31 research outputs found

    Genome-wide insights into introgression and its consequences for genome-wide heterozygosity in the Mytilus species complex across Europe.

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    The three mussel species comprising the Mytilus complex are widespread across Europe and readily hybridize when they occur in sympatry, resulting in a mosaic of populations with varying genomic backgrounds. Two of these species, M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis, are extensively cultivated across Europe, with annual production exceeding 230,000 tonnes. The third species, M. trossulus, is considered commercially damaging as hybridization with this species results in weaker shells and poor meat quality. We therefore used restriction site associated DNA sequencing to generate high-resolution insights into the structure of the Mytilus complex across Europe and to resolve patterns of introgression. Inferred species distributions were concordant with the results of previous studies based on smaller numbers of genetic markers, with M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis predominating in northern and southern Europe respectively, while introgression between these species was most pronounced in northern France and the Shetland Islands. We also detected traces of M. trossulus ancestry in several northern European populations, especially around the Baltic and in northern Scotland. Finally, genome-wide heterozygosity, whether quantified at the population or individual level, was lowest in M. edulis, intermediate in M. galloprovincialis, and highest in M. trossulus, while introgression was positively associated with heterozygosity in M. edulis but negatively associated with heterozygosity in M. galloprovincialis. Our study will help to inform mussel aquaculture by providing baseline information on the genomic backgrounds of different Mytilus populations across Europe and by elucidating the effects of introgression on genome-wide heterozygosity, which is known to influence commercially important traits such as growth, viability, and fecundity in mussels

    Genome‐wide insights into introgression and its consequences for genome‐wide heterozygosity in the Mytilus species complex across Europe

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    The three mussel species comprising the Mytilus complex are widespread across Europe and readily hybridize when they occur in sympatry, resulting in a mosaic of populations with varying genomic backgrounds. Two of these species, M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis, are extensively cultivated across Europe, with annual production exceeding 230,000 tonnes. The third species, M. trossulus, is considered commercially damaging as hybridization with this species results in weaker shells and poor meat quality. We therefore used restriction site associated DNA sequencing to generate high‐resolution insights into the structure of the Mytilus complex across Europe and to resolve patterns of introgression. Inferred species distributions were concordant with the results of previous studies based on smaller numbers of genetic markers, with M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis predominating in northern and southern Europe respectively, while introgression between these species was most pronounced in northern France and the Shetland Islands. We also detected traces of M. trossulus ancestry in several northern European populations, especially around the Baltic and in northern Scotland. Finally, genome‐wide heterozygosity, whether quantified at the population or individual level, was lowest in M. edulis, intermediate in M. galloprovincialis, and highest in M. trossulus, while introgression was positively associated with heterozygosity in M. edulis but negatively associated with heterozygosity in M. galloprovincialis. Our study will help to inform mussel aquaculture by providing baseline information on the genomic backgrounds of different Mytilus populations across Europe and by elucidating the effects of introgression on genome‐wide heterozygosity, which is known to influence commercially important traits such as growth, viability, and fecundity in mussels

    RAD sequencing sheds new light on the genetic structure and local adaptation of European scallops and resolves their demographic histories.

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    Recent developments in genomics are advancing our understanding of the processes shaping population structure in wild organisms. In particular, reduced representation sequencing has facilitated the generation of dense genetic marker datasets that provide greater power for resolving population structure, investigating the role of selection and reconstructing demographic histories. We therefore used RAD sequencing to study the great scallop Pecten maximus and its sister species P. jacobeus along a latitudinal cline in Europe. Analysis of 219 samples genotyped at 82,439 single nucleotide polymorphisms clearly resolved an Atlantic and a Norwegian group within P. maximus as well as P. jacobeus, in support of previous studies. Fine-scale structure was also detected, including pronounced differences involving Mulroy Bay in Ireland, where scallops are commercially cultured. Furthermore, we identified a suite of 279 environmentally associated loci that resolved a contrasting phylogenetic pattern to the remaining neutral loci, consistent with ecologically mediated divergence. Finally, demographic inference provided support for the two P. maximus groups having diverged during the last glacial maximum and subsequently expanded, whereas P. jacobeus diverged around 95,000 generations ago and experienced less pronounced expansion. Our results provide an integrative perspective on the factors shaping genome-wide differentiation in a commercially important marine invertebrate

    2b-RAD genotyping for population genomic studies of Chagas disease vectors: Rhodnius ecuadoriensis in Ecuador

