27 research outputs found

    Modelling probabilistic fatigue crack propagation rates for a mild structural steel

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    A class of fatigue crack growth models based on elastic–plastic stress–strain histories at the crack tip region and local strain-life damage models have been proposed in literature. The fatigue crack growth is regarded as a process of continuous crack initializations over successive elementary material blocks, which may be governed by smooth strain-life damage data. Some approaches account for the residual stresses developing at the crack tip in the actual crack driving force assessment, allowing mean stresses and loading sequential effects to be modelled. An extension of the fatigue crack propagation model originally proposed by Noroozi et al. (2005) to derive probabilistic fatigue crack propagation data is proposed, in particular concerning the derivation of probabilistic da/dN-?K-R fields. The elastic-plastic stresses at the vicinity of the crack tip, computed using simplified formulae, are compared with the stresses computed using an elasticplastic finite element analyses for specimens considered in the experimental program proposed to derive the fatigue crack propagation data. Using probabilistic strain-life data available for the S355 structural mild steel, probabilistic crack propagation fields are generated, for several stress ratios, and compared with experimental fatigue crack propagation data. A satisfactory agreement between the predicted probabilistic fields and experimental data is observed

    Mechanical behaviour of wood T-joints. Experimental and numerical investigation

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    Results of a double-shear single-dowel wood connection tested under monotonic quasi-static compression loading are presented and discussed in this paper. The wood used in this study was a pine wood, namely the Pinus pinaster species, which is one of the most important Portuguese species. Each connection (specimen) consists of three wood members: a centre member, loaded in compression along the parallel-tograin direction and two simply supported side members, loaded along the perpendicular-to-grain direction (Tconnection). The load transfer between wood members was assured by means of a steel dowel, which is representative of the most common joining technique applied for structural details in wooden structures. The complete load-slip behaviour of the joint is obtained until failure. In particular, the values of the stiffness, the ultimate loads and the ductility were evaluated. Additionally, this investigation proposed non-linear 3D finite element models to simulate the T-joint behaviour. The interaction between the dowel and the wood members was simulated using contact finite elements. A plasticity model, based on Hill’s criterion, was used to simulate the joint ductility and cohesive damage modelling was applied to simulate the brittle failure modes (splitting) observed in the side members of the joint. The simulation procedure allowed a satisfactory description of the non-linear behaviour of the T-joint including the collapse prediction

    Probabilistic fatigue S-N curves derivation for notched components

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    Europe has a number of ancient riveted metallic bridges, constructed during the second half of the 19th century up to the middle of the 20th century, which are still in operation. In this paper, a unified approach is presented to generate probabilistic S-N curves to be applied to structural components, accounting for uncertainties in material properties. The approach is particularly demonstrated for a plate with a circular hole, made of puddle iron from the Portuguese Eiffel Bridge. This paper presents an extension of the local strain-based fatigue crack propagation model proposed by Noroozi et al. The latter model is applied to derive the probabilistic fatigue crack propagation field (p-S-Np field). The probabilistic fatigue crack initiation field (p-S-Ni field) is determined using a notch elastoplastic approach, to calculate the fatigue failure of the first elementary material block ahead of the notch root

    A probabilistic interpretation of the Miner number for fatigue life prediction

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    The Miner number M, used as a tool for lifetime prediction of mechanical and structural components in most of the standards related to fatigue design, is generally accepted as representing a damage stage resulting from a linear progression of damage accumulation. Nonetheless, the fatigue and damage approach proposed by Castillo and Fernández-Canteli, permits us to reject this conventional cliché by relating M to the normalized variable V, which represents percentile curves in the S-N field unequivocally associated to probability of failure. This approach, allowing a probabilistic interpretation of the Miner rule, can be applied to fatigue design of mechanical and structural components subjected to variable amplitude loading. The results of an extensive test program on concrete specimens under compressive constant and load spectra, carried out elsewhere, are used. A parallel calculation of the normalized variable V and the Miner number M is performed throughout the damage progression due to loading allowing probabilities of failure to be assigned to any value of the current Miner number. It is found that significant probabilities of failure, say P=0.05, are attained for even low values of M, thus evidencing the necessity of a new definition of the safety coefficient of structural or machine components when the Miner rule is considered. The experimental and analytical probability distributions of the resulting Miner numbers are compared and discussed, the latter still providing a nonconservative prediction in spite of the enhancement. A possible correction is analyzed

