and United Therapeutics

    Greater male variability in daily energy expenditure develops through puberty

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    The authors also gratefully acknowledge funding from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (grant no. CAS153E11KYSB20190045) to J.R.S. and the US National Science Foundation (grant no. BCS-1824466) awarded to H.P. Acknowledgements Yvonne Schönbeck provided important information about morphometric measurements for Dutch children. A chat over dinner with Karsten Koehler, Eimear Dolan and Danny Longman brought up a number of thoughts that influenced this manuscript. The DLW database, which can be found at https://doublylabelled-waterdatabase.iaea.org/home, is hosted by the IAEA and generously supported by Taiyo Nippon Sanso and SERCON. We are grateful to the IAEA and these companies for their support and especially to Takashi Oono for his tremendous efforts at fundraising on our behalf.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Deep Sequencing of the Oral Microbiome Reveals Signatures of Periodontal Disease

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    The oral microbiome, the complex ecosystem of microbes inhabiting the human mouth, harbors several thousands of bacterial types. The proliferation of pathogenic bacteria within the mouth gives rise to periodontitis, an inflammatory disease known to also constitute a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. While much is known about individual species associated with pathogenesis, the system-level mechanisms underlying the transition from health to disease are still poorly understood. Through the sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene and of whole community DNA we provide a glimpse at the global genetic, metabolic, and ecological changes associated with periodontitis in 15 subgingival plaque samples, four from each of two periodontitis patients, and the remaining samples from three healthy individuals. We also demonstrate the power of whole-metagenome sequencing approaches in characterizing the genomes of key players in the oral microbiome, including an unculturable TM7 organism. We reveal the disease microbiome to be enriched in virulence factors, and adapted to a parasitic lifestyle that takes advantage of the disrupted host homeostasis. Furthermore, diseased samples share a common structure that was not found in completely healthy samples, suggesting that the disease state may occupy a narrow region within the space of possible configurations of the oral microbiome. Our pilot study demonstrates the power of high-throughput sequencing as a tool for understanding the role of the oral microbiome in periodontal disease. Despite a modest level of sequencing (∼2 lanes Illumina 76 bp PE) and high human DNA contamination (up to ∼90%) we were able to partially reconstruct several oral microbes and to preliminarily characterize some systems-level differences between the healthy and diseased oral microbiomes

    Trends in obesity and diabetes across Africa from 1980 to 2014: an analysis of pooled population-based studies

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    Background: The 2016 Dar Es Salaam Call to Action on Diabetes and Other non-communicable diseases (NCDs) advocates national multi-sectoral NCD strategies and action plans based on available data and information from countries of sub-Saharan Africa and beyond. We estimated trends from 1980 to 2014 in age-standardized mean body mass index (BMI) and diabetes prevalence in these countries, in order to assess the co-progression and assist policy formulation. Methods: We pooled data from African and worldwide population-based studies which measured height, weight and biomarkers to assess diabetes status in adults aged ≥ 18 years. A Bayesian hierarchical model was used to estimate trends by sex for 200 countries and territories including 53 countries across five African regions (central, eastern, northern, southern and western), in mean BMI and diabetes prevalence (defined as either fasting plasma glucose of ≥ 7.0 mmol/l, history of diabetes diagnosis, or use of insulin or oral glucose control agents). Results: African data came from 245 population-based surveys (1.2 million participants) for BMI and 76 surveys (182 000 participants) for diabetes prevalence estimates. Countries with the highest number of data sources for BMI were South Africa (n = 17), Nigeria (n = 15) and Egypt (n = 13); and for diabetes estimates, Tanzania (n = 8), Tunisia (n = 7), and Cameroon, Egypt and South Africa (all n = 6). The age-standardized mean BMI increased from 21.0 kg/m2 (95% credible interval: 20.3–21.7) to 23.0 kg/m2 (22.7–23.3) in men, and from 21.9 kg/m2 (21.3–22.5) to 24.9 kg/m2 (24.6–25.1) in women. The age-standardized prevalence of diabetes increased from 3.4% (1.5–6.3) to 8.5% (6.5–10.8) in men, and from 4.1% (2.0–7.5) to 8.9% (6.9–11.2) in women. Estimates in northern and southern regions were mostly higher than the global average; those in central, eastern and western regions were lower than global averages. A positive association (correlation coefficient ≃ 0.9) was observed between mean BMI and diabetes prevalence in both sexes in 1980 and 2014. Conclusions: These estimates, based on limited data sources, confirm the rapidly increasing burden of diabetes in Africa. This rise is being driven, at least in part, by increasing adiposity, with regional variations in observed trends. African countries’ efforts to prevent and control diabetes and obesity should integrate the setting up of reliable monitoring systems, consistent with the World Health Organization’s Global Monitoring System Framework

    Greater male variability in daily energy expenditure develops through puberty

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    There is considerably greater variation in metabolic rates between men than between women, in terms of basal, activity and total (daily) energy expenditure (EE). One possible explanation is that EE is associated with male sexual characteristics (which are known to vary more than other traits) such as musculature and athletic capacity. Such traits might be predicted to be most prominent during periods of adolescence and young adulthood, when sexual behaviour develops and peaks. We tested this hypothesis on a large dataset by comparing the amount of male variation and female variation in total EE, activity EE and basal EE, at different life stages, along with several morphological traits: height, fat free mass and fat mass. Total EE, and to some degree also activity EE, exhibit considerable greater male variation (GMV) in young adults, and then a decrease in the degree of GMV in progressively older individuals. Arguably, basal EE, and also morphometrics, do not exhibit this pattern. These findings suggest that single male sexual characteristics may not exhibit peak GMV in young adulthood, however total and perhaps also activity EE, associated with many morphological and physiological traits combined, do exhibit GMV most prominently during the reproductive life stages