1,443 research outputs found

    Portugal adoption of the gold standard : political reasons for a monetary choice (1846-1854)

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    This article analyses the transition from bimetallism to the gold standard in Portugal. The research has emphasised that the high percentage of gold coins in circulation and the network externalities were the main reasons for the de jure adoption of the gold standard in 1854. However, it has not provided a justification for either the appreciation of gold in the Portuguese market in 1847 which was contrary to the international trend or the reasons behind the decision to continue to circulate British gold sovereigns in 1851 when all other foreign coins were withdrawn. We argue that the political pressure applied by groups with ownership of British gold coins explains the transition from bimetallism to the gold standard.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Money supply in Portugal 1834-1891

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    Endovascular vs open repair for popliteal aneurysm: a review on limb salvage and reintervention rates

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    Introdução: A cirurgia aberta continua a ser a técnica gold standard no tratamento de aneurismas poplíteos, no entanto a abordagem endovascular tem ganhado popularidade crescente. A comparação entre estas duas técnicas é crucial no processo de decisão a nível médico, no entanto, na literatura, existe falta de dados a médio prazo. A presente revisão pretende comparar as taxas de preservação de membro e de reintervenção nestas abordagens. Aquisição de evidência: Foi conduzida uma revisão abrangente da literatura de modo a identificar publicações referentes ao tratamento dos aneurismas da artéria poplítea (AAPs) por via endovascular ou cirurgia aberta. Os endpoints primários foram a reintervenção e preservação de membro. Síntese de evidência: Vinte e sete estudos foram selecionados para análise, descrevendo um total de 5425 pacientes: 1651 AAPs foram submetidos à técnica endovascular e 4166 AAPs foram tratados com cirurgia aberta. As taxas de sucesso técnico variaram entre 83.3 e 100% no grupo endovascular e entre 79 e 100% no grupo da cirurgia aberta. No caso da via endovascular, ao fim de 1 ano, a preservação de membro variou entre 84.2 e 100%, aos 3 anos variou entre 88.9 e 100%, e aos 5 anos entre 64.7 e 100%. A taxa de reintervenção, no prazo de 1 ano, variou entre 3.7 e 21%, aos 3 anos entre 18.9 e 28%, e aos 5 anos entre 34.5 e 38%. No caso da cirurgia aberta, ao fim de 1 ano, a preservação de membro variou entre 94.3 e 100%, 94.5 e 99% aos 3 anos, e 86.4 a 97% aos 5 anos. Relativamente à taxa de reintervenção, no prazo de 1 ano, foi 12.8 e 13%, aos 3 anos 3.6 e 12%, e aos 5 anos variou entre 15.7 e 30%. Conclusão: Tanto a abordagem endovascular como a cirurgia aberta representam opções seguras no tratamento dos aneurismas poplíteos. Apesar disso, a médio-prazo, a cirurgia aberta está associada a uma maior preservação de membro e a uma taxa de reintervenção inferior. Mais estudos serão necessários de modo a avaliar a durabilidade a longo prazo da técnica endovascular e a sua aplicabilidade no contexto emergente.INTRODUCTIONː Open repair remains the gold standard technique for popliteal aneurysm repair. However, the endovascular approach has gained increased popularity. Comparison between these techniques remain crucial to aid the physician choice, yet, data on mid term outcomes lack in literature. The present review aims to compare the limb salvage and reintervention rates in these different approaches. EVIDENCE ACQUISITIONː A comprehensive literature review was conducted to identify publications on endovascular treatment or open repair of popliteal artery aneurysms (PAAs). Primary endpoints were reintervention and limb salvage. EVIDENCE SYNTHESISː Twenty-seven studies were selected for analysis describing a total of 5425 patients: 1651 PAAs underwent endovascular repair and 4166 PAAs were treated with open surgery. The technical success rates varied between 83.3 to 100% in the endovascular group and 79 to 100% in the open repair. For endovascular repair, the limb salvage at 1 year ranged between 84.2 and 100%, at 3 years between 88.9 and 100%; and at 5 years between 64.7 and 100%. The reintervention rate at 1 year ranged between 3.7 and 21%, at 3 years between 18.9 and 28%, and at 5 years between 34.5 and 38%. For open repair, the limb salvage varied between 94.3 and 100% at 1 year,94.5 and 99 % at 3 years, and 86.4 to 97% at 5 years. Regarding the reintervention rate, at 1 year was 12.8 and 13%, at 3 years 3.6 and 12%, and at 5 years varied between 15.7 and 30%. CONCLUSIONSː Both endovascular and open repair of popliteal aneurysms represent safe options for popliteal aneurysm repair. Yet, on mid-term, open repair is associated with greater limb salvage and fewer reintervention rates. Still, further studies are needed to access the long-term durability of this technique and its suitability in emergency settings

    How to turn innovative startups into successful businesses: The case of Techperks

