55 research outputs found

    Red nuggets grow inside-out: evidence from gravitational lensing

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    We present a new sample of strong gravitational lens systems where both the foreground lenses and background sources are early-type galaxies. Using imaging from HST/ACS and Keck/NIRC2, we model the surface brightness distributions and show that the sources form a distinct population of massive, compact galaxies at redshifts 0.4â‰Čzâ‰Č0.70.4 \lesssim z \lesssim 0.7, lying systematically below the size-mass relation of the global elliptical galaxy population at those redshifts. These may therefore represent relics of high-redshift red nuggets or their partly-evolved descendants. We exploit the magnifying effect of lensing to investigate the structural properties, stellar masses and stellar populations of these objects with a view to understanding their evolution. We model these objects parametrically and find that they generally require two S\'ersic components to properly describe their light profiles, with one more spheroidal component alongside a more envelope-like component, which is slightly more extended though still compact. This is consistent with the hypothesis of the inside-out growth of these objects via minor mergers. We also find that the sources can be characterised by red-to-blue colour gradients as a function of radius which are stronger at low redshift -- indicative of ongoing accretion -- but that their environments generally appear consistent with that of the general elliptical galaxy population, contrary to recent suggestions that these objects are predominantly associated with clusters.Comment: 21 pages; accepted for publication in MNRA

    A Candidate Dual Active Galactic Nucleus At Z=1.175

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    The X-ray source CXOXBJ142607.6+353351 (CXOJ1426+35), which was identified in a 172 ks Chandra image in the Bootes field, shows double-peaked rest-frame optical/UV emission lines, separated by 0.''69 (5.5 kpc) in the spatial dimension and by 690 km s(-1) in the velocity dimension. The high excitation lines and emission line ratios indicate both systems are ionized by an active galactic nucleus (AGN) continuum, and the double-peaked profile resembles that of candidate dual AGNs. At a redshift of z = 1.175, this source is the highest redshift candidate dual AGN yet identified. However, many sources have similar emission line profiles for which other interpretations are favored. We have analyzed the substantial archival data available in this field as well as acquired near-infrared (NIR) adaptive optics (AO) imaging and NIR slit spectroscopy. The X-ray spectrum is hard, implying a column density of several 10(23) cm(-2). Though heavily obscured, the source is also one of the brightest in the field, with an absorption-corrected 2-10 keV luminosity of similar to 10(45) erg s(-1). Outflows driven by an accretion disk may produce the double-peaked lines if the central engine accretes near the Eddington limit. However, we may be seeing the narrow line regions of two AGNs following a galactic merger. While the AO image reveals only a single source, a second AGN would easily be obscured by the significant extinction inferred from the X-ray data. Understanding the physical processes producing the complex emission line profiles seen in CXOJ1426+35 and related sources is important for interpreting the growing population of dual AGN candidates.National Science Foundation AST-0708490Strategic University Research Partnership ProgramNational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationW. M. Keck FoundationSmithsonian Astrophysical Observatory SV4-74018, A31Astronom

    3C 220.3: a radio galaxy lensing a submillimeter galaxy

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    Herschel Space Observatory photometry and extensive multiwavelength followup have revealed that the powerful radio galaxy 3C 220.3 at z=0.685 acts as a gravitational lens for a background submillimeter galaxy (SMG) at z=2.221. At an observed wavelength of 1mm, the SMG is lensed into three distinct images. In the observed near infrared, these images are connected by an arc of 1.8" radius forming an Einstein half-ring centered near the radio galaxy. In visible light, only the arc is apparent. 3C 220.3 is the only known instance of strong galaxy-scale lensing by a powerful radio galaxy not located in a galaxy cluster and therefore it offers the potential to probe the dark matter content of the radio galaxy host. Lens modeling rejects a single lens, but two lenses centered on the radio galaxy host A and a companion B, separated by 1.5", provide a fit consistent with all data and reveal faint candidates for the predicted fourth and fifth images. The model does not require an extended common dark matter halo, consistent with the absence of extended bright X-ray emission on our Chandra image. The projected dark matter fractions within the Einstein radii of A (1.02") and B (0.61") are about 0.4 +/- 0.3 and 0.55 +/- 0.3. The mass to i-band light ratios of A and B, M/L ~ 8 +/- 4 Msun/Lsun, appear comparable to those of radio-quiet lensing galaxies at the same redshift in the CASTLES, LSD, and SL2S samples. The lensed SMG is extremely bright with observed f(250um) = 440mJy owing to a magnification factor mu~10. The SMG spectrum shows luminous, narrow CIV 154.9nm emission, revealing that the SMG houses a hidden quasar in addition to a violent starburst. Multicolor image reconstruction of the SMG indicates a bipolar morphology of the emitted ultraviolet (UV) light suggestive of cones through which UV light escapes a dust-enshrouded nucleus.Comment: 17 pages, 14 Figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Joint HST, VLT/MUSE and XMM-Newton observations to constrain the mass distribution of the two strong lensing galaxy clusters: MACS J0242.5-2132 & MACS J0949.8+1708

