1,213 research outputs found

    Complexity in world trade of pears

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    En este artículo se analizan los cambios que se están experimentando en el comercio mundial de la pera. Su objetivo es conocer si los procesos de integración entre países están repercutiendo en el comercio internacional de peras y por lo tanto afectando su competitividad. Como metodología se emplea el Índice de Competitividad del Comercio Exterior (ICCE) que analiza la competitividad en un país para un producto en particular con nomenclador arancelario, abarcando sus principales destinos en las exportaciones y observando la evolución y tendencia de la cuota de participación en los principales mercados, y de esa forma evaluar a los competidores. Como resultado se observa cómo la competitividad del comercio mundial de la pera no es global y sí regional, y los países, en general, tienen sus mercados relevantes en territorios cercanos o con acuerdos comerciales. Ante este panorama es necesario la adaptación hacia un nuevo paradigma de mercado.This article describes the changes that are being experienced in the global trade in pears. Its purpose is to know if the processes of integration among countries are affecting their competitiveness in the international trade. Regarding the methodology utilized for this report, the Competitiveness Foreign Trade Index (CFTI) analyzes the competitiveness of a country for a particular product with its tariff nomenclature, covering its main export destinations, monitoring the rate of participation in accordance to the trends markets reflect, and thereby, assessing the competence. The result is seen clearly: The global trade competitiveness in pears is regional rather than global, resulting in being competitive solely on nearby markets subject to commercial agreements. The main solution would be related to an improvement of adapting their markets to a global dimension to increase competitiveness for their trade mark.Fil: De Pablo Valenciano, Jaime. España. Universidad de Almería. Departamento de Economía y Empresa.Fil: Giacinti Battistuzzi, Miguel Angel

    Performance analysis of persistence technologies for cloud repositories of models

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    The growing adoption of Model Driven Development (MDD) in companies during last decade arises some model interchange problems. Companies need support to interchange models and reuse parts of them for developing new projects. Traditional tools for model edition and model interchange have different performance issues related to the models storage. There are mainly two styles to organize the persistence of models into repositories: a complex and large model or a large amount of small models. This last approach is common in companies that generate software from models. In this paper, we analyse performance properties of different persistence technologies to store small/medium-scale models, the analysis results should be considered in the design of model repositories in the cloud. With this aim, we have designed and developed a generic architecture to evaluate each persistence technology under similar situations

    Diseño de un software de intermediación de comunicación para sistemas distribuidos de tiempo real críticos en Java

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    Las facilidades e independencia de plataforma de Java han generado un gran interés en la comunidad de tiempo real. Dicho interés se ha reflejado en la especificación RTSJ (Real-Time Specification for Java), que extiende y adapta el lenguaje Java para permitir el desarrollo de sistemas de tiempo real. Adicionalmente, se han desarrollado perfiles de RTSJ para garantizar la predecibilidad en sistemas de tiempo real críticos. Sin embargo, RTSJ y sus perfiles no proporcionan facilidades para sistemas distribuidos. El objetivo de este trabajo es afrontar dicha limitación definiendo un nuevo modelo de RMI (Remote Method Invocation) basado en los principales perfiles de RTSJ para sistemas de tiempo real crítico. Este trabajo presenta el diseño y la implementación de RMI-HRT (RMI-Hard Real-Time) que está enfocado a sistemas de tiempo real crítico con requisitos de alta integridad

