950 research outputs found

    Redescription of the suspended aquatic Utricularia aurea Lour. (sect. Utricularia) and a new species U. adamsii for northern Australia

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    Australia has seven species in Utricularia L. section Utricularia, with the habit for all members of either affixed or suspended aquatic. Of the six recognised Australian species, one is endemic, one is pantropical, three are also distributed across Asia or Papua New Guinea - with U. australis R.Br. extending into Europe, and one other, U. stellaris L.f. into Africa. We present a molecular phylogeny based on two plastid and the nuclear ITS sequences for members of the subgenus Utricularia representing U. aurea Lour. and closely allied species from across each of their distributions. The molecular phylogeny provides strong support for recognition of a new species Utricularia adamsii R.W.Jobson & Davies-Colley (Lentibulariaceae), here described as new member of section Utricularia. This taxon was previously included within U. aurea, however, our molecular phylogeny and morphology supports a sister relationship with U. muelleri Kamienski. We provide a revised concept of U. aurea, and a description of the new species. The morphological differences between U. adamsii, U. muelleri, U. aurea and closely related species are here discussed, and an identification key provided. Distributions and habitat preferences of these taxa are discussed

    Water dynamics inside a cathode channel of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell.

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    The present study focuses on the investigation of water dynamics inside a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell using two different modelling approaches: Eulerian two-phase mixture and volume of fluid interface tracking models. The Eulerian two-phase mixture model has provided overall information of species distribution inside a fuel cell and identified that the liquid water usually accumulates under the land area. The volume of fluid interface tracking model has then been implemented to investigate the emergence of water droplets from the gas diffusion layer into the cathode channel and the subsequent removal of water from the channel. Further, the effects of the location of water emergence in the cathode channel on the dynamic behavior of liquid water have been investigated. The present study shows that the water emerging into the channel near the side walls greatly reduces the surface water coverage of the channel. In order to control the water path into the channel near side walls, a further discussion has been provided that a gas diffusion layer design based on hydrophilic fibres distributed inside a hydrophobic fibre matrix could provide a precisely controlled water path through the gas diffusion layer

    Sunlight-mediated inactivation of health-relevant microorganisms in water: a review of mechanisms and modeling approaches.

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    Health-relevant microorganisms present in natural surface waters and engineered treatment systems that are exposed to sunlight can be inactivated by a complex set of interacting mechanisms. The net impact of sunlight depends on the solar spectral irradiance, the susceptibility of the specific microorganism to each mechanism, and the water quality; inactivation rates can vary by orders of magnitude depending on the organism and environmental conditions. Natural organic matter (NOM) has a large influence, as it can attenuate radiation and thus decrease inactivation by endogenous mechanisms. Simultaneously NOM sensitizes the formation of reactive intermediates that can damage microorganisms via exogenous mechanisms. To accurately predict inactivation and design engineered systems that enhance solar inactivation, it is necessary to model these processes, although some details are not yet sufficiently well understood. In this critical review, we summarize the photo-physics, -chemistry, and -biology that underpin sunlight-mediated inactivation, as well as the targets of damage and cellular responses to sunlight exposure. Viruses that are not susceptible to exogenous inactivation are only inactivated if UVB wavelengths (280-320 nm) are present, such as in very clear, open waters or in containers that are transparent to UVB. Bacteria are susceptible to slightly longer wavelengths. Some viruses and bacteria (especially Gram-positive) are susceptible to exogenous inactivation, which can be initiated by visible as well as UV wavelengths. We review approaches to model sunlight-mediated inactivation and illustrate how the environmental conditions can dramatically shift the inactivation rate of organisms. The implications of this mechanistic understanding of solar inactivation are discussed for a range of applications, including recreational water quality, natural treatment systems, solar disinfection of drinking water (SODIS), and enhanced inactivation via the use of sensitizers and photocatalysts. Finally, priorities for future research are identified that will further our understanding of the key role that sunlight disinfection plays in natural systems and the potential to enhance this process in engineered systems

    The Conservatives and the Union: The 'New English Toryism' and the Origins of Anglo-Britishness

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    The Union has for over a century been one of the cornerstones of Conservative politics, but with the changes to the old union state in the last 20 years, its value has been increasingly questioned. While the Conservative Party remains committed to maintaining the Union, a new English Toryism is emerging, which has a strong continuity with an older English Toryism which was partially buried by the ascendancy of Unionism. English Tories have always considered the Union to be desirable, but it comes second in their thinking to the need to protect the sovereignty of the British state, the core of which is England and its traditional institutions. What is new about the contemporary Conservative Party is that there is within it the revival of an English Toryism which is happy to discard the older clothes of Empire and Union once so important to Conservative identity and which is unabashedly English in its focus. For an increasing number of contemporary Conservatives, there no longer seems to be any passion about defending the Union or even of continuing to think about the United Kingdom in Unionist terms