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    The Internet of Things, also known by the acronym IoT, comprises all devices and objects that are enabled to be permanently connected to the Internet, being able to identify on the network and communicate with each other. This technology is incorporated into a variety of products that are available today and designed to make life easier for consumers. The result was the emergence of smart cities, connected factories, connected cars, and an enormous amount of many other applications. All of this is evidence of how the world is adapting to the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is a hot topic in our days and many business models arise from this trend, in form of new technologies, products, and services. However, when it comes to business strategy and profitability, it is not only about having the best idea or the best product but how to market it in the best way and attract the right target. Techperks is a startup built with the objective of bringing new IoT products to Portugal. However, the concept was not innovative enough to succeed as predicted in the Portuguese market. This case aims to highlight the biggest reasons explaining the brand's low performance and serve as a guide of “mistakes to avoid when launching a new innovative business”. It can also be used to stimulate student’s creativity in developing strategies used by Techperks to exploit the brand's total potential. “How should I begin?”: this is the question which students will be able to answer.A Internet das Coisas, também conhecida pelo acrónimo IoT, compreende todos os dispositivos e objetos que se conectam permanentemente à Internet, e que comunicam entre si. Daí, surgiram cidades inteligentes, fábricas conectadas, carros conectados e um sem número de outras aplicações que nos trazem, todos os dias, novas funcionalidades. Este é um tópico muito relevante e muitos novos modelos de negócios surgem dessa nova tendência, sob forma de novas tecnologias, produtos e serviços. Espera-se que muitos provavelmente tenham sucesso, dado o crescimento desta nova era da tecnologia. No entanto, quando se trata de estratégia de negócios e lucro, não se trata apenas de ter a melhor ideia ou o melhor produto, mas também como comercializá-lo da melhor maneira e atrair o alvo mais atrativo. A startup Techperks foi criada com vista a trazer novos produtos de IoT para Portugal, através da sua revenda. No entanto, o conceito não foi inovador o suficiente para criar sucesso no mercado português e a startup não conseguiu instigar sua visão no mercado. Embora ainda em operação, a loja tem demonstrado resultados aquém das previsões. Este caso, tem como objetivo destacar os principais motivos que explicam o fraca performance da marca e servir como um guia para "os erros a serem evitados ao iniciar um novo negócio retalhista inovador". Além disso, pode ser utilizado para estimular a criatividade dos alunos no desenvolvimento de estratégias que poderiam ter sido usadas pela Techperks para evitar o insucesso e utilizar todo o potencial da marca

    Usefulness of zebrafish model to assess glomerular and tubular alterations induced by tenofovir

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    Tenofovir (TFV) is one of the most used antiretroviral drugs. However, it is associated with tubular damage with mitochondria as a possible target. Tubulopathy precedes glomerular dysfunction, thus classic markers of renal function like the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) do not detect early TFV damage. Prediction and management of drug induced renal injury (DIRI) rely on the mechanisms of the drug insult and in optimal animal models to explore it. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) offers unique advantages for assessing DIRI, since the pronephros is structurally very similar to its human counterpart and is fully developed at 3.5 days postfertilization. The main aim of the present work was to evaluate the effects of TFV, as well as its pro-drug, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), on the GFR and in mitochondria morphology in tubular cells of zebrafish larvae. Lethality curves were performed to understand the relationship between drug concentration and lethality. LC10 was selected to explore the renal function using the FITC-inulin assay and to analyze the mitochondrial toxicity by electron microscopy on larvae exposed to TDF, TFV, paracetamol and gentamicin (positive controls) or water (negative control). Lethality curves showed that gentamicin was the most lethal drug, followed by TDF, TFV and paracetamol. Gentamicin and paracetamol decreased the GFR, but no differences were found for either TDF or TFV, when compared to controls (%FITC Control = 33±8; %FITC TDF = 35±10; %FITC TFV = 30±10; %FITC Gentamicin = 46±17; %FITC Paracetamol = 83±14). Tubular mitochondria from treated larvae were notably different from non-treated larvae, showing swelling, irregular shapes, decreased mitochondria network, cristae disruption and loss of matrix granules. These results are in agreement with the effects of these drugs in humans and thus, demonstrate that zebrafish larvae can be a good model to assess the functional and structural damage associated with DIRI

