4,189 research outputs found

    Reading literature today: a study of E. M. Forster s and George Orwell s fiction

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    Tese de doutoramento em Estudos de Cultura (Cultura Inglesa), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Letras, 200

    Sintomatologia depressiva após a cirurgia bariátrica: uma compreensão das variáveis associadas

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia (área de especialização em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde)Este estudo teve como objetivo explorar variáveis associadas à sintomatologia depressiva após mais de 22 meses a realização da cirurgia bariátrica. Segue um design transversal e possui uma amostra pós-cirúrgica de 52 indivíduos, com um tempo de follow-up pós-cirúrgico entre os 22 e os 132 meses (cerca de dois anos ou mais). A avaliação foi feita através de entrevistas clínicas semiestruturadas – EDE- e através de três instrumentos de autorrelato: OQ45-distress geral, BDI - sintomatologia depressiva e BSQ- imagem corporal. Os resultados mostram que associadas à sintomatologia depressiva estão a ingestão alimentar compulsiva (IAC), a preocupação com a imagem corporal (BSQ) e a % do índice de massa corporal (IMC) ganho. Quando combinadas, a % de IMC ganho após a cirurgia, a ingestão alimentar compulsiva e a preocupação com a imagem corporal explicam 50% da variância da sintomatologia depressiva após a cirurgia, sendo a preocupação com a imagem corporal o contributo mais significativo, estando uma maior insatisfação com a imagem corporal associada a mais sintomas depressivos. Curiosamente estes resultados mostram que apesar de estudarmos uma população pós-cirúrgica, as variáveis que se mostraram associadas à sintomatologia depressiva após a cirurgia são comuns às variáveis associadas à sintomatologia depressiva na população obesa.This study aimed to explore the variables associated with depressive symptoms in bariatric surgery patients. The study follows a cross-sectional design and features a sample of 52 postsurgical individuals, with a follow-up time ranging from 22 to 132 months after surgery ( about two years or more). The evaluation included a semisstructured clinical interview – EDE – and three self-report instruments: OQ45- general distress, BDI – depressive symptoms and BSQ- body image. The results show that depressive symptoms after surgery are associated with the loss of control over eating, concern with body image (BSQ) and % of body mass index (BMI) regain. When combined, % of BMI regain after surgery, the loss of control over eating and concern with body image explained 50% of the variance in depressive symptoms after surgery, being the concern with body image the most significant variable, with a greater dissatisfaction with body image associated with more depressive symptoms. Interestingly, these results show that the variables associated with depressive symptoms after surgery are common to the variables associated with depressive symptoms in the obese population

    Assessment of the state of health by the measurement of a set of biophysiological signals

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    The dissertation studies the estimation of the degree of self-similarity and entropy of Shannon of several real electrocardiography (ECG) signals for healthy and non-healthy humans. The goal of the dissertation is to create a starting point algorithm which allows distinguishing between healthy and non-healthy subjects and can be used as a basis for further study of a diagnosis algorithm, necessarily more complex. We used a novel Hurst parameter estimation algorithm based on the Embedded Branching Process, termed modified Embedded Branching Process algorithm. The algorithm for estimation of entropy was based on Shannon‟s entropy. Both algorithms were applied on the spatial distribution of ECG signals in a windowed manner. The studied signals were retrieved from the Physionet website, where they are diagnosed as normal or as having certain pathologies. The results presented for the Hurst parameter estimation allow us to confirm the results already published on the temporal self-similarity of ECG signals, this time for its spatial distribution. We also conclude that the non-self similar signals belong to non-healthy subjects. The results obtained for entropy estimation on the spatial distribution of ECG signals also allowed a comparison between healthy and non-healthy systems. We obtained high entropy estimates both for healthy and non-healthy subjects; nevertheless, non-healthy subjects show higher variability of Shannon‟s entropy than healthy ones.A dissertação estuda a estimativa do grau de auto-semelhança e da entropia de Shannon de vários sinais reais de electrocardiograma (ECG) obtidos em humanos saudáveis e não saudáveis. O objectivo da dissertação é criar um algoritmo inicial que permita distinguir entre indivíduos saudáveis e não saudáveis e que possa ser usado como base para o estudo de um posterior algoritmo de diagnóstico, necessariamente mais complexo. Utilizamos um algoritmo novo para estimativa do parâmetro de Hurst baseado no Embedded Branching Process, denominado algoritmo modified Embedded Branching Process. A entropia foi estimada através da entropia de Shannon. Ambos algoritmos foram aplicados sob a distribuição espacial dos sinais ECG numa forma de janela. Os sinais estudados foram retirados do website Physionet, onde estão diagnosticados como normais ou possuindo uma determinada patologia. Os resultados apresentados para a estimativa do parâmetro de Hurst permitem confirmar resultados já publicados sobre a auto-semelhança temporal dos sinais ECG, desta vez para a sua distribuição espacial. Também se concluí que os sinais não auto-semelhantes correspondem a indivíduos não saudáveis. Os resultados obtidos na estimativa da entropia para a distribuição espacial dos sinais de ECG também permitiram uma comparação entre sistemas saudáveis e não saudáveis. Obtiveram-se estimativas de entropia elevadas quer para indivíduos saudáveis quer para indivíduos não saudáveis; no entanto, os indivíduos não saudáveis mostram uma maior variabilidade da entropia de Shannon em relação aos saudáveis

    Possibilities for recycling cellulases after use in cotton processing

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    Research conducted in the Department of Textile Engineering at the University of Minho, Guimaräes, PortugalRepeated treatments on cotton fabrics, using a total cellulase from Trichoderma reesei, showed that active enzymes remained in the treatment liquor and adsorbed on the fabric substrates after five treatment cycles. The activity (measured as fabric weight loss) of the cellulases remaining in solution, however, decreased by 80% over the five cycles. It was suggested that this could be due to end-product inhibition, thermal and or mechanical deactivation, or to the loss of some components of the cellulase complex by preferential and irreversible adsorption to the cotton substrates. End-product inhibition studies showed that the build-up of cellobiose and glucose in solution would cause less than 25% activity loss after five treatment cycles. Agitation levels similar to those used in textile processing did not cause significant cellulase deactivation, but incubation of total cellulase solutions for 5h at 50 °C (equivalent to five treatment cycles) reduced their activity by about 20%. Analysis of cellulase solutions, by fast protein liquid chromatography, before and after adsorption onto cotton, suggested that the cellobiohydrolase II content of the cellulase complex was reduced, relative to the other components, by preferential adsorption. This would lead to a marked reduction in activity in the supernatant after several treatment cycles and top-up with pure cellobiohydrolase II would be necessary unless this component is easily recoverable from the treated fabric. Although desorption studies showed that much of the adsorbed cellulase protein was recoverable by washing in buffer solution, concentration of the washings by ultrafiltration needs to be carefully costed. Experiments with pure endoglucanases, with and without their cellulose binding domains, suggested that desired cotton finishing effects might be achievable using only cellulase components that are adsorbed reversibly. These would be ideal for recycling. Ultrafiltration was used successfully to reduce end-product concentrations in treatment liquors, but this technique failed to separate dyes from cellulase proteins. Since dye-cellulase complexes cause backstaining problems, it seems unlikely that cellulases used for enzymatic stonewashing (currently the most important cellulase-finishing process) can be recycled unless a solution to this problem is found. Using only reversibly adsorbed cellulase components may be beneficial also in this context. Cost estimates suggested that when more than 100 to 125 tonnes per annum of cellulosic fabric are being treated with cellulases, the savings made by recycling enzymes would exceed the capital and running costs of the ultrafiltration unit required for their recovery and concentration.Peshall-Hirst Trust Fund and The Worshipful Company of Framework Knitters

    Desmistificando a análise econômico-financeira pessoal: Uma assessoria econômico-financeira à comunidade de Foz do Iguaçu (PR)

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    O presente projeto de extensão possui como meta contribuir para a emancipação de adolescentes, jovens e toda comunidade interessada no que concerne ao planejamento financeiro familiar e planejamento pessoal, bem como possibilitar o uso racional das remunerações recebidas. No momento o trabalho tem sido realizado em duas frentes: a) orientando adolescentes entre 14 e 18 anos que vão ingressar no mercado laboral pela primeira vez; b) assessoria financeira; c) parcerias com escolas de ensino médio da cidade e comunidades interessadas no tema. Desta maneira o objeto central do projeto é orientar a comunidade de Foz do Iguaçu (PR) – em especial as classes C, D e E- acerca dos fundamentos de economia, demonstrando a importância de se seguir um orçamento familiar voltado para o equilíbrio das contas familiares e seus reflexos na qualidade de vida. A metodologia utilizada é a pesquisa ação, desta maneira é realizada oficinas práticas com os interessados e trabalha-se possíveis soluções para as problemas financeiros e planejamentos que surgem. Os resultados inicias demostram que a grande maioria dos interessados possuem problemas financeiros, mas não conseguem, ainda, trilhar um caminho para a resolução dos problemas. Por fim, o trabalho é essencial por contribuir com a qualidade de vida e alertar para a necessidade de orientação face a renda, bem como as possibilidades criadas de economizar e fazer frente ao pagamento de dívidas contraídas

    Mozambique: The Rise of a Micro Dual State

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    The decade from 1990 to 2000 was a period of sustained political activity in Africa, leading towards democratisation. Under this scope, Mozambique is widely seen as one paradigmatic success story. Yet, the country’s multiparty democratic system remains challenged by a strong authoritarianism that hampers open deliberation in political public discourse. This paper discusses some reasons for this democratic hold-up in Mozambique’s political and social transition within the broad and ongoing democratisation process in Sub-Saharan Africa. With an emphasis on the analysis of the political situation in the northern town of Angoche, this article argues that the persistence of central government authoritarianism is a reminder of a political liberalisation without democratising the political systems. Indeed, local municipal officials are now elected and receive revenue transfers, but remain limited by other measures.2 The central state successfully resists attempts to devolve broader decision-making authority to municipalities. Far from the ideal Weberian type of state bureaucracy, public administration is highly politicised in the sense that the building up of the administrative capacities of the state are seen as a way of consolidating the political leverage of the ruling party – Frelimo. The paper defends, however, that indeed, a detailed analysis of the public political actions at local level, between distinct political structures, shows that successive authoritarian regimes have not totally erased the freedom of speech and thought, even if they have relegated opposition to ever more marginal spaces.La décennie 1990/2000 a été caractérisée en Afrique par une activité politique soutenue orientée vers la démocratisation. Dans ce cadre, le Mozambique est plutôt vu comme une réussite paradigmatique. Or, ce système démocratique de multipartisme continue à afficher des velléités d’un fort autoritarisme peu propice au relèvement du niveau de la réflexion dans le discours politique public. Cette étude s’interesse aux raisons de ce blocage démocratique du processus de transition politique et social au Mozambique dans le cadre plus général du processus de démocratisation en cours en Afrique au sud du Sahara. En s’appuyant en particulier sur l’analyse de la situation politique de la ville d’Angoche, située au nord du pays, l’étude estime que le fait que le gouvernement central persiste dans l’autoritarisme est assez révélateur d’une libéralisation politique non suivie de la démocratisation des systèmes politiques. En effet, si les fonctionnaires municipaux locaux sont maintenant élus et reçoivent des fonds de transfert, ils restent, en revanche, limités par d’autres mesures.2 Le gouvernement central résiste avec succès à toute tentative d’élargir le mandat des municipalités en matière de prise de décision. Loin du modèle idéal wébérien de bureaucratie d’Etat, l’administration publique est fortement politicisée, en ce sens que le renforcement des capacités administratives de l’Etat est perçue comme un moyen de renforcer l’influence politique du parti au pouvoir – Frelimo. L’étude défend le fait qu’une analyse exhaustive des actions politiques publiques au niveau local, entre des structures politiques bien distinctes, montre que les régimes autoritaires successifs n’ont pas totalement supprimé la liberté d’expression et de pensée même s’ils ont repoussé l’opposition encore plus loin dans les espaces marginaux

    Visibility & Invisibility of Communities in Urban Systems

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    Information on the presence of Chinese and Ukrainian communities in Portugal, and namely in Greater Porto (northern Portugal) will be presented to then investigate how recent work on evolving networks might be a helpful tool in analysing the integration of migrant communities in urban systems, namely in helping to understand if the differential relationships between nodes and vertices might help to account for the higher and lesser visibility of these two communities within Greater Porto

    Undergraduate representations of management and the possibilities of critical management education - the case of Portuguese management education.

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    Mann (2004: 208) identifies three components of emotional labour: 'The faking of emotion that is not felt and/or the hiding of emotion that is felt, and the performance of emotion management in order to meet expectations within a work environment. Nurses working in prison in England and Wales have a dual role; that of both carer and custodian. This thesis examines the emotional labour of nurses working in adult prisons who undertake a dual role in both caring and custody. A qualitative, reflexive methodology was adopted with a postmodern philosophical foundation. Phase one of the study involved semi-structured interviews with nine qualified nurses from three adult prisons: two male establishments and one female. In phase two of the study, two of these nine nurses entered into a supervisory relationship with the researcher. Monthly clinical supervision sessions were held with both nurses over six months. Findings from this study suggest that the nurse working in prison experiences emotional labour as a consequence of four key relationships: the relationship with the prisoner patient, the relationship with officer colleagues, and the relationship with the Institution; the fourth relationship centres on the contradictory discourses the nurse engages with internally, and is referred to as the 'intra-nurse' relationship. This relationship involves on-going internal dialogue between the two selves of the nurse: the professional self and the emotional 'feeling' self. In order to manage the emotion work inherent in prison work, it is suggested that the development of emotional intelligence through clinical supervision and reflective practice is of significant benefit to both health care and discipline staff