218 research outputs found

    Alexa, dóna'm les notícies! Disseny d'un model pilot de servei informatiu públic per l'assistent de veu d'Amazon

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    Aquest treball d'aplicació professional presenta un model de servei informatiu de TV3 iCatalunya Ràdio pensat per a ser integrat en aquells dispositius tecnològics que serveixen la informació a través d'assistents de veu - en particular, a l'assistent Alexa, d'Amazon. El treball utilitza la metodologia del disseny basat en usuari per identificar usuaris model i contextos d'ús, i apartir d'aquí estableix quins continguts s'han de servir, defineix la veu de la marca, desenvolupa un arbre de conversa i fa una previsió de les mètriques de seguiment que permetran avaluar l'èxit del servei.Este trabajo de aplicación profesional presenta un modelo de servicio informativo de TV3 iCatalunya Radio pensado para ser integrado en aquellos dispositivos tecnológicos que sirven la información a través de asistentes de voz - en particular, al asistente Alexa, de Amazon. El trabajo utiliza la metodología del diseño basado en usuario para identificar usuarios modelo y contextos de uso, y apartir de aquí establece qué contenidos se tienen que servir, define la voz de la marca, desarrolla un árbol de conversación y hace una previsión de las métricas de seguimiento que permitirán evaluar el éxito del servicio.This professional application work presents an information service model of TV3 iCatalunya Radio designed to be integrated into those technological devices that serve information through voice assistants - in particular, Amazon's Alexa assistant. The work uses the methodology of user-based design to identify model users and contexts of use, and from here it establishes what content must be served, defines the voice of the brand, develops a conversation tree and makes a forecast of the metrics of monitoring that will allow to evaluate the success of the service

    Standardization of a new photodiagnosis method based on LEDs for patients with solar urticaria sensitive to visible light

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    Standard methods for photodiagnosis of solar urticaria are based in exposure of patient skin to different polychromatic UV and visible sources where minimal urticarial doses for different spectral bands (UVB and UVA) are established. Classical photodiagnosis devices are based in solar simulation and use of UVB and UVA enhanced fluorescent lamps. In case of visible US photodiagnosis, US patient skin is exposed for 15 min to a slight projector, provided with halogen lamp, at a distance of 15 cms and presence of erythema and/or wheals is determined as positive reaction. Slights projector is from several years almost out of market due to use of new projection digital technologies and new visible light emerging technologies are good candidates for their substitution as photodiagnosis tool. The objective of the present work is to analyze photodiagnosis of visible light solar urticaria with using a LED device in comparison to normal slight projector exposure protocol. A total of twenty patients, from 7 different photodiagnosis units have participated in the study. Patients, with SU positive to visible light (with or without to UV radiation) following the standard photodiagnosis protocols were included in the study. Slight projector used in all photodiagnosis units were of similar characteristics and irradiance at 15 cm distance, as well as total dose of visible light after 15 min were calculated for each halogen lamp device. LED exposure was performed in parallel in a closed zone of the back of the patients. For LED photodiagnosis a prototype from University of Málaga (Spain) has been developed consisting in a black box provided with 4 holes of 12 mm diameter in which each hole white warm of a LED of 1 W is emitted. Thus, each LEDs dose is controlled independently and the device allows establishing, as well as for UVB and UVA normal protocols a MUD also under visible light. In that case, maximal visible light dose is reached in less than 5 min compared to 15 min under exposure to slight projector. All patients were positive to LED warm visible light with presence of erythema and / or wheals in parallel to the exposure to the slight projector. A MUD to visible light has been established with significant variations between patients which reveals different grade to visible light sensibilization. In conclusion, a new technology of illumination based in LEDs can be used in photodiagnosis of SU.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Standardization of a new photodiagnosis method based on LEDs for patients with solar urticaria

