3,000 research outputs found

    ACQUA TRA RISCHIO E RISORSA nuove strategie adattive

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    Il lavoro di ricerca è articolato in tre parti. Nella prima parte si indaga l’ambito entro il quale la ricerca si colloca che è quello relativo ai cambiamenti climatici ed ai rischi che in modo sempre più determinante influiscono sui sistemi sociali, ambientali e produttivi. Osservare ed individuare le interconnessioni che a livello globale intercorrono tra i rischi nelle sfere economiche, geopolitiche e sociali e quelli relativi ai cambiamenti climatici, restituisce la misura delle reciproche influenze e definisce il grado di rilevanza di tali rischi in uno scenario di lungo periodo. Comprendere quali sono gli impatti sulla città e sui territori contemporanei dei “nuovi rischi globali” spinge ad una riflessione che individua i punti di vulnerabilità ed i fattori che contribuiscono ad esacerbare i rischi. Nella seconda parte la ricerca si concentra sull’aspetto relativo all’acqua come indicatore dei cambiamenti climatici in atto ed ai rischi connessi alla sua abbondanza e, di contro, alla sua scarsità, delineando allo stesso tempo la dimensione, quella urbana, di cui si indaga il funzionamento e la capacità della città di far fronte a condizioni sempre più estreme. Nella terza parte vengono presentate due esperienze di ricerca, l’una nell’ambito del Prin Re-cycle, ed in particolare sull’area di studio relativa alla Piana del Sarno dove la ricerca si è concentrata sul ripensamento di una nuova razionalità ecologica del territorio, riciclando i segni dell’antica rete delle acque, rivisitandone il senso, il ruolo ed il funzionamento, e l’altra sulla città fluviale della città di Zagabria, dove pesanti interventi di regimentazione e deviazione idraulica per la messa in sicurezza della Città sul Fiume, hanno spinto ad una riflessione sull’equilibrio tra gli approcci resistenti e quelli resilienti per la creazione della nuova città pubblica

    Optimization of PCL Polymeric Films as Potential Matrices for the Loading of Alpha-Tocopherol by a Combination of Innovative Green Processes

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    Active food packaging represents an innovative way to conceive food packages. The innovation lies in using natural-based and biodegradable materials to produce a system intended to interact with the food product to preserve its quality and shelf-life. Compared to traditional plastics, active packaging is designed and regulated to release substances in a controlled manner, mainly antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds. Conventional technologies are not suitable for treating these natural substances; therefore, the research for innovative and green techniques represents a challenge in this field. The aim of this work is to compare two different polymeric structures: nanofibrous films obtained by electrospinning and continuous films obtained by solvent casting, to identify the best solution and process conditions for subjecting the samples to the supercritical fluids impregnation process (SFI). The supports optimized were functionalized by impregnating alpha-tocopherol using the SFI process. In particular, the different morphologies of the samples both before and after the supercritical impregnation process were initially studied, identifying the limits and possible solutions to obtain an optimization of the constructs to be impregnated with this innovative green technology in the packaging field

    Case report: long-acting oral cariprazine

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    Introduction: Cariprazine is a third-generation antipsychotic, approved for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and used off-label for schizoaffective disorder and treatment-resistant depression. Cariprazine is a partial agonist at dopamine receptors D2 and D3 and serotonin receptor 5HT1A and an antagonist at serotonin receptors 5HT2B and 5HT2A. It is metabolized by CYP3A4 in desmetyl-cariprazine and didesmethyl-cariprazine, both active metabolites with a half-life of 1-2 days and 2-3 weeks, respectively. Case Report: Here we show the cases of 3 outpatients diagnosed with bipolar I disorder (two patients) and schizoaffective disorder (one patients) and characterized by low adherence to treatment, satisfactory cognitive and personal functioning and average disease severity to whom we administered cariprazine as a monotherapy, on a two-times a week schedule (i.e., every 72-96 h). We evaluated response to treatment and disease remission according to conventional definitions, using rating scales BPRS, PANSS and BDI-II. Two-times a week treatment was set either after a disease relapse (one patient), after a sustained remission obtained with daily administration of cariprazine (one patient) or since our first evaluation (one patient). After 4 weeks of treatment all three patients satisfied criteria for response to treatment and remission, a result that was sustained for 8 (in one patients) and 12 months (in other two patients) and still ongoing. Discussion: Reported results support our hypothesis that long half-lives of cariprazine and its metabolites provide an adequate therapeutic response with a two-times a week administration. In selected patients, cariprazine administered as a "oral long-acting" seems effective in treating acute episodes of illness and in sustaining remission, combining advantages of oral and long-acting injectable antipsychotics concerning therapeutic alliance

    Inflammation as a Link between Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

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    The metabolic syndrome is a complex of clinical features leading to an increased risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus in both sexes. Visceral obesity and insulin resistance are considered the main features determining the negative cardiovascular profile in metabolic syndrome. The aim of this paper is to highlight the central role of obesity in the development of a chronic low-grade inflammatory state that leads to insulin resistance, endothelial and microvascular dysfunctions. It is thought that the starting signal of this inflammation is overfeeding and the pathway origins in all the metabolic cells; the subsequent increase in cytokine production recruits immune cells in the extracellular environment inducing an overall systemic inflammation. This paper focuses on the molecular and cellular inflammatory mechanisms studied until now

    Laryngeal sensitivity in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Recent studies have shown the involvement of the sensory nervous system in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The aim of our study was to investigate the correlation between the laryngeal sensitivity deficit and the type of ALS onset (bulbar or spinal) in a large series of 114 consecutive ALS patients. Participants were subdivided into two groups, bulbar and spinal ALS, according to the clinical onset of disease and submitted to a clinical and instrumental evaluation of swallowing, including a fiber-optic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing with sensory testing. Dysphagia severity was scored using the Penetration–Aspiration Scale (PAS) and the Pooling score (P-score). In addition, three patients with laryngeal sensitivity deficit were submitted to a laryngeal biopsy to assess the status of the sensory innervation. All patients showed a normal glottal closure during phonation and volitional cough. Fifty-six subjects (49%), 14 spinal- and 42 bulbar-onset ALS, showed dysphagia at the first clinical observation (PAS score >1; P-score >5). Dysphagia resulted more frequently in bulbar-onset ALS (P < 0.01). Thirty-eight (33%) patients had a sensory deficit of the larynx. The sensory deficit of the larynx was significantly more frequent in bulbar-onset ALS (P < 0.01). The sensory deficit of the larynx among dysphagic patients was also significantly more frequent in bulbar-onset ALS (P = 0.02). Several abnormalities were found in all three subjects who underwent a laryngeal biopsy: in one patient, no intraepidermal fiber was found; in the other two, the fibers showed morphological changes. Our observations are important to consider for assessment and management of dysphagia in patients with AL

    Archaeomagnetic dating: examples from Euboea-Attica and the missing link between the central Greek mainland and the islands

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    Ο αρχαιομαγνητισμός αποτελεί έναν κλάδο που συνδυάζει τη γεωφυσική με την αρχαιολογία και έχει διάφορες εφαρμογές, με πιο γνωστή τη χρονολόγηση θέσεων μέσω της μελέτης του γεωμαγνητικού πεδίου του παρελθόντος, όπως καταγράφεται στους ψημένους πηλούς που περιέχουν οξείδια του σιδήρου. Αφού θερμανθούν σε υψηλές θερμοκρασίες και στη συνέχεια ψυχθούν, αυτά τα οξείδια καταγράφουν την διεύθυνση και την ένταση του μαγνητικού πεδίου της γης στον τόπο και χρόνο της διαδικασίας. Αυτή η πληροφορία μπορεί να ανακτηθεί και έχει διπλή εφαρμογή: (1) εάν η χρονολόγηση του υλικού που μελετήθηκε βασίζεται σε ανεξάρτητες μεθόδους, τα αποτελέσματα μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν ως σημεία αναφοράς για τη δημιουργία ή Καμπύλων Αιώνιας Μεταβολής (Secular Variation Curves (SVCs)) για την περιοχή, (2) εάν το υλικό είναι αβέβαιης χρονολόγησης, τότε αυτές οι καμπύλες, όταν είναι διαθέσιμες, μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για τη χρονολόγησή του, με μικρό κόστος και βαθμό φθοράς. Η συστηματική έρευνα στην Ελλάδα κατά τις δύο τελευταίες δεκαετίες έχει προσφέρει σημαντικά δεδομένα και αρκούντως προσδιορισμένες SVC, οι οποίες ωστόσο έχουν ακόμη αρκετά κενά. Η άνιση κατανομή των μελετημένων θέσεων είναι συχνά ένα πρόβλημα που χρειάζεται επίλυση. Η μελέτη στις περιοχές της κεντρικής Ελλάδας, της Εύβοιας και των νησιών είναι ελλιπής και είναι αναγκαίο να καλυφθούν τα κενά αυτά. Δημοσιευμένα αποτελέσματα από προηγούμενες μελέτες στην ευρύτερη περιοχή προέρχονται από τον Evans1, ο οποίος μελέτησε δύο κλιβάνους αμφίβολης χρονολόγησης από την Ερέτρια και την Αυλίδα. Με τη χρήση των προσφάτως ενημερωμένων SVC για την Ελλάδα, σε συνδυασμό με αυτές των Βαλκανίων και της Ευρώπης, στην παρούσα εργασία προχωρήσαμε στη χρονολόγηση των δύο αυτών θέσεων, με αποτέλεσμα ηλικίες που συγκλίνουν με τις προτεινόμενες αρχαιολογικές σε έναν ικανοποιητικό βαθμό. Νέα αποτελέσματα επακριβώς χρονολογημένου υλικού δημοσιεύθηκαν για τη Νεολιθική Θεσσαλία2, ωστόσο μία συνέχεια μεταξύ της νοτίου Ελλάδος, των νησιών και της κεντρικής Ελλάδος πρέπει να δημιουργηθεί στο προσεχές μέλλον

    From caging to Rouse dynamics in polymer melts with intramolecular barriers: a critical test of the Mode Coupling Theory

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    By means of computer simulations and solution of the equations of the Mode Coupling Theory (MCT), we investigate the role of the intramolecular barriers on several dynamic aspects of non-entangled polymers. The investigated dynamic range extends from the caging regime characteristic of glass-formers to the relaxation of the chain Rouse modes. We review our recent work on this question, provide new results and critically discuss the limitations of the theory. Solutions of the MCT for the structural relaxation reproduce qualitative trends of simulations for weak and moderate barriers. However a progressive discrepancy is revealed as the limit of stiff chains is approached. This disagreement does not seem related with dynamic heterogeneities, which indeed are not enhanced by increasing barrier strength. It is not connected either with the breakdown of the convolution approximation for three-point static correlations, which retains its validity for stiff chains. These findings suggest the need of an improvement of the MCT equations for polymer melts. Concerning the relaxation of the chain degrees of freedom, MCT provides a microscopic basis for time scales from chain reorientation down to the caging regime. It rationalizes, from first principles, the observed devations from the Rouse model on increasing the barrier strength. These include anomalous scaling of relaxation times, long-time plateaux, and non-monotonous wavelength dependence of the mode correlators.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Guidelines for the monitoring of Rosalia alpina

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    Rosalia alpina (Linnaeus, 1758) is a large longhorn beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) which is protected by the Habitats Directive and which typically inhabits beech forests characterised by the presence of mature, dead (or moribund) and sun-exposed trees. A revision of the current knowledge on systematics, ecology and conservation of R. alpina is reported. The research was carried out as part of the LIFE MIPP project which aims to find a standard monitoring method for saproxylic beetles protected in Europe. For monitoring this species, different methods were tested and compared in two areas of the Apennines, utilising wild trees, logs and tripods (artificially built with beech woods), all potentially suitable for the reproduction of the species. Even if all methods succeeded in the survey of the target species, these results showed that the use of wild trees outperformed other methods. Indeed, the use of wild trees allowed more adults to be observed and required less intensive labour. However, monitoring the rosalia longicorn on wild trees has the main disadvantage that they can hardly be considered “standard sampling units”, as each tree may be differently attractive to adults. Our results demonstrated that the most important factors influencing the attraction of single trunks were wood volume, sun-exposure and decay stage. Based on the results obtained during the project LIFE MIPP, as well as on a literature review, a standard monitoring method for R. alpina was developed

    An association between feather damaging behavior and corticosterone metabolite excretion in captive African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus)

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    Background African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) are kept as pets and are frequently hand-reared. It has been observed that hand-reared African grey parrots may develop behavioral disorders such as feather damaging behavior (FDB). It is well known that chronic stress is involved in behavioral disorders in captive parrots. The main glucocorticoid in birds is corticosterone; its quantification provides information about adrenocortical activity and is considered to be a reliable indicator of stress levels in birds. We analyzed the differences in the excretion of corticosterone metabolites (CM) in the droppings of African grey parrots characterized by: 1. different rearing histories (parent rearing vs. hand rearing); and 2. the presence or absence of FDB in hand-reared parrots. Methods A total of 82 African grey parrots that were kept in captivity were considered. According to breeding methods, three groups of birds were defined: 1. The parent-reared (PR) parrots included birds kept in pairs (n = 30 pairs) with a conspecific partner of the opposite sex. All of these birds were healthy and never showed FDB signs; 2. The healthy hand-reared parrots (H-HR) included pet parrots individually kept, that were hand-reared and did not display any sign of FDB (n = 11, 7 males and 4 females); 3. The FDB hand-reared parrot (FDB-HR) included pet parrots individually kept, that were hand-reared and displayed FDB (n = 11, 7 males and 4 females). Droppings were collected in the morning over three alternating days in autumn 2014 and spring 2015. The CM were determined using a multi-species corticosterone enzyme immunoassay kit. Split-plot repeated-measure ANOVA was used to examine any differences using group, season and group × season as the main factors. Results Different quantities of CM in droppings were found for the three groups. The mean CM value was 587 ng/g in the PR parrots, 494 ng/g in the H-HR parrots and 1,744 ng/g in the FDB-HR parrots, irrespective of the season. The excretion of CM in FDB-HR was significantly higher than in PR or H-HR parrots. CM in droppings were not influenced by the season (autumn vs. spring); furthermore, the interaction between group and sampling season was not significant. Limited to the H-HR and FDB-HR groups, a trend in the significance of the difference in the mean CM excreted by male and female birds was observed, with the levels excreted by males being higher than those excreted by females. When the effect of age was considered (in the two separate groups), there was a statistically significant positive correlation only for H-HR. Conclusions The highest amount of CM excretion was found in FDB-HR parrots, and a positive correlation between age and CM excretion was found in H-HR. Given that the CM excretion of both PR and H-HR parrots was similar in our study, future research is recommended to investigate the specific aspects of hand-rearing to improve parrot welfare

    Utility of fibroblasts derived from broncho-alveolar lavage of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis or related disorders to develop in vitro models

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    Broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL) represents a safe tool for the differential diagnosis of various pulmonary fibrotic diseases. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) belongs to a heterogeneous group of diseases, interstitial lung disease (ILD), presenting a progressive impairment of pulmonary functions. IPF is characterized by the excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) in the alveolar parenchyma that may lead to irreversible pulmonary remodeling. Although the exact pathogenetic mechanisms leading to IPF development are still unclear it has been demonstrated that fibroblasts differentiating toward myofibroblasts are the major actors involved in this process. The possibility of obtaining and expanding fibroblasts from the BAL of ILD patients for research purposes has been recently explored. This approach is discussed here as a reliable chance, helpful to advance the scientific community knowledge and to devise two- and three-dimensional (2D/3D) pre-clinical in vitro models of these diseases, further overcoming technical and ethical concerns related to the use of fibroblasts derived from tissue biopsy