922 research outputs found

    Using Landmarks for Explaining Entity Matching Models

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    The state of the art approaches for performing Entity Matching (EM) rely on machine & deep learning models for inferring pairs of matching / non-matching entities. Although the experimental evaluations demonstrate that these approaches are effective, their adoption in real scenarios is limited by the fact that they are difficult to interpret. Explainable AI systems have been recently proposed for complementing deep learning approaches. Their application to the scenario offered by EM is still new and requires to address the specificity of this task, characterized by particular dataset schemas, describing a pair of entities, and imbalanced classes. This paper introduces Landmark Explanation, a generic and extensible framework that extends the capabilities of a post-hoc perturbation-based explainer over the EM scenario. Landmark Explanation generates perturbations that take advantage of the particular schemas of the EM datasets, thus generating explanations more accurate and more interesting for the users than the ones generated by competing approaches

    Novelty Detection with Autoencoders for System Health Monitoring in Industrial Environments

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    Predictive Maintenance (PdM) is the newest strategy for maintenance management in industrial contexts. It aims to predict the occurrence of a failure to minimize unexpected downtimes and maximize the useful life of components. In data-driven approaches, PdM makes use of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to extract relevant features from signals, identify and classify possible faults (diagnostics), and predict the components’ remaining useful life (prognostics). The major challenge lies in the high complexity of industrial plants, where both operational conditions change over time and a large number of unknown modes occur. A solution to this problem is offered by novelty detection, where a representation of the machinery normal operating state is learned and compared with online measurements to identify new operating conditions. In this paper, a systematic study of autoencoder-based methods for novelty detection is conducted. We introduce an architecture template, which includes a classification layer to detect and separate the operative conditions, and a localizer for identifying the most influencing signals. Four implementations, with different deep learning models, are described and used to evaluate the approach on data collected from a test rig. The evaluation shows the effectiveness of the architecture and that the autoencoders outperform the current baselines

    The SEE-GeoForm WebGIS: a tool for seismic data and hazard analysis

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    The SEE-GeoForm project (Site Effects Evaluation - Geological Form) is born to share and make easily accessible via Internet seismic hazard data for Italy at different scales and for different administrative units (regions, provinces, municipalities), from existing database or new dataset carried out in this project. Using a WebGIS (http://www.seegeoform.it) a tool to archive, display and elaborate information has been developed. In particular, the website allows the user to query the basic and local seismic hazard values for single municipalities or to calculate those for any single point only by clicking on the maps. In order to make the WebGIS more flexible, the system has been fully implemented using open source technologies, based on the guidelines expressed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC); in this way, it has been possible to develop some thematic modules for data elaborations and queries as integrated web services such as WMS, following all of the internationally-acknowledged best-practices in this field. The WebGIS has three frames: the data panel, the display area, the map layers directories. The data panel has several modules concerning respectively: basic and local hazard data for all Italian municipalities calculated by National Institute of Geophisics and Volcanology (INGV) or from other studies, such as horizontal peak ground acceleration values for different return periods (considering the exceedance probability in 50 years), and soil classes with the corresponding lithostratigraphic amplification factors according to the EuroCode8; a regular grid of 16.810 points, with a step equal to 0.05°, used by INGV for the seismic hazard elaborations (http://zonesismiche.mi.ingv.it/): values that are necessary to draw the site-dependent response spectra, according to the Italian seismic code, are linked to each point; the calculation on user demand of basic seismic hazard parameters for a site selected by clicking on geographical layers; composite seismogenic sources from DISS (Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources, vers. 3.1.1.: http://diss.rm.ingv.it/diss/), with their relative parameters (maximum moment magnitude, strike, dip, etc.). Finally, there are two modules regarding litoseismic classes and subsoil categories: the first one is linked to a map obtained by reclassifying the 46 litothypes of the Lithological Map of Italy at 100000-scale by Geological Survey of Italy (National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research - ISPRA) into 12 litoseismic classes, considered homogeneous regarding to their seismic behavior; while the second one permits to know the subsoil category, according with Italian seismic provisions (Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni – NTC 2008), for a single point by clicking on the map. This has been possible by elaborating a subsoil categories map at 100000-scale derived from the litoseismic map at the same scale, by blending different litoseismic classes into 5 categories. Datasets have been built starting from 2007 within the ReLUIS Project (http://www.reluis.it) and are being improved within the 2009-2012 EUCENTRE project (http://www.eucentre.it), that partially financed the WebGIS development, as a result of the strong collaboration between researchers from INGV and ISPRA. The SEE-GeoForm web-tool aims to become the focal point to display in a simple way many databases containing information on seismic hazard of Italian territory, allowing user-friendly elaborations for researchers and professionals

    259 Incidence, predictors, and prognostic role of complications occurring during intracoronary provocative test with acetylcholine in patients with myocardial ischaemia and non-obstructive coronary arteries