    On the making and taking of professionalism in the further education workplace

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    This paper examines the changing nature of professional practice in English further education. At a time when neo-liberal reform has significantly impacted on this under-researched and over-market-tested sector, little is known about who its practitioners are and how they construct meaning in their work. Sociological interest in the field has tended to focus on further education practitioners as either the subjects of market and managerial reform or as creative agents operating within the contradictions of audit and inspection cultures. In challenging such dualism, which is reflective of wider sociological thinking, the paper examines the ways in which agency and structure combine to produce a more transformative conception of the further education professional. The approach contrasts with a prevailing policy discourse that seeks to re-professionalise and modernise further education practice without interrogating either the terms of its professionalism or the neo-liberal practices in which it resides

    Contrasting responses to catchment modification among a range of functional and structural indicators of river ecosystem health

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    1. The value of measuring ecosystem functions in regular monitoring programs is increasingly being recognised as a potent tool for assessing river health. We measured the response of ecosystem metabolism, organic matter decomposition and strength loss, and invertebrate community composition across a gradient of catchment impairment defined by upstream landuse stress in two New Zealand streams. This was performed to determine if there were consistent responses among contrasting functional and structural indicators. 2. Rates of gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER) ranged from 0.1 to 7.0 gO2 m−2 day−1 and from 0.34 to 16.5 gO2 m−2 day−1 respectively. Rates of GPP were variable across the landuse stress gradient, whereas ER increased linearly with the highest rates at the most impacted sites. Production/respiration (P/R) and net ecosystem metabolism (NEM) indicated that sites at the low and high ends of the stress gradient were heterotrophic with respiration rates presumably relying on organic matter from upstream sources, adjacent land or point sources. Sites with moderate impairment were predominantly autotrophic. 3. Declines in the tensile strength of the cotton strips showed no response across part of the gradient, but a strong response among the most impaired sites. The rate of mass loss of wooden sticks (Betula platyphylla Sukaczev) changed from a linear response to a U-shaped response across the impairment gradient after water temperature compensation, whereas leaf breakdown at a subset of sites suggested a linear loss in mass per degree-day. Three macroinvertebrate metrics describing the composition of the invertebrate community and its sensitivity to pollution showed similar linear inverse responses to the landuse stress gradient. 4. The first axis of a redundancy analysis indicated an association between landuse stress and various measures of water quality, and wooden stick mass loss, the invertebrate metric % EPT [percentage of macroinvertebrate taxa belonging to the Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (excluding Hydroptilidae] taxa, P/R and NEM, supporting the utility of these structural and functional metrics for assessing degree of landuse stress. The second axis was more strongly associated with catchment size, ER and GPP which suggests that these indicators were responding to differences in stream size. 5. Our results suggest that nonlinear responses to catchment impairment need to be considered when interpreting measurements of ecosystem function. Functional indicators could be useful for detecting relatively subtle changes where the slope of the response curve is maximised and measurements at the low and high ends of the impairment gradient are roughly equivalent. Such responses may be particularly valuable for detecting early signs of degradation at high quality sites, allowing management responses to be initiated before the degradation becomes too advanced, or for detecting initial moves away from degraded states during the early stages of restoration. Close links between structural and functional indices of river health across an impairment gradient are not necessarily expected or desirable if the aim is to minimise redundancy among ecological indicators

    XMM-Newton study of the lensing cluster of galaxies CL0024+17

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    We present a detailed gravitational mass measurement based on the XMM-Newton imaging spectroscopy analysis of the lensing cluster of galaxies CL0024+17 at z=0.395. The emission appears approximately symmetric. However, on the scale of r~3.3' some indication of elongation is visible in the northwest-southeast (NW-SE) direction from the hardness ratio map (HRM). Within 3', we measure a global gas temperature of 3.52\pm0.17 keV, metallicity of 0.22\pm0.07, and bolometric luminosity of 2.9\pm0.1 \times 10^{44} h^{-2}_{70} erg/s. We derive a temperature distribution with an isothermal temperature of 3.9 keV to a radius of 1.5' and a temperature gradient in the outskirts (1.3<r<3'). Under the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium, we measure gravitational mass and gas mass fraction to be M_{200}=2.0\pm0.3 \times 10^{14} h_{70}^{-1} M_{\odot} and f_{\rm gas}=0.20\pm0.03 h^{-3/2}_{70} at r_{200}=1.05 h^{-1}_{70} Mpc using the observed temperature profile. The complex structure in the core region is the key to explaining the discrepancy in gravitational mass determined from XMM-Newton X-ray observations and HST optical lensing measurements.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, to appear in A&
