454 research outputs found

    La visualización de la música en el videoclip

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    La imagen y la música son los dos componentes fundamentales del videoclip. Aunque los estudios han tendido a centrarse en los aspectos visuales y a obviar el componente musical, lo cierto es que la música existe con anterioridad a la imagen del videoclip y, en consecuencia, determina la concepción y construcción de ésta, máxime teniendo en cuenta la función del videoclip como herramienta de comunicación comercial específica del sector fonográfico. Se estudia, pues, la interacción entre la música y la imagen a partir del concepto de sinestesia, y, en concreto, la influencia de los diversos elementos musicales de cara a la construcción formal del videoclip.Image and music are the two fundamental components of music video. Although studies have tended to focus on the visual aspects and ignore the musical component, music exists prior to the music video image and, consequently, determines its conception and construction, especially considering the role of music video as a communication tool for the phonographic industry. Therefore, the interaction between music and image is studied through the concept of synesthesia, and, in particular, the influence of musical elements on the formal construction of music video

    Las compañías fonográficas como anunciantes en la producción de videoclips

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    Partiendo de una concepción del videoclip como herramienta de comunicación comercial específica del sector fonográfico, este trabajo aborda el rol de anunciante que las compañías fonográficas desempeñan a lo largo del proceso de producción de videoclips. Se analiza, pues, el proceso de producción del videoclip poniendo el acento en su función y su subordinación al sector fonográfico, y se presta atención a las semejanzas y diferencias existentes con respecto al proceso desarrollado en el ámbito de la publicidad convencional.Given a conception of music video as a commercial communication tool which is specific of the phonographic sector, this paper tackles the advertiser role that phonographic companies play along the music video production process. Therefore, music video production process is analyzed with stress on the music video function and its subordination to the phonographic sector, and particular attention is paid to the similarities and differences with the process as developed in the area of conventional advertising

    Preliminary Assessment of Performance and Cost of a Cubesat Component of the Earth Science Decadal Survey

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    In 2007, The National Research Council released a report known as the Earth Science Decadal Survey. This report lays out an architecture for a holistic Earth Observation Program consisting of 17 missions to be flown in a decade for a total cost of about $7B. Six years after, mission cost estimates have grown by 70% on average, and at the current levels of funding for NASA Earth Science, it would take about 40 years to fly these missions. Furthermore, missions that played central roles in satisfying the needs of the Earth science community have not materialized, due to launch failures, mission cancellations, severe delays or descoping processes. The Earth Science community is in desperate need of novel architectures for Earth observation missions that can satisfy at least part of the scientific requirements at a fraction of the cost of the Decadal Survey missions. Cubesats have the potential to become an important component of such novel architectures by providing low-cost opportunities to fly advanced miniature instruments such as GNSS receivers in radio occultation and reflectometry modes, visible and near-infrared imagers, short-wave infrared spectrometers, millimeter-wave radiometers, microbolometers, and so forth. While Cubesats have hitherto mostly been used for technological demonstration and educational purposes, there has been some emphasis lately in developing Cubesats capable of satisfying demanding scientific requirements. In a recent paper, a survey and assessment of the capabilities of Cubesats as a platform for Earth observation instruments of high scientific value, was presented. This paper takes that work a step further by analyzing, in terms of both performance and cost, several constellations of Cubesats carrying such instruments. The performance of an architecture (i.e., a certain mix of constellations of Cubesats) is computed by assessing its potential to satisfy the Decadal Survey scientific requirements. This is done leveraging prior work on the development of a rule-based expert system for assessing the relative merit of Earth observing system architectures. Different constellation designs carrying different mixes of payloads are analyzed using performance and cost models. Non-dominated architectures in the Pareto sense are identified, and one preferred architecture is analyzed in more detail. A preliminary mission analysis is conducted for this preferred architecture, and its cost-effectiveness is compared to that of the original Decadal Survey architecture. The paper shows how, while Cubesats still suffer from serious limitations in terms of their performance and capabilities for Earth science, they are a very cost-effective way of satisfying a relatively large portion of the Decadal Survey requirements

