303 research outputs found

    Distributed Power Electronics for PV Systems (Presentation)

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    An overview of the benefits and applications of microinverters and DC power optimizers in residential systems. Some conclusions from this report are: (1) The impact of shade is greater than just the area of shade; (2) Additional mismatch losses include panel orientation, panel distribution, inverter voltage window, soiling; (3) Per-module devices can help increase performance, 4-12% or more depending on the system; (4) Value-added benefits (safety, monitoring, reduced design constraints) are helping their adoption; and (5) The residential market is growing rapidly. Efficiency increases, cost reductions are improving market acceptance. Panel integration will further reduce price and installation cost. Reliability remains an unknown

    Stability monitoring of high Alpine infrastructure by terrestrial laser scanning

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    International audienceRock mass movements are dominant in the morphodynamics of high Alpine rock slopes and are at the origin of significant risks for people who attend these areas and for infrastructures that are built on (e.g. huts, cable cars). These risks are increasing because of permafrost degradation and glacier retreat as consequences of the global warming. These two factors may affect slope stability by changing mechanical properties of the interstitial ice and modifying the mechanical constraints in these rock slopes. The monitoring of rock slopes is thus an essential element for risk management. Our study focuses on two particularly active areas of the Western Alps: the lower Arête des Cosmiques (3613 m a.s.l., Mont Blanc massif, France) on which is located the very popular Refuge des Cosmiques, and the Col des Gentianes (2894 m a.s.l., Valais, Switzerland) where is located a cable car station. Discussed on the basis of geophysical and glaciological data, the evolutions monitored by terrestrial laser scanning probably result from the combination between permafrost activity/degradation and glacier shrinkage

    Performance and Economic Analysis of Distributed Power Electronics in Photovoltaic Systems

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    Distributed electronics like micro-inverters and DC-DC converters can help recover mismatch and shading losses in photovoltaic (PV) systems. Under partially shaded conditions, the use of distributed electronics can recover between 15-40% of annual performance loss or more, depending on the system configuration and type of device used. Additional value-added features may also increase the benefit of using per-panel distributed electronics, including increased safety, reduced system design constraints and added monitoring and diagnostics. The economics of these devices will also become more favorable as production volume increases, and integration within the solar panel?s junction box reduces part count and installation time. Some potential liabilities of per-panel devices include increased PV system cost, additional points of failure, and an insertion loss that may or may not offset performance gains under particular mismatch conditions

    Photovoltaic Shading Testbed for Module-Level Power Electronics

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    This document describes a repeatable test procedure that attempts to simulate shading situations, as would be experienced by typical residential rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems. This type of shading test is particularly useful to evaluate the impact of different power conversion setups, including microinverters, DC power optimizers and string inverters, on overall system performance. The performance results are weighted based on annual estimates of shade to predict annual performance improvement. A trial run of the test procedure was conducted with a side by side comparison of a string inverter with a microinverter, both operating on identical 8kW solar arrays. Considering three different shade weighting conditions, the microinverter was found to increase production by 3.7% under light shading, 7.8% under moderate shading, and 12.3% under heavy shading, relative to the reference string inverter case. Detail is provided in this document to allow duplication of the test method at different test installations and for different power electronics devices