    Determination of the price in the fresh fruit market: case of pears

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    This document aims to evaluate the determinants of the price of pears in the international fresh fruit market, from an innovative vision in a complex world. The panel data methodology was applied. The variables considered were the different prices (CIF/kg) of pear, apple and stone fruits, their per capita consumptions, real per capita income, consumer price indexes and real exchange rates. Pear consumption responds especially to apple consumption, but also to prices of apples and peaches, real per capita income, consumer price indexes and countries’ exchange rates. This might imply improving commercial efficiency in international trade, effective budgets in price formation, and giving new impetus to studies on the price of fruits and foods with a new vision. Highlights Pears’ price (CIF) is determined by the number of imported pears and apples; also for import prices of other fruits such as apples, peaches and nectarines.  Panel data models is a novelty in this kind of articles. The panel integrates the yearly CIF imported prices (period 1990-2015) from 18 countries, the main world importers in the international demand for fresh pears.  This research changes the paradigm in the fresh pear business, with the disclosure of this article. The paper fills a gap in the literature on international worldwide fruit commerce.This document aims to evaluate the determinants of the price of pears in the international fresh fruit market, from an innovative vision in a complex world. The panel data methodology was applied. The variables considered were the different prices (CIF/kg) of pear, apple and stone fruits, their per capita consumptions, real per capita income, consumer price indexes and real exchange rates. Pear consumption responds especially to apple consumption, but also to prices of apples and peaches, real per capita income, consumer price indexes and countries’ exchange rates. This might imply improving commercial efficiency in international trade, effective budgets in price formation, and giving new impetus to studies on the price of fruits and foods with a new vision. Highlights Pears’ price (CIF) is determined by the number of imported pears and apples; also for import prices of other fruits such as apples, peaches and nectarines.  Panel data models is a novelty in this kind of articles. The panel integrates the yearly CIF imported prices (period 1990-2015) from 18 countries, the main world importers in the international demand for fresh pears.  This research changes the paradigm in the fresh pear business, with the disclosure of this article. The paper fills a gap in the literature on international worldwide fruit commerce

    Transition from a Subaerial to a Subnival Permafrost Temperature Regime Following Increased Snow Cover (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic)

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    The Antarctic Peninsula (AP) region has been one of the regions on Earth with strongest warming since 1950. However, the northwest of the AP showed a cooling from 2000 to 2015, which had local consequences with an increase in snow accumulation and a deceleration in the loss of mass from glaciers. In this paper, we studied the e ects of increased snow accumulation in the permafrost thermal regime in two boreholes (PG1 and PG2) in Livingston Island, South Shetlands Archipelago, from 2009 to 2015. The two boreholes located c. 300 m apart but at similar elevation showed di erent snow accumulation, with PG2 becoming completely covered with snow all year long, while the other remained mostly snow free during the summer. The analysis of the thermal regimes and of the estimated soil surface energy exchange during the study period showed the e ects of snow insulation in reducing the active layer thickness. These e ects were especially relevant in PG2, which transitioned from a subaerial to a subnival regime. There, permafrost aggraded from below, with the active layer completely disappearing and the e ciency of thermal insulation by the snowpack prevailing in the thermal regime. This situation may be used as an analogue for the transition from a periglacial to a subglacial environment in longer periods of cooling in the paleoenvironmental record.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chile-EU Trade Agreement: What Can We Learn from Trade Statistics?

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    An Association Agreement concluded between the European Union and Chile in 2002 included a comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (FTA) that entered into force in February 2003. Our purpose is to analyse some of the economic consequences of the agricultural part of this agreement focusing in the fruit and vegetable market. Our finding is that market concentration has significantly decreased since the beginning of previous decade and has been reinforced in both markets. This has been an advantage for both Chilean producers and European consumers of fruits and vegetables

    Serempathy: A New Approach To Innovation. An Application To Forty-Six Regions Of Atlantic Arc Countries

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    This research provides a new theoretical approach to innovation called Serempathy: Serendipity (which is achieved by chance) + Empathy (putting your self in the other). Serempathy relies on collaborative relationships between: University, private companies and public administration. In this theoretical approach adds chance to scientific discovery and an environment of empathy. Ideas aren't self-contained things; they're more like ecosystems and networks. The work also provides data processed in recent years (2004-2006) for forty six Atlantic Arc Regions (the forty regions of countries: United Kindong, France, Portugal and Spain), overall and in different clusters, providing relevant empirical evidence on the relationship between Human Capital, Technological Platform, Innovation, Serempathy and Output. In the econometric and statistical modeling is considered especially for forty regions of the Atlantic Arc.“This research has been supported financially by the project titled "Dissemination of Knowledge and Networks in Atlantic Area ". INTERREG-IV-c, European Commission

    Conjunto de metales procedente del poblado de la Edad del Bronce de L’arbocer (Font de la Figuera, Valencia)

