299 research outputs found

    Nécessité d’une politique agricole et environnementale adaptée aux zones méditerranéennes

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    A PAC actual tem efeitos muito negativos sobre a economia, o ambiente e a vida das sociedades rurais do Mediterrâneo. Importa interrogarmo-nos sobre a lógica de uma tal política e sobre os seus efeitos regionais. O autor apresenta uma reflexão sobre as linhas gerais de uma outra política agrícola, mais satisfatória para as populações rurais do Mediterrâne

    Assessment of Sustainable Construction dictation module Interdisciplinary Master

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una evaluación sobre los resultados del dictado del módulo Construcción Sustentable en una maestría interdisciplinaria de la UBA. La propuesta didáctica parte de la necesidad de impartir conceptos sobre construcción sustentable a alumnos de posgrado formados en disciplinas no afines a la arquitectura y la construcción. Un aspecto importante es el desarrollo de un trabajo práctico, indispensable para la aprobación del módulo, que contemplara o bien se adaptara a las diferencias en la formación profesional de los alumnos, que en muchos casos provienen de otros países latinoamericanos. Luego de la experiencia llevada a cabo con distintas cohortes, se presentan los ajustes realizados en el programa del módulo y los resultados obtenidos en los trabajos realizados por los alumnos.The aim of this paper is to present the results of the Sustainable Construction module issued an interdisciplinary master of the University of Buenos Aires. The design of the didactic proposal was based in the need to teach sustainable building concepts to graduate students not trained in disciplines related to architecture and construction. Another aspect was to develop a practical work, necessary to approve the module, that contemplate and also could be adapted to the differences in the training of students, who often come from other Latin American countries. This article presents the results obtained after carried out different cohorts, considering the changes in the program module and the results of the work done by the students.Eje: Educación y formación en sustentabilidad (actas).Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Predimensionado simplificado de instalaciones solares de agua caliente sanitaria según los criterios y normativas básicas de arquitectura escolar

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    El trabajo propone tablas de predimensionado para instalaciones solares de agua caliente de uso sanitario para edificios escolares. Tomando como base los parámetros específicos de consumo, se determinaron consumos de agua caliente para algunas tipologías de escuelas, siguiendo los Criterios y Normativas Básicas de Arquitectura Escolar, en el proceso de instrumentación de la Ley Federal de Educación, definiendo los volúmenes de agua caliente y las áreas de captación necesarias para lograr temperaturas de uso del orden de los 45ºC, con rendimientos anuales próximos al 77%, para una localidad de Buenos Aires, utilizando el método f-chart. Se obtuvo así una serie de planillas que permiten el rápido predimensionado de las instalaciones solares para agua caliente de uso sanitario. Para determinar la fracción solar definitiva de cada instalación es necesario aplicar el método f-chart. Con estas planillas se puede establecer rápidamente las dimensiones de la instalación para facilitar su integración arquitectónica.The paper proposes tables for dimensioning solar hot water installations for use in school buildings. Taking as a base the specific consumption parameters, the hot water demand for different types of schools, based on the Criteria and Basic Standards od School Architecture, defining the volumes of hot water storage and the areas of solar collectors needed to achieve temperatures close to 45° C, with an annual solar fraction of about 77 %, for a location in Buenos Aires, Using the fchart method. In this way a series of tables were obtained that allow a rapid dimensioning for solar hot water installations. To obtain the exact solar fraction, the f-chart method should be applied. These tables allow the determination of dimensions of solar installations to encourage their integration in architectural design.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Persistence of Unintegrated HIV DNA Associates With Ongoing NK Cell Activation and CD34+DNAM-1brightCXCR4+ Precursor Turnover in Vertically Infected Patients Despite Successful Antiretroviral Treatment

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    none11noThe quantification of proviral DNA is raising interest in view of clinical management and functional HIV eradication. Measures of all unintegrated HIV DNA (uDNA) forms in infected reservoir cells provides information on recent replication events that is not found from other proviral DNA assays. To evaluate its actual relevance in a cohort of perinatally-infected adult HIV patients (PHIV), we studied how peripheral blood mononuclear cell uDNA levels correlated with total HIV DNA (tDNA) and with overall replication or innate immune control parameters including NK cell activation/exhaustion and lymphoid turnover. Twenty-two PHIV were included, with successfully controlled HIV (HIV RNA <50 copies/mL) on combined antiretroviral therapy for mean of 8.7 ± 3.9 years. uDNA accounted for 16 [5.2-83.5] copies/µg and was strongly correlated with tDNA (ρ=0.700, p=0.001). Flow cytometric analysis of peripheral NK cells showed that CD69 expression was directly correlated uDNA (p=0.0412), but not with tDNA. Interestingly, CD56-CD16+NK cells which include newly described inflammatory precursors and terminally differentiated cells were directly correlated with uDNA levels (p<0.001), but not with tDNA, and an inverse association was observed between the proportion of NKG2D+ NK cells and uDNA (ρ=-0.548, p=0.015). In addition, CD34+DNAM-1brightCXCR4+ inflammatory precursor frequency correlated directly with uDNA levels (ρ=0.579, p=0.0075). The frequencies of CD56-CD16+ and CD34+DNAM-1brightCXCR4+ cells maintained association with uDNA levels in a multivariable analysis (p=0.045 and p=0.168, respectively). Thus, control of HIV-1 reservoir in aviremic patients on ART is an active process associated with continuous NK cell intervention and turnover, even after many years of treatment. Quantification of linear and circular uDNA provides relevant information on the requirement for ongoing innate immune control in addition to ART, on recent replication history and may help stratify patients for functional HIV eradication protocols with targeted options.openTaramasso, Lucia; Bozzano, Federica; Casabianca, Anna; Orlandi, Chiara; Bovis, Francesca; Mora, Sara; Giacomini, Mauro; Moretta, Lorenzo; Magnani, Mauro; Di Biagio, Antonio; De Maria, AndreaTaramasso, Lucia; Bozzano, Federica; Casabianca, Anna; Orlandi, Chiara; Bovis, Francesca; Mora, Sara; Giacomini, Mauro; Moretta, Lorenzo; Magnani, Mauro; Di Biagio, Antonio; De Maria, Andre