6,482 research outputs found

    Medición de calidad en los procesos judiciales del sistema penal acusatorio colombiano

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    This article presents the results obtained during project of design, validation and implementation of a standard –and its associated index–, to measure the quality of the judicial process in the Colombian Accusatory Penal System. This project was developed to attend the needs of measurement of Justice sector and provide specific tools to assess quality comparatively over time and create opportunities for continuous improvement. This project required two stages of research and implicated different issues and processes to improve the organization and administration of justice in Colombia.El presente artículo describe los resultados obtenidos durante el proyecto de diseño, validación e implementación del estándar -y su índice asociado- para la medición de la calidad de los procesos judiciales en Colombia, en el marco del Sistema Penal Acusatorio, el cual se desarrolló para dar respuesta a las necesidades de medición objetiva del sector entregando herramientas específicas que le permita valorar comparativamente su gestión a través del tiempo, generando oportunidades de mejora continua. Para esto fueron necesarias dos etapas de investigación que condujeron a la consideración de aspectos y procesos necesarios para el mejoramiento de la organización y administración de la justicia colombiana.

    The role of snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere winter to summer transition

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    This paper examines the role of North Hemisphere snow cover in the linkage between the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the summer Northern Annular Mode (NAM). This transition is partially supported by the persistence of the NAO-induced snow cover anomalies and the asymmetric thermal distribution induced by summer snow cover. We define an index of subpolar temperature difference which links winter NAO with the subsequent summer NAM. The index is also significant in the linkage between summer and winter climates and can be used as an useful predictor of the upcoming winter NAO

    Global distribution of ionospheric scintillations from the Real-Time GPS ROTI

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    A global real-time monitoring system has been implemented in the frame of ESA-ESTEC/EGNOS-POfunded project MONITOR. It is based on world-wide GNSS datastreams distributed by means of NTRIP and provides multiple ionospheric indices and products to the scientific community and industry. In particular, the Rate Of Total Electron Content Index (ROTI) proxy, which is correlated with scintillation activity and has been running for several years for real-time detection and monitoring. It shall also be pointed out that the multiple products, also aiming at the identification of Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs), Solar Flares overionization, among other ionospheric perturbations, are useful to properly characterize scenarios where these could occur simultaneously to scintillations. In addition, there is also a new proxy suitable for radio-occultation GNSS measurements, named OSPI. In this context, a climatological ionospheric scintillation study has been conducted in different latitudinal regions from the UPC-IonSAT database of global ROTI. For this purpose, we have obtained results from several receivers in 30-degree latitudinal strips and distinguishing between North- and South-Hemisphere locations.Postprint (published version

    Oxygen isotopic ratios in cool R Coronae Borealis stars

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    We investigate the relationship between R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars and hydrogen-deficient carbon (HdC) stars by measuring precise 16O/18O ratios for five cool RCB stars. The 16O/18O ratios are derived by spectrum synthesis from high-resolution (R=50,000) K-band spectra. Lower limits to the 16O/17O and 14N/15}N ratios as well as Na and S abundances (when possible) are also given. RCB stars in our sample generally display less 18O than HdC stars - the derived 16O/18O ratios range from 3 to 20. The only exception is the RCB star WX CrA, which seems to be a HdC-like star with 16O/18O=0.3. Our result of a higher 16O/18O ratio for the RCB stars must be accounted for by a theory of the formation and evolution of HdC and RCB stars. We speculate that a late dredge-up of products of He-burning, principally 12C and 16O, may convert a 18O-rich HdC star into a 18O-poor RCB star as the H-deficient star begins its final evolution from a cool supergiant to the top of the white dwarf cooling track.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal; 21 pages, 3 Tables, 11 Figure

    Exposición de una cabeza humana a radiofrecuencia

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    En esta contribución, un plano coronal de cabeza humana es expuesto a 125 mW de potencia radiada por un dipolo de media onda a 1800 MHz. Se proporcionan tanto la TAE (Tasa de Absorción Específica) como los incrementos de temperatura asociados a la exposición electromagnética, para distintos escenarios. Se evalúa el efecto en el confort térmico de los procesos termorregulatorios humanos. Se presenta un importante efecto de adaptación entre el dipolo y la cabeza humana, así como al cráneo como protector del encéfalo ante tensiones térmicas debidas a exposición a campo EM. Como resultado del estudio, se podrían derivar restricciones básicas más precisas combinando los límites de TAE con la respuesta térmica asociada.Esta investigación ha sido financiada parcialmente por la Fundación Séneca, Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia, a través de una ayuda del Programa Séneca

    Visión Antioquia Siglo XXI

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    "Una Visión sin acción es solo un sueño, una acción sin visión carece de sentido; pero una visión con acción puede cambiar el mundo" (Joe Barker). Es por esta razón que uno de los primeros pasos que iniciaron algunas regiones competitivas del mundo fue lograr la proyección en el tiempo de un norte claro, de lo que querían llegar a ser y lo lograron, en gran parte, a través de una gran concentración colectiva