    A CHEOPS-enhanced view of the HD 3167 system

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    Much remains to be understood about the nature of exoplanets smaller than Neptune, most of which have been discovered in compact multi-planet systems. With its inner ultra-short period planet b aligned with the star and two larger outer planets d-c on polar orbits, the multi-planet system HD 3167 features a peculiar architecture and offers the possibility to investigate both dynamical and atmospheric evolution processes. To this purpose we combined multiple datasets of transit photometry and radial velocimetry (RV) to revise the properties of the system and inform models of its planets. This effort was spearheaded by CHEOPS observations of HD 3167b, which appear inconsistent with a purely rocky composition despite its extreme irradiation. Overall the precision on the planetary orbital periods are improved by an order of magnitude, and the uncertainties on the densities of the transiting planets b and c are decreased by a factor of 3. Internal structure and atmospheric simulations draw a contrasting picture between HD 3167d, likely a rocky super-Earth that lost its atmosphere through photo-evaporation, and HD 3167c, a mini-Neptune that kept a substantial primordial gaseous envelope. We detect a fourth, more massive planet on a larger orbit, likely coplanar with HD 3167d-c. Dynamical simulations indeed show that the outer planetary system d-c-e was tilted, as a whole, early in the system history, when HD 3167b was still dominated by the star influence and maintained its aligned orbit. RV data and direct imaging rule out that the companion that could be responsible for the present-day architecture is still bound to the HD 3167 system. Similar global studies of multi-planet systems will tell how many share the peculiar properties of the HD 3167 system, which remains a target of choice for follow-up observations and simulations

    Risky single occasion drinking frequency and alcohol-related consequences: can abstinence during early adulthood lead to alcohol problems?

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    QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: the main purpose of this longitudinal study was to determine the impact of risky single occasion drinking (RSOD) frequency on alcohol dependence and drinking consequences reported 15 months later. METHODS: As a baseline sample, 5,990 young men were assessed on their drinking habits including the frequency of RSOD. Of them, 5,196 were reassessed at follow-up 15 months later on RSOD frequency, alcohol dependence and alcohol related consequences in thze interceding year. Drop out biases were investigated. RESULTS: Around 45% of the baseline participants reported regular RSOD (every month or more frequently). Despite the fact that RSOD distribution was generally stable during the initial sample, 47.4% reported a variation of their RSOD frequency 15 months later. Around 25% of the sample reported reduced RSOD frequency. Nonetheless, occasional RS drinkers were more likely to become regular (monthly) RSO drinkers at follow up. Daily and weekly RSOD were associated with high proportions of alcohol dependence and detrimental consequences of drinking. Surprisingly, abstainers at baseline were more likely to be at risk of alcohol dependence and consequences at follow up than non-RSO drinkers. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the fact that alcohol abstinence is logically the best way to avoid the detrimental consequences of alcohol drinking, abstainers at baseline reported as many problems due to alcohol use at follow up as occasional or monthly RSO drinkers. The few participants who had become RSO drinkers during the follow up period were indeed likely to engage in detrimental behaviour. Non-RSO drinkers had the fewest problems due to alcohol use. This substantiates the early occurrence of drinking consequences among inexperienced RSO drinkers

    The atmosphere and architecture of WASP-189 b probed by its CHEOPS phase curve

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    Context. Gas giants orbiting close to hot and massive early-type stars can reach dayside temperatures that are comparable to those of the coldest stars. These ‘ultra-hot Jupiters’ have atmospheres made of ions and atomic species from molecular dissociation and feature strong day-to-night temperature gradients. Photometric observations at different orbital phases provide insights on the planet’s atmospheric properties. Aims. We aim to analyse the photometric observations of WASP-189 acquired with the Characterising Exoplanet Satellite (CHEOPS) to derive constraints on the system architecture and the planetary atmosphere. Methods. We implemented a light-curve model suited for an asymmetric transit shape caused by the gravity-darkened photosphere of the fast-rotating host star. We also modelled the reflective and thermal components of the planetary flux, the effect of stellar oblateness and light-travel time on transit-eclipse timings, the stellar activity, and CHEOPS systematics. Results. From the asymmetric transit, we measure the size of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-189 b, Rp = 1.600−0.016+0.017 RJ, with a precision of 1%, and the true orbital obliquity of the planetary system, Ψp = 89.6 ± 1.2deg (polar orbit). We detect no significant hotspot offset from the phase curve and obtain an eclipse depth of δecl = 96.5−5.0+4.5 ppm, from which we derive an upper limit on the geometric albedo: Ag < 0.48. We also find that the eclipse depth can only be explained by thermal emission alone in the case of extremely inefficient energy redistribution. Finally, we attribute the photometric variability to the stellar rotation, either through superficial inhomogeneities or resonance couplings between the convective core and the radiative envelope. Conclusions. Based on the derived system architecture, we predict the eclipse depth in the upcoming Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) observations to be up to ~165 ppm. High-precision detection of the eclipse in both CHEOPS and TESS passbands might help disentangle reflective and thermal contributions. We also expect the right ascension of the ascending node of the orbit to precess due to the perturbations induced by the stellar quadrupole moment J2 (oblateness)

