345 research outputs found

    Both Sides of the Barbed Wire: Lives of German Prisoners of War and African Americans in Camp Claiborne, Louisiana, 1944-1946

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    Located outside of Alexandria, Louisiana, Camp Claiborne was temporarily home to more than 500,000 U.S. servicemen and women during its short existence. Thousands of German prisoners of war also were held for more than two years in a section of the camp. Racial problems stemming from the policies of Jim Crow South and the blatant inequality eventually led to an African American mutiny within the camp. The events from 1944 to 1946 at Camp Claiborne provide insight into the mindsets of white Southerners and the generation of African Americans who would influence the major civil rights victories in the following decades

    Both Sides of the Barbed Wire: Lives of German Prisoners of War and African Americans in Camp Claiborne, Louisiana, 1944-1946

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    Located outside of Alexandria, Louisiana, Camp Claiborne was temporarily home to more than 500,000 U.S. servicemen and women during its short existence. Thousands of German prisoners of war also were held for more than two years in a section of the camp. Racial problems stemming from the policies of Jim Crow South and the blatant inequality eventually led to an African American mutiny within the camp. The events from 1944 to 1946 at Camp Claiborne provide insight into the mindsets of white Southerners and the generation of African Americans who would influence the major civil rights victories in the following decades

    Traumatic Brain Injury Knowledge and Perceived Competence among Practicing School Psychologists

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    Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are a common occurrence in school-aged children. The epidemic of TBI is the leading cause of death and disability among children and young adults (Harris, Mishkin, & Ross, 2010). Children who suffer head injuries frequently experience behavioral, adaptive, and educational deficits (Taylor et al., 2002). As child study team members, under the provisions set forth by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), school psychologists are responsible for the identification, classification, assessment, and implementation of proper school-based treatment for children who sustain a TBI. This study sought to determine New Jersey school psychologists’ endorsement of common myths and misconceptions regarding brain injuries and compare those beliefs to past research. As well, it proposed to assess New Jersey school psychologists’ knowledge and self-perceived competence in the areas of TBI identification, assessment, and school-based intervention strategies. This study evaluated the results of a survey made available in of two formats (paper-and-pencil and e-mail); the first portion of the study, a true-false format, was a partial replication of the Gouvier, Prestholdt, and Warner (1988) study and the second portion was a Likert-scale developed by this study’s investigator. Surveys were disseminated via paper-and-pencil format to the principal investigators current school district and email addresses to other school psychologists within the state of New Jersey. A total of 229 school psychologists responded. When comparing current responses to past research, results reveal overall enhancement in knowledge of mild TBI and concussions, as well as of the impact of serial brain injuries, with fewer endorsements of misconceptions and myths in these vi areas. However, inaccurate beliefs were espoused equally by current practicing school psychologists as those of past research in areas of TBI recovery, amnesia, and brain damage, thus suggesting school professionals require further awareness of TBI sequelae and recovery consequences, especially with regard to more severe head injuries. Further, this study revealed a difference in the knowledge base in identifying TBI when comparing master’s-level to education specialist degreed school psychologists, indicating greater knowledge in identification among those with an education specialist degree. While not statistically significant, a similar trend was noted when comparing master’s and education specialist degree school psychologists in their knowledge of TBI assessment procedures. Moreover, while most practicing school psychologists felt competent in providing intervention strategies for children with head injuries, they did not necessarily possess accurate knowledge of TBI. As such, results implicate an ongoing need for further training and graduate-degree-program enhancement in the area of TBI, especially at the master’s degree level

    Neurotoxic Effects Of General Anesthesia On The Developing Brain And The Use Of Spinal Anesthesia As An Alternative Approach For The Neonate And Infant Undergoing Genitourinary Surgery

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    Spinal anesthesia (SA) in the child under two years old is an excellent option when undergoing short genitourinary procedures. The use of SA in this patient population can avoid the potential deleterious neurocognitive effects on the developing brain that general anesthesia (GA) poses. A comprehensive literature review was conducted via retrospective case study, case control study, integrated review, and prospective study. The objective of this literature review is to examine the potential long-term neurotoxic effects of GA in the infant, as well as the benefits of SA. GA in the younger population has been shown to produce lower gray matter density seen on magnetic resonance imaging, altered listening comprehension, and an increased risk of developing a learning disability later in childhood. Success of SA was defined as the absence of subsequent conversion to GA in multiple studies reviewed. Use of SA in this vulnerable population, as opposed to general anesthesia, resulted in better maintenance of hemodynamics, less perioperative opioid use, and a shorter post-anesthesia recovery stay

