94 research outputs found

    An Accurate, Easy to Use Abundace Scale for Globular Clusters Based on 2.2um Spectra of Giant Stars

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    We present a new method for the determination of [Fe/H] for globular clusters. This new method is based on moderate resolution (R~1500) near-IR spectroscopy in the K-band of 6 to 10 of the brightest giants in a cluster. Our calibration is derived from spectra of 105 stars in 15 globular clusters. From measurements of the equivalent widths of three features in these spectra, Na, Ca, and CO, we are able to reproduce the Zinn & West (1984) abundance scale as updated by Harris (1996) to better than 0.10 dex for clusters with near solar [Fe/H] down to an [Fe/H] of -1.8. Three advantages of this method are that it can be used for metal rich, heavily reddened globulars in crowded fields, it does not require any knowledge of any other cluster or stellar parameters such as reddening, distance, or luminosity, and it requires only minimal telescope time. If stellar (J-K)0 and MK values are available as well, the accuracy of the [Fe/H] estimate is further improved. Observations of as few as three stars per cluster still gives an [Fe/H] estimate wich is nearly as reliable as that based on two to three times as many stars. The accuracy of an [Fe/H] value based on observations of CO absorption alone is significantly less than that which results from the three spectroscopic indices. However, we predict that space-based observations of this feature in the integrated light of stellar systems will prove to be of great value for abundance determinations at distances as far as the Coma cluster of galaxies.Comment: 53 pages, 16 Postscript figures. Submitted to the A

    Wide-field multi-object spectroscopy with MANIFEST

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    MANIFEST is a multi-object fibre facility for the Giant Magellan Telescope that uses 'Starbug' robots to accurately position fibre units across the telescope's focal plane. MANIFEST, when coupled to the telescope's planned seeinglimited instruments, offers access to larger fields of view; higher multiplex gains; versatile focal plane reformatting of the focal plane via integral-field-units; image-slicers; and in some cases higher spatial and spectral resolution. The TAIPAN instrument on the UK Schmidt Telescope is now close to science verification which will demonstrate the feasibility of the Starbug concept. We are now moving into the conceptual development phase for MANIFEST, with a focus on developing interfaces for the telescope and for the instruments

    Stellar, Remnant, Planetary, and Dark-Object Masses from Astrometric Microlensing

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    The primary goal of our project is to make a complete census of the stellar population of the Galaxy. We are broadening the term stellar here to include both ordinary stars and dark stars. Ordinary stars, burning their nuclear fuel and shining, can perhaps best be studied with traditional astronomical techniques, but dark stars, by which we include old brown dwarfs, black holes, old white dwarfs, neutron stars, and perhaps exotic objects such as mirror matter stars or primordial black holes, can only be studied by their gravitational effects. Traditionally, these objects have been probed in binaries, and thus selected in a way that may or may not be representative of their respective field populations. The only way to examine the field population of these stars is through microlensing, the deflection of light from a visible star in the background by an object (dark or not) in the foreground. When lensed, there are two images of the background star. Although these images cannot be resolved when the lens has a stellar mass, the lensing effect can be detected in two ways: photometrically, i.e. by measuring the magnification of the source by the lens, and astrometrically, i.e. by measuring the shift in the centroid of the two images. Photometric microlensing experiments have detected hundreds of microlensing events over the past decade. Despite its successes, photometric microlensing has so far been somewhat frustrating because these events are difficult to interpret. Almost nothing is known about the masses of individual lenses and very little is known about the statistical properties of the lenses treated as a whole, such as their average mass. Although probably over 100 of the lenses are in fact dark objects, we can't determine which they are, let alone investigate finer details such as what their masses are, and where they are in the Galaxy. With SIM, we will break the microlensing degeneracy, and allow detailed interpretation of individual microlensing events. We will thus develop a detailed census of the dark and luminous stellar population of the Galaxy