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    We present the strong lensing analysis of two galaxy clusters: MACS J0242.5-2132 (MACS J0242, z=0.313z=0.313) and MACS J0949.8+1708 (MACS J0949, z=0.383z=0.383). Their total matter distributions are constrained thanks to the powerful combination of observations with the Hubble Space Telescope and the MUSE instrument. Using these observations, we precisely measure the redshift of six multiple image systems in MACS J0242, and two in MACS J0949. We also include four multiple image systems in the latter cluster identified in HST imaging without MUSE redshift measurements. For each cluster, our best-fit mass model consists of a single cluster-scale halo, and 57 (170) galaxy-scale halos for MACS J0242 (MACS J0949). Multiple images positions are predicted with a rmsrms 0.39 arcsec and 0.15 arcsec for MACS J0242 and MACS J0949 models respectively. From these mass models, we derive aperture masses of M(R<M(R<200 kpc)=1.67−0.05+0.03×1014M⊙) = 1.67_{-0.05}^{+0.03}\times 10^{14} M_{\odot}, and M(R<M(R<200 kpc)=2.00−0.20+0.05×1014M⊙) = 2.00_{-0.20}^{+0.05}\times 10^{14} M_{\odot}. Combining our analysis with X-ray observations from the XMM-Newton Observatory, we show that MACS J0242 appears to be a relatively relaxed cluster, while conversely, MACS J0949 shows a relaxing post-merger state. At 200 kpc, X-ray observations suggest the hot gas fraction to be respectively fg=0.115−0.004+0.003f_g = 0.115^{+0.003}_{-0.004} and 0.053−0.006+0.0070.053^{+0.007}_{-0.006} for MACS J0242 and MACS J0949. MACS J0242 being relaxed, its density profile is very well fitted by a NFW distribution, in agreement with X-ray observations. Finally, the strong lensing analysis of MACS J0949 suggests a flat dark matter density distribution in the core, between 10 and 100 kpc. This appears consistent with X-ray observations.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, published in MNRA

    A full reconstruction of two galaxy clusters intra-cluster medium with strong gravitational lensing

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    Whilst X-rays and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich observations allow to study the properties of the intra-cluster medium (ICM) of galaxy clusters, their gravitational potential may be constrained using strong gravitational lensing. Although being physically related, these two components are often described with different physical models. Here, we present a unified technique to derive the ICM properties from strong lensing for clusters in hydrostatic equilibrium. In order to derive this model, we present a new universal and self-similar polytropic temperature profile, which we fit using the X-COP sample of clusters. We subsequently derive an analytical model for the electron density, which we apply to strong lensing clusters MACS J0242.5-2132 and MACS J0949.8+1708. We confront the inferred ICM reconstructions to XMM-Newton and ACT observations. We contrast our analytical electron density reconstructions with the best canonical ÎČ\beta-model. The ICM reconstructions obtained prove to be compatible with observations. However they appear to be very sensitive to various dark matter halo parameters constrained through strong lensing (such as the core radius), and to the halo scale radius (fixed in the lensing optimisations). With respect to the important baryonic effects, we make the sensitivity on the scale radius of the reconstruction an asset, and use the inferred potential to constrain the dark matter density profile using ICM observations. The technique here developed should allow to take a new, and more holistic path to constrain the content of galaxy clusters.Comment: 26 pages, 21 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Beyond the bulge–halo conspiracy? Density profiles of early-type galaxies from extended-source strong lensing