    Design S-N curves for old Portuguese and French riveted bridges connection based on statistical analyses

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    Maintenance of ancient road and railway metallic bridges has become a major concern for governmental agencies in the past few decades. Indeed, since the construction of these structures, between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, traffic conditions have evolved, both in weight and frequency. In the purpose to assess the remaining life of old metallic bridges, some critical structural details have been identified and associated to S-N curves in order to be used in damage estimation (using Palmgren-Miner’s rule for cumulative damage, for example). These constructional details are described by design rules of several European and North American standards, such as the Eurocode 3, BS 5400 and AASHTO standards. The particularity of ancient bridges is that hot riveted assemblies, commonly used for their construction, are not represented in most construction standards. Further experiences on the matter by numerous research teams have suggested detail category C71 from the Eurocode 3 as appropriate. In this paper, experimental data from double shear assemblies manufactures from three different metallic ancient bridges is used to identify, through a statistical analysis, the S-N curves that best fit this constructional detail. Portuguese and French puddled iron bridges were considered.The authors of this paper thank the National Society of French Railways and the SciTech - Science and Technology for Competitive and Sustainable Industries, R&D project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000022 cofinanced by Programa Operacional Regional do Norte ("NORTE2020"), through Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) for their collaboration and support during this research works. The authors also acknowledge the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) for the financial support through the post-doctoral grant SFRH/BPD/107825/2015

    Low and ultra-low-cycle fatigue behavior of X52 piping steel based on theory of critical distances

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    The cyclic failure observed in structural components such as pipelines subjected to extreme loading conditions highlights some limitations concerning the application of existing fatigue damage models. The evaluation and prediction of this type of failure in these steel components under large-scale plastic yielding associated with high levels of stress triaxiality are not sufficiently known nor explored. This fatigue domain is conventionally called ultra-low-cycle fatigue (ULCF) and damage features are representative of both low-cycle fatigue (LCF) and monotonic ductile fracture. Thus, in order to understand the ULCF damage mechanisms both monotonic and LCF tests are required to get representative bounding damage information to model the material damage behaviour under such extreme loading conditions. This paper aims at exploring the Theory of Critical Distances (TCD) in the LCF and ULCF fatigue regimes, including the application of the point, line and area methods. The application of the TCD theories has not been explored so far in the ULCF fatigue regimes, despite its promising results in the LCF and high-cycle fatigue. An experimental program was carried out on several specimens’ geometries made of X52 piping steel. In detail, smooth plane specimens and notched plane specimens were cyclic loaded under tension/compression loading in order to obtain fatigue lives within the range of 101–104 cycles. In addition, cyclic bending tests on notched plane specimens were also incorporated in this study. Finite element simulations of all small-scale tests were conducted allowing to derive elastoplastic stress/strain fields along the potential crack paths. The numerical data were subjected to a post-processing in order to find characteristic lengths that can be treated as a fatigue property according to the TCD. A unified strain-life relation is proposed for the X52 piping steel together with a characteristic material length, consisting of a practical relation for pipeline strain-based design under extreme cyclic loading conditions

    Probabilistic Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation Fields Using the Strain Energy Density