    El móvil como herramienta de comunicación corporativa

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    En las últimas dos décadas, se ha producido un cambio en la forma de comunicación con el consumidor, suscitado en gran medida por el agotamiento del modelo masivo. Entre los síntomas de este cansancio destacan la saturación publicitaria y la disminución de los presupuestos dedicados a medios de comunicación de masas. Estos problemas estructurales, unidos a las transformaciones sociales propias de las sociedades contemporáneas, han promovido un movimiento hacia un modelo más personal y humano de comunicación, que valora la relación con el cliente más allá de su estatus de consumidor. Éste es el modelo de comunicación no convencional ―también denominado como modelo de comunicación below the line―, que busca conseguir una relación de confianza mutua entre la marca y su público. Por un lado, las personas han pasado a ser consumidores más responsables e informados que exigen una comunicación personalizada que atienda a sus necesidades individuales sin renunciar a su privacidad. Y, por otro, las marcas, como entes vivos de comunicación, precisan nutrirse de la información proporcionada por sus clientes. Por este motivo, se hace necesario el estudio y el análisis de una de las más recientes herramientas de comunicación: el móvil. El triunfo social del teléfono móvil como medio de comunicación interpersonal ha motivado su uso comercial, convirtiéndose en una herramienta de comunicación no convencional al servicio de las empresas e instituciones. A través de este trabajo se examinará el fenómeno del móvil como símbolo personal y mediador social, así como se analizarán cada una de las características que comparte con el resto de herramientas below the line, centrándose en aquellas que potencia: personalización e interactividad. En este sentido, se hace necesario profundizar en su empleo como herramienta de comunicación corporativa que permite fomentar una relación personal con los consumidores. Esta profundización nos permitirá proponer una clasificación de sus diferentes usos comerciales, a través del estudio de casos de éxito donde el móvil se haya convertido en el principal portador del mensaje de la marca.During the last two decades, a change in the form of communication with clients has taken place, principally provoked by the depletion of massive model. Among the symptoms of this wear out, we find the advertising saturation and the decreasing of the budgets dedicated to mass media. These structural problems, joined to social transformations of contemporary societies, have promoted a movement towards a more personal and human model of communication, which values the relation with the client beyond his status of consumer. This one is the not conventional communication model ―also called below the line communication model―, which aspires to obtain a mutual confidence relation between the mark and its public. On the one hand, persons have become more responsible and informed consumers who demand a personalized communication which attends to their individual necessities without resigning their privacy. On the other hand, brands, as living entities of communication, need the information provided by their public. Consequently, we find necessary to study and analyse one of the most recent communication tools: mobile phone. The social success of mobile phone as an interpersonal communication media has motivated its commercial use, turning into a not conventional communication tool for companies and institutions. Across this article, we will examine mobile phenomeno

    L'Expressió al testicle de la proteïna transportadora d'esteroides sexuals humana (SHBG) té lloc a les cèl·lules germinals i no a les cèl·lules de Sertoli

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    El gen de la proteïna transportadora d'esteroides sexuals humana (hSHBG) conté dues unitats de transcripció diferents. Una d'aquestes unitats de transcripció fa aproximadament 4,3 kb, i codifica un precursor polipeptídic que és processat i secretat pels hepatòcits, i que donarà lloc a la SHBG plasmàtica. La seqüència promotora humana d'aquesta unitat de transcripció és diferent de la seqüència dels promotors dels altres mamífers que expressen el gen de la SHBG a les cèll. ules de Sertoli. Concretament, el promotor humà de la SHBG conté un lloc d'unió per a uns factors de transcripció anomenats USF, que s'uneixen al promotor i inhibeixen la seva expressió a les cèll. ules de Sertoli. Tot i que el gen de la SHBG humana no s'expressa a les cèll. ules de Sertoli, es poden detectar transcrits per a la SHBG al testicle humà. Aquests transcrits contenen un exó 1 alternatiu, es troben a les cèll. ules germinals i són producte d'una altra unitat de transcripció que conté una regió promotora que es troba a unes 2 kb de la primera regió promotora. Els transcrits d'aquesta segona regió promotora codifiquen una isoforma de la SHBG que és uns 5 kDa més petita que la SHBG plasmàtica. Aquesta isoforma de la SHBG s'acumula als espermatozoides entre la membrana exterior de l'acrosoma i la membrana plasmàtica, i s'allibera al medi durant la reacció de capacitació. Aquestes diferències tan importants en l'expressió del gen de la SHBG al testicle entre l'humà i els altres mamífers ens obliguen a reconsiderar la funció de la SHBG en el testicle en relació a la reproducció masculina.The human sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) gene contains at least two transcription units. A 4.3 kb human SHBG transcription unit encodes the precursor polypeptide, which is processed and secreted by hepatocytes as plasma SHBG. The proximal promoter of this transcription unit differs from the corresponding sequence in other mammals, in which it is also expressed in Sertoli cells. In particular, its proximal promoter sequence contains a binding-site for USF transcription factors that represses its activity in Sertoli cells. Although human SHBG is not expressed in Sertoli cells, human SHBG transcripts containing an alternative exon 1 sequence are present in testicular germ cells. These are the products of an ~8 kb human SHBG transcription unit, and they appear to encode an SHBG isoform that is 4-5 kDa smaller than plasma SHBG. This sperm SHBG isoform accumulates between the outer acrosomal membrane and the sperm plasma membrane, and it is released during the capacitation reaction. These remarkable differences in the expression of human SHBG in the testis, when compared to other mammals, force us to reconsider the functional significance of SHBG expression in the testis in relation to male reproduction

