811 research outputs found

    Oxygen use in chronic heart failure to relieve breathlessness: A systematic review

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    © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. To appraise published studies on the use of supplemental oxygen in chronic heart failure. Chronic breathlessness is a characterizing symptom of symptomatic heart failure resulting in substantial disability and healthcare utilization and is the primary reason for emergency room visits and hospitalizations. In spite of the variable evidence, oxygen therapy is commonly administered both acutely and chronically. Moreover, the role of oxygen therapy to relieve chronic breathlessness in heart failure is not well described, particularly in normoxemic or mild or intermittent hypoxemic states. In fact, several studies have shown the detrimental effects of oxygen therapy with normal oxygen saturation levels. A systematic review using PRISMA guidelines. Four databases PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, and Web of Science were systematically searched from January 2001 to January 2019 investigating the use of oxygen in heart failure. Duplicate articles were removed from the review. Titles and abstracts were screened for inclusion and exclusion criteria. The remaining full-text articles were reviewed and hand-searched for additional references. The quality of the full-text articles was assessed using standardized critical appraisal instruments by the Joanna Briggs Institute. A total of 11 studies, including three intervention and eight non-interventions studies, were included in this review from 1072 non-duplicated records retrieved. Sample size ranged from 4 to 5862. In spite of common usage, this review suggests that there are scant data available to justify the use of oxygen in individuals with non-hypoxemic chronic heart failure and chronic breathlessness

    How large should whales be?

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    The evolution and distribution of species body sizes for terrestrial mammals is well-explained by a macroevolutionary tradeoff between short-term selective advantages and long-term extinction risks from increased species body size, unfolding above the 2g minimum size induced by thermoregulation in air. Here, we consider whether this same tradeoff, formalized as a constrained convection-reaction-diffusion system, can also explain the sizes of fully aquatic mammals, which have not previously been considered. By replacing the terrestrial minimum with a pelagic one, at roughly 7000g, the terrestrial mammal tradeoff model accurately predicts, with no tunable parameters, the observed body masses of all extant cetacean species, including the 175,000,000g Blue Whale. This strong agreement between theory and data suggests that a universal macroevolutionary tradeoff governs body size evolution for all mammals, regardless of their habitat. The dramatic sizes of cetaceans can thus be attributed mainly to the increased convective heat loss is water, which shifts the species size distribution upward and pushes its right tail into ranges inaccessible to terrestrial mammals. Under this macroevolutionary tradeoff, the largest expected species occurs where the rate at which smaller-bodied species move up into large-bodied niches approximately equals the rate at which extinction removes them.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 data table

    Operator theory and function theory in Drury-Arveson space and its quotients

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    The Drury-Arveson space Hd2H^2_d, also known as symmetric Fock space or the dd-shift space, is a Hilbert function space that has a natural dd-tuple of operators acting on it, which gives it the structure of a Hilbert module. This survey aims to introduce the Drury-Arveson space, to give a panoramic view of the main operator theoretic and function theoretic aspects of this space, and to describe the universal role that it plays in multivariable operator theory and in Pick interpolation theory.Comment: Final version (to appear in Handbook of Operator Theory); 42 page

    Long-term carbon loss in fragmented Neotropical forests

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    Tropical forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle, as they store a large amount of carbon (C). Tropical forest deforestation has been identified as a major source of CO2 emissions, though biomass loss due to fragmentation—the creation of additional forest edges—has been largely overlooked as an additional CO2 source. Here, through the combination of remote sensing and knowledge on ecological processes, we present long-term carbon loss estimates due to fragmentation of Neotropical forests: within 10 years the Brazilian Atlantic Forest has lost 69 (±14) Tg C, and the Amazon 599 (±120) Tg C due to fragmentation alone. For all tropical forests, we estimate emissions up to 0.2 Pg C y−1 or 9 to 24% of the annual global C loss due to deforestation. In conclusion, tropical forest fragmentation increases carbon loss and should be accounted for when attempting to understand the role of vegetation in the global carbon balance.This study was part of the project ‘Biodiversity conservation in a fragmented landscape at the Atlantic Plateau of São Paulo’ (BIOTA/Caucaia and BioCAPSP) funded by FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, project no. 99/05123-4, 01/13309-2, 02/02125-0, 02/02126-7), CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, project no. 690144/01-6), Fundação O Boticário de Proteção à Natureza, and by BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, project n. 01LB0202). J.P.M. and M.C.R. thank the Brazilian Science Council (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico) for his research fellowship (process no. 307934/2011-0 and 312045/2013-1, respectively). A.H. and S.P. were supported by the ERC advanced grant 233066. M.M. has been supported by BMBF (project n. 01LB0202), and the Department of Ecological Modelling of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ). We thank Birgit Felinks for the support during the Mata Atlântica project. Florian Hartig provided valuable comments on an earlier version of this manuscript. S.P. has been funded by the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres within the project ‘Biomass and Bioenergy systems’. A.H. was also supported by the Helmholtz-Alliance Remote Sensing and Earth System Dynamics. A.H. thanks C. Wissel and H. Bossel for supporting the FORMIND project over the years

    In-cell NMR characterization of the secondary structure populations of a disordered conformation of α-Synuclein within E. coli cells