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    Standard methods for photodiagnosis of solar urticaria are based in exposure of patient skin to different polychromatic UV and visible sources where minimal urticarial doses for different spectral bands (UVB and UVA) are established. Classical photodiagnosis devices are based in solar simulation and use of UVB and UVA enhanced fluorescent lamps. In case of visible US photodiagnosis, US patient skin is exposed for 15 min to a slight projector, provided with halogen lamp, at a distance of 15 cms and presence of erythema and/or wheals is determined as positive reaction. Slights projector is from several years almost out of market due to use of new projection digital technologies and new visible light emerging technologies are good candidates for their substitution as photodiagnosis tool. The objective of the present work is to analyze photodiagnosis of visible light solar urticaria with using a LED device in comparison to normal slight projector exposure protocol. A total of 30patients, from 8 different photodiagnosis units have participated in the study. Patients, with SU positive to visible light (with or without to UV radiation) following the standard photodiagnosis protocols were included in the study. Slight projector used in all photodiagnosis units were of similar characteristics and irradiance at 15 cm distance, as well as total dose of visible light after 15 min were calculated for each halogen lamp device. LED exposure was performed in parallel in a closed zone of the back of the patients. For LED photodiagnosis a prototype from University of Málaga (Spain) has been developed consisting in a black box provided with 4 holes of 12 mm diameter in which each hole white warm of a LEDof 1 W is emitted. Thus, each LEDs dose is controlled independently and the device allows establishing, as well as for UVB and UVA normal protocols a MUD also under visible light. In that case, maximal visible light dose is reached in less than 5 min compared to 15 min under exposure to slight projector. All patients were positive to LED warm visible light with presence of erythema and / or wheals in parallel to the exposure to the slight projector. A MUD to visible light has been established with significant variations between patients which reveals different grade to visible light sensibilization. In conclusion, a new technology of illumination based in LEDs can be used in photodiagnosis of SU.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Benefits of moderate beer comsuption at different stages of life of women

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    La cerveza es una bebida natural con bajo contenido en calorías, bajo grado de alcohol, sin grasas ni azúcares y con una cantidad importante de hidratos de carbono, vitaminas y proteínas. Sus cualidades beneficiosas para la salud se basan en la presencia en la cerveza de compuestos antioxidantes (polifenoles), que reducen la presencia de radicales libres en el organismo, y de fitoestrógenos, elementos biosimilares a los estrógenos naturales. En las mujeres gestantes, la cerveza, obviamente sin alcohol, presenta elementos en su composición que la diferencian de otras bebidas fermentadas como es el ácido fólico, vitamina necesaria para prevenir los defectos del tubo neural en el nacimiento o para regular la homocisteína. Con respecto a la lactancia, la suplementación con cerveza sin alcohol, merced a sus polifenoles, aumenta la actividad antioxidante en la leche materna y, por tanto, reduce el estrés oxidativo del neonato tras el nacimiento. En la menopausia, son de especial relevancia sus propiedades antioxidantes, de aporte de vitaminas y nutrientes, por su contenido en fibra y la repercusión de la ingesta de fibra en la salud, así como por su contenido en fitoestrógenos, altamente beneficiosos en la prevención de patologías derivadas del descenso de estrógenos propio de esta etapa de la vida. La osteoporosis, igualmente, es eficazmente combatida por la cerveza. La ingesta de cerveza favorece una mayor masa ósea en las mujeres, independientemente de su estado gonadalBeer is a natural beverage low calorie, low degree of alcohol, no fats or sugars and a significant amount of carbohydrates, vitamins, and proteins. Beneficial health qualities are based on the presence in the beer of antioxidant compounds (polyphenols), which reduce the presence of free radicals in the organism, and phytoestrogens, elements biosimilars to natural estrogens. In pregnant women, beer, obviously alcohol-free, presents elements in its composition that differ it from other fermented beverages as it is the folic acid, vitamin necessary to prevent defects of the neural tube in the fetus or regulate homocysteine. With regard to breastfeeding, beer alcohol-free supplementation increases the antioxidant activity in breast milk and therefore reduces the oxidative stress of the newborn after birth In menopause, the presence of antioxidants, vitamins, nutrients, and dietetic fiber, as well as phytoestrogens, is highly beneficial in the prevention of pathologies arising from the decline in estrogens. Osteoporosis also is effectively combated by the beer. The intake of beer, favors a greater bone mass in women, irrespective of their gonadal statu

    FaST-LMM for two-way Epistasis tests on high performance clusters

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    [EN] We introduce a version of the epistasis test in FaST-LMM for clusters of multithreaded processors. This new software maintains the sensitivity of the original FaST-LMM while delivering acceleration that is close to linear on 12-16 nodes of two recent platforms, with respect to improved implementation of FaST-LMM presented in an earlier work. This efficiency is attained through several enhancements on the original single-node version of FaST-LMM, together with the development of a message passing interface (MPI)-based version that ensures a balanced distribution of the workload as well as a multigraphics processing unit (GPU) module that can exploit the presence of multiple GPUs per node.The researchers from the Universitat Jaume I were supported by projects TIN2014-53495-R and TIN2017-82972-R of the MINECO and FEDER.Martínez, H.; Barrachina, S.; Castillo, M.; Quintana Ortí, ES.; Rambla De Argila, J.; Farre, X.; Navarro, A. (2018). FaST-LMM for two-way Epistasis tests on high performance clusters. Journal of Computational Biology. 25(8):862-870. https://doi.org/10.1089/cmb.2018.0087S86287025

    Directives europees a l'audiovisual i als mitjans : direcció i compliment a l'Estat espanyol

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    L'objectiu d'aquest Treball de Fi de Grau és presentar un projecte de reportatge audiovisual sobre la Directiva (UE) 2018/1808 i la seva transposició a l'Estat espanyol. Un reportatge de caire jurídic centrat en els objectius de la Unió Europea en qüestions d'audiovisual i les problemàtiques que ha comportat la transposició de la normativa europea a l'ordenament jurídic espanyol.El objetivo de este Trabajo de Final de Grado es presentar un proyecto de reportaje audiovisual sobre la Directiva (EU) 2018/1808 y su transposición en el Estado español. Un reportaje de carácter jurídico centrado en los objetivos de la Unión Europea en cuestiones de audiovisual y las problemáticas que ha supuesto la transposición de la normativa europea en el ordenamiento jurídico español.The purpose of this TFG is to present an audiovisual report project on Directive (EU) 2018/1808 and its transposition in Spain. A legal report focused on the objectives of the European Union in audiovisual matters and the problems that the transposition of the European regulations in the Spanish legal system has entailed

    10 años de hospitalización a domicilio en el entorno de un hospital comarcal

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    Introduction: Hospital at Home (HAH) started in our area at the end of 2007; currently it consists of 3 units, 30 beds and 80% territorial coverage. It has two main aims: to avoid unnecessary hospital admission and to allow early discharge. Objective: to analyze the results of HAH in the last 10 years in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.Method: Retrospective analysis of patients discharged in HAH (January 2009-December 2018) to define patient typology and source of admission, to evaluate indicators of length of stay, return to hospital, 30-day readmission rate, mortality rate, severity according to the APR-DRG classification system and cost compared to conventional hospitalization.Results: 6,033 patients have been discharged. 86% of patients were admitted through a medical process with a predominance of respiratory diseases (43.7%). The modality of Hospital admission avoidance was 79% of the admissions in HAH. The average length of stay in HAH was 7.1 days; the return to the hospital due to complications was 4.1%. Mortality rate was 2.3%, and the 30-day readmission rate was 12.2 %, both lower than the average of the Internal Medicine units. The severity according to the APR-DRG classification system of patients admitted in HAH was significantly higher than in the Short Stay Hospital Unit but less than conventional hospitalization in Internal Medicine Units, as expected. The cost of structure per day of stay in HAH is approximately 3 times lower than conventional hospitalization.Conclusions: HAH has been a useful alternative to conventional hospitalization, mainly for medical pathology of patients who, requiring admission, did not need the entire hospital infrastructure.Introducción: La Hospitalización a Domicilio (HAD) se inició en nuestra zona a finales de 2007, actualmente consta de 3 unidades, 30 camas y tiene una cobertura territorial del 80%. La modalidad de ingreso es mixto, evitación de ingreso y alta precoz. Objetivo: analizar los resultados de HAD en los últimos 10 años en cuanto a eficacia y eficiencia.Método: Análisis retrospectivo de los pacientes ingresados en HAD (enero 2009-Diciembre 2018) para definir tipología de paciente y procedencia, evaluar indicadores de estancia media, retorno al hospital, reingreso a los 30 días, mortalidad y coste comparado con hospitalización convencional.Resultados: Se han realizado 6.033 altas. El 86% de los pacientes ingresaron por un proceso médico con predominio de las enfermedades del aparato respiratorio (43,7%). La modalidad de evitación de ingreso supuso el 79% de los ingresos en HAD. La estancia media en HAD fue de 7,1 días y el retorno al hospital por complicaciones del 4,1%. La mortalidad fue del 2,3% y los reingresos por cualquier motivo en los 30 días siguientes al alta de HAD del 12,2%, ambos inferiores a los resultados de las unidades de hospitalización de Medicina Interna. La gravedad según el sistema de clasificación APR-DRG de los pacientes ingresados en HAD fue significativamente superior a la encontrada en la Unidad de Corta Estancia pero menor que en las unidades de hospitalización de Medicina Interna, tal como era de esperar. El coste de estructura por día de estancia en HAD fue, aproximadamente, 3 veces inferior al de hospitalización convencionalConclusiones: HAD ha sido una alternativa útil a la hospitalización convencional, principalmente para patología médica de pacientes que precisando ingreso, no necesitaban toda la infraestructura hospitalaria

    Implementación de una Aplicación móvil para trabajar con la Historia Clínica Electrónica de los pacientes en domicilio