    Soundtrack Music Videos: The Use of Music Videos as a Tool for Promoting Films

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    The soundtrack music video is an audiovisual format used by the cultural industries of film and music as a commercial communication tool, since it is based on a song from the soundtrack of a film, so that both the artist that performs the song and the film itself obtain promotional benefits. This paper conceptualizes this poorly studied phenomenon of cross-promotion connecting the music and film industries and uses a content analysis of 119 music videos produced over a period of 33 years in order to study the importance of the artist and the movie in the video, the various strategies developed in order to accomplish its double promotional mission, and the specific formal and strategic features of this audiovisual format. Analysis reveals that the soundtrack music video has the distinctive feature of including promotional elements both for the musical artist and for the movie. Although the artist tends to be more prominent, the vast majority of music videos include images from the film or use various ways of integrating the artist's identity with the film's iconography or narrative. Anyway, it is a phenomenon characterized by diversity, with the common pattern of the dual promotional objective, but with different ways of implementing that pattern

    A Workflow for Fast Evaluation of Mapping Heuristics Targeting Cloud Infrastructures

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    Resource allocation is today an integral part of cloud infrastructures management to efficiently exploit resources. Cloud infrastructures centers generally use custom built heuristics to define the resource allocations. It is an immediate requirement for the management tools of these centers to have a fast yet reasonably accurate simulation and evaluation platform to define the resource allocation for cloud applications. This work proposes a framework allowing users to easily specify mappings for cloud applications described in the AMALTHEA format used in the context of the DreamCloud European project and to assess the quality for these mappings. The two quality metrics provided by the framework are execution time and energy consumption.Comment: 2nd International Workshop on Dynamic Resource Allocation and Management in Embedded, High Performance and Cloud Computing DREAMCloud 2016 (arXiv:cs/1601.04675

    Redacción publicitaria

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    Víctor Curto Gordo Juan Rey Fuentes Joan Sabaté López Barcelona, Editorial UOC, 2008

    The merging of reality and fiction in Pixar's unconventional promotional actions

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    Aunque la promoción de las películas de Pixar emplea herramientas convencionales —cartel, tráiler, etc.—, desarrolla también acciones innovadoras que buscan generar notoriedad y cooperar en la construcción de marca. Estas acciones parecen acentuar una de las metas del cine de Pixar: que los personajes, mundos y narrativas de ficción sean percibidos como reales. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el juego entre realidad y ficción en el uso de herramientas de comunicación no convencionales para la promoción de las películas de Pixar. Se concluye que su promoción engloba contenidos y acciones no convencionales de gran originalidad y que contribuyen al universo narrativo de las películas y, por tanto, de la propia marca Pixar; y que estos contenidos y acciones, en su diversidad, tienen el nexo común de intentar traer la ficción de las pantallas a una esfera real o incluso física.Although the promotion of Pixar films uses conventional tools -poster, trailer, etc.-, they are also developed innovative actions that seek to generate awareness and cooperate in brand building. These actions seem to accentuate one of the goals of Pixar cinema: that fictional characters, worlds, and narratives are perceived as real. This work aims to analyze the interplay between reality and fiction in the use of unconventional communication tools for the promotion of Pixar films. It is concluded that its promotion encompasses unconventional content and actions of great originality that contribute to the narrative universe of films and, therefore, of the Pixar brand itself; and that these contents and actions, in their diversity, have the common link of trying to bring the fiction of the screens to a real or even physical sphere

    Accions alternatives de la proteïna transportadora d'esteroids sexuals (SHBG/ABP) a l'espermatogènesi i al càncer de pròstata