    Para volver a poner en la agenda de la batalla cultural : Transexualidad en el sistema educativo: debates urgentes

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    En el presente artículo se pretende acercar a los lectores y las lectoras al proceso educativo por el que transcurren los y las jóvenes transexuales en la sociedad actual y en la universidad pública. De esta forma, se hace hincapié en la importancia crucial que significa dar a conocer los sucesos que se viven día a día en nuestro entorno —como también fuera de él— y, fundamentalmente, abrir al debate el lugar que ocupa el sistema educativo.Centro de Investigación en Lectura y Escritur

    La lucha en pie: los jóvenes y el grito del “nunca más”

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    En el presente artículo se expone la necesidad del compromiso que el sistema educativo tiene para con los jóvenes argentinos en lo que refiere a la transmisión de conocimientos sobre la última dictadura cívico militar, reivindicando el concepto de “Memoria”, y apostando a una imagen de un futuro que retome las luchas de ayer en un presente complejo y adverso que exige una fuerte intervención del campo popular de los viejos y los nuevos militantes políticos.Centro de Investigación en Lectura y Escritur

    La lucha en pie: los jóvenes y el grito del “nunca más”

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    En el presente artículo se expone la necesidad del compromiso que el sistema educativo tiene para con los jóvenes argentinos en lo que refiere a la transmisión de conocimientos sobre la última dictadura cívico militar, reivindicando el concepto de “Memoria”, y apostando a una imagen de un futuro que retome las luchas de ayer en un presente complejo y adverso que exige una fuerte intervención del campo popular de los viejos y los nuevos militantes políticos.Centro de Investigación en Lectura y Escritur

    La lucha en pie: los jóvenes y el grito del “nunca más”

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    En el presente artículo se expone la necesidad del compromiso que el sistema educativo tiene para con los jóvenes argentinos en lo que refiere a la transmisión de conocimientos sobre la última dictadura cívico militar, reivindicando el concepto de “Memoria”, y apostando a una imagen de un futuro que retome las luchas de ayer en un presente complejo y adverso que exige una fuerte intervención del campo popular de los viejos y los nuevos militantes políticos.Centro de Investigación en Lectura y Escritur

    Structure-function relationships at the human spinal disc-vertebra interface.

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    Damage at the intervertebral disc-vertebra interface associates with back pain and disc herniation. However, the structural and biomechanical properties of the disc-vertebra interface remain underexplored. We sought to measure mechanical properties and failure mechanisms, quantify architectural features, and assess structure-function relationships at this vulnerable location. Vertebra-disc-vertebra specimens from human cadaver thoracic spines were scanned with micro-computed tomography (μCT), surface speckle-coated, and loaded to failure in uniaxial tension. Digital image correlation (DIC) was used to calculate local surface strains. Failure surfaces were scanned using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and adjacent sagittal slices were analyzed with histology and SEM. Seventy-one percent of specimens failed initially at the cartilage endplate-bone interface of the inner annulus region. Histology and SEM both indicated a lack of structural integration between the cartilage endplate (CEP) and bone. The interface failure strength was increased in samples with higher trabecular bone volume fraction in the vertebral endplates. Furthermore, failure strength decreased with degeneration, and in discs with thicker CEPs. Our findings indicate that poor structural connectivity between the CEP and vertebra may explain the structural weakness at this region, and provide insight into structural features that may contribute to risk for disc-vertebra interface injury. The disc-vertebra interface is the site of failure in the majority of herniation injuries. Here we show new structure-function relationships at this interface that may motivate the development of diagnostics, prevention strategies, and treatments to improve the prognosis for many low back pain patients with disc-vertebra interface injuries. © 2017 The Authors. Journal of Orthopaedic Research® Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Orthopaedic Research Society. J Orthop Res 36:192-201, 2018

    "La intervención judicial ante la violencia contra las mujeres" en la ciudad de Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña Chaco durante el año 2017-2018

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    El Trabajo Final propone indagar las diversas instancias por las que una Mujer en situación de Violencia de género en el ámbito doméstico, transita en el ámbito judicial a fin de afrontar su problemática. Cómo se despliegan las acciones que determinan el recorrido institucional, el tratamiento que recibe desde lxs diferentes agentes y la posición en que la mujer queda ubicada en este contexto. El interés surge a partir de observar en la práctica profesional diaria como Trabajadora Social, integrante de un equipo interdisciplinario de un Juzgado de Familia, el abordaje que se realiza de la persona sujetx de la intervención, la respuesta que recibe, las implicancias y el impacto que tiene en su subjetividad.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació