2,144 research outputs found

    Validation methodologies for turbulent variable density flows: A jet case study

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    Comparisons studies between simulated variable density turbulent flows often consist of direct graphical representations where the level of agreement is determined by eye. This work demonstrates a formal validation methodology using an existing validation framework to examine the agreement between a simulated variable density jet flow and corresponding experimental data. Implicit large eddy simulations (ILES's) of a round jet and a plane jet with density ratio s=4.2s = 4.2 were simulated using the compressible hydrodynamic code xRAGE. The jet growth, characterized by the spreading rates, was compared, and the difference between the simulations and the experiment was examined through jet structure diagnostics. The spreading rates were found to be larger than the experimental values, primarily due to resolution issues in the simulations, a fact that is quantified by the validation metric analysis.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figure

    FolX from Pseudomonas aeruginosa is octameric in both crystal and solution

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    FolX encodes an epimerase that forms one step of the tetrahydrofolate biosynthetic pathway, which is of interest as it is an established target for important drugs. Here we report the crystal structure of FolX from the bacterial opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as a detailed analysis of the protein in solution, using analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). In combination, these techniques confirm that the protein is an octamer both in the crystal structure, and in solution

    Algal amendment enhances biogenic methane production from coals of different thermal maturity

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    The addition of small amounts of algal biomass to stimulate methane production in coal seams is a promising low carbon renewable coalbed methane enhancement technique. However, little is known about how the addition of algal biomass amendment affects methane production from coals of different thermal maturity. Here, we show that biogenic methane can be produced from five coals ranging in rank from lignite to low-volatile bituminous using a coal-derived microbial consortium in batch microcosms with and without algal amendment. The addition of 0.1 g/l algal biomass resulted in maximum methane production rates up to 37 days earlier and decreased the time required to reach maximum methane production by 17–19 days when compared to unamended, analogous microcosms. Cumulative methane production and methane production rate were generally highest in low rank, subbituminous coals, but no clear association between increasing vitrinite reflectance and decreasing methane production could be determined. Microbial community analysis revealed that archaeal populations were correlated with methane production rate (p = 0.01), vitrinite reflectance (p = 0.03), percent volatile matter (p = 0.03), and fixed carbon (p = 0.02), all of which are related to coal rank and composition. Sequences indicative of the acetoclastic methanogenic genus Methanosaeta dominated low rank coal microcosms. Amended treatments that had increased methane production relative to unamended analogs had high relative abundances of the hydrogenotrophic methanogenic genus Methanobacterium and the bacterial family Pseudomonadaceae. These results suggest that algal amendment may shift coal-derived microbial communities towards coal-degrading bacteria and CO2- reducing methanogens. These results have broad implications for understanding subsurface carbon cycling in coal beds and the adoption of low carbon renewable microbially enhanced coalbed methane techniques across a diverse range of coal geology

    Core Outcome Set-STAndards for Development: The COS-STAD recommendations

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    Background The use of core outcome sets (COS) ensures that researchers measure and report those outcomes that are most likely to be relevant to users of their research. Several hundred COS projects have been systematically identified to date, but there has been no formal quality assessment of these studies. The Core Outcome Set-STAndards for Development (COS-STAD) project aimed to identify minimum standards for the design of a COS study agreed upon by an international group, while other specific guidance exists for the final reporting of COS development studies (Core Outcome Set-STAndards for Reporting [COS-STAR]). Methods and findings An international group of experienced COS developers, methodologists, journal editors, potential users of COS (clinical trialists, systematic reviewers, and clinical guideline developers), and patient representatives produced the COS-STAD recommendations to help improve the quality of COS development and support the assessment of whether a COS had been developed using a reasonable approach. An open survey of experts generated an initial list of items, which was refined by a 2-round Delphi survey involving nearly 250 participants representing key stakeholder groups. Participants assigned importance ratings for each item using a 1–9 scale. Consensus that an item should be included in the set of minimum standards was defined as at least 70% of the voting participants from each stakeholder group providing a score between 7 and 9. The Delphi survey was followed by a consensus discussion with the study management group representing multiple stakeholder groups. COS-STAD contains 11 minimum standards that are the minimum design recommendations for all COS development projects. The recommendations focus on 3 key domains: the scope, the stakeholders, and the consensus process. Conclusions The COS-STAD project has established 11 minimum standards to be followed by COS developers when planning their projects and by users when deciding whether a COS has been developed using reasonable methods

    Forearc Peridotites from Tonga Record Heterogeneous Oxidation of the Mantle following Subduction Initiation

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    The elevated oxygen fugacity recorded by subduction-related lavas and peridotites, relative to their mid-ocean ridge counterparts, fundamentally influences the petrogenesis of arc magmas. However, the timing, process, and spatial extent of oxidizing mass transfer at subduction zones remain unknown. Forearc peridotites, which are sometimes exposed on the trench wall of the overriding plate, record chemical fingerprints of the melting and melt–rock interaction processes that occur during and following subduction initiation, and thus provide insight into the spatial and temporal evolution of this oxidized signature. In this study, we present new major element, trace element, and oxygen fugacity data for a suite of forearc peridotites recovered from the Tonga Trench, in addition to a new assessment of literature data for previously studied forearc peridotites. For Tonga samples and literature data for forearc, ridge, and subduction-zone peridotites, we calculate oxygen fugacity (fO2) using an updated method. In contrast to previous studies, we find that spinel Cr#, a proxy for extent of melt extraction, does not correlate with oxygen fugacity, such that many forearc peridotites with high spinel Cr# do not record oxygen fugacity higher than the mid-ocean ridge peridotite array. Combining these observations with trace element modeling, we conclude that forearc peridotites are less pervasively influenced by oxidation owing to subduction processes than previously reported. The oxygen fugacity recorded by Tonga forearc peridotites is heterogeneous between dredges and homogeneous within dredges. To explore these variations, we grouped the dredges into two categories. Group I peridotites have high spinel Cr#, extremely depleted trace element compositions and oxygen fugacity values consistent with the mid-ocean ridge peridotite array. We interpret these to be the residues of large degrees of fractional melting, with little influence from arc-like melts or fluids, formed during the first stages of subduction initiation. Group II peridotites have lower spinel Cr#, enriched light rare earth elements, and oxygen fugacity elevated by ≥1 log unit above the mid-ocean peridotite array. We interpret these peridotites to be the residues of flux melting, initiated once corner flow is established in the young subduction zone. We conclude that the forearc mantle is not pervasively oxidized relative to mid-ocean ridge mantle, and that the asthenospheric mantle in the proto-subduction zone region is not oxidized prior to subduction initiation. As the oxidized signature in Group II peridotites accompanies geochemical evidence of interaction with subduction-related fluids and melts, this suggests that the sub-arc mantle is oxidized concurrently with addition of subduction fluids to the mantle wedge
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