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    Observations suggest that the dark matter and stars in early-type galaxies ‘conspire’ to produce a surprisingly simple distribution of total mass, ρ(r) ∝ Ïâˆ’Îł, with Îł ≈ 2. We measure the distribution of mass in 48 early-type galaxies that gravitationally lens a resolved background source. By fitting the source light in every pixel of images from the Hubble Space Telescope, we find a mean âŸšÎłâŸ©=2.075+0.023−0.024 with an intrinsic scatter between galaxies of ÏƒÎł=0.172+0.022−0.032 for the overall sample. This is consistent with and has similar precision to traditional techniques that employ spectroscopic observations to supplement lensing with mass estimates from stellar dynamics. Comparing measurements of Îł for individual lenses using both techniques, we find a statistically insignificant correlation of −0.150+0.223−0.217 between the two, indicating a lack of statistical power or deviations from a power-law density in certain lenses. At fixed surface mass density, we measure a redshift dependence, âˆ‚âŸšÎłâŸ©/z=0.345+0.322−0.296⁠, that is consistent with traditional techniques for the same sample of Sloan Lens ACS and GALaxy-Lyα EmitteR sYstems (GALLERY) lenses. Interestingly, the consistency breaks down when we measure the dependence of Îł on the surface mass density of a lens galaxy. We argue that this is tentative evidence for an inflection point in the total mass-density profile at a few times the galaxy effective radius – breaking the conspiracy

    The Density Profiles of Massive, Relaxed Galaxy Clusters. II. Separating Luminous and Dark Matter in Cluster Cores

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    We present stellar and dark matter (DM) density profiles for a sample of seven massive, relaxed galaxy clusters derived from strong and weak gravitational lensing and resolved stellar kinematic observations within the centrally-located brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs). In Paper I of the series, we demonstrated that the total density profile derived from these data, which span 3 decades in radius, is consistent with numerical DM-only simulations at radii >~ 5-10 kpc, despite the significant contribution of stellar material in the core. Here we decompose the inner mass profiles of these clusters into stellar and dark components. Parametrizing the DM density profile as a power law rho_DM ~ r^{-\beta} on small scales, we find a mean slope = 0.50 +- 0.10 (random) +0.14-0.13 (systematic). Alternatively, cored Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profiles with = 1.14 +- 0.13 (random) +0.14-0.22 (systematic) provide an equally good description. These density profiles are significantly shallower than canonical NFW models at radii <~ 30 kpc, comparable to the effective radii of the BCGs. The inner DM profile is correlated with the distribution of stars in the BCG, suggesting a connection between the inner halo and the assembly of stars in the central galaxy. The stellar mass-to-light ratio inferred from lensing and stellar dynamics is consistent with that inferred using stellar population synthesis models if a Salpeter initial mass function is adopted. We compare these results to theories describing the interaction between baryons and DM in cluster cores, including adiabatic contraction models and the possible effects of galaxy mergers and active galactic nucleus feedback, and evaluate possible signatures of alternative DM candidates.Comment: Updated to matched the published version in Ap

    Probing the faint end Luminosity Function of Lyman Alpha Emitters at 3<z<7 behind 17 MUSE lensing clusters

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    We present a study of the galaxy Lyman-alpha luminosity function (LF) using a sample of 17 lensing clusters observed by the MUSE/VLT. Magnification from strong gravitational lensing by clusters of galaxies and MUSE apabilities allow us to blindly detect LAEs without any photometric pre-selection, reaching the faint luminosity regime. 600 lensed LAEs were selected behind these clusters in the redshift range 2.9<zz< 6.7, covering four orders of magnitude in magnification-corrected Lyman-alpha luminosity (39.0<logLL< 43.0). The method used in this work (VmaxV_{\text{max}}) follows the recipes originally developed by arXiv:1905.13696(N) (DLV19) with some improvements to better account for the effects of lensing when computing the effective volume. The total co-moving volume at 2.9<zz<6.7 is ∌\sim50 103Mpc310^{3}Mpc^{3}. Our LF points in the bright end (log L)>42 are consistent with those obtained from blank field observations. In the faint luminosity regime, the density of sources is well described by a steep slope, α∌−2\alpha\sim-2 for the global redshift range. Up to log(L)∌\sim41, the steepening of the faint end slope with redshift, suggested by the earlier work of DLV19 is observed, but the uncertainties remain large. A significant flattening is observed towards the faintest end, for the highest redshift bins (logLL<41). Using face values, the steep slope at the faint-end causes the SFRD to dramatically increase with redshift, implying that LAEs could play a major role in the process of cosmic reionization. The flattening observed towards the faint end for the highest redshift bins still needs further investigation. This turnover is similar to the one observed for the UV LF at z≄6z\geq6 in lensing clusters, with the same conclusions regarding the reliability of current results (e.g.arXiv:1803.09747(N); arXiv:2205.11526(N)).Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in A\&