    Optical Monitoring of the Broad-Line Radio Galaxy 3C390.3

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    We have undertaken a new ground-based monitoring campaign on the BLRG 3C390.3 to improve the measurement of the size of the BLR and to estimate the black hole mass. Optical spectra and g-band images were observed in 2005 using the 2.4m telescope at MDM Observatory. Integrated emission-line flux variations were measured for Ha, Hb, Hg, and for HeII4686, as well as g-band fluxes and the optical AGN continuum at 5100A. The g-band fluxes and the AGN continuum vary simultaneously within the uncertainties, tau=(0.2+-1.1)days. We find that the emission-line variations are delayed with respect to the variable g-band continuum by tau(Ha)=56.3(+2.4-6.6)days, tau(Hb)=44.3(+3.0_-3.3)days, tau(Hg)=58.1(+4.3-6.1)days, and tau(HeII4686)=22.3(+6.5-3.8)days. The blue and red peak in the double peaked line profiles, as well as the blue and red outer profile wings, vary simultaneously within +-3 days. This provides strong support for gravitationally bound orbital motion of the dominant part of the line emitting gas. Combining the time delay of Ha and Hb and the separation of the blue and red peak in the broad double-peaked profiles in their rms spectra, we determine Mbh_vir=1.77(+0.29-0.31)x10^8Msol and using sigma_line of the rms spectra Mbh_vir=2.60(+0.23-0.31)x10^8Msol for the central black hole of 3C390.3, respectively. Using the inclination angle of the line emitting region the mass of the black hole amounts to Mbh=0.86(+0.19-0.18)x10^9 Msol (peak-separation) and Mbh=1.26(+0.21-0.16)x10^9 Msol (sigma_line), respectively. This result is consistent with the black hole masses indicated by simple accretion disk models to describe the observed double-peaked profiles, derived from the stellar dynamics of 3C390.3, and with the AGN radius-luminosity relation. Thus, 3C390.3 as a radio-loud AGN with a low Eddington ratio, Ledd/Lbol=0.02, follows the same AGN radius-luminosity relation as radio-quiet AGN.Comment: accepted, scheduled for September 20, 2012, ApJ 75

    All Weather Calibration of Wide Field Optical and NIR Surveys

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    The science goals for ground-based large-area surveys, such as the Dark Energy Survey, Pan-STARRS, and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, require calibration of broadband photometry that is stable in time and uniform over the sky to precisions of a per cent or better. This performance will need to be achieved with data taken over the course of many years, and often in less than ideal conditions. This paper describes a strategy to achieve precise internal calibration of imaging survey data taken in less than photometric conditions, and reports results of an observational study of the techniques needed to implement this strategy. We find that images of celestial fields used in this case study with stellar densities of order one per arcmin-squared and taken through cloudless skies can be calibrated with relative precision of 0.5 per cent (reproducibility). We report measurements of spatial structure functions of cloud absorption observed over a range of atmospheric conditions, and find it possible to achieve photometric measurements that are reproducible to 1 per cent in images that were taken through cloud layers that transmit as little as 25 per cent of the incident optical flux (1.5 magnitudes of extinction). We find, however, that photometric precision below 1 per cent is impeded by the thinnest detectable cloud layers. We comment on implications of these results for the observing strategies of future surveys.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal (AJ

    The dark energy spectrometer - A potential multi-fiber instrument for the Blanco 4-meter telescope

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    We describe the preliminary design of the Dark Energy Spectrometer (DESpec), a fiber-fed spectroscopic instrument concept for the Blanco 4-meter telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO). DESpec would take advantage of the infrastructure recently deployed for the Dark Energy Camera (DECam). DESpec would be mounted in the new DECam prime focus cage, would be interchangeable with DECam, would share the DECam optical corrector, and would feature a focal plane with ∼4000 robotically positioned optical fibers feeding multiple high-throughput spectrometers. The instrument would have a field of view of 3.8 square degrees, a wavelength range of approximately 500<λ<1000 nm, and a spectral resolution of R∼3000. DESpec would provide a powerful spectroscopic follow-up system for sources in the Southern hemisphere discovered by the Dark Energy Survey and LSST

