183 research outputs found

    Increasing Young Students Awareness on Nutrition

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    Nutrition is an important part of an individuals life and this paper will talk about why young children should learn about nutrition. There will be examples of how to get kids involved in nutrition as well as how they can benefit from it

    Project 150

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    Project 150 addresses the issue of homelessness amongst the local youth.https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/educ_sys_202/1037/thumbnail.jp

    An Exploratory Assessment Of Small Group Performance Leveraging Motion Dynamics With Optical Flow

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    Understanding team behaviors and dynamics are important to better understand and foster better teamwork. The goal of this master\u27s thesis was to contribute to understanding and assessing teamwork in small group research, by analyzing motion dynamics and team performance with non-contact sensing and computational assessment. This thesis\u27s goal is to conduct an exploratory analysis of motion dynamics on teamwork data to understand current limitations in data gathering approaches and provide a methodology to automatically categorize, label, and code team metrics from multi-modal data. We created a coding schema that analyzed different teamwork datasets. We then produced a taxonomy of the metrics from the literature that classify teamwork behaviors and performance. These metrics were grouped on whether they measured communication dynamics or movement dynamics. The review showed movement dynamics in small group research is a potential area to apply more robust computational sensing and detection approaches. To enhance and demonstrate the importance of motion dynamics, we analyzed video and transcript data on a publicly available multi-modal dataset. We determined areas for future study where movement dynamics are potentially correlated to team behaviors and performance. We processed the video data into movement dynamic time series data using an optical flow approach to track and measure motion from the data. Audio data was measured by speaking turns, words used, and keywords used, which were defined as our communication dynamics. Our exploratory analysis demonstrated a correlation between the group performance score using communication dynamics metrics, along with movement dynamics metrics. This assessment provided insights for sensing data capture strategies and computational analysis for future small group research studies

    ¿Cómo servir con equidad en educación?

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    The current podcast reviews some literature that examines the roles of inequities in all aspects of the American society, but particularly in education and how it affects the success of the society when educators do not concentrate efforts in serving all students. It identified some personal action steps to serve with equity

    Vida Digital 4L05. Aplicación móvil para monitoreo del arrecife mesoamericano: Fase 2

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    En este documento se presenta el desarrollo del PAP (Proyecto de Aplicación Profesional) en el periodo de otoño 2018. A lo largo del reporte se detalla el proceso que se llevó a cabo para la elaboración del proyecto en las partes de documentación, backend y desarrollo de la aplicación móvil. Al principio se presentan los objetivos propuestos así como el problema que se pretende resolver con el proyecto. A su vez, en la primera parte de este reporte se encuentra la justificación, antecedentes y contexto que permiten entender de dónde surge el problema y por qué es relevante. En la parte de desarrollo de propuesta de mejora se incluyó un glosario que permite entender los conceptos técnicos utilizados en el proyecto, y en seguida se describe el trabajo realizado en cada una de las partes del proyecto. Posteriormente, se hace una descripción de los entregables hechos en cada parte del proyecto y por qué son importantes para su desarrollo. Casi al final del documento, se describen los aprendizajes obtenidos a lo largo del PAP y se realiza una conclusión.ITESO, A.C

    Cambio terapéutico y estancamiento en pacientes con intento suicida. Comparación de metodología de análisis de discurso

