101 research outputs found

    Modelling circumstellar discs with 3D radiation hydrodynamics

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    We present results from combining a grid-based radiative transfer code with a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics code to produce a flexible system for modelling radiation hydrodynamics. We use a benchmark model of a circumstellar disc to determine a robust method for constructing a gridded density distribution from SPH particles. The benchmark disc is then used to determine the accuracy of the radiative transfer results. We find that the SED and the temperature distribution within the disc are sensitive to the representation of the disc inner edge, which depends critically on both the grid and SPH resolution. The code is then used to model a circumstellar disc around a T-Tauri star. As the disc adjusts towards equilibrium vertical motions in the disc are induced resulting in scale height enhancements which intercept radiation from the central star. Vertical transport of radiation enables these perturbations to influence the mid-plane temperature of the disc. The vertical motions decay over time and the disc ultimately reaches a state of simultaneous hydrostatic and radiative equilibrium.Comment: MNRAS accepted; 15 pages; 17 figures, 4 in colou

    Identification of Unreported Sources of Objects Containing High Release Nickel

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    Globally, nickel is the leading cause of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD). Nickel is ubiquitous, and published literature continues to index items most frequently associated with Ni-ACD. Unregulated nickel exposure in North America is evident by the unprecedented rates of sensitization seen in patch-tested cohorts, 18.5% in children (ages 0-18 years) and 28.1% in adults.1 Conservative estimates of ACD within the pediatric population suggest at least one million cases in the US yearly with roughly one-quarter of those cases due to nickel.2-3 The United States could potentially save $5.7 billion annually in health care costs, extrapolating current cost-saving data from Denmark post nickel regulation, by implementing similar regulation to that of the European Union (EU).2 To our knowledge, site surveys testing for items releasing nickel in public locations has yet to be performed

    Neighbourhood food environment and gestational diabetes in New York City: Neighbourhood food environment and gestational diabetes

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    The association between neighbourhood characteristics and gestational diabetes has not been examined previously. We investigated the relationship between the number of healthy food outlets (supermarkets; fruit/vegetable and natural food stores), and unhealthy food outlets (fast food; pizza; bodegas; bakeries; convenience, candy/nut and meat stores) in census tract of residence, and gestational diabetes in New York City. Gestational diabetes, census tract and individual-level covariates were ascertained from linked birth-hospital data for 210 926 singleton births from 2001 to 2002 and linked to commercial data on retail food outlets. Adjusted odds ratios (aOR) were estimated using a multilevel logistic model

    A Synthetic 21-cm Galactic Plane Survey of an SPH Galaxy Simulation

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    We have created synthetic neutral hydrogen (HI) Galactic Plane Survey data cubes covering 90 degrees < l < 180 degrees, using a model spiral galaxy from SPH simulations and the radiative transfer code TORUS. The density, temperature and other physical parameters are fed from the SPH simulation into TORUS, where the HI emissivity and opacity are calculated before the 21-cm line emission profile is determined. Our main focus is the observation of Outer Galaxy `Perseus Arm' HI, with a view to tracing atomic gas as it encounters shock motions as it enters a spiral arm interface, an early step in the formation of molecular clouds. The observation of HI self-absorption features at these shock sites (in both real observations and our synthetic data) allows us to investigate further the connection between cold atomic gas and the onset of molecular cloud formation.Comment: MNRAS accepted; 11 pages, 12 figure

    The structure of HI in galactic disks: Simulations vs observations

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    We generate synthetic HI Galactic plane surveys from spiral galaxy simulations which include stellar feedback processes. Compared to a model without feedback we find an increased scale height of HI emission (in better agreement with observations) and more realistic spatial structure (including supernova blown bubbles). The synthetic data show HI self-absorption with a morphology similar to that seen in observations. The density and temperature of the material responsible for HI self-absorption is consistent with observationally determined values, and is found to be only weakly dependent on absorption strength and star formation efficiency.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Heat kernel regularization of the effective action for stochastic reaction-diffusion equations

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    The presence of fluctuations and non-linear interactions can lead to scale dependence in the parameters appearing in stochastic differential equations. Stochastic dynamics can be formulated in terms of functional integrals. In this paper we apply the heat kernel method to study the short distance renormalizability of a stochastic (polynomial) reaction-diffusion equation with real additive noise. We calculate the one-loop {\emph{effective action}} and its ultraviolet scale dependent divergences. We show that for white noise a polynomial reaction-diffusion equation is one-loop {\emph{finite}} in d=0d=0 and d=1d=1, and is one-loop renormalizable in d=2d=2 and d=3d=3 space dimensions. We obtain the one-loop renormalization group equations and find they run with scale only in d=2d=2.Comment: 21 pages, uses ReV-TeX 3.

    Personalized Exposure Assessment: Promising Approaches for Human Environmental Health Research

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    New technologies and methods for assessing human exposure to chemicals, dietary and lifestyle factors, infectious agents, and other stressors provide an opportunity to extend the range of human health investigations and advance our understanding of the relationship between environmental exposure and disease. An ad hoc Committee on Environmental Exposure Technology Development was convened to identify new technologies and methods for deriving personalized exposure measurements for application to environmental health studies. The committee identified a “toolbox” of methods for measuring external (environmental) and internal (biologic) exposure and assessing human behaviors that influence the likelihood of exposure to environmental agents. The methods use environmental sensors, geographic information systems, biologic sensors, toxicogenomics, and body burden (biologic) measurements. We discuss each of the methods in relation to current use in human health research; specific gaps in the development, validation, and application of the methods are highlighted. We also present a conceptual framework for moving these technologies into use and acceptance by the scientific community. The framework focuses on understanding complex human diseases using an integrated approach to exposure assessment to define particular exposure–disease relationships and the interaction of genetic and environmental factors in disease occurrence. Improved methods for exposure assessment will result in better means of monitoring and targeting intervention and prevention programs

    Asymmetric thinning of the cerebral cortex across the adult lifespan is accelerated in Alzheimer’s disease

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    © 2021, The Author(s). Aging and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are associated with progressive brain disorganization. Although structural asymmetry is an organizing feature of the cerebral cortex it is unknown whether continuous age- and AD-related cortical degradation alters cortical asymmetry. Here, in multiple longitudinal adult lifespan cohorts we show that higher-order cortical regions exhibiting pronounced asymmetry at age ~20 also show progressive asymmetry-loss across the adult lifespan. Hence, accelerated thinning of the (previously) thicker homotopic hemisphere is a feature of aging. This organizational principle showed high consistency across cohorts in the Lifebrain consortium, and both the topological patterns and temporal dynamics of asymmetry-loss were markedly similar across replicating samples. Asymmetry-change was further accelerated in AD. Results suggest a system-wide dedifferentiation of the adaptive asymmetric organization of heteromodal cortex in aging and AD