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    Objective: To design and implement a mobile application (App) that allowed Home Health Care Teams secure access to the patients relevant medical information, to record follow-up data at home and the automatic download of the data collected to the Electronic Health Record, saving professionals time and avoiding transcription errors.Method: The Home Health Care Teams needs were analyzed by a multidisciplinary group and the first version of the App was designed and developed. Later, a pilot test was carried out to solve incidents and make some modifications. Finally, the App was implemented in Hospitalization at Home (HAD in Spanish). After one year of implementation, data about App use were analyzed, the saving in the transcriptions time was calculated and a usability survey was conducted.Results: During the first year of implementation, 86% of the professionals used it on a regular basis and consider that it has been an improvement for their daily work.The theoretical saved hours in a year in the medical information transcription were 256, which would correspond to 36.5 days (7-hour shifts).Conclusions: Using an App to consult and record data in the patients Electronic Health Record at home avoids transcription errors and saves professionals’ time.Objetivo: Diseñar e implementar una aplicación móvil (App) que permitiera a los equipos de Atención domiciliaria el acceso seguro a la información médica relevante del paciente en el domicilio, registrar el seguimiento y realizar posteriormente la descarga automática de la información registrada a la Historia Clínica Electrónica, ahorrando tiempo a los profesionales y evitando errores de transcripción.Método: Un grupo de trabajo multidisciplinar analizó las necesidades de los equipos de Atención Domiciliaria y conjuntamente con el Departamento de Tecnologías de la Información (TI) diseñó y desarrolló la primera versión de la App. Se realizó una prueba piloto que sirvió para solucionar incidencias y realizar algunas modificaciones y finalmente se implementó la App en Hospitalización a Domicilio (HAD). Después de un año de funcionamiento, se analizaron datos de utilización de la App, se calculó el tiempo estimado ahorrado en transcripciones y se realizó una encuesta de usabilidad.Resultados: Durante el primer año de implementación de la App, el 86% de los profesionales de HAD la utilizaron habitualmente y consideraron que suponía una mejora para su trabajo diario.Las horas teóricas ahorradas en un año en transcripción de información fue de 256, que correspondería a 36,5 jornadas laborales.Conclusiones: El uso de una App para consultar y registrar datos en la Historia Clínica Electrónica durante la visita en el domicilio ahorra tiempo a los profesionales y contribuye a evitar errores de transcripción

    Facial skin metastasis due to small-cell lung cancer: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Cutaneous metastases in the facial region occur in less than 0.5% of patients with metastatic cancer. They are an important finding and are not often the first sign leading to diagnosis.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We describe the case of a 64-year-old male patient who presented with dyspnea, pleuritic pain, loss of weight and a nodule on his left cheek. A chest X-ray revealed a left upper lobe mass with mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Excision biopsy of the facial nodule revealed small-cell lung carcinoma. Palliative chemo-radiotherapy was administered and the patient survived for 12 months.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A high index of suspicion is necessary for the early detection of facial cutaneous metastases. Appropriate treatment may prolong patient survival.</p

    Prevalence of severe esophagitis in Spain. Results of the PRESS study (Prevalence and Risk factors for Esophagitis in Spain: A cross-sectional study)

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    Background The current prevalence of esophagitis in southern Europe is unknown. In addition, the risk factors for reflux esophagitis are not fully understood. Objective The objective of this article is to assess the prevalence and risk factors for esophagitis in Spain. Methods A prospective, observational, cross-sectional, multicenter study (PRESS study) was conducted among 31 gastrointestinal endoscopy units throughout Spain. A total of 1361 patients undergoing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy were enrolled. Sociodemographic, clinical and treatment data were recorded. Results A total of 95% of patients were Caucasian and 52% were male (mean age: 5317 years). The most frequent symptoms prompting endoscopy were heartburn (40%), regurgitation (26%) and dysphagia (15%). Fifty-four percent of patients undergoing endoscopy were receiving proton pump inhibitor (PPI) treatment. Esophagitis (mainly mild-moderate) was present in 154 (12.4%) patients. The severe form was recorded in only 11 (0.8%) patients. Multivariate analysis results indicated that the likelihood of esophagitis was higher in men (OR=1.91, 95% CI=1.31-2.78), in patients with high GERD-Q scores (OR=1.256, 95% CI=1.176-1.343), weight increase (OR=1.014, 95% CI=1.003-1.025) and high alcohol consumption (OR=2.49, 95% CI=1.16-5.36). Conclusion Severe esophagitis is a rare finding in the Spanish population. Male gender, high GERD-Q score, weight increase and high alcohol consumption are main risk factors for its appearance
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