1,997 research outputs found

    Severe drug-induced gingival enlargement and periodontitis: A case series with clinical presentation and management

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    Gingival enlargement (GE) is a condition in which the size of the gingiva increases in response to inflammation, systemic disease, or certain medications including anticonvulsants, calcium-channel blockers, and immunosuppressants. This report describes the management of two cases involving severe gingival enlargement related to the use of an anti-hypertensive calcium-channel blocker and an immunosuppressant. Besides taking amlodipine, one patient had undergone a heart transplantation seven years prior and has been taking two immunosuppressant drugs, mycophenolate and tacrolimus. The extent of the destruction of periodontal support, aggravated by gingival enlargement, resulted in extensive tooth loss. Periodontitis and gingival enlargement exacerbate and accelerate one another and can result in loss of the entire dentition, severely affecting function and esthetics. The pharmacologic etiology sometimes cannot be altered and the patient has to be carefully managed and maintained with periodontal therapy. Physicians and dentists should be aware of these medications and be able to identify early changes in the oral cavity and to prevent, diagnose, and successfully manage the unwanted side effects of these drugs in patients

    Hankel determinant for a class of analytic functions of complex order defined by convolution

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    In this paper, we obtain the Fekete-Szego inequalities for the functions of complex order defined by convolution. Also, we find upper bounds for the second Hankel determinant āˆ£a2a4āˆ’a32āˆ£|a_2a_4-a_3^2| for functions belonging to the class SĪ³b(g(z);A,B)S_{\gamma}^b(g(z);A,B)

    Flight simulator for hypersonic vehicle and a study of NASP handling qualities

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    The research goal of the Human-Machine Systems Engineering Group was to study the existing handling quality studies in aircraft with sonic to supersonic speeds and power in order to understand information requirements needed for a hypersonic vehicle flight simulator. This goal falls within the NASA task statements: (1) develop flight simulator for hypersonic vehicle; (2) study NASP handling qualities; and (3) study effects of flexibility on handling qualities and on control system performance. Following the above statement of work, the group has developed three research strategies. These are: (1) to study existing handling quality studies and the associated aircraft and develop flight simulation data characterization; (2) to develop a profile for flight simulation data acquisition based on objective statement no. 1 above; and (3) to develop a simulator and an embedded expert system platform which can be used in handling quality experiments for hypersonic aircraft/flight simulation training

    The Impact of Structural Capital on the Innovation Performance in Syrian Universities: A Field Study in Tishreen University

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    This study aimed at identifying the relationship between the Structural capital and innovation performance in Tishreen University. It applies the theoretical concepts. the researcher relied survey methodology, and distribution the questionnaire to 360 individual of the members of the Teaching Staff in Tishreen University, and then make a Field Study to show this relationship, the main result of this study is that there is a positive significant relationship between the Structural capital and innovation performance. We have provided a summary of the most important results that we have accessed with the presentation of some of the proposals and recommendations to improve the relationship in order to enhance innovation performance to the members of the Teaching Staff in Tishreen University

    Book Reviews

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    Antibacterial Activity of Syrian Capparis spinosa. (Capparidaceae) Fruits and Roots

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    The ethanolic extract of Capparis Spinosa. Roots and Fruits were tested for their antibacterial activity against four species of bacteria, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp.and Staphylococcus aureus using disc diffusion technique. The extract concentrations of ethanolic roots and fruits extracts used were 0 (control), 125, 250, 500 and 1000 ppm in triplicates along with standard antibiotic, Ciprofloxacine (5 Ī¼g), Gentamycine (10 Ī¼g). Comparatively, ethanolic roots extracts showed higher activity than ethanolic fruits extracts. The results showed that In 1000 ppm ethanolic roots extract, a maximum of 3.2 cm ZI was observed against Staphylococcus aureus followed by 2.3 cm against Escherichia coli. The maximum ZI of 2.1 cm was recorded in 1000 ppm ethanolic extract of fruits against Pseudomonas aeruginosa followed by 1.5 cm against Bacillus subtilis. DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/9-18-02 Publication date:September 30th 201

    Faber polynomial coefficient estimates of bi-univalent functions connected with the qq-convolution

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    summary:We introduce a new class of bi-univalent functions defined in the open unit disc and connected with a qq-convolution. We find estimates for the general Taylor-Maclaurin coefficients of the functions in this class by using Faber polynomial expansions and we obtain an estimation for the Fekete-Szegƶ problem for this class

    Second Hankel determinant for a class of analytic functions of the Mittag-Leffler-type Borel distribution related with legendre polynomials

