583 research outputs found

    Developing a Plan for a More Diverse, Inclusive, and Equitable Library at a Research 1 Land-Grant University

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    Using the Virginia Tech strategic plan as a guide, a team of its University Libraries faculty and staff designed a strategic planning approach for the library that directly engaged with University goals and explored two areas: 1) contributing to the equity-, diversity-, and inclusion-related (EDI) goals laid out in the University strategic plan, and 2) expanding upon efforts to broaden diversity and representation in the library. The team identified four major themes: accessibility, climate, employment and professional development, outreach, and advocacy, and used these themes to develop specific recommendations. The process served to shine the light on these topics within the library, allowing for reflection and self-understanding, crucial components to change and grow with more attention to inclusion and diversity. Recognizing a need for change, it is hoped the report leads to better advocacy and ally-ship and brings issues to light for other libraries engaging in similar processes

    Pathogens identified in calves with neonatal gastro-enteritis in Vendée (France)

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    The object of this study was to describe the relative involvement of major pathogens in neonatal gastroenteritis in calves less than one month of age in Vendée (France). One to four samples of faeces from affected calves were collected in 127 farms serviced by 20 veterinary practices between 2002 and 2004. The study confirmed that several pathogens were involved in bovine neonatal gastroenteritis in Vendée. One of the four types of pathogenic E. coli tested for was isolated in over 65% of the samples, and CS31A was the most prevalent type. Cryptosporidia were also identified frequently, often in large quantities. Rotaviruses were found more frequently than Coronaviruses. No coccidian oocysts were found in animals less than one month of age.Cette étude avait pour objectif de décrire l'implication relative des agents pathogènes majeurs dans les gastro-entérites néonatales (GENN) du veau, en Vendée. L'étude a porté sur des veaux de moins d'un mois ayant une gastro-entérite néonatale. Des prélèvements de matières fécales (un à quatre) de veaux malades ont été recueillis dans 127 exploitations de vingt clientèles vétérinaires, durant la période 2002-2004. L'étude a confirmé l'origine multiple des GENN en Vendée. Plus de 65 % des prélèvements ont conduit à l'isolement d'un des 4 types pathogènes d'E. coli recherchés. Le sérotype CS31A était prédominant.Les cryptosporidies ont aussi été fréquemment mises en évidence, souvent en quantité importante. Les rotavirus ont été retrouvés plus fréquemment que les coronavirus. En dessous d'un mois d'âge, aucun ookyste de coccidies n'a été décelé

    Transient carnitine transport defect with cholestatic jaundice: report of one case in a premature baby

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    Carnitine (β-hydroxy-γ-trimethylaminobutyric acid) is involved in the transport of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondrial matrix and the removal of potentially toxic acylcarnitine esters. Transient carnitine transport defect is a rare condition in newborns reported in 1/90,000 live births. In this paper, we describe a case of transient carnitine transport defect found in a premature baby who had prolonged cholestatic jaundice and poor weight gain, and who responded dramatically to oral carnitine supplementation

    LPIN1 gene mutations: a major cause of severe rhabdomyolysis in early childhood.

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    International audienceAutosomal recessive LPIN1 mutations have been recently described as a novel cause of rhabdomyolysis in a few families. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of LPIN1 mutations in patients exhibiting severe episodes of rhabdomyolysis in infancy. After exclusion of primary fatty acid oxidation disorders, LPIN1 coding sequence was determined in genomic DNA and cDNA. Among the 29 patients studied, 17 (59%) carried recessive nonsense or frameshift mutations, or a large scale intragenic deletion. In these 17 patients, episodes of rhabdomyolysis occurred at a mean age of 21 months. Secondary defect of mitochondrial fatty oxidation or respiratory chain was found in skeletal muscle of two patients. The intragenic deletion, c.2295-866_2410-30del, was identified in 8/17 patients (47%), all Caucasians, and occurred on the background of a common haplotype, suggesting a founder effect. This deleted human LPIN1 form was unable to complement ∆pah1 yeast for growth on glycerol, in contrast to normal LPIN1. Since more than 50% of our series harboured LPIN1 mutations, LPIN1 should be regarded as a major cause of severe myoglobinuria in early childhood. The high frequency of the intragenic LPIN1 deletion should provide a valuable criterion for fast diagnosis, prior to muscle biopsy