    Pilot-WINGS: An extended MUSE view of the structure of Abell 370

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    We investigate the strong-lensing cluster Abell 370 (A370) using a wide Integral Field Unit (IFU) spectroscopic mosaic from the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE). IFU spectroscopy provides significant insight into the structure and mass content of galaxy clusters, yet IFU-based cluster studies focus almost exclusively on the central Einstein-radius region. Covering over 14 arcmin2, the new MUSE mosaic extends significantly beyond the A370 Einstein radius, providing, for the first time, a detailed look at the cluster outskirts. Combining these data with wide-field, multi-band Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging from the BUFFALO project, we analyse the distribution of objects within the cluster and along the line of sight. Identifying 416 cluster galaxies, we use kinematics to trace the radial mass profile of the halo, providing a mass estimate independent from the lens model. We also measure radially averaged properties of the cluster members, tracking their evolution as a function of infall. Thanks to the high spatial resolution of our data, we identify six cluster members acting as galaxy–galaxy lenses, which constrain localized mass distributions beyond the Einstein radius. Finally, taking advantage of MUSE’s 3D capabilities, we detect and analyse multiple spatially extended overdensities outside of the cluster that influence lensing-derived halo mass estimates. We stress that much of this work is only possible thanks to the robust, extended IFU coverage, highlighting its importance even in less optically dense cluster regions. Overall, this work showcases the power of combining HST + MUSE, and serves as the initial step towards a larger and wider program targeting several clusters

    SHARDS frontier fields: physical properties of a low-mass Lyα emitter at z = 5.75

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    We analyze the properties of a multiply-imaged Lyman-alpha (Lya) emitter at z=5.75 identified through SHARDS Frontier Fields intermediate-band imaging of the Hubble Frontier Fields (HFF) cluster Abell 370. The source, A370-L57, has low intrinsic luminosity (M_UV~-16.5), steep UV spectral index (\beta=-2.4+/-0.1), and extreme rest-frame equivalent width of Lya (EW(Lya)=420+180-120 \AA). Two different gravitational lens models predict high magnification (\mu~10--16) for the two detected counter-images, separated by 7", while a predicted third counter-image (\mu~3--4) is undetected. We find differences of ~50% in magnification between the two lens models, quantifying our current systematic uncertainties. Integral field spectroscopy of A370-L57 with MUSE shows a narrow (FWHM=204+/-10 km/s) and asymmetric Lya profile with an integrated luminosity L(Lya)~10^42 erg/s. The morphology in the HST bands comprises a compact clump (r_e<100 pc) that dominates the Lya and continuum emission and several fainter clumps at projected distances <1 kpc that coincide with an extension of the Lya emission in the SHARDS F823W17 and MUSE observations. The latter could be part of the same galaxy or an interacting companion. We find no evidence of contribution from AGN to the Lya emission. Fitting of the spectral energy distribution with stellar population models favors a very young (t<10 Myr), low mass (M*~10^6.5 Msun), and metal poor (Z<4x10^-3) stellar population. Its modest star formation rate (SFR~1.0 Msun/yr) implies high specific SFR (sSFR~2.5x10^-7 yr^-1) and SFR density (Sigma_SFR ~ 7-35 Msun/yr/kpc^2). The properties of A370-L57 make it a good representative of the population of galaxies responsible for cosmic reionization.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap