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    [email protected]; [email protected] un conjunto de piezas de metal, de cobre y bronce, halladas de manera casual en el poblado de la Edad del Bronce de L’Arbocer, en la Font de la Figuera, Valencia. Su descripción constituye, junto con los resultados del análisis por Fluorescencia de rayos X, el motivo central de este trabajo pero, además, la realización de una corta campaña de excavación en el yacimiento ha permitido contextualizar el hallazgo y ponerlo en relación con una posible área de actividad metalúrgica. La situación del poblado de L’Arbocer, en el límite de las actuales provincias de Valencia, Alicante y Albacete, es de gran interés a la hora de valorar la presencia de este posible taller metalúrgico y su cronología.In this paper, we present a study of a group of cooper and bronze objects that were found by chance in the Bronze Age village of L’Arbocer (Font de la Figuera, Valencia). The main aims are the description of the objects and the results of the X Ray Fluorescence analyses. Moreover; a short fieldwork season has been carried out, which has allowed us to determine the archaeological context of the metals and to establish their connection with a possible area of metallurgical activity. The village of L’Arbocer is located on the border of the provinces of Valencia, Alicante and Albacete. This is very interesting in helping us to evaluate the presence of a possible metallurgy workshop and its chronology

    A prototype of an open hardware-based automatic photographic camera to monitor snow cover evolution and weather phenomena in the context of the frozen ground monitoring: Permarduino-camera

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    El estudio permafrost y la capa activa requiere de la medición continuada de la temperatura del terreno, y de otros parámetros adicionales, incluyendo el espesor de la capa de nieve debido al efecto aislante que puede tener. Las estaciones típicas de estudio térmico del permafrost (TSP en inglés), incluye la medida de la temperatura del aire a diferentes alturas para derivar el espesor aproximado de la capa de nieve. Más allá de la baja resolución de este método, estos termonivómetros sólo facilitan datos de un punto del territorio. Sin embargo, conocer y estudiar la evolución y distribución de la cubierta de nieve requiere en muchos casos del uso de cámara fotográficas automáticas, con el problema del alto coste de las mismas. Por ello, hemos desarrollado un dispositivo robusto, simple, de bajo coste, y basado en el uso de hardware libre (Arduino), capaz de tomar fotografías y almacenarlas en una tarjeta de memoria SD (2 Gb) con capacidad para más de 4 años de actividad continuada. Este dispositivo está alimentado por una placa solar y una batería Li-po. La cámara usada permite obtención de imá-genes JPEG mediante el uso de un sensor CMOS de ¼ de pulgada e imágenes de hasta 480x640 píxeles de resolución. Además, dispone de salida NTCS de video que facilita las tareas de en-foque en el campo. La cámara adquiere imágenes en el rango pancromático e infrarrojo cercano. El prototipo funcional del dispositivo fue probado en la Antártida, e instalado finalmente en la península Byers para estudiar la evolución de la capa de nieve en el emplazamiento CALM Limnopolar Lake

    Complejidad en el comercio mundial de peras

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    This article describes the changes that are being experienced in the global trade in pears. Its purpose is to know if the processes of integration among countries are affecting their competitiveness in the international trade. Regarding the methodology utilized for this report, the Competitiveness Foreign Trade Index (CFTI) analyzes the competitiveness of a country for a particular product with its tariff nomenclature, covering its main export destinations, monitoring the rate of participation in accordance to the trends markets reflect, and thereby, assessing the competence. The result is seen clearly: The global trade competitiveness in pears is regional rather than global, resulting in being competitive solely on nearby markets subject to commercial agreements. The main solution would be related to an improvement of adapting their markets to a global dimension to increase competitiveness for their trade mark.En este artículo se analizan los cambios que se están experimentando en el comercio mundial de la pera. Su objetivo es conocer si los procesos de integración entre países están repercutiendo en el comercio internacional de peras y por lo tanto afectando su competitividad. Como metodología se emplea el Índice de Competitividad del Comercio Exterior (ICCE) que analiza la competitividad en un país para un producto en particular con nomenclador arancelario, abarcando sus principales destinos en las exportaciones y observando la evolución y tendencia de la cuota de participación en los principales mercados, y de esa forma evaluar a los competidores. Como resultado se observa cómo la competitividad del comercio mundial de la pera no es global y sí regional, y los países, en general, tienen sus mercados relevantes en territorios cercanos o con acuerdos comerciales. Ante este panorama es necesario la adaptación hacia un nuevo paradigma de mercado