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    El presente trabajo busca aportar algunos elementos de reflexión en torno al tema del cambio y estancamiento terapéutico y del abordaje de pacientes suicidas. Para ello se plantea como objetivo principal: Analizar mediante dos métodos de análisis del discurso los intercambios lingüísticos desplegados en sesiones de psicoterapia de personas que acuden a un proceso de psicoterapia en miras de apreciar los momentos de cambio y estancamiento. Este trabajo desarrolla los siguientes apartados: En el primero se plantea cómo se desarrolló la delimitación del tema a indagar y se plantean los objetivos y preguntas que guían el proceso de investigación. Posteriormente se presenta un estado de conocimiento relacionado con las investigaciones que versan sobre sistemas para registrar la actividad terapéutica, así como aquellas que se centran en el ámbito de la psicoterapia de pacientes suicidas. A partir de ello se plantea una reflexión que sirve como base para justificar la elección de 2 métodos de investigación particulares: El Sistema de Codificación de la Actividad Terapéutica (SCAT) y el Algoritmo David Liberman (ADL). En un tercer apartado se abordan los conceptos de cambio y estancamiento en psicoterapia desde diversos enfoques, y las metas que se buscan en procesos psicoterapéuticos diseñados para casos de suicidio. Posteriormente se presentan los fundamentos conceptuales de los métodos de indagación elegidos. El cuarto apartado aborda los pasos metodológicos y definiciones operacionales de los métodos utilizados, distinguiendo entre las fases de preparación del material, el análisis global de las sesiones y el análisis y delimitación de los momentos de cambio y estancamiento. En el quinto apartado se presenta el material a analizar, y además los resultados obtenidos tanto a nivel global como a nivel de cambio y estancamiento terapéutico. Los resultados arrojan que en ambas pacientes los momentos de cambio implican diferencias en las categorías de ámbito y referencia mientras que desde el ADL se observa la emergencia de defensas acordes a fines en los episodios de cambio y defensas patógenas en los episodios de estancamiento. Finalmente, en el sexto apartado se aborda la discusión de los resultados en las siguientes vertientes: Implicaciones para el ejercicio clínico, la relación terapéutica, y para los métodos utilizados. Al final se recomienda para la práctica clínica en pacientes con intento suicida, intervenciones que ayuden a cualificar los afectos. Y se concluye expresando la pertinencia de métodos basados en el análisis lingüístico para los estudios que buscan identificar el cambio en procesos. terapéuticos

    Advising for Persistence: Faculty Women of Color Reflect on Equitable Practices for Doctoral Student Program Completion

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    In the United States, doctoral students of color do not complete their programs at the same rate as White doctoral students. The coursework is not usually the issue. The common point of the delay is almost always the time spent at all but dissertation (ABD). This autoethnographic study is of three university faculty––all women of color––their experiences navigating their individual doctoral programs and ABD statuses, and how they now parlay those experiences into culturally constructing how they advise their doctoral students of color to persist until completion. The review of literature is woven among their stories to bring forth a collection of emergent themes and discussion points to reconsider best practices of advising doctoral students of color. Ultimately, the goal of this work is to equip departments to better recruit, retain, and serve doctoral students in general and to enhance the skill set and cultural competency of faculty advising particularly the dissertation processes of doctoral students of color

    Occupational Exposures Among Hair and Nail Salon Workers: a Scoping Review

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To review the literature published from 2014 to 2019 on hair and nail salon workers concerning exposure assessment, reproductive and respiratory endpoints, and endocrine disruption, in relation to workplace exposures. RECENT FINDINGS: We identified 29 relevant peer-reviewed publications. Overall, there were insufficient studies to determine whether working in these settings is associated with reproductive health endpoints, although prior studies suggest that reproductive effects are of concern. There is consistent evidence that working in hair and nail salons may increase the risk of respiratory effects. Also, despite the fact that many hair and nail care products contain endocrine disrupting compounds, no recent studies have evaluated endocrine-related endpoints. Moreover, few studies have evaluated chemical exposures in these settings and biomonitoring studies are sparse. SUMMARY: Improved exposure assessment of chemical hazards in hair and nail salons is necessary to properly characterize occupational exposures and assess their potential health risks. Further studies on endpoints related to endocrine disruption and reproductive health outcomes among hair and nail salon workers are needed. Improved exposure and epidemiologic studies will help inform chemical exposure mitigation efforts in a vulnerable occupational population, as well as policies related to workplace and consumer product safet

    Akt regulates L-type Ca2+ channel activity by modulating Cavα1 protein stability

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    The insulin IGF-1–PI3K–Akt signaling pathway has been suggested to improve cardiac inotropism and increase Ca2+ handling through the effects of the protein kinase Akt. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. In this study, we provide evidence for an unanticipated regulatory function of Akt controlling L-type Ca2+ channel (LTCC) protein density. The pore-forming channel subunit Cavα1 contains highly conserved PEST sequences (signals for rapid protein degradation), and in-frame deletion of these PEST sequences results in increased Cavα1 protein levels. Our findings show that Akt-dependent phosphorylation of Cavβ2, the LTCC chaperone for Cavα1, antagonizes Cavα1 protein degradation by preventing Cavα1 PEST sequence recognition, leading to increased LTCC density and the consequent modulation of Ca2+ channel function. This novel mechanism by which Akt modulates LTCC stability could profoundly influence cardiac myocyte Ca2+ entry, Ca2+ handling, and contractility