352 research outputs found

    Edmund Husserl between Platonism and Aristotelianism

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    The volume contains the first collection of essays delaying with the relations between, on the one hand, Husserl's philosophy, and, on the other, the traditions of Platonism and Aristotelianism

    Cultural Heritage and earthquakes: a multidisciplinary approach to restoration sites

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    [EN] This paper looks at a multidisciplinary approach to the restoration of sites hit by earthquakes, and illustrates how an integrated approach can successfully combine technical requirements with historical and cultural ones. The methodology presented in this study concerns the “Castello di Fossa” restoration project in central Italy, which was hit by an earthquake in 2009. Cooperation between the two teams working on the project led to the development of new ideas and the definition of an innovative role for the castle within the urban and rural landscape. The project looked at how to improve energetic and structural performance through the retrofitting of the building, whilst at the same time guaranteeing the conservation of its architectural values. Lastly, the results of this joint work undertaken by archaeologists, researchers from the National Research Centre (CNR ITC, L’Aquila) and the University of L’Aquila (DICEAA) and designers, are presented as well as the coherence of the reconstruction.Thanks to the architect Roberta Boccabella, the planner of the restoration project of the Fossa castle, for having made available to the team the architectural survey and the point clouds of the survey carried out with the laser scanner.Thanks to Alessandro Giannangeli and Gabriele Petrucci of ITC-CNR for having carried out, the former the photogrammetric survey of the building and postprocessed the acquired data; and the latter for having performed, starting from the basic material, the parametric model of the castle.Thanks to Serena Calcagni, for having carried out dynamical simulations of the buildings.De Vita, M.; Trizio, I.; Savini, F.; De Berardinis, P. (2018). Cultural Heritage and earthquakes: a multidisciplinary approach to restoration sites. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 3(2):79-88. doi:10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2018.10978SWORD798832Balaras C.A., Argiriou A.A. (2002) Infrared thermography for building diagnostics, Energy Build. n. 34, 171-183. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0378-7788(01)00105-0Bianchini C., Nicastro S. (2018) The definition of the Level of Reliability: a contribution to the transparency of Historical-BIM processes. Dn. Building Information Modeling. Data & Semantics n. 2, 46-60.Brumana R., Della Torre S., Oreni D., Previtali M., Cantini L., Barazzetti L., Franchi A., Banfi F. (2017) HBIM challenge among the paradigm of complexity, tools and preservation: the Basilica di Collemaggio 8 years after the earthquake (L'Aquila). International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences-ISPRS Archives 42(2W5), 97-104. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W5-97-2017Brumana R., Della Torre S., Previtali M., Barazzetti L., Cantini L., Oreni D., Banfi F. (2018), Generative HBIM modelling to embody complexity (LOD, LOG, LOA, LOI): surveying, preservation, site intervention - the Basilica di Collemaggio (L'Aquila). Applied Geomatics July 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12518-018-0233-3Brusaporci S., Trizio I., Ruggieri G., Maiezza P., Tata A., Giannangeli A.(2018) AHBIM per l'analisi stratigrafica dell'architettura storica. Restauro Archeologico vol. 27, n. 1/2018, 112-131.Chiarizia G., Properzi P. (1995), Abruzzo dei castelli. Gli insediamenti fortificati abruzzesi dagli italici all'unità d'Italia. Carsa, Pescara.Chiarizia G., Latini M.L., Properzi P. (2002), Atlante dei castelli d'Abruzzo. Repertorio sistematico delle fortificazioni. Carsa, Pescara.Continenza R., Redi F., Savini F., Tata A., Trizio I. (2018) HBIM for the Archaeology of Standing Buildings: Case Study of the Church of San Cipriano in Castelvecchio Calvisio (L'Aquila, Italy). In: P. Fogliaroni, et al. (eds), Proceedings of Workshops and Posters at the 13th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2017). Springer, Cham, 315-323. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-63946-8_49De Berardinis P., Bartolomucci C., Capannolo L., De Vita M., Laurini E., Marchionni C. (2018) Instruments for assessing historical built environments in emergency contexts: non-destructive techniques for sustainable recovery. Buildings 8(2), 27. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings8020027Della Torre S. (2017) Un bilancio del progetto BHIMM. In S Della Torre (ed.) Built heritage information modelling management/modellazione e gestione e delle informazioni per il patrimonio edilizio esistente. Sistema editoriale Ingenio, [WWW document]. URL https://www.ingenioweb.it/6974-un-bilancio-del-progetto-bhimm (accessed 13 November 2018).Garagnani S. (2015), Semantic Representation of Accurate Surveys for the Cultural Heritage: BIM Applied to the Existing Domain. In: S. Brusaporci (ed.), Handbook of Research on Emerging Digital Tools for Architectural Surveying, Modeling, and Representation, vol. I, 299-317. IGI Global, Hershey. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-4666-8379-2.ch009Italian Council of Ministers (2011) Directive 9 February 2011 of the Council of Ministers. Off. J. Ital. Repub. 47.Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism (2015) Guidelines for Energy Efficiency Improvements in the Cultural Heritage. MiBACT: Rome, Italy.Lo Turco M. (2016) Minimum content of representation in BIM environment: towards a Future National Standard. In T. Empler (ed.) 3D Modeling & BIM: applications and possible future developments. DEI, Roma, 163-171.Lucchi E., Pracchi V. (2013) Efficienza energetica e patrimonio costruito: La sfida del miglioramento delle prestazioni nell'edilizia storica. Maggioli Editore, Milano.Maierhofer C., Krankenhagen R., Myrach P., Meinhardt J., Kalisch U., Hennen C., Mecke R., Seidl T., Schiller, M. (2013) Monitoring of Cracks in Historic Concrete Structures Using Optical, Thermal and Acoustical Methods, in Built Heritage: Monitoring Conservation Management, Toniolo, L.; Boriani, M.; Guidi, G. (eds.). Springer: Switzerland, 625-632.Murphy M., McGovern E., Pavia S. (2009) Historic building information modelling (HBIM). Structural Survey vol. 27, n. 4, 311-327. https://doi.org/10.1108/02630800910985108Nicastro, S. (2016). L'applicazione del BIM come sistema informativo localizzato nel processo di conoscenza del Patrimonio Culturale. In T. Empler (Ed.), 3D Modeling & BIM: applications and possible future developments (pp. 173-183). Roma, IT: DEI.Proietti N., Capitani D., Di Tullio V., Olmi R., Priori S., Riminesi C., Sansonetti A., Tasso F., Rosina, E. (2013) MOdihMA at Sforza Castle in Milano: Innovative Techniques for MOisture Detection in Historical Masonry, in Built Heritage: Monitoring Conservation Management, Toniolo, L.; Boriani, M.; Guidi, G. (eds.). Springer: Switzerland, 1195-1202.Scandurra S., Pulcrano M., Tarantino C., Di Luggo A. (2017) H-BIM Modeling and Historical Reconstruction of Architectural Heritage. Dn n.1/2017, 6-18