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    Abstract Aims Coronary provocative test with acetylcholine (ACh) is of utmost importance and increasingly used in patients with myocardial ischaemia and non-obstructive coronary arteries. However, data on safety, predictors, and prognostic role of complications during intracoronary provocative testing are scarce. We aimed at assessing the safety of ACh provocative test in patients with myocardial ischaemia and non-obstructive coronary arteries. Moreover, we evaluated the predictors and the prognostic implications of complications occurring during the provocative test. Methods and results We prospectively enrolled consecutive patients undergoing intracoronary ACh provocative test for suspected myocardial ischaemia with angiographic evidence of non-obstructive coronary arteries. Complications during the ACh test were collected. Occurrence of major adverse cardiac events (MACE), arrhythmic events at 24-h ECG dynamic Holter monitoring and angina status were assessed at follow-up. We enrolled 310 patients [mean age 60.6 ± 11.9; 169 (54.5%) chronic coronary syndromes (CCS) and 141 (45.5%) with myocardial infarction and non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA)]. The overall incidence of complications was low (9%) with a similar incidence in MINOCA and CCS [10 (7.1%) vs. 18 (10.7%), P = 0.276, respectively]. At multivariate logistic regression analysis, a previous history of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation [odds ratio (OR): 12.324, confidence interval (CI): 95% (4.641–32.722), P = 0.015] and moderate/severe diastolic dysfunction [OR: 3.827, 95% CI (1.296–11.304), P = 0.015] were independent predictors for occurrence of complications. The occurrence of complications was not associated with a worse clinical outcome at follow-up (median follow-up 22 months) in terms of both MACE, arrhythmic events and angina burden. Conclusions Intracoronary provocative testing with ACh test is safe in patients with myocardial ischaemia and non-obstructive coronary arteries (including MINOCA patients). History of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and moderate/severe diastolic dysfunction predicted the occurrence of complications during ACh test. However, occurrence of complications did not portend a worse prognosis at follow-up in terms of MACE, arrhythmic events, and angina burden

    Il Progetto SEE-GeoForm: uno strumento per la consultazione di dati geologici e di pericolosità sismica riferiti all’intero territorio nazionale

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    Il progetto SEE-GeoForm (Site Effects Evaluation - Geological Form: http://www.seegeoform.it) nasce con l’obiettivo di realizzare uno strumento semplice, potente e completo per la consultazione e la rappresentazione, tramite un WebGIS, di dati geologici, geomorfologici, geotecnici e geofisici relativi all’intero territorio italiano. In questo modo, si vogliono concentrare in un sistema flessibile e intuitivo, dotato di un’unica modalità di accesso e consultazione, una serie di informazioni che attualmente sono disperse in numerosi database mono-tematici consultabili via Internet. Attualmente il WebGIS contiene dati georeferenziati e carte tematiche relative alla pericolosità sismica a differenti scale territoriali e per diverse unità amministrative (regioni, province e comuni). Le informazioni provengono sia da banche dati esistenti che da elaborazioni effettuate “ad hoc” nell’ambito di questo progetto (carte tematiche in scala 1:100.000 del territorio italiano). Per rendere il sistema più flessibile ed aggiornabile è stata sviluppata una piattaforma che utilizza esclusivamente tecnologie “open source”, basate sulle linee guida dell’Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC); in questo modo è stato possibile realizzare alcuni moduli tematici che sono totalmente compatibili con il protocollo standard denominato WMS (Web Map Services) per la consultazione e la visualizzazione spaziale dei dati tramite Internet

    Uso consensuado de un recurso escaso: desarrollo participativo de guías de buenas prácticas ganaderas para humedales patagónicos

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    El uso y manejo sostenible de humedales patagónicos (mallines), fuente estratégica de agua y forraje para la región, requiere cada vez mayor atención en un escenario de cambio climático e historia de desertificación que amenazan la provisión de servicios ecosistémicos. En este trabajo se presenta el avance en Patagonia del Proyecto de INTA “Humedales de la República Argentina”. En una primera instancia, se finalizó con el mapa de distribución probabilística de humedales, necesario para dar ubicación espacialmente explícita. En una segunda instancia, y conscientes de que sin consenso la aplicación de medidas puede no llegar a implementarse, se inició una etapa de coconstrucción participativa de una Guía de Buenas Prácticas (GBP) para mallines. Para ello, se generó una consulta electrónica masiva, abierta y exploratoria para indagar sobre los usuarios de mallines sus conocimientos acerca de sus bondades ecológico-productivas, su opinión acerca de 5 prácticas de manejo comúnmente difundidas y propuestas alternativas de uso y manejo no contempladas. Basados en esa información, en diciembre de 2022, se desarrolló de manera simultánea (nodos Bariloche, Esquel y Río Gallegos) el primer taller participativo de la región, invitando a representantes de diversos ámbitos (productivo, ambiental, científico, gubernamental, etc.) a participar del encuentro presencial. Los resultados preliminares muestran que las prácticas propuestas son, en general, las que prevalecen en el conocimiento mayoritario, que las prácticas alternativas propuestas muchas veces son variantes de estas primeras y que, dentro de este primer grupo, existen preferencias a la hora de ejecutarlas. Las dificultades en aplicación se caracterizaron principalmente como económicas, seguidas de falta de conocimiento de su aplicación o de los efectos generados. A partir de estos encuentros y la nueva información disponible, se está elaborando la versión inicial de las GBP para mallines de la Patagonia argentina. Se espera que sea un producto de utilidad para el uso sustentable de los recursos naturales de la región y que, a partir del seguimiento de su implementación y el diálogo constante con los usuarios, reciba las actualizaciones necesarias.EEA BarilocheFil: Enriquez, Andrea Soledad. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Enriquez, Andrea Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Forestales y Agropecuarias Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Aramayo, Maria Valeria Del Lu. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Buono, Gustavo Gabriel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Chubut; Argentina.Fil: Curcio, Matías Hernán. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agroforestal Esquel; ArgentinaFil: Fernandez, Manuela Teresa. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones Forestales y Agropecuarias Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Fernandez, Manuela Teresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Forestales y Agropecuarias Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: García Martínez, Guillermo Carlos. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agroforestal Esquel; ArgentinaFil: Navarro, María Fabiana. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Suelos; Argentina.Fil: Paredes, Paula Natalia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santa Cruz; Argentina.Fil: Umaña, Fernando. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Utrilla, Victor Ricardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santa Cruz; Argentina.Fil: Vargas, Paola Patricia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Dirección Nacional Asistente Transferencia y Extensión; ArgentinaFil: Cremona, Maria Victoria. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche; Argentin

    Insight in cognitive impairment assessed with the Cognitive Assessment Interview in a large sample of patients with schizophrenia

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    The Cognitive Assessment Interview (CAI) is an interview-based scale measuring cognitive impairment and its impact on functioning in subjects with schizophrenia (SCZ). The present study aimed at assessing, in a large sample of SCZ (n = 601), the agreement between patients and their informants on CAI ratings, to explore patients' insight in their cognitive deficits and its relationships with clinical and functional indices. Agreement between patient- and informant-based ratings was assessed by the Gwet's agreement coefficient. Predictors of insight in cognitive deficits were explored by stepwise multiple regression analyses. Patients reported lower severity of cognitive impairment vs. informants. A substantial to almost perfect agreement was observed between patients' and informants' ratings. Lower insight in cognitive deficits was associated to greater severity of neurocognitive impairment and positive symptoms, lower severity of depressive symptoms, and older age. Worse real-life functioning was associated to lower insight in cognitive deficit, worse neurocognitive performance, and worse functional capacity. Our findings indicate that the CAI is a valid co-primary measure with the interview to patients providing a reliable assessment of their cognitive deficits. In the absence of informants with good knowledge of the subject, the interview to the patient may represent a valid alternative

    An approach to prevent frailty in community dwelling older adults: a pilot study performed in Campania region in the framework of the PERSSILAA project

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    We developed and tested an innovative physical training method in older adults that embeds the gym program into everyday life in the most conservative way possible. Physical training was included in the activities of local parishes where older women from Southern Italy spend most of their free time and was delivered by trained physical therapists with the support of an ICT tool known as CoCo. 113 older women (aged 72.0 [69.0-75.0] years) noncompliant to conventional exercise programs participated to the study. 57 of them underwent the final anthropometric assessment and 50 the final physical tests. In study completers handgrip strength and physical performance evaluated with the chair-stand, the two minutes step and the chair-sit and -reach tests significantly improved. Quality of life as evaluated with the EuroQol-5dimension (EQ-5D) questionnaire improved as well. In conclusion, a training program designed to minimally impact on life habits of older people is effective in improving fitness in patients noncompliant to other to physical exercise programs

    The association between insight and depressive symptoms in schizophrenia: Undirected and Bayesian network analyses

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    Background. Greater levels of insight may be linked with depressive symptoms among patients with schizophrenia, however, it would be useful to characterize this association at symptom-level, in order to inform research on interventions. Methods. Data on depressive symptoms (Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia) and insight (G12 item from the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale) were obtained from 921 community-dwelling, clinically-stable individuals with a DSM-IV diagnosis of schizophrenia, recruited in a nationwide multicenter study. Network analysis was used to explore the most relevant connections between insight and depressive symptoms, including potential confounders in the model (neurocognitive and social-cognitive functioning, positive, negative and disorganization symptoms, extrapyramidal symptoms, hostility, internalized stigma, and perceived discrimination). Bayesian network analysis was used to estimate a directed acyclic graph (DAG) while investigating the most likely direction of the putative causal association between insight and depression. Results. After adjusting for confounders, better levels of insight were associated with greater self-depreciation, pathological guilt, morning depression and suicidal ideation. No difference in global network structure was detected for socioeconomic status, service engagement or illness severity. The DAG confirmed the presence of an association between greater insight and self-depreciation, suggesting the more probable causal direction was from insight to depressive symptoms. Conclusions. In schizophrenia, better levels of insight may cause self-depreciation and, possibly, other depressive symptoms. Person-centered and narrative psychotherapeutic approaches may be particularly fit to improve patient insight without dampening self-esteem