    Instrumentation progress at the Giant Magellan Telescope project

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    Instrument development for the 24m Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) is described: current activities, progress, status, and schedule. One instrument team has completed its preliminary design and is currently beginning its final design (GCLEF, an optical 350-950 nm, high-resolution and precision radial velocity echelle spectrograph). A second instrument team is in its conceptual design phase (GMACS, an optical 350-950 nm, medium resolution, 6-10 arcmin field, multiobject spectrograph). A third instrument team is midway through its preliminary design phase (GMTIFS, a near-IR YJHK diffraction-limited imager/integral-field-spectrograph), focused on risk reduction prototyping and design optimization. A fourth instrument team is currently fabricating the 5 silicon immersion gratings needed to begin its preliminary design phase (GMTNIRS, a simultaneous JHKLM high-resolution, AO-fed, echelle spectrograph). And, another instrument team is focusing on technical development and prototyping (MANIFEST, a facility robotic, multifiber-feed, with a 20 arcmin field of view). In addition, a medium-field (6 arcmin, 0.06 arcsec/pix) optical imager will support telescope and AO commissioning activities, and will excel at narrow-band imaging. In the spirit of advancing synergies with other groups, the challenges of running an ELT instrument program and opportunities for cross-ELT collaborations are discussed

    The Disappearing Act of KH 15D: Photometric Results from 1995 to 2004

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    We present results from the most recent (2002-2004) observing campaigns of the eclipsing system KH 15D, in addition to re-reduced data obtained at Van Vleck Observatory (VVO) between 1995 and 2000. Phasing nine years of photometric data shows substantial evolution in the width and depth of the eclipses. The most recent data indicate that the eclipses are now approximately 24 days in length, or half the orbital period. These results are interpreted and discussed in the context of the recent models for this system put forward by Winn et al. and Chiang & Murray-Clay. A periodogram of the entire data set yields a highly significant peak at 48.37 +/- 0.01 days, which is in accord with the spectroscopic period of 48.38 +/- 0.01 days determined by Johnson et al. Another significant peak, at 9.6 days, was found in the periodogram of the out-of-eclipse data at two different epochs. We interpret this as the rotation period of the visible star and argue that it may be tidally locked in pseudosynchronism with its orbital motion. If so, application of Hut's theory implies that the eccentricity of the orbit is e = 0.65 +/- 0.01. Analysis of the UVES/VLT spectra obtained by Hamilton et al. shows that the v sin(i) of the visible star in this system is 6.9 +/- 0.3 km/sec. Using this value of v sin(i) and the measured rotation period of the star, we calculate the lower limit on the radius to be R = (1.3 +/- 0.1), R_Sun, which concurs with the value obtained by Hamilton et al. from its luminosity and effective temperature. Here we assume that i = 90 degrees since it is likely that the spin and orbital angular momenta vectors are nearly aligned.Comment: 55 pages, 18 figures, 1 color figure, to appear the September issue of the Astronomical Journa

    GW150914: First search for the electromagnetic counterpart of a gravitational-wave event by the TOROS collaboration

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    We present the results of the optical follow-up conducted by the TOROS collaboration of the first gravitational-wave event GW150914. We conducted unfiltered CCD observations (0.35-1 micron) with the 1.5-m telescope at Bosque Alegre starting ~2.5 days after the alarm. Given our limited field of view (~100 square arcmin), we targeted 14 nearby galaxies that were observable from the site and were located within the area of higher localization probability. We analyzed the observations using two independent implementations of difference-imaging algorithms, followed by a Random-Forest-based algorithm to discriminate between real and bogus transients. We did not find any bona fide transient event in the surveyed area down to a 5-sigma limiting magnitude of r=21.7 mag (AB). Our result is consistent with the LIGO detection of a binary black hole merger, for which no electromagnetic counterparts are expected, and with the expected rates of other astrophysical transients.Comment: ApJ Letters, in pres