142 research outputs found

    La inversión extranjera directa (IED), teorias y prácticas (Foreign direct investment (FDI): theories and applications)

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    En éste articulo, analizaremos algunas de las principales teorías relacionadas con la IED. Se destacarán principalmente los aportes teóricos en cuanto a posibles efectos positivos y negativos de la llegada de IED a economías receptoras. Al mismo tiempo, se tratará de resaltar y justificar la importancia de la llegada de nuevas inversiones a países en desarrollo como México, destacando los principales factores que propician la llegada de IED en países en desarrollo. In this article, we analyze some of the main theories regarding the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The theoretical contributions as well as possible positive and negative effects of the arrival of FDI to hosting economies will stand out mainly. At the same time, will emphasizes and justifies the importance of the arrival from new investments to developing countries like Mexico, which relay the main factors that attracts the arrival of FDI into developing countries

    La Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED), teorias y prácticas

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    Palabras clave: Inversión extranjera directa, modelo benigno y malignoResumen. En éste articulo, analizaremos algunas de las principales teorías relacionadas con la IED. Se destacarán principalmente los aportes teóricos en cuanto a posibles efectos positivos y negativos de la llegada de IED a economías receptoras. Al mismo tiempo, se tratará de resaltar y justificar la importancia de la llegada de nuevas inversiones a países en desarrollo como México, destacando los principales factores que propician la llegada de IED en países en desarrollo.Key words: Benign and malignant model, foreign Direct Investment (FDI)Abstract. In this article, we analyze some of the main theories regarding the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The theoretical contributions as well as possible positive and negative effects of the arrival of FDI to hosting economies will stand out mainly. At the same time, will emphasizes and justifies the importance of the arrival from new investments to developing countries like Mexico, which relay the main factors that attracts the arrival of FDI into developing countries

    La importancia de la inversión extranjera directa en México

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    Abstract: The Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has had important consequences in the Mexican economy, along the positive effects at the same time can be indicated the contributions in manufacturing, productivity, wages, employment and foreign trade; also some negative consequences have appeared, between the displacement of the internal savings and the deterioration in trade balance are one among the most important. Nevertheless, the general conclusion reflects the positive effects are enough to promote the hosting to new investments inthe national territory.Key words: Foreign Direct Investment, national development, Foreign Direct investment consequencesResumen: La inversión extranjera directa ha tenido importantes consecuencias en la economía mexicana, entre los efectos positivos de la misma se pueden señalar las contribuciones en la producción, productividad, salarios, empleo y el comercio exterior, pero también se han presentado algunas consecuencias negativas, entre las cuales el desplazamiento del ahorro interno y el deterioro en la balanza comercial son las más importantes. Sin embargo, el balancegeneral muestra que los efectos positivos son lo suficientemente satisfactorios para promover la llegada de nuevas inversiones al territorio nacional.Palabras clave: Inversión Extranjera Directa, desarrollo nacional, consecuencias de la Inversión Extranjera Direct

    La importancia de la inversión extranjera directa en México (The relevance of Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico)

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    Abstract: The Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has had important consequences in the Mexican economy, along the positive effects at the same time can be indicated the contributions in manufacturing, productivity, wages, employment and foreign trade; also some negative consequences have appeared, between the displacement of the internal savings and the deterioration in trade balance are one among the most important. Nevertheless, the general conclusion reflects the positive effects are enough to promote the hosting to new investments in the national territory. Resumen: La inversión extranjera directa ha tenido importantes consecuencias en la economía mexicana, entre los efectos positivos de la misma se pueden señalar las contribuciones en la producción, productividad, salarios, empleo y el comercio exterior, pero también se han presentado algunas consecuencias negativas, entre las cuales el desplazamiento del ahorro interno y el deterioro en la balanza comercial son las más importantes. Sin embargo, el balance general muestra que los efectos positivos son lo suficientemente satisfactorios para promover la llegada de nuevas inversiones al territorio nacional

    La IED en la industria de tecnologías de la información = (IED in information technology industry)

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    Resumen. La industria de tecnologías de la información y en especial el sector del software se han constituido en los últimos años como sectores con una gran influencia en todas las ramas de la actividad económica. El conocimiento de sus principales características y de los factores que favorecen las inversiones en los sectores mencionados pueden ayudar a generar acciones que favorezcan su crecimiento y desarrollo, a fin de que los efectos transversales que se tienen impacten favorablemente en el crecimiento económico del país. Abstract. Technology industry, especially the software sector has been constituted in recent years as the sector with a great influence in main areas of the economic activities. The knowledge of their main characteristics and the factors that endorsees the investments in this sector, can help generate actions that pursues the growth and development in several industries impacting favorably the economic growth of the country

    La IED en la industria de tecnologías de la información

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    Palabras clave: Desarrollo económico, desarrollo regional, industria de tecnologías de la información, inversión extranjera directa, sector del softwareResumen. La industria de tecnologías de la información y en especial el sector del software se han constituido en los últimos años como sectores con una gran influencia en todas las ramas de la actividad económica. El conocimiento de sus principales características y de los factores que favorecen las inversiones en los sectores mencionados pueden ayudar a generar acciones que favorezcan su crecimiento y desarrollo, a fin de que los efectos transversales que se tienen impacten favorablemente en el crecimiento económico del país.Key words: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), economic development, information technology industry, regional development, software sectorAbstract. Technology industry, especially the software sector has been constituted in recent years as the sector with a great influence in main areas of the economic activities. The knowledge of their main characteristics and the factors that endorsees the investments in this sector, can help generate actions that pursues the growth and development in several industries impacting favorably the economic growth of the country

    Antidiabetic effects of natural plant extracts via inhibition of carbohydrate hydrolysis enzymes with emphasis on pancreatic alpha amylase

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    Introduction: The increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and the negative clinical outcomes observed with the commercially available anti-diabetic drugs have led to the investigation of new therapeutic approaches focused on controlling postprandrial glucose levels. The use of carbohydrate digestive enzyme inhibitors from natural resources could be a possible strategy to block dietary carbohydrate absorption with less adverse effects than synthetic drugs. Areas covered: This review covers the latest evidence regarding in vitro and in vivo studies in relation to pancreatic alpha-amylase inhibitors of plant origin, and presents bioactive compounds of phenolic nature that exhibit anti-amylase activity. Expert opinion: Pancreatic alpha-amylase inhibitors from traditional plant extracts are a promising tool for diabetes treatment. Many studies have confirmed the alpha-amylase inhibitory activity of plants and their bioactive compounds in vitro, but few studies corroborate these findings in rodents and very few in humans. Thus, despite some encouraging results, more research is required for developing a valuable anti-diabetic therapy using pancreatic alpha-amylase inhibitors of plant origin

    Yeasts associated with the production of distilled alcoholic beverages

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    Distilled alcoholic beverages are produced firstly by fermenting sugars emanating from cereal starches (in the case of whiskies), sucrose-rich plants (in the case of rums), fructooligosaccharide-rich plants (in the case of tequila) or from fruits (in the case of brandies). Traditionally, such fermentations were conducted in a spontaneous fashion, relying on indigenous microbiota, including wild yeasts. In modern practices, selected strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are employed to produce high levels of ethanol together with numerous secondary metabolites (eg. higher alcohols, esters, carbonyls etc.) which greatly influence the final flavour and aroma characteristics of spirits following distillation of the fermented wash. Therefore, distillers, like winemakers, must carefully choose their yeast strain which will be very important in providing the alcohol content and the sensory profiles of spirit beverages. This Chapter discusses yeast and fermentation aspects associated with the production of selected distilled spirits and highlights similarities and differences with the production of wine