2,438 research outputs found

    Prácticas de gestión tecnológica en la industria de la construcción: el caso de una empresa pública de ingeniería civil

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    En la actualidad, las empresas que quieren crecer tienen que desarrollar nuevos y mejores productos o servicios. Una forma de lograrlo es a través de la gestión tecnológica. En México existe un premio nacional que se otorga a las compañías que cuentan con sistemas eficientes de gestión que las hacen ser más competitivas. Dicho galardón lo han ganado organizaciones privadas en diversos sectores como los de telecomunicaciones, electrodomésticos y farmacéuticos. Sin embargo, las instituciones públicas y en particular las de la industria de la construcción no han recibido esa distinción. En un esfuerzo por determinar los niveles de uso y de importancia percibida de las "mejores prácticas" de gestión tecnológica en una empresa del gobierno dedicada a la ingeniería civil, se llevó a cabo una investigación. Los resultados revelan que aún existen oportunidades de mejora en el secto

    Life-Cycle Cost of Bridges on Seismic Zones for Risk Management

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    In this paper the acceptable failure probability and the risk of important bridges, located on seismic zones, are calculated throughout the expected cost of failure consequences. Also, the bridge expected life-cycle cost is formulated in terms of the bridge seismic hazard and the potential consequences of failure. These consequences include aspects arising from the physical loss of the bridge to the human casualties and economical cost of the loss of service, which are estimated in monetary terms. Current codes do not explicitly deal with this issue and in practice subjective estimations from experience are considered for some general cases. Bridge reliability is an essential component of risk and in this paper is estimated in a simplified way and applied to the structural types given in the examples. Monte Carlo simulation techniques are used to explicitly account for the uncertainties. Initial and failure cost curves are determined for all possible seismic intensities and expected life-cycle costs conditional to these intensities are obtained. The unconditional expected lifecycle cost is calculated by convolution of the conditional costs by the occurrence probabilities of these intensities, which are obtained from the seismic hazard curve of the given site. The procedure is illustrated throughout three reinforced concrete bridges located 1 on the soft soil of Mexico City and the other two on other sites with less seismic activity and different traffic volumes. The results may be extended to get risk management policies for bridges and to improve the current Mexican codes and to enhance the practices on bridge design and maintenance on seismic zones

    Breaking data silos with Federated Learning

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    Federated learning has been recognized as a promising technology with the potential to revolutionize the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). By leveraging its decentralized nature, it has the potential to overcome known barriers to AI, such as data acquisition and privacy, paving the way for unprecedented advances in AI. This dissertation argues the benefits of this technology as a catalyst for the irruption of AI both in the public and private sector. Federated learning promotes cooperation among otherwise competitive entities by enabling cooperative efforts to achieve a common goal. In this dissertation, I investigate the goodness-of-fit of this technology in several contexts, with a focus on its application in power systems, financial institutions, and public administrations. The dissertation comprises five papers that investigate various aspects of federated learning in the aforementioned contexts. In particular, the first two papers explore promising venues in the energy sector, where federated learning offers a compelling solution to privately exploit the vast amounts of data and decentralized ownership of data by consumers. The third paper elaborates on another paradigmatic example, in which federated learning is used to foster cooperation among financial institutions to produce accurate credit risk models. The fourth paper makes a juxtaposition with the previous ones centered on the private sector. It elaborates on the use cases of federated learning for public administrations to reduce barriers to cooperation. Lastly, the fifth and last article acts as a finale of this dissertation, compiles the earlier work and elaborates on the constraints and opportunities associated with adopting this technology, as well as a framework for doing so.R-AGR-3787 - EU 2020 - MDOT (01/07/2020 - 31/12/2023) - FRIDGEN GilbertR-AGR-3728 - PEARL/IS/13342933/DFS (01/01/2020 - 31/12/2024) - FRIDGEN Gilber

    Non-integrability of some few body problems in two degrees of freedom

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    The basic theory of Differential Galois and in particular Morales--Ramis theory is reviewed with focus in analyzing the non--integrability of various problems of few bodies in Celestial Mechanics. The main theoretical tools are: Morales--Ramis theorem, the algebrization method of Acosta--Bl\'azquez and Kovacic's algorithm. Morales--Ramis states that if Hamiltonian system has an additional meromorphic integral in involution in a neighborhood of a specific solution, then the differential Galois group of the normal variational equations is abelian. The algebrization method permits under general conditions to recast the variational equation in a form suitable for its analysis by means of Kovacic's algorithm. We apply these tools to various examples of few body problems in Celestial Mechanics: (a) the elliptic restricted three body in the plane with collision of the primaries; (b) a general Hamiltonian system of two degrees of freedom with homogeneous potential of degree -1; here we perform McGehee's blow up and obtain the normal variational equation in the form of an hypergeometric equation. We recover Yoshida's criterion for non--integrability. Then we contrast two methods to compute the Galois group: the well known, based in the Schwartz--Kimura table, and the lesser based in Kovacic's algorithm. We apply these methodology to three problems: the rectangular four body problem, the anisotropic Kepler problem and two uncoupled Kepler problems in the line; the last two depend on a mass parameter, but while in the anisotropic problem it is integrable for only two values of the parameter, the two uncoupled Kepler problems is completely integrable for all values of the masses.Comment: 33 page

    Federated Learning as a Solution for Problems Related to Intergovernmental Data Sharing

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    To address global problems, intergovernmental collaboration is needed. Modern solutions to these problems often include data-driven methods like artificial intelligence (AI), which require large amounts of data to perform well. However, data sharing between governments is limited. A possible solution is federated learning (FL), a decentralised AI method created to utilise personal information on edge devices. Instead of sharing data, governments can build their own models and just share the model parameters with a centralised server aggregating all parameters, resulting in a superior overall model. By conducting a structured literature review, we show how major intergovernmental data sharing challenges like disincentives, legal and ethical issues as well as technical constraints can be solved through FL. Enhanced AI while maintaining privacy through FL thus allows governments to collaboratively address global problems, which will positively impact governments and citizens

    Estudio de la relación de perfiles cognitivos, psicosociales y físicos en deportistas y participantes de actividad física

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    Fecha de Lectura de Tesis: 5 de marzo de 2018.El objetivo de esta tesis fue estudiar la relación de variables cognitivas, psicosociales y físicas en deportistas y participantes de actividad física. Para ello se realizaron tres contribuciones de calidad con deportistas de diferentes disciplinas y se estructuraron cuatro estudios con una muestra de jóvenes jugadores y jugadoras de fútbol, entrenadores y padres de los mismos. En total, participaron 142 jóvenes con edades comprendidas entre los seis y los dieciocho años de edad que practican fútbol a nivel de competición en la Unión Deportiva Santa Rosalía-Maqueda de la ciudad de Málaga. Se administraron el inventario de habilidades de afrontamiento en el deporte (ACSI– 28), cuestionarios de orientación al ego y a la tarea (TEOSQ), necesidades psicológicas básicas en el fútbol, clima en el deporte (S-SCQ), clima motivacional iniciado por los padres (PIMQ-2), autoconcepto (AF5), percepción de soporte de la autonomía (ASCQ), escalas de medida del disfrute (PACES), perfeccionismo (MPS), resiliencia (SR) y autoeficacia (EAG, EAN). Se empleó la batería ENFEN, Trail making test, Test d2 y Test de Stroop y pruebas de la Escala WISC-IV. La composición corporal fue evaluada mediante bioimpedancia y la condición física mediante pruebas de la Batería Eurofit. A su vez, trece adultos, once de ellos técnicos en activo, dos madres y un padre de jugadores de la Unión Deportiva participaron en entrevistas como parte del modelo observacional de la tesis. Se diseñó un instrumento de observación Ad-hoc que originó una unidad hermenéutica con un total de once documentos primarios. Los resultados mostraron relaciones entre los perfiles cognitivos, psicosociales y físicos de los participantes, pero la mayoría de correlaciones se produjeron entre variables psicosociales. Se realizaron análisis de regresión que demostraron la capacidad predictora de algunas de las variables estudiadas en el perfil de los participantes

    Discriminación del negro en la tradición «La emplazada»

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    In this article I will analyse the cases of discrimination and racism towards Afro-descendants that are so far very recurrent in our country and in the world. To this end, I will address the story «La emplazada», a text in which Ricardo Palma refers to discrimination, slavery and racism in the seventeenth century.En este artículo analizaré los casos de discriminación y racismo hacia los afrodescendientes que hasta el momento son muy recurrentes en nuestro país y en el mundo. Para ello, abordaré la tradición «La emplazada», texto en el que Ricardo Palma hace referencia a la discriminación, la esclavitud y el racismo que había en el siglo XVII