65 research outputs found

    Propuesta metodológica para la concienciación y mejora del aprendizaje de la trompa en los conservatorios de Castilla y León

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    La razón principal que me ha llevado a la realización de este trabajo es la búsqueda de la efectividad y calidad en el aprendizaje de la trompa. Esto viene dado porque a lo largo de mi carrera profesional como trompista he tenido diversos profesores, cada uno con una metodología diferente, y a la larga, se nos olvida que aspectos tan importantes como la voz, la respiración y la postura, pasan a un segundo plano frente a tocar muchas obras o presentarse a pruebas. Nuestra función como docentes es ayudar a los alumnos a obtener el máximo rendimiento en todo lo que hacen, para así formar personas capacitadas para el futuro profesional, educarlas por competencias, para que, dedicándose o no a la música, estén capacitadas para cualquier tipo de profesión. En este trabajo voy a exponer una nueva visión de enseñanza de la trompa.This work arises from the pursuit of higher efficiency and the improvement of educational quality in French horn studies. Throughout my professional career as a French horn player I had various teachers, each one of them applying a different methodology. This, in the long run, leads to the oblivion of key issues such as voice, breath and body posture, that acquire a rather minor position as compared with playing a great number of musical piece or to take performance tests for Orchestras.Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y CorporalMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma


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    [ES] Este volumen reúne una serie de artículos en torno a la traducción y la interpretación en el par de lenguas alemán-español. Se estructura en distintas secciones temáticas, como reflejo de los diversos enfoques a los que da cabida: teoría de la traducción, historia de la traducción, traducción literaria, traducción especializada, lingüística, didáctica de la traducción e interpretación. En estas páginas se encontrarán enfoques históricos como los que pasan revista a las traducciones de la obra romántica Peter Schlemihls wundersame Geschichte, de la tetralogía wagneriana El anillo del Nibelungo o de los cuentos más emblemáticos de los hermanos Grimm. En otros artículos, los autores reflexionan sobre sus propias experiencias de traducción, incluyendo la esfera de la autotraducción. Se adoptan también perspectivas novedosas, como el análisis de los textos periodísticos de temática medioambiental desde una perspectiva ecolingüística o la aplicación de las teorías queer al análisis de traducciones. No faltan tampoco las contribuciones en el área de la lingüística contrastiva, de la lingüística de corpus y de la traducción especializada (catalogación de errores en la traducción biosanitaria, la fraseología en los textos jurídicos y médico-farmacéuticos, la hibridez textual, los neologismos relacionados con el terrorismo y los eufemismos de la crisis económico-financiera). Se abordan asimismo cuestiones relacionadas con la didáctica, como una reevaluación del método de gramática y traducción o el estudio de los argumentos elaborados por los estudiantes en los comentarios de traducción. Finalmente, los artículos dedicados a la interpretación estudian la comunicación intercultural en la antigua colonia alemana de Namibia, el lenguaje no verbal en la interpretación para los servicios públicos o el humor en conexión con la interpretación simultánea. Les deseamos un placentero viaje por estos meandros de la traducción e interpretación en el par de lenguas alemán-español

    Detection of polyclonality among clinical isolates from prosthetic joint infections

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    Prosthetic joint infection (PJI) is an increasingly important health concern in the Western world due to the rising number of joint arthroplasties. Although most infections are considered to be monomicrobial, the introduction of sonication procedures has led to an increase in the detection of polymicrobial infections. To date, no published studies have investigated the presence of different clones of the same species in the infected patient. The objective of this study was to analyze whether the phenomenon of polyclonality, or the appearance of different clones in the same sample, occurs in PJI. Bacteria isolated by sonication of the retrieved implant from patients with theoretically monomicrobial PJI were included in the study. Two techniques (random amplified polymorphic DNA [RAPD] and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time of flight [MALDI-TOF] mass spectrometry) were used to determine the presence of several clones in the same sample. Results were analyzed to determine bacterial species and infection type (acute versus chronic). RAPD showed a predominance of polyclonal cases (16 of 19). However, when performing the analysis with MALDI-TOF, all cases were shown to be polyclonal. We were unable to establish any relationship between the two methodologies. Polyclonality is a common phenomenon in acute and chronic PJI. Further studies are needed to establish the potential implications of this phenomenon on patient outcomesThis work was supported by a grant from the Spanish MINECO (no. MAT2013-48224-C2-2-R). J.E. received travel grants from Pfizer, Leti, and bioMérieux and research grants from Pfizer and Wyet

    La Traducción y sus meandros: diversas aproximaciones en el par de lenguas alemán-español

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    [ES] Este volumen reúne una serie de artículos en torno a la traducción y la interpretación en el par de lenguas alemán-español. Se estructura en distintas secciones temáticas, como reflejo de los diversos enfoques a los que da cabida: teoría de la traducción, historia de la traducción, traducción literaria, traducción especializada, lingüística, didáctica de la traducción e interpretación. En estas páginas se encontrarán enfoques históricos como los que pasan revista a las traducciones de la obra romántica Peter Schlemihls wundersame Geschichte, de la tetralogía wagneriana El anillo del Nibelungo o de los cuentos más emblemáticos de los hermanos Grimm. En otros artículos, los autores reflexionan sobre sus propias experiencias de traducción, incluyendo la esfera de la autotraducción. Se adoptan también perspectivas novedosas, como el análisis de los textos periodísticos de temática medioambiental desde una perspectiva ecolingüística o la aplicación de las teorías queer al análisis de traducciones. No faltan tampoco las contribuciones en el área de la lingüística contrastiva, de la lingüística de corpus y de la traducción especializada (catalogación de errores en la traducción biosanitaria, la fraseología en los textos jurídicos y médico-farmacéuticos, la hibridez textual, los neologismos relacionados con el terrorismo y los eufemismos de la crisis económico-financiera). Se abordan asimismo cuestiones relacionadas con la didáctica, como una reevaluación del método de gramática y traducción o el estudio de los argumentos elaborados por los estudiantes en los comentarios de traducción. Finalmente, los artículos dedicados a la interpretación estudian la comunicación intercultural en la antigua colonia alemana de Namibia, el lenguaje no verbal en la interpretación para los servicios públicos o el humor en conexión con la interpretación simultánea. Les deseamos un placentero viaje por estos meandros de la traducción e interpretación en el par de lenguas alemán-español

    ContAR: augmented reality as a support for visual representation in the art of storytelling

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    Las prácticas sociales presentes en la era digital han ligado el concepto de cultura visual al consumo de experiencias basadas en el uso de los dispositivos tecnológicos. Las audiencias más jóvenes, como la generación Alpha, viven el mundo a través de las pantallas, transformando así las representaciones visuales y la producción de significado que generan a la hora de realizar cualquier actividad. En este sentido, el objetivo de esta investigación es el desarrollo de una aplicación de realidad aumentada que permita acercar a esta generación a la tradición cultural de las narraciones orales mediante el apoyo visual de diferentes objetos representativos de los cuentos orales. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se plantea una metodología que combine dos procesos metodológicos basados en el ciclo de vida de desarrollo de sistemas y la Interacción Humano-Computadora para desarrollar las diferentes fases del proceso —definición, diseño, desarrollo y evaluación—. Para realizar la fase de evaluación, se plantea una técnica de recogida de datos de enfoque cualitativo basado en el Focus Group. El artículo concluye que la creación de aplicaciones o herramientas tecnológicas como apoyo visual al desarrollo de prácticas culturales tradicionales fomenta el interés y la creatividad de las audiencias más jóvenes ya que se adaptan a las necesidades de consumo que esta generación presenta.Social practices in the digital era have linked the concept of visual culture to the consumption of experiences based on the use of technological devices. Younger audiences, such as the Alpha generation, experience the world through screens, thus transforming the visual representations and the production of meaning generated when performing any activity. In this sense, the objective of this research is the development of an augmented reality application that allows this generation to approach the cultural tradition of oral storytelling through the visual support of different objects representative of oral tales. To carry out this research, a methodology is proposed that combines two methodological processes based on the system development life cycle and Human-Computer Interaction to develop the different phases of the process —definition, design, development, and evaluation—. For the evaluation phase, a data collection technique is proposed with a qualitative approach based on the Focus Group. The article concludes that the creation of applications or technological tools as visual support for the development of traditional cultural practices encourages the interest and creativity of younger audiences as they adapt to the consumption needs that this generation presents

    Cluster microclimate, canopy management and its influence on the berry (size and composition) quality