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    In this paper, we obtain the Fekete-Szegƶ inequalities for the functions of complex order connected with the Mittag-Leffler-type Borel distribution based upon the Legendre polynomials. Also, find upper bounds of the second Hankel determinant Ā¬|aā‚‚aā‚„ āˆ’ aĀ²ā‚ƒ| for functions belonging to the class Mįµ‘įµ§ (Ī», Ī±, Ī², x)

    Oksidacijski stres i srčani biomarkeri u janjadi oboljele od enzootske ataksije: dijagnostičko i prognostičko značenje

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    Diagnostic and particularly prognostic biomarkers are essential for control of enzootic ataxia in lambs. Blood samples were collected from 32 lambs suffering from enzootic ataxia, and 15 healthy lambs as the control. Whole blood was used for estimation of hemoglobin (Hb) in diseased and healthy animals. The harvested serum was used for estimation of copper (Cu), ceruloplasmin (Cp), selenium (Se), Malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), cardiac troponin I (cTnI), creatine kinase (CK) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels in diseased and healthy control animals. Clinical examination revealed anemia, a fall in body temperature, an increase in heart and respiratory rates and lack of coordination in diseased animals compared to the controls. The levels of malondialdehyde, cardiac troponin I, creatine kinase and aspartate aminotransferase were significantly higher, whereas those of superoxide dismutase and reduced glutathione were significantly lower in diseased animals compared to the controls. Successfully treated lambs (n = 14) had lower levels of cardiac troponin I, creatine kinase and malondialdehyde, but higher levels of superoxide dismutase, copper and ceruloplasmin compared to lambs with treatment failure. However, creatine kinase, superoxide dismutase and cardiac troponin I showed a high degree of accuracy in predicting treatment outcome (success vs failure). The areas under the curve for creatine kinase, superoxide dismutase and cardiac troponin I were 0Ā·97, 0.94 and 0Ā·92, respectively. Creatine kinase and superoxide dismutase showed nearly the same sensitivity and specificity (sensitivity = 94.44% vs 92.86% and specificity = 92.86% vs 93.75%, respectively), and better than that of cTnI (sensitivity = 88.89% and specificity = 85.71%). The current study suggests that creatine kinase, superoxide dismutase and cardiac troponin I could be used as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in lambs affected with enzootic ataxia.Dijagnostički, a posebice prognostički biomarkeri bitni su za kontrolu enzootske ataksije janjadi. Uzorci krvi uzeti su od 32 janjeta oboljela od enzootske ataksije i 15 zdrave janjadi kao kontrole. Razina hemoglobina (Hb) bila je određena u punoj krvi bolesne i zdrave janjadi. U serumu svih životinja bile su određene razine bakra (Cu), ceruloplazmina (Cp), selena (Se), malondialdehida (MDA), reduciranog glutationa (GSH), superoksid-dismutaze (SOD), srčanog troponina I (cTnI), kreatin-kinaze (CK) i aspartat-aminotransferaze (AST). Kliničkom je pretragom u bolesnih životinja bila ustanovljena anemija, snižene vrijednosti tjelesne temperature, povećane vrijednosti bila i disanja te neusklađeno kretanje. Razine malondialdehida, srčanog troponina I, kreatin-kinaze i aspartat-aminotransferaze bile su značajno povećane, dok su razine superoksid-dismutaze i reduciranog glutationa bile značajno smanjene u bolesnih u odnosu na zdrave kontrolne životinje. UspjeÅ”no liječena janjad (n = 14) imala je niže razine srčanog troponina I, kreatin-kinaze i malondialdehida, ali viÅ”e razine superoksid-dismutaze, bakra i ceruloplazmina u odnosu na neuspjeÅ”no liječenu janjad. Međutim, kreatin-kinaza, superoksid-dismutaza i srčani troponin I pokazivali su veći stupanj točnosti u procjeni uspjeÅ”nosti liječenja (uspjeÅ”no u odnosu na neuspjeÅ”no). PovrÅ”ina ispod krivulje iznosila je za kreatin-kinazu 0,97, za superoksid-dismutazu 0,94 te za srčani troponin I 0,92. Kreatin-kinaza i superoksid-dismutaza pokazivale su gotovo jednaku osjetljivost i specifičnost (osjetljivost = 94,44% odnosno 92,86%, a specifičnost = 92,86% odnosno 93,75%) Å”to je bilo bolje od vrijednosti za troponin koje su iznosile za osjetljivost 88,89%, a za specifičnost 85,71%). Istraživanje je pokazalo da se kreatin-kinaza, superoksid-dismutaza i srčani troponin I mogu rabiti kao dijagnostički i prognostički biomarkeri u janjadi oboljele od enzootske ataksije
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