5,724 research outputs found

    Ecos del pasado. Oralidad e historia antigua. Contribución de Juan Cascajero

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    The present work, framed in the affectionate tribute to the person and work of Juan Cascajero, tries to synthesize and to show a global vision of the historical development and the practice of the theoretical foundations of Oral History, in Spain, and its reflection in the historiographic task of Juan Cascajero, main defender of this tool of work, from the parcels of the knowledge of Old History, like means of approach to the conditions of spiritual existence, materials and, of the majorities, silenced, of the Antiquity

    Tiltrotor research aircraft composite blade repairs: Lessons learned

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    The XV-15, N703NA Tiltrotor Research Aircraft located at the NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, currently uses a set of composite rotor blades of complex shape known as the advanced technology blades (ATBs). The main structural element of the blades is a D-spar constructed of unidirectional, angled fiberglass/graphite, with the aft fairing portion of the blades constructed of a fiberglass cross-ply skin bonded to a Nomex honeycomb core. The blade tip is a removable laminate shell that fits over the outboard section of the spar structure, which contains a cavity to retain balance weights. Two types of tip shells are used for research. One is highly twisted (more than a conventional helicopter blade) and has a hollow core constructed of a thin Nomex-honeycomb-and-fiberglass-skin sandwich; the other is untwisted with a solid Nomex honeycomb core and a fiberglass cross-ply skin. During initial flight testing of the blades, a number of problems in the composite structure were encountered. These problems included debonding between the fiberglass skin and the honeycomb core, failure of the honeycomb core, failures in fiberglass splices, cracks in fiberglass blocks, misalignment of mated composite parts, and failures of retention of metal fasteners. Substantial time was spent in identifying and repairing these problems. Discussed here are the types of problems encountered, the inspection procedures used to identify each problem, the repairs performed on the damaged or flawed areas, the level of criticality of the problems, and the monitoring of repaired areas. It is hoped that this discussion will help designers, analysts, and experimenters in the future as the use of composites becomes more prevalent

    Eugene Masonic Cemetery: Condition Assessment and Treatment of the Historic Grave Markers and Mausoleum

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    230 pagesGrave markers as a historic resource occupy a very unique context since the setting of these artifacts is typically open to the elements and highly accessible to the public. Due to deferred maintenance, vandalism, inappropriate repairs, and the relentless weather, the historic grave markers of the Eugene Masonic Cemetery (EMC) are under threat of deterioration and eventual loss. The grave markers not only impart the historic significance that defines the Eugene Masonic Cemetery, but also serve as the tangible legacy of those whom they represent, including many of the original settlers of Eugene. Historic cemeteries often struggle to acquire the resources necessary to create and execute a consistent and comprehensive maintenance plan. This was temporarily abated when it became a study within the Historic Preservation program of the School of Architecture and Allied Arts at the University of Oregon with the support of the Eugene Masonic Cemetery Association (EMCA). The tested treatments cited in this report can be applied to future maintenance and restoration programs in the Eugene Masonic Cemetery as well as other historic cemeteries of similar context. Future treatments, however, should be undertaken solely by a professional, who fully understands the treatment plans and products in this report.Eugene Masonic Cemetery Associatio

    Antiamoebic Properties of the Actinomycete Metabolites Echinomycin A and Tirandamycin A

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    Entamoeba histolytica infects 50 million people per year, causing 100,000 deaths worldwide. The primary treatment for amoebiasis is metronidazole. However, increased pathogen resistance combined with the drug’s toxic side effects encourages a search for alternative therapeutic agents. Secondary metabolites from marine bacteria are a promising resource for antiprotozoan drug discovery. In this study, extracts from a collection of marine-derived actinomycetes were screened for antiamoebic properties, and the activities of antibiotics echinomycin A and tirandamycin A are shown. Both antibiotics inhibited the in vitro growth of a E. histolytica laboratory strain (HM-1:IMSS) and a clinical isolate (Colombia, Col) at 30- to 60-μM concentrations. EIC50 (estimated inhibitory concentration) values were comparable for both antibiotics (44.3–46.3 μM) against the E. histolytica clinical isolate

    Medidas civiles de protección de la violencia de género

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    Es notoria la creciente preocupación de la sociedad respecto a la violencia de género, lo que ha provocado cambios legislativos profundos en nuestro marco legislativo. A raíz de la aprobación de la L.O. 1/2004 de Medidas integrales contra la violencia de género, se ha transformado el concepto que el legislador posee de la violencia de género, tratando así mismo de cohonestar una serie de medidas penales referenciadas. El objeto de este trabajo es poner en consideración las medidas civiles de protección, introduciendo las sentencias de la Sala Primera del Tribunal Supremo que tratan de orientar sobre la tendencia que los juzgadores van a seguir en un futuro para evitar la lacra de la violencia de género que se encuentra insertada en nuestra sociedad. Las conclusiones, sin embargo, son optimistas al considerar que la sensibilización dará sus frutos en un futuro cercano.Grado en Criminologí

    Influencia del trabajo en equipo en la empresa

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    En la actualidad las empresas buscan tener mejores indicadores no solo en los resultados financieros, sino también en calidad, atención al cliente y poder brindar destacables condiciones laborales. Por esto no solo es necesario tener equipos de trabajo, sino que principalmente todos los departamentos trabajen en conjunto. Al ser el departamento contable una de las áreas que más se interrelaciona con las otras áreas de la empresa, ella puede llegar a desempeñar un papel fundamental dentro de la empresa si se enfoca en el trabajo en conjunto, el área contable puede llegar a reducir costos, gastos, procesos, tiempos de respuesta y asegurar una mejor calidad de información cuando genere una sinergia dentro de la empresa.Pregrad

    Actuaciones de alumnos instruidos en la resolución algebraica de problemas en la hoja de cálculo y su relación con la competencia en el método cartesiano

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    Presentamos resultados de una investigación en la que, entre otros objetivos, se pretendía determinar cómo influía la enseñanza de la resolución algebraica de problemas en la hoja de cálculo en la competencia en el método cartesiano. La comparación de los cuestionarios administrados antes y después de la enseñanza puso de manifiesto un aumento del uso polisémico de la equis cuando se resolvía con lápiz y papel, y una disminución del uso del lenguaje del álgebra en los problemas de edades. Mostramos que estos resultados pueden atribuirse a la aparición de estrategias de resolución en la hoja de cálculo en las que las situaciones descritas en el enunciado se modelizaban mediante relaciones funcionales, en las que se evitaba operar con lo desconocido y en las que varias cantidades se agrupaban bajo una misma denominación.We present results of an investigation in which, among other objectives, we sought to determine how the teaching of algebraic problem solving in a spreadsheet environment influenced the competence in the Cartesian method. The comparison of the tests administered before and after the instruction showed an increase in the polysemy of the x when problems were solved with paper and pencil and a decrease in the use of the language of algebra in age problems. We show that these results may be attributed to the emergence of solving strategies in the spreadsheet environment in which the described situations in the statement were modelled by functional relations. In such cases, the operation with the unknown was avoided and several quantities were grouped under a single name