1,193 research outputs found

    Our ten years of work on transparet box business simulation

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    Traditional business games are of the so-called black-box type (BBBS=Black box business simulator); that is to say, the internal structure which generates the results of the simulation after decision-making is not known. As a result, the player normally operates by trial and error and bases his decisions on the symptoms of the problem (the observed behaviors of the system's variables) and not on the real causes of the problem (the system's structure). Since 1988 José A.D. Machuca has insisted that the business games based on System Dynamics models should be Transparent-box business simulators (TBBSs). That means that, during the game, the user has access to the structure of the underlying model and is able to relate it to the observed behaviors. The hypothesis is that such transparency would facilitate causal reflection and favor systemic learning of business problems. In 1990, the G.I.D.E.A.O. Research Group took action on this idea and centered one of its lines of research on this matter, with three main objectives: a) Creation of TBBSs, b) Introduction of TBBSs in undergraduate and graduate Management courses as well as in executive training, c) Experimentation in controlled environments in order to test the hypothesis mentioned in the above paragraph. Now, ten years after the birth of the idea, we would like to share in this paper the results obtained during that period

    A multistrategy approach for digital text

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    The goal of the research described here is to develop a multistrategy classifier system that can be used for document categorization. The system automatically discovers classification patterns by applying several empirical learning methods to different representations for preclassified documents. The learners work in a parallel manner, where each learner carries out its own feature selection based on evolutionary techniques and then obtains a classification model. In classifying documents, the system combines the predictions of the learners by applying evolutionary techniques as well. The system relies on a modular, flexible architecture that makes no assumptions about the design of learners or the number of learners available and guarantees the independence of the thematic domain

    A new manual wheelchair propulsion system with self-locking capability on ramps

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    A wheelchair user faces many difficulties in their everyday attempts to use ramps, especially those of some length. The present work describes the design and build of a propulsion system for manual wheelchairs for use in ascending or descending long ramps. The design is characterized by a self-locking mechanism that activates automatically to brake the chair when the user stops pushing. The system consists of a planetary transmission with a self-locking capacity coupled to a push rim with which the user moves the system. Different transmission ratios are proposed, adapted to the slope and to the user’s physical capacity (measured as the power the user can apply over ample time periods). The design is shown to be viable in terms of resistance, and approximate dimensions are established for the height and width of the propulsion system. Also, a prototype was built in order to test the self-locking system on ramps

    Evolutionary learning of document categories

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    This paper deals with a supervised learning method devoted to producing categorization models of text documents. The goal of the method is to use a suitable numerical measurement of example similarity to find centroids describing different categories of examples. The centroids are not abstract or statistical models, but rather consist of bits of examples. The centroid-learning method is based on a Genetic Algorithm for Texts (GAT). The categorization system using this genetic algorithm infers a model by applying the genetic algorithm to each set of preclassified documents belonging to a category. The models thus obtained are the category centroids that are used to predict the category of a test document. The experimental results validate the utility of this approach for classifying incoming documents.Peer reviewe

    Programa de prácticas de patología por sistemas

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    1. Analizar la información de la historia clínica. 2. Realizar la eutanasia de acuerdo a la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-033-ZOO-1995. Sacrificio humanitario de los animales domésticos y silvestres. 3. Aplicar la técnica de necropsia. 4. Identificar y describir lesiones macroscópicas y microscópicas. 5. Elaborar el diagnóstico morfológico correspondiente. 6. Disecar, identificar y describir lesiones del aparato cardiorrespiratorio. 7. Disecar, identificar y describir lesiones del sistema hematopoyético. 8. Integrar, discutir y presentar en el simposio de patología el caso cuando corresponda

    Implementación de la gestión de la calidad en la Institución Educativa N°80150 del centro poblado La Victoria, Sartimbamba

