281 research outputs found

    The Music Online Competition Act of 2001: Moderate Change or Radical Reform?

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    On August 3, 2001 legislation was proposed to facilitate online broadcasting and distribution of music. The proposed Music Online Competition Act (MOCA) seeks to streamline the distribution of music over the Internet, increase competition, and avoid the monopolization of the online music industry by the record companies. This iBrief discusses several changes that MOCA would implement in the law and the reaction of the recording industry to these proposed changes

    The contrasting oceanography of the Rhodes Gyre and the Central Black Sea

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    The Rhodes Gyre, a prominent feature of the oceanography of the eastern Mediterranean, is modelled as a vertical, continuous flow, cylindrical reactor illuminated during the day at its upper end. If the Gyre is supposed to be in a steady state whilst the concentrations, C, of a chemical are being measured, the nett rate of formation or consumption of the chemical is given by -w d C/d z + u d C/d r, where w is the upward velocity of the water in the vertical, z , direction and u is the velocity of the water in the radial, r, direction. The behaviour of w and u is analysed to show that the Gyre may be used as a field laboratory in which rates of chemical change may be derived from depth profiles together with values of the surface velocities of the Gyre waters. In contrast, the central Black Sea is modelled as an ideal, strongly stratified sea in which the nett rates of formation or consumption of chemicals under steady state conditions are given by Ds d2C/ds 2, where s is the water density and Ds is an eddy diffusion coefficient. Computations reveal that, given better knowledge of its eddy diffusion coefficients, the Black Sea can also be treated as a field laboratory where rates of reaction mediated by bacteria may be derived from depth profiles

    Adaptive Manufacturing for Healthcare During the COVID-19 Emergency and Beyond

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, global health services have faced unprecedented demands. Many key workers in health and social care have experienced crippling shortages of personal protective equipment, and clinical engineers in hospitals have been severely stretched due to insufficient supplies of medical devices and equipment. Many engineers who normally work in other sectors have been redeployed to address the crisis, and they have rapidly improvised solutions to some of the challenges that emerged, using a combination of low-tech and cutting-edge methods. Much publicity has been given to efforts to design new ventilator systems and the production of 3D-printed face shields, but many other devices and systems have been developed or explored. This paper presents a description of efforts to reverse engineer or redesign critical parts, specifically a manifold for an anaesthesia station, a leak port, plasticware for COVID-19 testing, and a syringe pump lock box. The insights obtained from these projects were used to develop a product lifecycle management system based on Aras Innovator, which could with further work be deployed to facilitate future rapid response manufacturing of bespoke hardware for healthcare. The lessons learned could inform plans to exploit distributed manufacturing to secure back-up supply chains for future emergency situations. If applied generally, the concept of distributed manufacturing could give rise to “21st century cottage industries” or “nanofactories,” where high-tech goods are produced locally in small batches

    Can promoting awareness of fetal movements and focusing interventions reduce fetal mortality? A stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial (AFFIRM)

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    Background In 2013, the stillbirth rate in the UK was 4.2 per 1000 live births, ranking 24th out of 49 high-income countries, with an annual rate of reduction of only 1.4% per year. The majority of stillbirths occur in normally formed infants, with (retrospective) evidence of placental insufficiency the most common clinical finding. Maternal perception of reduced fetal movements (RFM) is associated with placental insufficiency and increased risk of subsequent stillbirth. This study will test the hypothesis that the introduction of a package of care to increase women's awareness of the need for prompt reporting of RFM and standardised management to identify fetal compromise with timely delivery in confirmed cases, will reduce the rate of stillbirth. Following the introduction of a similar intervention in Norway the odds of stillbirth fell by 30%, but the efficacy of this intervention (and possible adverse effects and implications for service delivery) has not been tested in a randomised trial. Methods We describe a stepped-wedge cluster trial design, in which participating hospitals in the UK and Ireland will be randomised to the timing of introduction of the care package. Outcomes (including the primary outcome of stillbirth) will be derived from detailed routinely collected maternity data, allowing us to robustly test our hypothesis. The degree of implementation of the intervention will be assessed in each site. A nested qualitative study will examine the acceptability of the intervention to women and healthcare providers and identify process issues including barriers to implementation. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval was obtained from the Scotland A Research Ethics Committee (Ref 13/SS/0001) and from Research and Development offices in participating maternity units. The study started in February 2014 and delivery of the intervention completed in December 2016. Results of the study will be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals and disseminated to local investigating sites to inform education and care of women presenting with RFM. Trial registration number www.clinicaltrials.gov NCT01777022. Version Protocol Version 4.2, 3 February 2017

