91 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Protein Baits with Fipronil to Control Vespa velutina nigrithorax (Lepeletier, 1836) in Apiaries

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    The yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax), outside its natural range, has become a major threat to domestic bees. Several control methods have been used to fight against V. velutina, but the results achieved are not satisfactory. The use of protein baits with biocides has shown to be an effective method to control invasive wasp populations, but they have not been used to control V. velutina. Thus, the efficacy of protein baits containing fipronil to reduce the presence of hornets in apiaries was evaluated in this study. After laboratory determination of the optimal efficacy of a protein bait at a 0.01% concentration of fipronil, field trials were conducted involving 222 beekeepers. The data reported by the 90 beekeepers who completed the requested questionnaire demonstrated that in the groups of apiaries with the highest pressure of hornets (groups with 10–30 and >30 hornets), there was a significant decrease in the presence of V. velutina, lasting at least two weeks. The reduction in the number of hornets was positively correlated with bait consumption, and bait consumption was positively correlated with the number of hornets present at the time of treatment. Although the method used has shown good efficacy and the concentration of fipronil used was very low; possible negative effects on the environment should also be evaluated.This work was funded by the project ATLANTIC POSITIVE (Interreg Atlantic Area EAPA_800/2018), and co-funded by the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures, and the Department of Education (project IT1673-22) of the Basque Government. Aitor Cevidanes was supported by a ‘Ramón y Cajal’ post-doctoral grant RYC2021-033084-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. Omaira de la Hera was supported by a pre-doctoral grant funded by Basque Government (project PUE_2021_1_0008)

    Rehabilitación psiquiátrica en un hospital de cuidados psiquiátricos prolongados.

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    Objetivo: El cambio de un modelo de cuidados a un modelo de rehabilitación en Unidades de Cuidados Psiquiátricos Prolongados (UCPP) donde se pretenden generar perfiles de usuarios con enfermedad mental grave y duradera en los que se tenga en cuenta tanto el grado de afectación clínica y/o del desempeño psicosocial como el nivel de institucionalización (medido a partir de la estancia hospitalaria), todo con la finalidad de plantear un posible modelo de reorganización de los usuarios en base a estos criterios. Método: Por un lado, se ha tenido en consideración la variable, años de ingreso en la institución, para así tener una medida de la institucionalización y/o una medida que plasme posibles dificultades de reinserción en el medio comunitario. Por otra parte, se ha utilizado una variable que tuviese en cuenta factores clínicos y relacionados con el desempeño psicosocial y que es La Escala de Evaluación de la Actividad Global –EEAG- ( Eje V del DSM-IV-TR). A partir de las variables comentadas se ha realizado un análisis de conglomerados –clusters- con el paquete estadístico SPSS 19.0. Resultados: El análisis de conglomerados realizado muestra la existencia de cuatro grupos de diferente tamaño para el conjunto de usuarios que los componen. Estos cuatro grupos definirían prototipos de perfiles de pacientes ingresados en una UCPP: 1) Dependientes Institucionalizados –DI-, 2) Independientes Institucionalizados –II-, 3) Dependientes No Institucionalizados –DNI- e 4) Independientes No Institucionalizados –INI-.Conclusiones: El interés y la utilidad de clasificar los usuarios en diferentes niveles según su desempeño psicosocial se refleja en posibilidades de mejora en el tratamiento individualizado, adaptándolo a las necesidades de atención, asistencia y terapia de los usuarios

    Reproducibility and validity of a food frequency questionnaire designed to assess diet in children aged 4-5 years

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    Background The food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) is the most efficient and cost-effective method to investigate the relationship between usual diet and disease in epidemiologic studies. Although FFQs have been validated in many adult populations worldwide, the number of valid FFQ in preschool children is very scarce. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reproducibility and validity of a semi-quantitative FFQ designed for children aged 4 to 5 years. Materials and methods In this study, we have included 169 children aged 4–5 years from the INMA project in Valencia, a population-based prospective cohort study of mothers and children in Spain. The 105- items FFQ was administered twice to the parents or care-givers of children over a 9-month period. Reproducibility was explored by comparing intake of nutrients by the FFQs, while validity was examined by comparing the nutrient values from the FFQs with the average nutrient values of three 24 hour dietary recall (24hDR) taken in the period, and also, with the concentration in blood specimens for several vitamins (carotenoids, folate, vitamin B12, vitamin C and α-tocopherol). Pearson correlation coefficients and de-attenuated correlation coefficients were calculated and we also evaluated misclassification by quintile distribution. Results All correlation coefficients for reproducibility for nutrients and major food groups were statistically significant; the average correlation coefficients for daily intake were 0.43 for food groups and 0.41 for nutrients. The average correlation coefficients for validity for daily intakes against 24hDR was r = 0.30, and the average for de-attenuated correlation coefficients was r = 0.44. When evaluating validity against the blood concentration of vitamins, statistically significant correlations were observed for vitamin C (0.35), lycopene (0.31), β-Cryptoxantin (0.40), and vitamin E (0.29); the average of correlation coefficients was r = 0.21. Conclusion Despite some low to moderate correlations for reproducibility and validity, overall this study suggests that the FFQ may be a good method for assessing a wide range of food groups and nutrients intake in children aged 4–5 years.This work was supported by Instituto Salud Carlos III (Red INMA G03/176 CB06/02/ 0041), Ministerio Sanidad y Fondos FEDER (FIS 03/1615; 04/1509; 04/1436; 05/1079; 06/1213; 06/ 0867; 07/0314; 11/01007), Conselleria Sanitat, Generalitat Valenciana (ACOMP/2010/115; 084/ 2010)

    Reproducibility and validity of a food frequency questionnaire among pregnant women in a Mediterranean area

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    Background: Studies exploring the role of diet during pregnancy are still scarce, in part due to the complexity of measuring diet and to the lack of valid instruments. The aim of this study was to examine the reproducibility and validity (against biochemical biomarkers) of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) in pregnant women. Methods: Participants were 740 pregnant women from a population-based birth cohort study in Valencia (INMA Study). We compared nutrient and food intakes from FFQs estimated for two periods of pregnancy (reproducibility), and compared energy-adjusted intake of several carotenoids, folate, vitamin B12, vitamin C and α-tocopherol of the FFQ in the first trimester with their concentration in blood specimens (validity). Results: Significant correlations for reproducibility were found for major food groups and nutrients but not for lycopene (r=0.06); the average correlation coefficients for daily intake were 0.51 for food groups and 0.61 for nutrients. For validity, statistically significant correlations were observed for vitamin C (0.18), α-carotene (0.32), β-carotene (0.22), lutein-zeaxantin (0.29) and β-cryptoxantin(0.26); non-significant correlations were observed for retinol, lycopene, α-tocopherol, vitamin B12 and folate (r≤0.12). When dietary supplement use was considered, correlations were substantially improved for folate (0.53) and to a lesser extent for vitamin B12 (0.12) and vitamin C (0.20). Conclusion: This study supports that the FFQ has a good reproducibility for nutrient and food intake, and can provide a valid estimate of several important nutrients during pregnanc

    Mediterranean and Western dietary patterns in adult population of a Mediterranean area; a cluster analysis

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    Antecedentes/objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio ha sido identificar patrones dietéticos a partir de los datos recogidos en la Encuesta de Nutrición y Salud de la Comunidad Valenciana realizada sobre una muestra representativa de población adulta y explorar los posibles factores asociados a los patrones identificados. Metodología: Un total de 1.803 individuos adultos (973 mujeres) participaron en la encuesta de Nutrición y Salud realizada en 1994 en la Comunidad Valenciana. La dieta fue evaluada mediante cuestionario de frecuencia alimentaria (CFA) validado de 93 ítems alimentarios. Las ingestas de alimentos se ajustaron por mil calorías y se crearon 26 grupos de alimentos usando valores estandarizados (z-scores) para la identificación de patrones dietéticos por el método análisis de k-medias prefijando 3 clúster. Se usó regresión logística multinomial múltiple para explorar la asociación entre patrones y variables sociodemográficas, antropométricas y de estilos de vida. Resultados: Se identificaron tres patrones dietéticos denominados como Prudente, Mediterráneo y Occidental. El patrón Prudente (57,2%) se caracterizó por un consumo intermedio de los principales grupos de alimentos; el Mediterráneo (29,1%) destacó por un elevado consumo de frutas, verduras y pescado; y el Occidental (13,7%) por un alto consumo de carnes rojas, embutidos, platos preparados, croquetas, bebidas azucaradas, dulces, chocolates y bebidas alcohólicas. El patrón Mediterráneo presentó las mayores puntuaciones para varios índices de calidad alimentaria analizados y definidos a priori en la literatura. Usando como referencia el patrón Mediterráneo, los que seguían un patrón Occidental fueron significativamente más jóvenes, un mayor número de hombres y fumadores; los que seguían un patrón Prudente presentaron un mayor número de hombres, no practicaban actividad física regular y menor consumo de alcohol. Conclusión: De los tres patrones dietéticos identificados como Prudente, Mediterráneo y Occidental en adultos de la Comunidad Valenciana a mediados de los noventa, el patrón Prudente fue el más prevalente, el Mediterráneo el que se asoció a conductas y hábitos de vida más saludables, y el Occidental el menos frecuente aunque fue más seguido entre jóvenes, hombres y fumadores. Se deberían realizar encuestas nutricionales que permitan hacer vigilancia nutricional y analizar la evolución de estos patrones dietéticos y sus posibles efectos sobre la mortalidad en población española.Objective: To identify dietary patterns among participants in a representative nutritional survey in the Valencia Community, and to analyze the association with socio-demographic characteristics and lifestyles. Methods: Data for this study were from 1803 participants (973 women) in the Nutrition and Health Survey conducted in 1994 on a representative sample of adult population of Valencia Community. Diet was assessed by a validated food frequency questionnaire. Foods intakes were adjusted for 1,000 calories and grouped in 26 groups. Cluster analysis was used to identify dietary patterns using standardized values of the variables (zscores). Results: Three dietary patterns were identified and labeled as follows: the Prudent pattern (57.2%), characterized by a low-medium intake of most food of groups; the Mediterranean pattern (29.1%) characterized by high intake of fruits, vegetables, fish, poultry, cheese, and legumes; and the Western pattern (13.7%) characterized by high intake of meat and processed meats, high fat content foods, sweets and sugar, beverages, and alcoholic beverages. The Mediterranean pattern obtained higher scores for known diet quality index defined a priori. Using the Mediterranean pattern as reference, Western pattern included significantly more young people, higher number of men and smokers, and the Prudent pattern higher number of men, lower physical activity and lower alcohol consumption. Conclusion: Three dietary patterns were identified among participants in the Nutrition Survey of Valencia conducted in the mid-1990S: Prudent, Mediterranean and Western. The Prudent pattern was the most prevalent; the Mediterranean pattern was associated with healthier lifestyles and behaviors; and the Western pattern, the less prevalent although more frequently followed by youth, men and smokers. Further Nutrition Surveys should be carried out to make nutritional surveillance and analyze health effects of these observed patterns.Proyectos Consellería Sanitat-Generalitat Valenciana (CTGCA/2002/06; G03/136; ACOMP/2010/115). CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública

    Validation of self-reported weight and height university population and factors associated with differences between self reported and measured antropometrics

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    Introducción: La obesidad es un problema de salud pública importante que se asocia a un mayor riesgo muerte por enfermedades crónico-degenerativas como diabetes, enfermedades cardiovasculares y varios cánceres. En estudios epidemiológicos de amplio tamaño donde a veces solo es posible obtener datos auto-referido de peso y talla, pueden surgir dudas sobre las estimaciones del índice de masa corporal (IMC). Objetivo: En este estudio se comparan datos auto-referido de peso, talla e IMC frente a datos obtenidos por medición directa en población adulta joven, y se analizan los factores asociados a la discrepancia entre datos referidos y medidos. Metodología: Entre 2006-2012 un total de 628 universitarios de ciencias de la salud (476 mujeres) aceptaron cumplimentar un cuestionario con preguntas sobre peso y talla y realizar posteriormente un examen físico con la toma del peso y talla siguiendo protocolos estandarizados en ropa ligera. El peso de la ropa ligera se sustrajo del peso medido en 1 kg para los hombres y 0,9 kg para las mujeres. Se analizó la validez de las estimaciones antropométricas auto-referidas frente a las medidas para peso, talla y obesidad mediante índices de sensibilidad, especificidad, valores predictivos y índice kappa y se usó regresión lineal múltiple para analizar los factores asociados a las discrepancias entre datos referidos y medidos. Resultado: La media del peso, talla e IMC auto-referido fueron 62,5 kg, 167,6 cm y 22,1 kg/m2, y de los medidos, 62,6 kg, 167,4 cm y 22,2 kg/m2 respectivamente. Las correlaciones entre datos declararos y medidos fueron de r = 0,97, 0,96 y 0,95 respectivamente. La sensibilidad para detectar exceso de peso (IMC ≥ 25 kg/m2) mediante datos declarados fue del 81,0%, la especificidad del 98,5%, el valor predictivo positivo 90,6% y el índice kappa de 0,75. La discrepancia entre peso, talla e IMC medido y declarado se asoció significativamente con una mayor edad, y para la talla también con un mayor número de horas de sueño. Conclusiones: A pesar de una ligera infraestimación observada para el peso y el IMC y una sobreestimación para la talla auto-referidos, la validez de las medidas auto-referidas es adecuada para usar en estudios epidemiológicos en población joven.Introduction: Obesity is an important public health problem related to a higher risk of death from chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and several types of cancer. In epidemiological studies of big sample size, only self-reported weight and height can be collected for feasibility reasons and body mass index (BMI) estimates may be questioned. Objectives: In this study we compare self-reported and measured weight, height and BMI in a mostly young population of university students, and explore factors associated with discrepancies between self-reported and measured data. Methods: In the period 2006-2012, 628 University students (476 women) from health sciences subject gave consent to participate in this study. Self-reported weight and height were collected by questionnaire and compared with weight and height measured afterward in health exams wearing light clothes and using standardized protocols. The validity of self-reported anthropometric estimates was explored by correlation coefficients and sensitivity, specificity, predictive values and kappa to detect measured overweight/obesity (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2). Multiple linear regression was used to explore the factors related to the discrepancies between self-reported and measured data. Results: The mean of self-reported weight, height and BMI was 62.5 kg, 167.6 cm and 22.1 kg/m2 and the mean of measured data was 62.6 kg, 167.4 cm y 22.2 kg/m2 respectively. Correlations between self-reported and measured data were r = 0.97 for weight, 0.96 for height and 0.95 for BMI. The sensitivity to detect overweight (IMC ≥ 25 kg/m2) using self-reported data was 81.0%, the specificity was 98.5%, the predictive value was 90.6% and the kappa index was 0.75. The discrepancy between measured and self-reported weight, height and BMI was associated with a higher age, and a higher sleeping time was also associated to discrepancies in self-reported and measured height. Conclusions: Despite the self-reported weight and BMI may underestimate the true weight and BMI, and self-reported height overestimate, the validity of self-reported anthropometric measures is adequate to use be used in epidemiological studies among young people with a high educational level.Este estudio ha sido financiado en parte por proyectos de la Consejería de Sanidad-Generalitat Valenciana (ACOMP/2010/115; 087/2008; 084/2010). Fatoumata Rosita Savane es becaria predoctoral de AECID (Agencia de Cooperación Internacional para el desarrollo)

    Use of high doses of folic acid supplements in pregnant women in Spain: an INMA cohort study

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    Objectives: We examined the use of low (<400 μg/day, including no use) and high folic acid supplement (FAS) dosages (≥1000 μg/day) among pregnant women in Spain, and explored factors associated with the use of these non-recommended dosages. Design: Population-based cohort study. Setting Spain. Participants We analysed data from 2332 pregnant women of the INMA study, a prospective mother-child cohort study in Spain. Main outcome measures We assessed usual dietary folate and the use of FAS from preconception to the 3rd month (first period) and from the 4th to the 7th month (second period), using a validated food frequency questionnaire. We used multinomial logistic regression to estimate relative risk ratios (RRRs). Results Over a half of the women used low dosages of FAS in the first and second period while 29% and 17% took high dosages of FAS, respectively. In the first period, tobacco smoking (RRR=1.63), alcohol intake (RRR=1.40), multiparous (RRR=1.44), unplanned pregnancy (RRR=4.20) and previous spontaneous abortion (RRR=0.58, lower use of high FAS dosages among those with previous abortions) were significantly associated with low FAS dosages. Alcohol consumption (RRR=1.42), unplanned pregnancy (RRR=2.66) and previous spontaneous abortion (RRR=0.68) were associated with high dosage use. In the second period, only tobacco smoking was significantly associated with high FAS dosage use (RRR=0.67). Conclusions A high proportion of pregnant women did not reach the recommended dosages of FAS in periconception and a considerable proportion also used FAS dosages ≥1000 μg/day. Action should be planned by the Health Care System and health professionals to improve the appropriate periconceptional use of FAS, taking into consideration the associated factors.This study was funded by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Spanish Ministry of Health (Red INMA G03/176; CB06/02/0041; FIS 97/0588; 00/0021–2, PI061756; PS0901958; FIS-FEDER 03/1615, 04/1509, 04/1112, 04/1931, 05/1079, 05/1052, 06/1213, 07/0314; 09/02647; FIS-PI041436, FIS-PI081151, FIS-PI06/0867; FIS-PS09/00090, FIS-PI042018, FIS-PI09 02311, FIS PI11/01007, FISPI13/02429) Universidad de Oviedo, Conselleria de Sanitat Generalitat Valenciana, Generalitat de Catalunya-CIRIT 1999SGR 00241, Department of Health of the Basque Government (2005111093 and 2009111069) and the Provincial Government of Guipuzcoa (DFG06/004 and DFG08/001)

    Immediate improvement of left ventricular mechanics following transcatheter aortic valve replacement

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    Background: Left ventricular (LV) mechanics are impaired in patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS). Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) has become a widespread technique for patients with severe AS considered inoperable or high risk for traditional open-surgery. This procedure could have a positive impact in LV mechanics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the immediate effect of TAVR on LV function recovery, as assessed by myocardial deformation parameters. Methods: One-hundred twelve consecutive patients (81.4 ± 6.4 years, 50% female) from 10 centres in Europe with severe AS who successfully underwent TAVR with either a self-expanding CoreValve (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN) or a mechanically expanded Lotus valve (Boston Scientific, Natick, MA) were enrolled in a prospective multi-center study. A complete echocardiographic examination was performed at baseline and immediately before discharge, including the assessment of LV strain using standard two-dimensional images. Results: Echocardiographic examination with global longitudinal strain (GLS) quantification could be obtained in 92 patients, because of echocardiographic and logistic reasons. Between examinations, a modest statistically significant improvement in GLS could be seen (GLS% –15.00 ± 4.80 at baseline;–16.15 ± 4.97 at discharge, p = 0.028). In a stratified analysis, only women showed a significant improvement in GLS and a trend towards greater improvement in GLS according to severity of systolic dysfunction as measured by LV ejection fraction could be noted. Conclusions: Immediate improvement in GLS was appreciated after TAVR procedure. Whether this finding continues to be noted in a more prolonged follow-up and its clinical implications need to be assessed in further studies

    High adherence to a mediterranean diet at age 4 reduces overweight, obesity and abdominal obesity incidence in children at the age of 8

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    Background/objectives A higher adherence to a Mediterranean diet has been shown to be protective against obesity in adults, but the evidence is still inconclusive in children at early ages. Our objective was to explore the association between adherence to Mediterranean Diet at the age of 4 and the prevalence of overweight, obesity, and abdominal obesity at 4 years of age, and incidence at the age of 8. Subjects/methods We analyzed data from children of the INMA cohort study who attended follow-up visits at age 4 and 8 years (n = 1801 and n = 1527, respectively). Diet was assessed at the age of 4 using a validated food frequency questionnaire. The adherence to MD was evaluated by the relative Mediterranean diet (rMED) score, and categorized as low (0–6), medium (7–10), and high (11–16). Overweight and obesity were defined according to the age-sex specific BMI cutoffs proposed by the International Obesity Task Force, and abdominal obesity as waist circumference >90th percentile. We used Poisson regression models to estimate prevalence ratios at 4 years of age, and Cox regression analysis to estimate hazard ratios (HR) from 4–8 years of age. Results In cross-sectional analyses at the age of 4 no association was observed between adherence to MD and overweight, obesity, or abdominal obesity. In longitudinal analyses, a high adherence to MD at age 4 was associated with lower incidence of overweight (HR = 0.38; 95% CI: 0.21–0.67; p = 0.001), obesity (HR = 0.16; 95% CI: 0.05–0.53; p = 0.002), and abdominal obesity (HR = 0.30; 95% CI: 0.12–0.73; p = 0.008) at the age of 8. Conclusion This study shows that a high adherence to MD at the age of 4 is associated with a lower risk of developing overweight, obesity, and abdominal obesity at age 8. If these results are confirmed by other studies, MD may be recommended to reduce the incidence of obesity at early ages