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    El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad implementar el control de calidad para la obra “Implementación de la gestión de la calidad en la Institución Educativa N°80150 del centro poblado La Victoria, Sartibamba”. Teniendo en cuenta las deficiencias del sistema anterior, en la obra actual se tuvieron en cuenta tres puntos muy importantes para garantizar la calidad de la ejecución de la obra: Registros de calidad, la documentación que acredite el correcto proceso de construcción y que los materiales cumplan con las especificaciones establecidas en el proyecto. La organización anterior creaba retrasos y obstáculos en la toma de decisiones y la resolución o negociación de problemas. El mal manejo de los materiales y la falta de un adecuado manejo de inventarios pueden generar retrasos en la entrega de los materiales, los cuales son muy importantes para el posterior desarrollo de la obra. Tras la implantación del nuevo sistema de control de calidad, se han conseguido los siguientes resultados: Cada actividad realizada en el sitio tiene la forma de un contrato, que incluye los estándares mínimos que debe cumplir cada actividad; permite obtener documentación suficiente, aprobada por el responsable de la obra, que confirma la correcta ejecución de la operación y reduce así los errores durante la construcciónThe purpose of this work is to implement quality control for the project ""Implementation of quality management in the Educational Institution N° 80150 in the town of La Victoria, Sartibamba"". Taking into account the deficiencies of the previous system, three very important points were taken into account in the current work to guarantee the quality of the execution of the work: Quality records. documentation that accredits the correct construction process and that the materials comply with the specifications established in the project. The previous organization created delays and obstacles in decision making and problem solving or negotiation. The poor management of materials and the lack of adequate inventory management can cause delays in the delivery of materials, which are very important for the subsequent development of the project. After the implementation of the new quality control system, the following results have been achieved: Each activity performed on site has the form of a contract, which includes the minimum standards to be met by each activity; it allows to obtain sufficient documentation, approved by the site manager, which confirms the correct execution of the operation and thus reduces errors during constructionTesi

    Un estudio de la covariación con profesores universitarios usando tecnología

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    En el presente estudio se analizaron las producciones de 13 profesores universitarios relacionadas con 4 enunciados verbales referidos a la rapidez de variación, antes y después de que desarrollaran actividades de laboratorio usando tecnología de calculadoras graficadoras y sensores de parámetros físicos diversos para obtener y analizar, gráficas cartesianas generadas en tiempo real, durante un curso de 30 horas. El objetivo de esta experiencia fue dotar a los docentes universitarios de elementos que les permitieran resignificar los contenidos asociados al análisis gráfico de funciones, en términos del cambio y la variación tomando en cuenta que, al estudiar diferentes fenómenos físicos, se confrontan relaciones entre los sentidos corporales y los sistemas de representación. Buscamos, bajo un acercamiento fenomenológico del cálculo, aproximarnos a las intuiciones y vivencias cotidianas de los participantes

    System Dynamics based simulation and gaming: a case of transparent competing companies

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    SITMECOM 1.0 PC is a multifunctional simulator that represents three companies competing in real time in the same market. Each firm can be simulated on a different computer, which is linked to the others in one of the following ways: via a direct cable connection, via a local area network, or via the Internet. We have also allowed for the possibility of having one computer play the role of the competitors, making it possible to use our simulator on a single computer without the need to be connected to any others. In the design process, we endeavor to fulfill three basic objectives: To promote the system dynamics approach, since we consider it the most appropriate to use in order to analyze and study complex systems, such as companies. To fulfill this goal, one of the main features of this simulator is Transparency, that is, the possibility of relating the system´s structure to its behavior [2]. To provide attractive self-learning instruments which facilitate self-learning in Business Management with a systems approach. To provide an user-friendly interface which does not require previous knowledge of computer science. In order to achieve this, we exploit the potentiality of new technologies in information and communications systems. In our opinion, SITMECOM 1.0 PC offers clear advantages over traditional business games and bring an improvement to teaching and learning methods in Business Administration and Management. It has already been used in a course on Business simulation with a system dynamics approach at the University of Sevilla during two academic years (1997-1998 and 1998-1999) and, in our opinion, the obtained results were very satisfactory. However, in a next future we want to undertake a controlled experiment which would allow us to test our hypothesis about the advantages offered by our simulator