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    Abstract. This study is aimed at identifying adaptive design strategies applied to the particular contexts of the Abruzzo Region during the post-earthquake reconstruction. The area affected by the calamitous event present material and immaterial issues to be interpreted and managed according to integrated and interdisciplinary intervention methods. In this context, the Reconstruction Plans (PdR) provide the guidelines for a coherent territorial development, proposing design solutions that call for sustainability and resilience. The village of Navelli, which 10 years after the earthquake is still in a serious state of damage and abandonment, is identified in the 2013 PdR as an area to be converted into an archaeological park. The Plan prescribes by specifications on the basis of identifying values of the area whilst inspections carried out reveal a stratified, vast and remarkably heterogeneous building fabric both as regards to the level of damage and the values to be protected. From the analyzes carried out, the case study provides the opportunity for an ad hoc design methodology, identified by specific interventions that are at the same time inter-dependent and included in a complex project. The work highlights how the overall design of a public space can find an easier resolution in the integration of adaptive and reversible technologies, coherent with the sustainable development suggested by the PdR

    Preliminary Analysis of Earthen Architecture Response to Floods: The Case of Alzira (Spain)

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    [EN] Alzira, the capital of the Ribera del Júcar, has historically played a prominent role within the Comunitat Valenciana. The first settlement of the city dates back to the Moorish domination, and after the Reconquista, together with Xativa, Alcoi and Elx, it became one of the main cities of the ancient Reino de Valencia. Its architectural heritage is a witness of this remarkable past, including the glorious example of the Moorish wall, built almost entirely using the technique of rammed earth. Throughout history, the Moorish wall and the entire architectural heritage of Alzira have suffered extensive damage due to multiple factors, including neglect, wars and numerous floods. Throughout history, floods have had a significant impact on the architectural and cultural heritage of the city, as chronicled at the time, given that until the 1960s, the historic centre was surrounded by the two branches of the river Júcar. This study aims to analyse the response of earthen architecture to flooding, assessing its resilience and vulnerability through the analysis of the case of the city of Alzira and, in particular, of its historic centre. The research will therefore investigate the adaptation of earthen architecture and traditional techniques to floods. The recognition of these good practices used in the past and the establishment of a level of risk will be crucial to developing measures for the prevention and mitigation of the effects of floods, such as structural reinforcements and protective devices.This work is part of the research project Earthen architecture in the Iberian Peninsula: study of natural, social and anthropic risks and strategies to improve resilience Risk-Terra (ref. RTI2018-095302-B-I00; main researchers: Camilla Mileto and Fernando Vegas), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and University.Trizio, F.; Mileto, C.; Torrijo, F.; Lidón De-Miguel, M. (2020). Preliminary Analysis of Earthen Architecture Response to Floods: The Case of Alzira (Spain). International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Online). 44:713-717. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIV-M-1-2020-713-2020S7137174

    Balancing Tradition and Development? Early Trials of a Methodology for Studying Vernacular Architecture and its Transformations

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    [EN] In the age of globalization, it becomes necessary to assess the possibilities for the conservation of the characteristic identity features of vernacular architectural heritage. The changes undergone in traditional dwellings appear to be on different scales in societies that are considered developed, and in those that are developing, while the idea of development itself can be the main precursor to change. A study underway aims to identify the nature of the transformations occurring both in traditional architecture and in the society that builds it through case studies and to determine the influence of the concept of ¿development¿ in these changes, spotting the potential role of cooperation in the conservation of vernacular architectural heritage and its capacity for sustainability. The analysis of the first case study, the village of Baasneere (Burkina Faso), has made it possible to implement a methodology based on the review of literature, quantitative and qualitative research techniques and the use of three types of cataloguing fiches on three aspects (urban, typological, constructive) of dwellings under study. Although it needs to be adapted to the specific characteristics of the new case studies, the methodology proposed has been proven valid in the study of vernacular settings and their transformations and is also expected to be of use in establishing comparisons between different contexts.This research was funded by a grant from the Centre for Development Cooperation of Universitat Politècnica de València, which financed a visit for data-collection to Baasneere. This grant aims to encourage cooperation between the university and associations and NGOs working in international cooperation. In this case, during this visit, the authors collaborated with the project that the NGO Algemesí Solidari is carrying out in the village of Baasneere with its counterpart, A3B. The authors wish to thank the members of these two associations for their collaboration in the development of the research. They would also like to thank the inhabitants of Baasneere particularly for their welcome and assistance, and particularly Ouedraogo Ismaël, guide and interpreter during the visit. The initial stages of this research were part of the ConBurkina research project, also funded by the UPV Centre for Development Cooperation, again to support and collaborate with the NGO Algemesí Solidari. Furthermore, the study presented is part of the research carried out for a doctoral thesis funded by an FPU grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.Lidón De-Miguel, M.; García-Soriano, L.; Mileto, C.; Trizio, F. (2020). Balancing Tradition and Development? Early Trials of a Methodology for Studying Vernacular Architecture and its Transformations. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Online). 44:781-788. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIV-M-1-2020-781-2020S7817884

    Neural crest cell-derived pericytes act as pro-angiogenic cells in human neocortex development and gliomas

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    Central nervous system diseases involving the parenchymal microvessels are frequently associated with a 'microvasculopathy', which includes different levels of neurovascular unit (NVU) dysfunction, including blood-brain barrier alterations. To contribute to the understanding of NVU responses to pathological noxae, we have focused on one of its cellular components, the microvascular pericytes, highlighting unique features of brain pericytes with the aid of the analyses carried out during vascularization of human developing neocortex and in human gliomas. Thanks to their position, centred within the endothelial/glial partition of the vessel basal lamina and therefore inserted between endothelial cells and the perivascular and vessel-associated components (astrocytes, oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs)/NG2-glia, microglia, macrophages, nerve terminals), pericytes fulfil a central role within the microvessel NVU. Indeed, at this critical site, pericytes have a number of direct and extracellular matrix molecule- and soluble factor-mediated functions, displaying marked phenotypical and functional heterogeneity and carrying out multitasking services. This pericytes heterogeneity is primarily linked to their position in specific tissue and organ microenvironments and, most importantly, to their ontogeny. During ontogenesis, pericyte subtypes belong to two main embryonic germ layers, mesoderm and (neuro)ectoderm, and are therefore expected to be found in organs ontogenetically different, nonetheless, pericytes of different origin may converge and colonize neighbouring areas of the same organ/apparatus. Here, we provide a brief overview of the unusual roles played by forebrain pericytes in the processes of angiogenesis and barriergenesis by virtue of their origin from midbrain neural crest stem cells. A better knowledge of the ontogenetic subpopulations may support the understanding of specific interactions and mechanisms involved in pericyte function/dysfunction, including normal and pathological angiogenesis, thereby offering an alternative perspective on cell subtype-specific therapeutic approaches

    Triggering Cation Exchange Reactions by Doping

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    Cation exchange (CE) reactions have emerged as a technologically important route, complementary to the colloidal synthesis, to produce nanostructures of different geometries and compositions for a variety of applications. Here it is demonstrated with first-principles simulations that an interstitial impurity cation in CdSe nanocrystals weakens nearby bonds and reduces the CE barrier in the prototypical exchange of Cd2+ ions by Ag+ ions. A Wannier function-based tight binding model is employed to quantify microscopic mechanisms that influence this behavior. To support our model, we also tested our findings in a CE experiment: both CdSe and interstitially Ag-doped CdSe nanocrystals (containing 4% of Ag+ ions per nanocrystal on average) were exposed to Pb2+ ions at room temperature and it was observed that the exchange reaction proceeds further in doped nanocrystals. The findings suggest doping as a possible route to promote CE reactions that hardly undergo exchange otherwise, for example, those in III–V sem..

    Influence of the Ion Coordination Number on Cation Exchange Reactions with Copper Telluride Nanocrystals

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    Cu2-xTe nanocubes were used as starting seeds to access metal telluride nanocrystals by cation exchanges at room temperature. The coordination number of the entering cations was found to play an important role in dictating the reaction pathways. The exchanges with tetrahedrally coordinated cations (i.e. with coordination number 4), such as Cd2+ or Hg2+, yielded monocrystalline CdTe or HgTe nanocrystals with Cu2-xTe/CdTe or Cu2-xTe/HgTe Janus-like heterostructures as intermediates. The formation of Janus-like architectures was attributed to the high diffusion rate of the relatively small tetrahedrally coordinated cations, which could rapidly diffuse in the Cu2-xTe NCs and nucleate the CdTe (or HgTe) phase in a preferred region of the host structure. Also, with both Cd2+ and Hg2+ ions the exchange led to wurtzite CdTe and HgTe phases rather than the more stable zinc-blende ones, indicating that the anion framework of the starting Cu2- xTe particles could be more easily deformed to match the anion framework of the metastable wurtzite structures. As hexagonal HgTe had never been reported to date, this represents another case of metastable new phases that can only be accessed by cation exchange. On the other hand, the exchanges involving octahedrally coordinated ions (i.e. with coordination number 6), such as Pb2+ or Sn2+, yielded rock-salt polycrystalline PbTe or SnTe nanocrystals with Cu2-xTe@PbTe or Cu2-xTe@SnTe core@shell architectures at the early stages of the exchange process. In this case, the octahedrally coordinated ions are probably too large to diffuse easily through the Cu2-xTe structure: their limited diffusion rate restricts their initial reaction to the surface of the nanocrystals, where cation exchange is initiated unselectively, leading to core@shell architectures.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures in J. Am. Chem. Soc, 13 May 201

    Assessment of Impacts Produced by Anthropogenic Sources in a Little City near an Important Industrial Area (Modugno, Southern Italy)

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    An annual monitoring campaign of VOCs, consisting of twelve sampling periods, was carried out from June 2008 to June 2009 in Modugno, a city located in the Apulia region (Southern Italy), in order to assess the urban air quality, identify the main emission sources, and quantify the cancer and no-cancer risk attributable to inhalation exposures. Monitoring, carried out by using the Radiello diffusive samplers, was conducted in eleven sampling sites throughout the city taking into account the traffic density and the architecture of the city. From the study of the data, it was found that, among all considered VOCs, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) are the pollutants at higher concentration. The analysis of VOC concentrations, the study of the topography of the city, and the use of different diagnostic ratios between the BTEX species showed that the vehicular traffic emissions were the predominant source of VOCs in the urban area of Modugno. Despite that the annual concentration of benzene is lower than the regulatory limit, the estimation of cancer risk showed that the global lifetime cancer risk attributed to the investigated VOC exposure was not negligible and therefore should be taken into account in future regulatory approaches

    CsPbX3/SiOx (X = Cl, Br, I) monoliths prepared via a novel sol-gel route starting from Cs4PbX6 nanocrystals

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    We developed a facile synthesis of nanocomposite powders of CsPbX3 nanocrystals (NCs) embedded in silica. The synthesis starts from colloidal Cs4PbX6 NCs that are mixed with tetraethyl orthosilicate in the presence of nitric acid, which triggers the sol-gel reaction yielding the formation of SiOx and the conversion of starting NCs into CsPbX3 ones. The overall reaction delivers CsPbX3 NCs encased in a silica matrix. The resulting CsPbX3/SiOx nano-composite powders exhibited enhanced moisture and thermal stability in air. Also, when mixing different CsPbX3/SiOx samples having diverse anion compositions, no interparticle anion exchange processes were observed, which is a further indication that the silica matrix acts as a robust barrier surrounding the NCs. Finallly, we used these composites as down-converter phosphors on top of a blue light-emitting diode (LED), delivering nearly ideal white light emission with the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE) color coordinates (0.32, 0.33)