163 research outputs found

    Regulation of growth hormone induced JAK2 and mTOR signalling by hepatic protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B.

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    Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) regulates various signalling pathways including insulin, leptin, IGF-1 and growth hormone (GH) signalling. Transmission of the GH signal depends on Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), which is how PTP1B is thought to modulate GH signalling in the liver, based on studies utilising global PTP1B knockout mice (Ptp1b(-/-)). Here, we investigated the liver-specific role of PTP1B in GH signalling, using liver-specific Ptp1b(-/-) mice (alb-crePtp1b(-/-)), under physiological (chow) or insulin resistant (high-fat diet [HFD]) feeding conditions. Body weight and adiposity were comparable between female alb-crePtp1b(-/-) and Ptp1b(fl/fl) control mice. On chow diet, under 48-hour fasting GH-resistant conditions, GH stimulation in vivo led to a robust stimulation of the JAK-STAT signalling pathway. Alb-crePtp1b(-/-) mice exhibited significantly higher GH-induced JAK2 phosphorylation and SOCS3 gene expression post-GH stimulation. However, STAT3, STAT5 and ERK1/2 phosphorylation and SOCS2 gene expression were similar between groups. Interestingly, GH-induced mTOR phosphorylation was significantly higher in alb-crePtp1b(-/-) mice 5-min post-GH stimulation compared to controls, revealing this part of the pathway under direct control of PTP1B. Under ad lib HFD-fed conditions, GH-induced STAT5 phosphorylation significantly increased in alb-crePtp1b(-/-) mice only, with no alterations in the controls. Overall, our data demonstrate that liver-specific PTP1B deletion leads to significant alterations in GH signalling with increased JAK2, STAT5 and mTOR phosphorylation and SOCS3 gene expression

    Hepatic protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) deficiency protects against obesity-induced endothelial dysfunction

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    Acknowledgments This work was supported by a Diabetes UK project grant to Dr M. Delibegović (BDARD08/0003597), Tenovus Scotland grant to Dr. M. Delibegovic and Dr. A. Agouni and travel grants from the Physiological Society and Company of Biologists to Dr. A. Agouni. Dr Delibegovic is also funded by an RCUK Fellowship, British Heart Foundation, EFSD/Lilly diabetes programme grant and the Royal Society. Dr Agouni is funded by the Royal Society and the Physiological Society. This work is supported by the INSERM and CHU of Angers. The authors are thankful to the functional imaging center of Angers (CIFAB) for the use of echocardiography.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Induction of experimental diabetes and diabetic nephropathy using anomer-equilibrated streptozotocin in male C57Bl/6J mice

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    Open Access via the Elsevier Agreement This research has been funded by the Medical Research Scotland (PhD-1285-2018), PhD studentship to SEJKS, in partnership with AstraZeneca (Cambridge, United Kingdom).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Atorvastatin pleiotropically decreases intraplaque angiogenesis and intraplaque haemorrhage by inhibiting ANGPT2 release and VE-Cadherin internalization

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    Funding This work was supported by a grant from the European Union, MSCA joint doctoral project MoGlyNet [675527].Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Elevated Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) in obese, insulin resistant states is normalised by the synthetic retinoid Fenretinide in mice

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    The authors would like to thank undergraduate student Aleksandra Kowalczuk (University of Aberdeen) for assisting in experiments and Dr. Emma K. Lees (School of Health Sciences, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, UK) for invaluable discussions concerning the regulation of FGF21. We thank Dr. Calum Sutherland and Dr. Amy Cameron (both Division of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK) for technical support and expertise in performing hepatocyte studies. Fenretinide was a generous gift of T. Martin (Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ) and U. Thumeer (Cilag AG, Schaffhausen, Switzerland), for use completely without restriction or obligation. Quantitative-PCR was carried out using the qPCR Core Facility (Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Aberdeen). RNA-sequencing was carried out at the University of Aberdeen Centre for Genome Enabled Biology and Medicine. Pancreas histology was performed by Dr Linda Davidson (Department of Histology, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, NHS Grampian, Foresterhill Health Campus, Aberdeen, UK). This study was supported by the British Heart Foundation Intermediate Basic Research Fellowship FS/09/026 to N. Mody, RCUK fellowship to MD, EFSD/Lilly Programme Grant to MD and N. Mody, Tenovus Scotland grants G10/04 and G14/14 to N. Mody, University of Aberdeen Centre for Genome Enabled Biology and Medicine (CGEBM) PhD studentship to N. Morrice and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council studentship to GDM.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Pharamcological inhibition of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B protects against atherosclerotic plaque formation in LDLR-/- mouse model of atherosclerosis

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    The authors wish to thank Professor Nicholas Tonks for providing the PTP1B inhibitor trodusquemine; Linda Robertson for her help with the aorta histology; Dr Fiona Grieg for tuition into aortic dissection and Dr James Hislop for critical reading of this manuscript. We also wish to thank the British Heart Foundation (PG/14/43/30889) for supporting this researchPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Phosphorylcholine Monoclonal Antibody Therapy Decreases Intraplaque Angiogenesis and Intraplaque Hemorrhage in Murine Vein Grafts

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    Funding: This work was supported by the European Union Program Grant CVDIMMUNE [037227], CARDIMMUN [601728] and Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions joint doctoral project MoGlyNet [675527]. Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Raghed Halawani with help of quantifying histological images.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Atorvastatin pleiotropically decreases intraplaque angiogenesis and intraplaque haemorrhage by inhibiting ANGPT2 release and VE-Cadherin internalization

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    Objective Statins pleiotropically provide additional benefits in reducing atherosclerosis, but their effects on intraplaque angiogenesis (IPA) and hemorrhage (IPH) remain unclear. Therefore, we discriminated statin's lipid-lowering dependent and independent effects on IPA and IPH. Approach and results ApoE3*Leiden mice are statin-responsive due to ApoE and LDLR presence, but also allow to titrate plasma cholesterol levels by diet. Therefore, ApoE3*Leiden mice were fed a high-cholesterol-inducing-diet (HCD) with or without atorvastatin (A) or a moderate-cholesterol-inducing-diet (MCD). Mice underwent vein graft surgery to induce lesions with IPA and IPH. Cholesterol levels were significantly reduced in MCD (56%) and HCD + A (39%) compared to HCD with no significant differences between MCD and HCD + A. Both MCD and HCD + A have a similar reduction in vessel remodeling and inflammation comparing to HCD. IPA was significantly decreased by 30% in HCD + A compared to HCD or MCD. Atorvastatin treatment reduced the presence of immature vessels by 34% vs. HCD and by 25% vs. MCD, resulting in a significant reduction of IPH. Atorvastatin's anti-angiogenic capacity was further illustrated by a dose-dependent reduction of ECs proliferation and migration. Cultured mouse aortic-segments lost sprouting capacity upon atorvastatin treatment and became 30% richer in VE-Cadherin expression and pericyte coverage. Moreover, Atorvastatin inhibited ANGPT2 release and decreased VE-Cadherin(Y685)-phosphorylation in ECs. Conclusions Atorvastatin has beneficial effects on vessel remodeling due to its lipid-lowering capacity. Atorvastatin has strong pleiotropic effects on IPA by decreasing the number of neovessels and on IPH by increasing vessel maturation. Atorvastatin improves vessel maturation by inhibiting ANGPT2 release and phospho(Y658)-mediated VE-Cadherin internalization.Cardiolog