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    α-Synuclein is a small protein strongly implicated in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease and related neurodegenerative disorders. We report here the use of in-cell NMR spectroscopy to observe directly the structure and dynamics of this protein within E. coli cells. To improve the accuracy in the measurement of backbone chemical shifts within crowded in-cell NMR spectra, we have developed a deconvolution method to reduce inhomogeneous line broadening within cellular samples. The resulting chemical shift values were then used to evaluate the distribution of secondary structure populations which, in the absence of stable tertiary contacts, are a most effective way to describe the conformational fluctuations of disordered proteins. The results indicate that, at least within the bacterial cytosol, α-synuclein populates a highly dynamic state that, despite the highly crowded environment, has the same characteristics as the disordered monomeric form observed in aqueous solution

    Overexpression of Mcl-1 exacerbates lymphocyte accumulation and autoimmune kidney disease in lpr mice

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    Cell death by apoptosis has a critical role during embryonic development and in maintaining tissue homeostasis. In mammals, there are two converging apoptosis pathways: the ‘extrinsic’ pathway, which is triggered by engagement of cell surface ‘death receptors’ such as Fas/APO-1; and the ‘intrinsic’ pathway, which is triggered by diverse cellular stresses, and is regulated by prosurvival and pro-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family of proteins. Pro-survival Mcl-1, which can block activation of the proapoptotic proteins, Bax and Bak, appears critical for the survival and maintenance of multiple haemopoietic cell types. To investigate the impact on haemopoiesis of simultaneously inhibiting both apoptosis pathways, we introduced the vavP-Mcl-1 transgene, which causes overexpression of Mcl-1 protein in all haemopoietic lineages, into Faslpr/lpr mice, which lack functional Fas and are prone to autoimmunity. The combined mutations had a modest impact on myelopoiesis, primarily an increase in the macrophage/monocyte population in Mcl-1tg/lpr mice compared with lpr or Mcl-1tg mice. The impact on lymphopoiesis was striking, with a marked elevation in all major lymphoid subsets, including the non-conventional double-negative (DN) T cells (TCRβ+ CD4– CD8– B220+ ) characteristic of Faslpr/lpr mice. Of note, the onset of autoimmunity was markedly accelerated in Mcl-1tg/lpr mice compared with lpr mice, and this was preceded by an increase in immunoglobulin (Ig)-producing cells and circulating autoantibodies. This degree of impact was surprising, given the relatively mild phenotype conferred by the vavP-Mcl-1 transgene by itself: a two- to threefold elevation of peripheral B and T cells, no significant increase in the non-conventional DN T-cell population and no autoimmune disease. Comparison of the phenotype with that of other susceptible mice suggests that the development of autoimmune disease in Mcl-1tg/lpr mice may be influenced not only by Ig-producing cells but also other haemopoietic cell types

    The Effect of Consumers and Mutualists of Vaccinium membranaceum at Mount St. Helens: Dependence on Successional Context

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    In contrast to secondary succession, studies of terrestrial primary succession largely ignore the role of biotic interactions, other than plant facilitation and competition, despite the expectation that simplified interaction webs and propagule-dependent demographics may amplify the effects of consumers and mutualists. We investigated whether successional context determined the impact of consumers and mutualists by quantifying their effects on reproduction by the shrub Vaccinium membranaceum in primary and secondary successional sites at Mount St. Helens (Washington, USA), and used simulations to explore the effects of these interactions on colonization. Species interactions differed substantially between sites, and the combined effect of consumers and mutualists was much more strongly negative for primary successional plants. Because greater local control of propagule pressure is expected to increase successional rates, we evaluated the role of dispersal in the context of these interactions. Our simulations showed that even a small local seed source greatly increases population growth rates, thereby balancing strong consumer pressure. The prevalence of strong negative interactions in the primary successional site is a reminder that successional communities will not exhibit the distribution of interaction strengths characteristic of stable communities, and suggests the potential utility of modeling succession as the consequence of interaction strengths

    Spatial and temporal dimensions of landscape fragmentation across the Brazilian Amazon

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    The Brazilian Amazon in the past decades has been suffering severe landscape alteration, mainly due to anthropogenic activities, such as road building and land clearing for agriculture. Using a high-resolution time series of land cover maps (classified as mature forest, non-forest, secondary forest) spanning from 1984 through 2011, and four uncorrelated fragmentation metrics (edge density, clumpiness index, area-weighted mean patch size and shape index), we examined the temporal and spatial dynamics of forest fragmentation in three study areas across the Brazilian Amazon (Manaus, Santarém and Machadinho d’Oeste), inside and outside conservation units. Moreover, we compared the impacts on the landscape of: (1) different land uses (e.g. cattle ranching, crop production), (2) occupation processes (spontaneous vs. planned settlements) and (3) implementation of conservation units. By 2010/2011, municipalities located along the Arc of Deforestation had more than 55% of the remaining mature forest strictly confined to conservation units. Further, the planned settlement showed a higher rate of forest loss, a more persistent increase in deforested areas and a higher relative incidence of deforestation inside conservation units. Distinct agricultural activities did not lead to significantly different landscape structures; the accessibility of the municipality showed greater influence in the degree of degradation of the landscapes. Even with a high proportion of the landscapes covered by conservation units, which showed a strong inhibitory effect on forest fragmentation, we show that dynamic agriculturally driven economic activities, in municipalities with extensive road development, led to more regularly shaped, heavily fragmented landscapes, with higher densities of forest edge