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaLa finalitat d'aquesta tesi ha estat la d'estudiar les funcions alternatives de la proteïna transportadora d'esteroids sexuals (SHBG/ABP) a l'espermatogènesi i al càncer de pròstata. 1) A l'espermatogènesi s'ha treballat amb dos models diferents, un és el ratolí transgènic que sobreexpressa la SHBG/ABP de rata i l'altre el ratolí transgènic que sobreexpressa la SHBG/ABP humana. a) Ratolí transgènic per la SHBG/ABP de rata. La sobreexpressió del transgen de rata a nivell del testicle provoca un bloqueig parcial de la primera divisió meiòtica i un augment de la mort cel·lular programada o apoptosi de les cèl·lules germinals, especificament d'espermatocits primaris i cèl·lules en meiosi. Aquestes cèl·lules apoptòtiques sobreexpressen el mRNA i la proteïna del receptor d'estrògens beta. La proteïna, a més a més, s'acumula a nivell del citoplasma d'aquestes cèl·lules apoptòtiques. b) Ratolí transgènic per la SHBG/ABP humana. El trànscrit que s'expressa a nivell del testicle de la linia shbg11 prové del promotor alternatiu i conté l'exó alternatiu. A més a més, aquest trànscrit l'expressen les cèl·lules germinals . La proteïna SHBG/ABP humana es troba a nivell de l'acrosoma de les cèl·lules germinals durant tota la fase d'elongació de l'espermatogènesi, i a nivell de l'acrosoma dels espermatozous epididimaris. 2) Al càncer de pròstata s'ha treballat amb diferents linies cel·lulars de pròstata i amb mostres de pacients amb càncer de pròstata. a) Linies cel·lulars de càncer de pròstata. S'ha treballat amb dues linies cel·lulars tumorals com són les PC3 i les LNCaP i dues linies cel·lulars normals com són les CAHVP10 i les PZHVP7. Les linies PC3 i LNCaP sobreexpressen 3 trànscrits que codifiquen per a la SHBG/ABP humana. El trànscrit majoritari dona lloc a la proteïna secretada, mentres que els dos trànscrits que falten els exons 6 i 6-7 respectivament, donen lloc a una proteïna intracel·lular. La diferència entre la linia PC3 (androgen-independent) i la linia LNCaP (androgen-depenent) és que la linia PC3 expressa la isoforma cx del receptor de estrògens beta. b) Pacients afectats de càncer de pròstata. En 4 dels 6 pacients analitzats s'expressa la SHBG/ABP humana, en 3 d'ells s'expressa el receptor d'estrògens i en tots es sobreexpressa la P450 aromatasa. La proteïna SHBG/ABP s'acumula a l'interior de les cèl·lules epitelials de les glandules tumorals en les seccions prostàtiques dels pacients analitzats.The aim of this thesis is to study the alternative funcions of the sex hormone-binding globulin / androgen-binding protein (SHBG/ABP) during the espermatogenesis and prostate cancer. 1) In the study of the espermatogenesis we have used two different models: the transgenic mice overexpressing the rat SHBG/ABP, and the transgenic mice overexpressing the human SHBG/ABP. a) Transgenic mice overexpressing rat SHBG/ABP. The overexpression of rat SHBG/ABP in the testis induces a parcial arrest of the first meiotic division and an increase of germ cell apoptosis, involving specifically primary spermatocytes and cells at metaphase. The apoptotic cells are overexpressing the mRNA and the protein for the estrogen receptor beta, and the protein acumalates in the citoplasm of this apoptotic cells. b) Transgenic mice overexpressing human SHBG/ABP. The shbg11 mouse line overexpress the mRNA for the human SHBG/ABP in the testis, and this mRNA contains the alternative exon 1 (exon A). The human mRNA is expressed by germ cells, and the protein is located in the acrosome during all the elongation sattges of spermatogenesis. 2) In the sutdy of the prostate cancer we have used prostatic tumor cell lines (PC3 and LNCaP) and prostatic normal cell lines (CAHVP10 and PZHVP7) and samples from patients with prostate cancer. a) Prostate cell lines. The tomurogenic cell lines PC3 and LNCaP overexpress three human SHBG/ABP transcripts, most abundant transcript produce secreted human SHBG/ABP protein. The other two transcripts lacking exon 6 and exon 6-7, produce intracelular human SHBG/ABP protein. The main difference between the PC3 cell line (androgen-independent) and the LNCaP cell line (androgen-dependent) is that PC3 cells are express the cx isoform of the estrogen receptor beta. b) Patients with prostate cancer. Four of the six patients analized express human SHBG/ABP mRNA. Three of them co-express the estrogen receptor beta and all of them express the P450 aromatase. The human SHBG/ABP protein is located in the epitelial cells from the tumoral glands in all the prostate sections analized from the patients with prostate cancer