    Can promoting awareness of fetal movements and focussing interventions reduce fetal mortality? - A stepped wedge cluster randomised trial (AFFIRM)

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    BACKGROUND: In 2013, the stillbirth rate in the UK was 4.2 per 1000 live births, ranking 24th out of 49 high-income countries, with an annual rate of reduction of only 1.4% per year. The majority of stillbirths occur in normally formed infants, with (retrospective) evidence of placental insufficiency the most common clinical finding. Maternal perception of reduced fetal movements (RFM) is associated with placental insufficiency and increased risk of subsequent stillbirth.This study will test the hypothesis that the introduction of a package of care to increase women's awareness of the need for prompt reporting of RFM and standardised management to identify fetal compromise with timely delivery in confirmed cases, will reduce the rate of stillbirth. Following the introduction of a similar intervention in Norway the odds of stillbirth fell by 30%, but the efficacy of this intervention (and possible adverse effects and implications for service delivery) has not been tested in a randomised trial. METHODS: We describe a stepped-wedge cluster trial design, in which participating hospitals in the UK and Ireland will be randomised to the timing of introduction of the care package. Outcomes (including the primary outcome of stillbirth) will be derived from detailed routinely collected maternity data, allowing us to robustly test our hypothesis. The degree of implementation of the intervention will be assessed in each site. A nested qualitative study will examine the acceptability of the intervention to women and healthcare providers and identify process issues including barriers to implementation. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approval was obtained from the Scotland A Research Ethics Committee (Ref 13/SS/0001) and from Research and Development offices in participating maternity units. The study started in February 2014 and delivery of the intervention completed in December 2016. Results of the study will be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals and disseminated to local investigating sites to inform education and care of women presenting with RFM. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: www.clinicaltrials.gov NCT01777022. VERSION: Protocol Version 4.2, 3 February 2017.</p

    Comparison of endothelin receptors in normal versus cirrhotic human liver and in the liver from endothelial cell-specific ETB knockout mice

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    AbstractAimsEndothelin (ET) antagonists show promise in animal models of cirrhosis and portal hypertension. The aim was to pharmacologically characterise the expression of endothelin receptors in human liver, hepatic artery and portal vein.Main methodsImmunofluorescence staining, receptor autoradiography and competition binding assays were used to localise and quantify ET receptors on hepatic parenchyma, hepatic artery and portal vein in human cirrhotic or normal liver. Additional experiments were performed to determine the affinity and selectivity of ET antagonists for liver ET endothelin receptors. An endothelial cell ETB knockout murine model was used to examine the function of sinusoid endothelial ETB receptors.Key findingsETB receptors predominated in normal human liver and displayed the highest ratio (ETB:ETA 63:47) compared with other peripheral tissues. In two patients examined, liver ETB expression was up-regulated in cirrhosis (ETB:ETA 83:17). Both sub-types localised to the media of normal portal vein but ETB receptors were downregulated fivefold in the media of cirrhotic portal vein. Sinusoid diameter was fourfold smaller in endothelial cell ETB knockout mice. The liver morphology of ETB knockout mice was markedly different to normal murine liver, with loss of the wide spread sinusoidal pattern. In the knockout mice, sinusoids were reduced in both number and absolute diameter, while large intrahepatic veins were congested with red blood cells.SignificanceThese data support a role for the ET system in cirrhosis of the liver and suggest that endothelial ETB blockade may cause sinusoidal constriction which may contribute to hepatotoxicity associated with some endothelin antagonists
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