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    Recently, Huffman developed a strain energy density based on Walker-like stress life and fatigue crack growth behavior. In this paper, the Huffman model based on local strain energy density is used to predict the fatigue crack initiation and propagation for the P355NL1 pressure vessel steel. This model is combined with the generalized probabilistic fatigue model proposed by Correia aiming the generation of probabilistic fatigue crack initiation and propagation fields. In this study, the local stress and strains at the crack tip were obtained combining linear-elastic and elastoplastic analyses. The probabilistic fatigue crack growth rates fields for several stress R-ratios are estimated considering strain, SWT and equivalent stress amplitude damage parameters. A comparison between the experimental fatigue crack growth (FCG) data and the generated probabilistic FCG fields is made with very satisfactory correlations being found.В настоящее время Хаффман разработал концепцию плотности энергии деформации, основанную на циклической долговечности и развитии усталостной трещины по типу Волкера. Модель Хаффмана, базирующаяся на локальной плотности деформации, используется для прогнозирования инициирования и распространения усталостной трещины в стали P355NL1, применяемой в сосудах высокого давления. Данная модель сочетается с обобщенной вероятностной моделью усталости, ранее предложенной одним из соавторов, суть которой состоит в генерации вероятностных полей инициирования и распространения усталостных трещин. Получены локальные напряжения и деформации в вершине трещины, объединяющие их линейно-упругие и упругопластические составляющие. Для нескольких значений коэффициента асимметрии цикла напряжений R оценены вероятностные поля скоростей роста усталостных трещин с учетом параметров повреждения, параметра Смита–Ватсона–Топпера (SWT) и эквивалентных параметров амплитуды напряжения. Сравнение экспериментальных данных по приращению усталостной трещины с прогнозируемыми вероятностными полями ее роста показывает их тесную корреляцию.На сьогодні Хаффман розробив концепцію густини енергії деформації на основі циклічної довговічності і поширення тріщини від утомленості по типу Волкера. Модель Хаффмана, що базується на локальній густині енергії деформації, використовується для прогнозування ініціювання і поширення тріщини від утомленості в сталі P355NL1, яка використовується для виготовлення посудин високого тиску. Дана модель поєднується з узагальненою імовірнісною моделлю утоми, раніше запропонованою одним із співавторів, суть якої полягає в генерації імовірнісних полів ініціювання і поширення тріщин від утомленості. Отримано локальні напруження і деформації у вершині тріщини, що об’єднують їх лінійно-пружні і пружнопластичні складові. Для декількох значень коефіцієнта асиметрії циклу напружень R оцінено імовірнісні поля швидкостей росту тріщин від утомленості з урахуванням параметрів пошкодження, параметра Сміта–Ватсона–Топпера (SWT) й еквівалентних параметрів амплітуди напруження. Порівняння експериментальних даних щодо приросту тріщини від утомленості з прогнозованими імовірнісними полями її росту свідчить про їх тісну кореляцію

    Fatigue crack propagation prediction of a pressure vessel mild steel based on a strain energy density model

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    Fatigue crack growth (FCG) rates have traditionally been formulated from fracture mechanics, whereas fatigue crack initiation has been empirically described using stress-life or strain-life methods. More recently, there has been efforts towards the use of the local stress-strain and similitude concepts to formulate fatigue crack growth rates. A new model has been developed which derives stress-life, strain-life and fatigue crack growth rates from strain energy density concepts. This new model has the advantage to predict an intrinsic stress ratio effect of the form ?ar=(?amp)?·(?max )(1-?), which is dependent on the cyclic stress-strain behaviour of the material. This new fatigue crack propagation model was proposed by Huffman based on Walkerlike strain-life relation. This model is applied to FCG data available for the P355NL1 pressure vessel steel. A comparison of the experimental results and the Huffman crack propagation model is made

    Statistical analysis of fatigue crack propagation data of materials from ancient portuguese metallic bridges

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    In Portugal there is a number of old metallic riveted railway and highway bridges that were erected by the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, and are still in operation, requiring inspections and remediation measures to overcome fatigue damage. Residual fatigue life predictions should be based on actual fatigue data from bridge materials which is scarce due to the material specificities. Fatigue crack propagation data of materials from representative Portuguese riveted bridges, namely the Pinhão and Luiz I road bridges, the Viana road/railway bridge, the Fão road bridge and the Trezói railway bridge were considered in this study. The fatigue crack growth rates were correlated using the Paris’s law. Also, a statistical analysis of the pure mode I fatigue crack growth (FCG) data available for the materials from the ancient riveted metallic bridges is presented. Based on this analysis, design FCG curves are proposed and compared with BS7910 standard proposal, for the Paris region, which is one important fatigue regime concerning the application of the Fracture Mechanics approaches, to predict the remnant fatigue life of structural details