12,097 research outputs found

    Prácticas de autocuidado en adultos mayores: un estudio cualitativo en población mexicana

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    Background: Older adults perform self-care activities based on common knowledge, which should be valued by the nursing team. Objectives: To describe and analyze the self-care behaviors of older adults in a Mexican population. Methodology: Qualitative ethnographic study, using Leininger’s qualitative research method. Results: Seventeen older adults were interviewed. Te analysis resulted in 4 explanatory patterns: 1) I keep my peace of mind through what I think, feel, and believe; 2) I watch my diet and pay attention not only to what I eat but also how I eat it; 3) Staying busy is what keeps me going; 4) and Seeking help and helping myself. Te following risk behaviors were identifed: Postponing medical care; Self-medication; and Food-related beliefs. Conclusion: Identifying older adults’ reported behaviors would contribute to the planning of culturally-sensitive nursing interventions.Marco contextual: Los adultos mayores realizan prácticas de autocuidado con base en sus saberes populares, estas de- ben ser valoradas por el personal de enfermería. Objetivos: Describir y analizar las prácticas de autocuidado que llevan a cabo adultos mayores de una población mexicana. Metodología: Investigación cualitativa etnográfica, en la que se utilizó el método de análisis cualitativo de Leininger. Resultados: Se entrevistó a 17 adultos mayores. El análisis originó 4 patrones explicativos: 1) Conservo mi tranquilidad a través de lo que pienso, siento y creo; 2) Cuido mi alimentación porque no solo es lo que se come, sino cómo se come; 3) Mantenerme ocupado es lo que me tiene en pie; 4) Pidiendo ayuda y ayudándose uno mismo. Las prácticas de riesgo son posponer la atención médica, automedicarse y las creencias en la alimentación. Conclusión: La identificación de las prácticas expresadas por los adultos mayores aportaría una plusvalía en la planificación de las intervenciones de enfermería en el ámbito de los cuidados culturalmente sensibles

    A new tool for the paediatric HIV research:general data from the Cohort of the SpanishPaediatric HIV Network (CoRISpe)

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    There are approximately from 1,100 to 1,200 HIV-infected children in a follow-up in Spain. In 2008 an open, multicentral, retrospective and prospective Cohort of the Spanish Paediatric HIV Network (CoRISpe) was founded. The CoRISpe is divided into the node 1 and node 2 representing geographically almost the whole territory of Spain. Since 2008 seventy-five hospitals have been participating in the CoRISpe. All the retrospective data of the HIV-infected children have been kept in the CoRISpe since 1995 and prospective data since 2008. In this article we are going to present the notion of CoRISpe, its role, the structure, how the CoRISpe works and the process how a child is transferred from Paediatric to Adults Units. The main objective of the CoRISpe is to contribute to furthering scientific knowledge on paediatric HIV infection by providing demographic, sociopsychological, clinical and laboratory data from HIV-infected paediatric patients. Its aim is to enable high-quality research studies on HIV-infected children

    Silver coordination polymers with tri- and hexacyanoethyl-functionalized macrocyclic ligands

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    Tri-and hexa-cyanoethyl functionalized 17-(L-1) and 42-membered (L-2) macrocyclic compounds were obtained by [1 + 1] (for L-1) or [2 + 2] (for L-2) cyclocondensation of the corresponding dialdehyde and diethylenetriamine, followed by hydrogenation by KBH4 and subsequent cyano-functionalization with acrylonitrile. They react with silver nitrate, leading to the formation of [AgL1](NO3) (1) and of the metalorganic coordination polymers [Ag-2(NO3)(2)L-1](n) (2) and {[Ag2L2](NO3)(2)}(n) (3). The complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR, IR spectroscopies, and ESI-MS; moreover, L-2, 1, 2 and 3 were also characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The metal cation in 1 is pentacoordinated with a N3O2 coordination environment; in 2, the metal cations display N4O2 octahedral and N2O3 square-pyramid coordination and in 3 they are in square-planar N-4 sites. In 1, the ligand acts as a pentadentate chelator, and in the other two cases, the ligands behave as octadentate chelators in a 1 kappa N-3:kappa O-2,2 kappa N,3 kappa N,4 kappa N (in 2) or 1 kappa N-3,2 kappa N-3,3 kappa N,4 kappa N fashion (in 3). The cyanoethyl strands of the ligands are directly involved in the formation of the 2D frameworks of 2 and 3, which in the former polymer can be viewed as a net composed of hexametallic 36-membered macrocyclic rings and in the latter generates extra hexametallic 58-membered cyclic sets that form zig-zag layers. The thermal analytical and electrochemical properties of these silver complexes were also studied

    Susceptibility of Candida glabrata biofilms to echinocandins: alterations in the matrix composition

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    Candidiases are the most recurrent fungal infections, especially among immunosuppressed patients. Although Candida albicans is still the most widespread isolated species, non-Candida albicans Candida species have been increasing. The goal of this work was to determine the susceptibility of C. glabrata biofilms to echinocandins and to evaluate their effect on the biofilm matrix composition, comparing the results with other Candida species. Drug susceptibilities were assessed through the determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) and minimum biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC) of caspofungin (Csf) and micafugin (Mcf). The -1,3 glucans content of the matrices was assessed after contact with the drugs. The data suggest that, generally, after contact with echinocandins, the concentration of -1,3 glucans increased. These adjustments in the matrix composition of C. glabrata biofilms and the chemical differences between Csf and Mcf, seem responsible and may determine the effectivity of the drug responses.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 [POCI-01–0145-FEDER-006684] and BioTecNorte operation [NORTE-01–0145-FEDER-000004] funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte, Célia F. Rodrigues’ [SFRH/BD/93078/2013] PhD grant and M. Elisa Rodrigues [SFRH/BPD/95401/2013] post-doctoral grant.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Excessive thoracic computed tomographic scanning in sarcoidosis

