390 research outputs found

    On the Hodge theory of the symmetric powers of a curve

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    We describe the polarised Hodge structure on the symmetric powers of a smooth projective curve

    Estudio palinológico sobre cinco especies frutales del género Prunus de la región murciana

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    En el presen'te t rabajo hemos realizado un es tuclio pal i nol ógi ca de ci:1co especies fruta:es de l género Prunus (P . amygdalus , P. armeni aca, P. pérsica, P. doméstica y P. cerassus) de la Región de Murcia . Se detenninan S'JS parámetros estadisticos fundamentales y las caracteristicas cuali tal J.vas di:'erenciales i nternas y externas más notables de l grano , u t.i l i zendo microscopia óptica y electrónica de barrido. El conjunto Ce datos obten1dos permite elaborar una clasificac ión infraeenérica mediante una c l ave específica que proponemosIn the present paper , ~r.•e have realized a palyno l ogic studi es of five spec i es of fruit whi ch belong to genus Prunus (P. amygdal us , P armeniaca, P. pérs i ca , P. domestica y P. ceragsus} cultut"eC in the Region of Murcia . We have det;ermined their maior stn.distical paramete r s ar..d t he interna! and external di ffercntial cual i tative character i c t ics mo re notici able of the grains , making use of optical and scanner microscopies . ':'he total data obtai neC allow us to prepare a specific Key for infrageneric classifi cati o

    A new look at the Heston characteristic function

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    A new expression for the characteristic function of log-spot in Heston model is presented. This expression more clearly exhibits its properties as an analytic characteristic function and allows us to compute the exact domain of the moment generating function. This result is then applied to the volatility smile at extreme strikes and to the control of the moments of spot. We also give a factorization of the moment generating function as product of Bessel type factors, and an approximating sequence to the law of log-spot is deduced

    The motive moduli spaces of rank two vector bundles over a curve

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    We study the motive of the moduli spaces of semistable rank two vector bundles over an algebraic curve. When the degree is odd the moduli space is a smooth projective variety, we obtain the absolute Hodge motive of this, and in particular the Poincar\'e-Hodge polynomial. When the degree is even the moduli space is a singular projective variety, we compute the pure motivic Poincar\'e polynomial and show that only two weights can occur in each cohomology group. As corollaries we obtain the isogeny type of some intermediate jacobians of the smooth moduli space and the motive and Hodge numbers of Seshadri's smooth model for the singular moduli space

    On the Chow motive of some moduli spaces

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    We study the motive of moduli spaces of stable vector bundles over a smooth projective curve. We prove this motive lies in the category generated by the motive of the curve and we compute its class in the Grothendieck ring of the category of motives. As applications we compute the Poincaré-Hodge polynomials and the number of points over a finite field and we study some conjectures on algebraic cycles on these moduli spaces

    Los versos de Planudes en su traducción en prosa de las Heroidas ovidianas

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    The work consists of an analysis and evaluation of Planudes’ Greek translation , in hexameter and pentameter, of the verses in Ovid’s ‘The Heroides’.El trabajo consiste en un análisis y valoración de los versos ovidianos de las Heroidas traducidos al griego por Planudes en hexámetros y pentámetros

    L'espai de mouduli de corbes

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    Quevedo and the Humanists. New Annoted Volumes from Quevedo’s library

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    En este trabajo se editan y comentan las anotaciones, escritas en latín, que puso Quevedo en los márgenes de los ejemplares BNM 2/36496 (Roberti Titii Burgensis Pro suis locis controversis Assertio, Florentiae, 1589), y BNM R/23842 (Yvonis Villiomari Aremorici In locos controversos Robertii Titii, [Parisiis], 1597).This study edits and comments upon the annotations, in Latin, written by Quevedo at the margins of these volumes: BNM 2/36496 (Roberti Titii Burgensis Pro suis locis controversis Assertio, Florentiae, 1589), and BNM R/23842 (Yvonis Villiomari Aremorici In locos controversos Robertii Titii, [Parisiis], 1597)