34 research outputs found

    Máscaras de la expresión amorosa en la poesía de Jaime Siles

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    The poetry of Jaime Siles hasn’t been characterized, according to critics, by its emotional intensity, much less by the predominance of the love theme. Nevertheless these have always been present throughout his work, playing a relevant role in the search for emotional balance that characterizes him. Thus, it is interesting to see how these feelings become channels through which run the intense but fleeting emotions of loving beings as they fight to be rationalized through the word.<br><br>La poesía de Jaime Siles no se ha caracterizado, según la crítica especializada, por su intensidad emocional y, ni mucho menos, por el predominio de la temática amorosa. Sin embargo, han estado siempre presentes a lo largo de su obra, desempeñando un papel relevante en esa búsqueda de equilibrio emocional que sí le caracteriza. Así, resulta interesante ver cómo los sentidos se convierten en cauces por los que discurre la experiencia amorosa, la intensa, pero fugaz, fusión de los cuerpos amantes, que pugna por racionalizarse a través de la palabra

    INSPEX: Make environment perception available as a portable system

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    International audienceObstacle avoidance systems for autonomous vehicles combine multiple sensing technologies (i.e. LiDAR, Radar, Ultrasound and Visual) to detect different types of obstacles across the full range of lighting and weather conditions. Sensor data are fused with vehicle orientation (obtained for instance from an Inertial Measurement Unit and/or compass) and navigation subsystems. Power hungry, they require powerful computational capability, which limits their use to high-end vehicles and robots. 2 INSPEX ambition The H2020 INSPEX project plans to make obstacle detection capabilities available as a personal portable multi-sensors, miniaturised, low power device. This device will detect, locate and warn of obstacles under different environmental conditions, in indoor/outdoor environments, with static and mobile obstacles. Potential applications range from safer human navigation in reduced visibility conditions (e.g. for first responders and fire brigades), small robot/drone obstacle avoidance systems to navigation for the visually and mobility impaired people. As primary demonstrator (Fig.1), we will plug the INSPEX device on a white cane (see Fig. 1) for Visually Impaired and Blind (VIB) people to detect obstacle over the whole person height, provide audio feedback about harmful obstacles, improve their mobility confidence and reduce injuries, especially at waist and head levels [1]. The device will offer a "safety cocoon" to its user

    INSPEX: Make environment perception available as a portable system

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    Obstacle avoidance systems for autonomous vehicles combine multiple sensing technologies (i.e. LiDAR, Radar, Ultrasound and Visual) to detect different types of obstacles across the full range of lighting and weather conditions. Sensor data are fused with vehicle orientation (obtained for instance from an Inertial Measurement Unit and/or compass) and navigation subsystems. Power hungry, they require powerful computational capability, which limits their use to high-end vehicles and robots

    Helium burning and neutron sources in the stars

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    Helium burning represents an important stage of stellar evolution as it contributes to the synthesis of key elements such as carbon, through the triple-alfa process, and oxygen, through the 12C(alfa, gamma)16O reaction. It is the ratio of carbon to oxygen at the end of the helium burning stage that governs the following phases of stellar evolution leading to different scenarios depending on the initial stellar mass. In addition, helium burning in Asymptotic Giant Branch stars, provides the two main sources of neutrons, namely the 13C(alfa, n)16O and the 22Ne(alfa, n)25Mg, for the synthesis of about half of all elements heavier than iron through the s-process. Given the importance of these reactions, much experimental work has been devoted to the study of their reaction rates over the last few decades. However, large uncertainties still remain at the energies of astrophysical interest which greatly limit the accuracy of stellar models predictions. Here, we review the current status on the latest experimental efforts and show how measurements of these important reaction cross sections can be significantly improved at next-generation deep underground laboratories

    UWB Radar sensor characterization for obstacle detection with application to the smart white cane

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    International audienceObstacle detection capability is of great interest in application domains such as navigation of Visually Impaired and Blind people. To perform free-space assessment over the whole person height, range sensors are usually placed on a white cane and their measurements are analyzed to provide feedback about potential harmful obstacles. Thanks to technology progress both at hardware and software levels, integration of such obstacle detection capabilities in a white cane seems conceivable. It is well admitted that ultra-sonic range sensors have limited sensing range (typically < 3 m) and difficulties of operating on highly reflective surfaces [1]. Laser-based solutions can be highly sensitive to ambient natural light and identification of transparent or mirror-like surfaces is difficult. RF Radar range sensor performance is affected by the electromagnetic backscattering characteristics of the obstacle (Radar Cross Section). The electromagnetic response is in general very different from the mechanical response to ultrasound waves or optical response to LiDAR. [2] shows that Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) radar can be used effectively to detect obstacles under rain, snow, fog and smoke, thus being complementary to LiDAR. Therefore, to overcome limitations of each range sensor technology, Ultra-Sound, UWB RF Radar and LiDAR will be co-integrated in the obstacle detection system the H2020 INSPEX project is targeting (Fig. 1) [3]. This work details the characterization and future enhancements of the UWB RF Radar developed in the course of the project. The complete system should not exceed 200gr in weight and 100cm3 in volume. Ten hours of lifetime in continuous use are expected with an initial target for power consumption smaller than 500mW. The obstacles could move at an unpredictable speed and direction and the system should detect reliably objects moving at a speed of ~1.4 m/s worst case (relative speed between the user and the objects) and be able to detect obstacles up to a distance of 4m. After a static characterization phase of the UWB Radar, measurements were performed in mobility conditions. The Radar is placed on a cart moving linearly towards the obstacle with a colliding trajectory. The relative radial speed is about-0.15m/s. The right drawing in Fig 1 shows the Radar response over time with three snapshots in the speed domain. The top left curve clearly shows the “approaching” obstacle wave-front while the three other curves showhow the speed can be exploited in colliding trajectories detection