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    Sunlight and microclimate inside the clusters’ zone are key factors in berry development and must composition. Plant geometry and training system should be joined with a proper sunlight and temperature cluster microclimate and, also in the rest of the plant. Berry temperature can vary between 2 and 10 ºC or even more in inner clusters, depending on their exposure (Spayd et al., 2002). Sunlight, air ventilation within the canopy, temperature cluster and microclimate are affected by the exposure and radiation percentage received by grapes during its growth and maturation period (Deloire and Hunter 2005). In Mediterranean conditions (warm and dry climate), the use of porous systems may help plants establish a better leaf distribution inside this area (de la Fuente et al., 2015), providing more space and enhancing certain physiological processes, both in leaves (photosynthesis, ventilation, transpiration) and berries (growth and maturation). Grapes exposed to direct radiation are more sensitive to ripening and they can even suffer a dehydration process in the Mediterranean regions, where the temperature during the ripening after midday is frequently between 30-35 ºC or higher than 40 ºC (de la Fuente et al., 2015). A key point for well microclimate management inside the canopy is heat flux control, which is usually generated by three factors: surface area (SA) to PAR (direct or indirect) radiation; intensity or thermal value (related to the temperature) and time of exposure (de la Fuente, 2009; de la Fuente et al., 2013). Sprawl systems are non-positioned systems where vegetation is in multidirectional directions. Therefore, as sun position changes along the day, some leaves are first shaded and then others, so the sun leaf exposure decreases (Gutiérrez et al., 2021). The study was conducted in D.O. Uclés vineyards (lat. 39º50’8” N; long. 3º09’48.6” W; elevation 746 m above sea level) during the 2020 season, in cv. Tempranillo. The trial was designed with two training system: Vertical Shoot Positioned (VSP) and Sprawl (SP). Berry sampling was done every three days within the final 15 days before the estimated harvest date. A single sample comprised 100 berries collected from the clusters of the 10 selected vines in each block. Weight, size, must composition (reducing sugar, pH, acidity, volatile acidity, etc.) and skin composition (total and acylated monomeric pigments, TPI) were analysed. Regarding the berry composition, SP accumulated larger concentration of reducing sugars (+7.4%). No statistical differences were observed in the remaining oenological parameters measured in the berries between treatments. Nevertheless, inside total pigments and color parameters, TPI values reached significantly higher (+40%) in the SP vs VSP treatments. In the total concentration of pigments (including the acylated fraction) and pH, no differences were founded. Berry's weight and size showed some relevant differences between treatments. During the end maturity-harvest period, the berry weight (12-11%) and berry size (6-9%) were higher in SP treatment compared to VSP. These results suggest that the SP systems can induce an increment of reducing sugars, and TPI and also, can modulate the berry weight and size, helping to control overripening and berry dehydration processes. Therefore, sprawl systems (SP) represent an alternative to VSP systems in warm areas for achieving an increment of pigments, as well as for better control of the accumulation of reducing sugars, without compromising the harvest yield (higher berry weight and size)

    Association between Germline Single-Nucleotide Variants in ADME Genes and Major Molecular Response to Imatinib in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients

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    Imatinib is the most common first-line tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) used to treat chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia (CP-CML). However, only a proportion of patients achieve major molecular response (MMR), so there is a need to find biological factors that aid the selection of the optimal therapeutic strategy (imatinib vs. more potent second-generation TKIs). The aim of this retrospective study was to understand the contribution of germline single-nucleotide variants (gSNVs) in the achievement of MMR with imatinib. In particular, a discovery cohort including 45 CP-CML patients was analyzed through the DMET array, which interrogates 1936 variants in 231 genes related to the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) process. Variants statistically significant in the discovery cohort were then tested in an extended and independent cohort of 137 CP-CML patients. Finally, a total of 7 gSNVs (ABCG1-rs492338, ABCB11-rs496550, ABCB11-rs497692, CYP2D6-rs1135840, CYP11B1-rs7003319, MAT1A-rs4934027 and SLC22A1-rs628031) and one haplotype in the ABCB11 gene were significantly associated with the achievement of MMR with first-line imatinibtreatment. In conclusion, we identified a genetic signature of response to imatinib in CP-CML patients that could be useful in selecting those patients that may benefit from starting imatinib as first-line therapy, therefore avoiding the toxicity related to second-generation TKIs