    Autoconceito, disrupção e interesses

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    Mestrado em PsicologiaO presente estudo visa analisar a relação existente entre o autoconceito, a disrupção escolar e os interesses vocacionais, tendo a revisão da literatura verificado que o autoconceito se encontr relacionado com as diversas áreas de desenvolvimento dos jovens, desde a pessoal, passando pela escolar, até à profissional. É apontado por diversos autores que o baixo autoconceito pode prejudicar o processo de aprendizagem, uma vez que, por regra, se encontra associado à disrupção escolar, ou, inclusive, à limitação das escolhas vocacionais dos jovens, pela perceção enviesada de autoeficácia ostentada pelos mesmos. Visando estudar esta relação foi solicitado a 192 alunos o preenchimento do Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale (PHCSCS V1-6), que permite avaliar o autoconceito e do Questionário de Identificação Escolar, formulado especialmente para este estudo e que possibilita a recolha de informação sobre a disrupção escolar, medidas corretivas, aspirações profissionais e interesses vocacionais. Os resultados indicaram que o autoconceito se relaciona com as variáveis sociodemográficas, sendo que os jovens do sexo masculino, mais novos e com um maior nível socioeconómico apresentam um autoconceito mais elevado. Em relação à disrupção escolar verifica-se que os jovens com medidas disciplinares ostentam um autoconceito inferior principalmente em relação à perceção que têm sobre as suas competências cognitivas, contudo os dados sugerem ainda que os mesmos podem obter ganhos secundários com a prática destes comportamentos especialmente na interação com os pares. Por sua vez, e referente aos interesses, os dados obtidos foram de encontro ao esperado reforçando a relação entre o autoconceito e a perceção de eficácia dos jovens, o que os leva a investir menos no seu projeto vocacional ou redefenir os seus interesses para áreas que acreditam ser mais simples quanto menor for o seu autoconceito. Tal apoia a existência de uma relação entre estes construtos e a necessidade de uma maior exploração dos mesmos para a promoção do desenvolvimento escolar e profissional dos jovens num contexto cada vez mais competitivo.This study addresses the relationships between self-concept, disruptive behaviour and vocational interest. Following previous studies, a relationship between self-concept and several areas of the youth development, such as the personal, academic and professional, has been noticed. Several authors mentioned that a low self-concept can affect the learning process because it is normally associated with a disruptive behaviour or limited vocational choices, due to biased perception of self-efficacy flaunted by the young people. So, in order to identify this possible relationship, 192 students were asked to fill in the Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale (PHCSCS V1-6), which intended to assess self-concept, and to fill in the Scholar Identification Questionnaire, specifically developed for this study, aiming to gather data about the disruptive behaviour, corrective measures, professional aspirations and vocational interest. According to the results, it turns out that self-concept is related to the socio-demographic variables, being that younger males with a higher socioeconomic status have a higher self-concept This is also noticed in disruptive behaviour, in which young people with disciplinary measures report a lower self-concept, manly in their perception of individual cognitive skills. However, the results also suggest that they may gain in the social interaction with these behaviours. Regarding interests, the results were as expected, strengthening the connection between self-concept and perception of effectiveness of youth, which leads them to invest less in their vocational project or to change their interests to areas that they believe to be more simple, when they have low self-concept. These results support the existence of a relationship between these constructs and the need for a further exploration of them, enabling the promotion of educational and professional development of young people in an increasingly competitive context

    Maybelline New York, how to grow in Portugal?

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThis document consists of a market research on the Portuguese make-up market, and more specifically on the brand Maybelline New York. The purpose of this project is to understand the consumers’ feelings / opinions regarding this brand, in order to suggest possible strategies for Maybelline to grow in Portugal. The marketing research for this work started with an exploratory research (15 in-depth interviews), followed by a quantitative research based on a pre-arranged questionnaire (90 respondents). The main findings were that Maybelline NY is one of the make-up brands with strongest awareness. However, the majority of the respondents do not recognize themselves in this brand, it is associated with “exaggeration”, and this leads the interviewees to think that it is not adequate for Portuguese women. Finally, besides all make-up-related products, the respondents believe that Maybelline should extend to treatment products, especially face treatment

    The book of birds in Portuguese scriptoria: preservation and access

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    In this thesis, the Books of Birds from Hugh of Fouilloy produced in the Portuguese monasteries of São Mamede of Lorvão, Santa Maria of Alcobaça and Santa Cruz of Coimbra, were studied for the first time through an interdisciplinary and holistic approach. This investigation opened doors to a customized methodology for the study of manuscript circulation, by converging their history, codicology, iconography, colour – both molecular and symbolic – text analysis and conservation state. This allowed proposing new chronologies and correlations between each copy. Santa Cruz still lacked a comprehensive study from a material and technical point of view, contrarily to Alcobaça and Lorvão, which could ultimately support the research on the Books of Birds. Therefore, the Santa Cruz manuscripts were subject of a detailed investigation on their painting materials and techniques, as well as its bindings, used in their production. Since the collection had been previously analysed in a MOLAB access, the experimental work developed in this thesis was compared with the MOLAB data and the advantages of an in situ and micro-sampling approach were discussed. The three collections were compared, which allowed establishing more in-depth the colour palette used in Romanesque manuscripts, their singularities and main degradation issues. In order to study the meaning behind the usage of these colours, a colour mapping tool was developed and systematically applied in the three scriptoria. It was established that this complementary technique can bring new insights to art history, by correlating colour patterns to specific historical periods. Finally, it was also developed a new methodology for the study and characterization of dyes in illuminated manuscripts, by combining microspectrofluorimetry and SERS for the first time. It allowed establishing that lac dye was used to paint dark reds and pinks in Portuguese scriptoria, during the Romanesque period

    As ânforas do centro oleiro romano do Martinhal (Vila do Bispo - Algarve)

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    Dissertação mest., Arqueologia, Universidade do Algarve, 200