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    Background: The clinical value of computed tomographic (CT) scanning of the chest in the initial assessment of sarcoidosis was investigated. Methods: One hundred consecutive patients referred to the sarcoidosis outpatient services of the Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York from 1990 to 1992 with a presumptive diagnosis of sarcoidosis were studied. The diagnosis was subsequently confirmed in all by a positive tissue biopsy sample or the Kveim-Siltzbach test. Clinical and laboratory data of each patient were reviewed. Chest radiographs were classified according to the classical stages of sarcoidosis. Thirty five of the 100 patients had a CT scan of the chest performed before presentation. The CT scans were compared with the presenting clinical data and standard chest radiographs in order to determine if they yielded useful additional information regarding diagnosis or treatment. Results: The chest CT scan revealed no additional clinically relevant information compared with conventional chest radiographs in any of the 35 studies performed. In two patients mediastinal adenopathy was detected by CT scan which was not seen on standard radiographs. Two patients thought to exhibit hilar adenopathy and pulmonary infiltrations by standard radiography had no parenchymal disease on the CT scan. Bilateral parenchymal infiltrates were seen in one patient which were interpreted as unilateral infiltrates by standard radiographs. The variance between conventional radiographs and CT scans in these five patients was not clinically valuable. Conclusions: CT scans of the chest do not add clinically useful information to the standard chest radiographs in the initial assessment of sarcoidosis in patients presenting with the typical standard radiological patterns. CT scanning of the thorax is indicated in patients with proven or suspected sarcoidosis when the standard chest radiographs are normal or not typical of sarcoidosis, when signs or symptoms of upper airway obstruction are present, when the patient has haemoptysis, if there is a suspicion of a complicating second intrathoracic disease, or the patient is a candidate for lung transplantation

    Skip-SCSE Multi-scale Attention and Co-learning Method for Oropharyngeal Tumor Segmentation on Multi-modal PET-CT Images

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    One of the primary treatment options for head and neck cancer is (chemo)radiation. Accurate delineation of the contour of the tumors is of great importance in the successful treatment of the tumor and in the prediction of patient outcomes. With this paper we take part in the HECKTOR 2021 challenge and we propose our methods for automatic tumor segmentation on PET and CT images of oropharyngeal cancer patients. To achieve this goal, we investigated different deep learning methods with the purpose of highlighting relevant image and modality related features, to refine the contour of the primary tumor. More specifically, we tested a Co-learning method [1] and a 3D Skip Spatial and Channel Squeeze and Excitation Multi-Scale Attention method (Skip-scSE-M), on the challenge dataset. The best results achieved on the test set were 0.762 mean Dice Similarity Score and 3.143 median of the Hausdorf Distance at 95 %.</p

    Association of burning mouth syndrome with xerostomia and medicines

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    Objetivo: Identificar factores de riesgo para el síndrome de boca ardiente (SBA) a través de estudio de casos y controles. Material y métodos: Se realizó análisis cuantitativo del flujo salival total en reposo y estimulado; se registraron la xerostomía subjetiva, el consumo de medicamentos y los estados psicológicos de ansiedad y depresión en 40 pacientes con SBA y 40 controles. Resultados: El análisis ANOVA mostró diferencias significativas en las medias del número de medicamentos/día, número de medicamentos xerostomizantes/día, xerostomía subjetiva, ansiedad y depresión, entre los grupos estudiados. No se observaron diferencias significativas en las tasas de flujo salival en reposo y estimulado. El análisis de asociación Odds ratio determinó asociación del SBA con xerostomía y con el consumo de hipotensores y diuréticos. Conclusiones: Según los resultados de este estudio, se puede afirmar que el consumo de hipotensores y diuréticos fue un factor de riesgo para el padecimiento del SBA. La función de las glándulas salivales en los pacientes con SBA no está deteriorada

    The Mo(ve)ment to Prioritize Antiracist Mathematics: Planning for This and Every School Year

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    Dear Colleague, TODOS: Mathematics for ALL is proud of its almost two decades of advocacy for equity and excellence for all children in mathematics education, specifically Latina/o children. Over the years, TODOS has delivered webinars, podcasts, blogs, conferences, and resources for educators, families, and children to address and provide tools to eliminate the harmful practices too many children and families experience in school and in life. This position statement, The Mo(ve)ment to Prioritize Antiracist Mathematics: Planning for This and Every School Year, and supporting commentaries, including one commentary in Spanish - place the essential actions of the 2016 NCSM - TODOS joint social justice position statement, Mathematics Education Through the Lens of Social Justice: Acknowledgment, Actions, and Accountability, into new contexts as a response to our nation\u27s inequities and injustices made visible by COVID-19 and the tragic murders of George Floyd, Brianna Taylor, and other unarmed Black and Brown citizens. No longer could a focus on curriculum, assessment, and instruction alone be enough for children to survive in today\u27s world. It was time to step up, find strength, move beyond hurt, fear, and usual conversations to take leadership in the fight for antiracism..