    Two super-Earths orbiting the red dwarf star TOI-776

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    Context. M-dwarf stars are the most common of potential exoplanet host stars in the Galaxy. It is therefore very important to understand planetary systems orbiting such stars and to determine the physical parameters of such planets with high precision. Also with the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) the observation of atmospheric parameters of planets orbiting these stars has begun. It is therefore required to determine properties of potential targets. Aims. Two planets around the red dwarf TOI-776 were detected by TESS. The objective of our study was to use transit observations obtained by the CHEOPS space mission to improve the current precision of the planetary radii, as well as additional radial velocity (RV) data in order to improve mass estimates of the two planets. Using these quantities, we wanted to derive the bulk densities of those planets, improving the precision in earlier results, and use this information to put them in context of other exoplanetary systems involving very low mass stars. Methods. Utilizing new transit data from the CHEOPS satellite and its photometric telescope, we obtained very high precision planetary transit measurements. Interpretation of these provides updated planetary radii, along with other system parameters. A concurrent ESO large observing program using the high precision spectrograph HARPS has doubled the available radial velocity data. Calculating the power spectrum of a number of stellar activity indices we update the previously estimated stellar rotation period to a lower value. Results. The CHEOPS data provide precise transit depths of 909 and 1177 ppm translating into radii of Rb = 1.798−0.077+0.078 R⊕ and Rc = 2.047−0.078+0.081 R⊕, respectively. Our interpretation of the radial velocities and activity indicator time series data estimates a stellar rotation period for this early M dwarf of ~21.1 days. A further multi-dimensional Gaussian process approach confirm this new estimate. By performing a Skew-Normal (SN) fit onto the Cross Correlation Functions we extracted the RV data and the activity indicators to estimate the planetary masses, obtaining Mb = 5.0−1.6+1.6 M⊕ and Mc = 6.9−2.5+2.6 M⊕. Conclusions. We improve the precision in planetary radius for TOI-776 b and c by a factor of more than two. Our data and modelling give us parameters of both bodies consistent with mini-Neptunes, albeit with a relatively high density. The stellar activity of TOI-776 is found to have increased by a factor larger than 2 since the last set of observations

    Do cladistic and morphometric data capture common patterns of morphological disparity?

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    The distinctly non-random diversity of organismal form manifests itself in discrete clusters of taxa that share a common body plan. As a result, analyses of disparity require a scalable comparative framework. The difficulties of applying geometric morphometrics to disparity analyses of groups with vastly divergent body plans are overcome partly by the use of cladistic characters. Character-based disparity analyses have become increasingly popular, but it is not clear how they are affected by character coding strategies or revisions of primary homology statements. Indeed, whether cladistic and morphometric data capture similar patterns of morphological variation remains a moot point. To address this issue, we employ both cladistic and geometric morphometric data in an exploratory study of disparity focussing on caecilian amphibians. Our results show no impact on relative intertaxon distances when different coding strategies for cladistic characters were used or when revised concepts of homology were considered. In all instances, we found no statistically significant difference between pairwise Euclidean and Procrustes distances, although the strength of the correlation among distance matrices varied. This suggests that cladistic and geometric morphometric data appear to summarize morphological variation in comparable ways. Our results support the use of cladistic data for characterizing organismal disparity