12 research outputs found

    A conductor’s standpoint: an institutional ethnography of a conductive education centre in Birmingham, UK

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    Conductive Education (CE) is a means of ‘bringing together’ and involves a unified, integrated approach to educating children with disabilities to maximise the effects of teaching and learning. Conductive pedagogues (‘conductors’) are educators trained and socialised to work according to this holistic philosophy. First developed in Hungary by Andras Peto CE is now an internationally recognised pedagogical approach with 200 CE centres in 24 countries across the world. Despite the focus on education, the majority of published research on CE compares CE to health based rehabilitation or intervention approaches where learners are referred to as patients creating issues of identity for Conductors. By contrast this study is the first to explore the professional working practices in the children’s services provision of a CE Centre in Birmingham, UK drawing on Institutional Ethnography (IE) as a novel way to think otherwise about methodology and research creatively across disciplines. In a small scale study using interviews, observations and document analysis, the findings highlight the ‘relations of ruling’ that shape local experiences. The empirical linkages in the everyday life, organisation and translocal processes of administration and Governance within the centre have emerged and revealed the complex field of co-ordination and control arising from special educational needs and disabilities regulatory practice that influence Conductors’ working lives. The findings of the study suggest that Conductors work creatively with other disciplines to foreground children’s strengths and competencies, challenging orthodoxies of (dis)ability and deficit and position their own professional practice in education as complimentary and family-centred. The study adds a unique insight to the professional lives of Conductors

    A importância da ordem Ciconiiformes na cadeia epidemiológica de Salmonella spp. para a saúde pública e a conservação da diversidade biológica The role of order Ciconiiformes in the epidemiological chain of Salmonella spp. for public health and biological diversity conservation

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    A diversidade biológica é representada por todas as unidades da natureza e sua conservação diz respeito à sobrevivência da própria espécie humana. Uma das ameaças à sua conservação são as doenças infecciosas que afetam a fauna, dentre as quais se podee incluir a salmonelose como uma das mais importantes, especialmente para a avifauna. Aves de topo de cadeia alimentar como os Ciconiiformes podem ser potenciais reservatórios e disseminadores da Salmonella spp. para outras espécies silvestres e também para populações humanas e animais domésticos, podendo causar prejuízos à saúde pública e ao meio ambiente. Objetivou-se descrever a infecção ou doença por Salmonella sp., o seu agente etiológico e sua ocorrência em Ciconiiformes, bem como demonstrar a importância destas aves na cadeia epidemiológica silvestre desta zoonose, verificando os riscos para a saúde pública e para a conservação da diversidade biológica.<br>Biological diversity is represented by all nature units and its conservation is about the survival of human beings. Infectious diseases are one of the possible threats for wildlife conservation, which includes salmonellosis as a most important disease, especially for the avifauna. Top alimentary chain birds such as Ciconiiformes can be reservoirs and disseminators of Salmonella spp. to other wild and domestic animals, and also for human populations, with serious risks to public and environmental health. This review describes infection by Salmonella spp., its etiological agent and occurrence in Ciconiiformes, as well as the importance of these wild birds for the epidemiological chain of the zoonosis, and discusses the risks for public health and biological diversity conservation