    Conversion from immediate-release tacrolimus to prolonged-release tacrolimus in stable heart transplant patients: a retrospective study

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    [Abstract] Background Lifelong adherence with post-transplant immunosuppression is challenging, with nonadherence associated with greater acute rejection (AR) risk. Methods This retrospective study evaluated conversion from immediate-release tacrolimus (IRT) to prolonged-release tacrolimus (PRT), between January 2008 and December 2012 in stable adult heart transplant recipients. Cumulative incidence rate (IR) of AR and infection pre- and postconversion, safety, tacrolimus dose and trough levels, concomitant immunosuppression, and PRT discontinuation were analyzed (intention-to-treat population). Results Overall, 467 patients (mean age, 59.3 [SD, 13.3] years) converted to PRT at 5.1 (SD, 4.9) years post transplant and were followed for 3.4 (SD, 1.5) years. During the 6 months post conversion, 5 patients (1.1%; 95% CI, 0.35%–2.48%) had an AR episode and IR was 2.2/100 patient-years (95% CI, 0.91–5.26). Incidence of rejection preconversion varied by time from transplant to conversion. Infection IR was similar post- and preconversion (9.2/100 patient-years [95% CI, 7.4–11.3] vs 10.6/100 patient-years [95% CI, 8.8–12.3], respectively; P = .20). Safety variables remained similar post conversion. The IR of mortality/graft loss was 2.3/100 patient-years (95% CI, 1.7–3.1). Conclusions Conversion from IRT to PRT in heart transplant recipients in Spain was associated with no new safety concerns and appropriate immunosuppressive effectiveness

    Prevalence and severity of renal dysfunction among 1062 heart transplant patients according to criteria based on serum creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate: results from the CAPRI study

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    [Abstract] Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is staged on the basis of glomerular filtration rate; generally, the MDRD study estimate, eGFR, is used. Renal dysfunction (RD) in heart transplant (HT) patients is often evaluated solely in terms of serum creatinine (SCr). In a cross-sectional, 14-center study of 1062 stable adult HT patients aged 59.1 ± 12.5 yr (82.3% men), RD was graded as absent-or-mild (AoM), moderate, or severe (this last including dialysis and kidney graft) by two classifications: SCr-RD (SCr cutoffs 1.6 and 2.5 mg/dL) and eGFR-RD (eGFR cutoffs 60 and 30 mL/min/1.73 m2). SCr-RD was AoM in 68.5% of patients, moderate in 24.9%, and severe in 6.7%; eGFR-RD, AoM in 38.6%, moderate in 52.2%, severe in 9.2%. Among patients evaluated 9.5 yr post-HT (the periods defined by time-since-transplant quartiles), AoM/moderate/severe RD prevalences were 9.5, SCr-RD 58/32/10%, eGFR-RD 32/52/16%. The prevalence of severe RD increases with time since transplant. If the usual CKD stages are appropriate for HT patients, the need for less nephrotoxic immunosuppressants and other renoprotective measures is greater than is suggested by direct SCr-based grading, which should be abandoned as excessively insensitive

    Influence of Gender in Advanced Heart Failure Therapies and Outcome Following Transplantation

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    Biological differences between males and females change the course of different diseases and affect therapeutic measures' responses. Heart failure is not an exception to these differences. Women account for a minority of patients on the waiting list for heart transplantation or other advanced heart failure therapies. The reason for this under-representation is unknown. Men have a worse cardiovascular risk profile and suffer more often from ischemic heart disease. Conversely, transplanted women are younger and more frequently have non-ischemic cardiac disorders. Women's poorer survival on the waiting list for heart transplantation has been previously described, but this trend has been corrected in recent years. The use of ventricular assist devices in women is progressively increasing, with comparable results than in men. The indication rate for a heart transplant in women (number of women on the waiting list for millions of habitants) has remained unchanged over the past 25 years. Long-term results of heart transplants are equal for both men and women. We have analyzed the data of a national registry of heart transplant patients to look for possible future directions for a more in-depth study of sex differences in this area. We have analyzed 1-year outcomes of heart transplant recipients. We found similar results in men and women and no sex-related interactions with any of the factors related to survival or differences in death causes between men and women. We should keep trying to approach sex differences in prospective studies to confirm if they deserve a different approach, which is not supported by current evidence