    Current status of the Spectrograph System for the SuMIRe/PFS

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    The Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) is a new facility instrument for Subaru Telescope which will be installed in around 2017. It is a multi-object spectrograph fed by about 2400 fibers placed at the prime focus covering a hexagonal field-of-view with 1.35 deg diagonals and capable of simultaneously obtaining data of spectra with wavelengths ranging from 0.38 um to 1.26 um. The spectrograph system is composed of four identical modules each receiving the light from 600 fibers. Each module incorporates three channels covering the wavelength ranges 0.38-0.65 mu ("Blue"), 0.63-0.97 mu ("Red"), and 0.94-1.26 mu ("NIR") respectively; with resolving power which progresses fairly smoothly from about 2000 in the blue to about 4000 in the infrared. An additional spectral mode allows reaching a spectral resolution of 5000 at 0.8mu (red). The proposed optical design is based on a Schmidt collimator facing three Schmidt cameras (one per spectral channel). This architecture is very robust, well known and documented. It allows for high image quality with only few simple elements (high throughput) at the expense of the central obscuration, which leads to larger optics. Each module has to be modular in its design to allow for integration and tests and for its safe transport up to the telescope: this is the main driver for the mechanical design. In particular, each module will be firstly fully integrated and validated at LAM (France) before it is shipped to Hawaii. All sub-assemblies will be indexed on the bench to allow for their accurate repositioning. This paper will give an overview of the spectrograph system which has successfully passed the Critical Design Review (CDR) in 2014 March and which is now in the construction phase.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, submitted to "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V, Suzanne K. Ramsay, Ian S. McLean, Hideki Takami, Editors, Proc. SPIE 9147 (2014)

    Should Metabolic Diseases Be Systematically Screened in Nonsyndromic Autism Spectrum Disorders?

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    Abstract Background: In the investigation of autism spectrum disorders (ASD), a genetic cause is found in approximately 10-20%. Among these cases, the prevalence of the rare inherited metabolic disorders (IMD) is unknown and poorly evaluated. An IMD responsible for ASD is usually identified by the associated clinical phenotype such as dysmorphic features, ataxia, microcephaly, epilepsy, and severe intellectual disability (ID). In rare cases, however, ASD may be considered as nonsyndromic at the onset of a related IMD

    Loss of MeCP2 disrupts cell autonomous and autocrine BDNF signaling in mouse glutamatergic neurons

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    Mutations in the MECP2 gene cause the neurodevelopmental disorder Rett syndrome (RTT). Previous studies have shown that altered MeCP2 levels result in aberrant neurite outgrowth and glutamatergic synapse formation. However, causal molecular mechanisms are not well understood since MeCP2 is known to regulate transcription of a wide range of target genes. Here, we describe a key role for a constitutive BDNF feed forward signaling pathway in regulating synaptic response, general growth and differentiation of glutamatergic neurons. Chronic block of TrkB receptors mimics the MeCP2 deficiency in wildtype glutamatergic neurons, while re-expression of BDNF quantitatively rescues MeCP2 deficiency. We show that BDNF acts cell autonomous and autocrine, as wildtype neurons are not capable of rescuing growth deficits in neighboring MeCP2 deficient neurons in vitro and in vivo. These findings are relevant for understanding RTT pathophysiology, wherein wildtype and mutant neurons are intermixed throughout the nervous system

    Nijmegen paediatric CDG rating scale: a novel tool to assess disease progression

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    Congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) are a group of clinically heterogeneous inborn errors of metabolism. At present, treatment is available for only one CDG, but potential treatments for the other CDG are on the horizon. It will be vitally important in clinical trials of such agents to have a clear understanding of both the natural history of CDG and the corresponding burden of disability suffered by patients. To date, no multicentre studies have attempted to document the natural history of CDG. This is in part due to the lack of a reliable assessment tool to score CDG’s diverse clinical spectrum. Based on our earlier experience evaluating disease progression in disorders of oxidative phosphorylation, we developed a practical and semi-quantitative rating scale for children with CDG. The Nijmegen Paediatric CDG Rating Scale (NPCRS) has been validated in 12 children, offering a tool to objectively monitor disease progression. We undertook a successful trial of the NPCRS with a collaboration of nine experienced physicians, using video records of physical and neurological examination of patients. The use of NPCRS can facilitate both longitudinal and natural history studies that will be essential for future interventions