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    Background: Rhodnius ecuadoriensis is the main triatomine vector of Chagas disease, American trypanosomiasis, in Southern Ecuador and Northern Peru. Genomic approaches and next generation sequencing technologies have become powerful tools for investigating population diversity and structure which is a key consideration for vector control. Here we assess the effectiveness of three different 2b restriction site-associated DNA (2b-RAD) genotyping strategies in R. ecuadoriensis to provide sufficient genomic resolution to tease apart microevolutionary processes and undertake some pilot population genomic analyses. Methodology/Principal findings: The 2b-RAD protocol was carried out in-house at a non-specialized laboratory using 20 R. ecuadoriensis adults collected from the central coast and southern Andean region of Ecuador, from June 2006 to July 2013. 2b-RAD sequencing data was performed on an Illumina MiSeq instrument and analyzed with the STACKS de novo pipeline for loci assembly and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) discovery. Preliminary population genomic analyses (global AMOVA and Bayesian clustering) were implemented. Our results showed that the 2b-RAD genotyping protocol is effective for R. ecuadoriensis and likely for other triatomine species. However, only BcgI and CspCI restriction enzymes provided a number of markers suitable for population genomic analysis at the read depth we generated. Our preliminary genomic analyses detected a signal of genetic structuring across the study area. Conclusions/Significance: Our findings suggest that 2b-RAD genotyping is both a cost effective and methodologically simple approach for generating high resolution genomic data for Chagas disease vectors with the power to distinguish between different vector populations at epidemiologically relevant scales. As such, 2b-RAD represents a powerful tool in the hands of medical entomologists with limited access to specialized molecular biological equipment. Author summary: Understanding Chagas disease vector (triatomine) population dispersal is key for the design of control measures tailored for the epidemiological situation of a particular region. In Ecuador, Rhodnius ecuadoriensis is a cause of concern for Chagas disease transmission, since it is widely distributed from the central coast to southern Ecuador. Here, a genome-wide sequencing (2b-RAD) approach was performed in 20 specimens from four communities from Manabí (central coast) and Loja (southern) provinces of Ecuador, and the effectiveness of three type IIB restriction enzymes was assessed. The findings of this study show that this genotyping methodology is cost effective in R. ecuadoriensis and likely in other triatomine species. In addition, preliminary population genomic analysis results detected a signal of population structure among geographically distinct communities and genetic variability within communities. As such, 2b-RAD shows significant promise as a relatively low-tech solution for determination of vector population genomics, dynamics, and spread

    Population Genetic Structure is Unrelated to Shell Shape, Thickness and Organic Content in European Populations of the Soft-Shell Clam Mya Arenaria.

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    The soft-shell clam Mya arenaria is one of the most ancient invaders of European coasts and is present in many coastal ecosystems, yet little is known about its genetic structure in Europe. We collected 266 samples spanning a latitudinal cline from the Mediterranean to the North Sea and genotyped them at 12 microsatellite loci. In parallel, geometric morphometric analysis of shell outlines was used to test for associations between shell shape, latitude and genotype, and for a selection of shells we measured the thickness and organic content of the granular prismatic (PR), the crossed-lamellar (CL) and the complex crossed-lamellar (CCL) layers. Strong population structure was detected, with Bayesian cluster analysis identifying four groups located in the Mediterranean, Celtic Sea, along the continental coast of the North Sea and in Scotland. Multivariate analysis of shell shape uncovered a significant effect of collection site but no associations with any other variables. Shell thickness did not vary significantly with either latitude or genotype, although PR thickness and calcification were positively associated with latitude, while CCL thickness showed a negative association. Our study provides new insights into the population structure of this species and sheds light on factors influencing shell shape, thickness and microstructure

    Population Genetic Structure Is Unrelated to Shell Shape, Thickness and Organic Content in European Populations of the Soft-Shell Clam Mya Arenaria

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    The soft-shell clam Mya arenaria is one of the most ancient invaders of European coasts and is present in many coastal ecosystems, yet little is known about its genetic structure in Europe. We collected 266 samples spanning a latitudinal cline from the Mediterranean to the North Sea and genotyped them at 12 microsatellite loci. In parallel, geometric morphometric analysis of shell outlines was used to test for associations between shell shape, latitude and genotype, and for a selection of shells we measured the thickness and organic content of the granular prismatic (PR), the crossed-lamellar (CL) and the complex crossed-lamellar (CCL) layers. Strong population structure was detected, with Bayesian cluster analysis identifying four groups located in the Mediterranean, Celtic Sea, along the continental coast of the North Sea and in Scotland. Multivariate analysis of shell shape uncovered a significant effect of collection site but no associations with any other variables. Shell thickness did not vary significantly with either latitude or genotype, although PR thickness and calcification were positively associated with latitude, while CCL thickness showed a negative association. Our study provides new insights into the population structure of this species and sheds light on factors influencing shell shape, thickness and microstructure

    Genetic fingerprinting of salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) populations in the North-East Atlantic using a random forest classification approach

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    Caligid sea lice represent a significant threat to salmonid aquaculture worldwide. Population genetic analyses have consistently shown minimal population genetic structure in North Atlantic Lepeophtheirus salmonis, frustrating efforts to track louse populations and improve targeted control measures. The aim of this study was to test the power of reduced representation library sequencing (IIb-RAD sequencing) coupled with random forest machine learning algorithms to define markers for fine-scale discrimination of louse populations. We identified 1286 robustly supported SNPs among four L. salmonis populations from Ireland, Scotland and Northern Norway. Only weak global structure was observed based on the full SNP dataset. The application of a random forest machine-learning algorithm identified 98 discriminatory SNPs that dramatically improved population assignment, increased global genetic structure and resulted in significant genetic population differentiation. A large proportion of SNPs found to be under directional selection were also identified to be highly discriminatory. Our data suggest that it is possible to discriminate between nearby L. salmonis populations given suitable marker selection approaches, and that such differences might have an adaptive basis. We discuss these data in light of sea lice adaption to anthropogenic and environmental pressures as well as novel approaches to track and predict sea louse dispersal