2,073 research outputs found

    Context at the Crossroads of Language Learning and Mobile Learning

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    Contextual learning is the next step in the development of pedagogy in relation to mobile and ubiquitous technologies. The question addressed in this paper is whether research on 'context' within second language learning, and in the language sciences more broadly, can inform the development of the notion of context in research on technology-enhanced learning and mobile learning. As researchers in mobile assisted language learning, we stand at the crossroads of these disciplines. In this paper, we indicate the main sources and research directions that inform our work; we share our observations and propose some tentative conclusions

    The Stable Roommates problem with short lists

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    We consider two variants of the classical Stable Roommates problem with Incomplete (but strictly ordered) preference lists (sri) that are degree constrained, i.e., preference lists are of bounded length. The first variant, egald-sri, involves finding an egalitarian stable matching in solvable instances of sri with preference lists of length at most d. We show that this problem is NP-hard even if d = 3. On the positive side we give a 2d+372d+37-approximation algorithm for d ∈{3,4,5} which improves on the known bound of 2 for the unbounded preference list case. In the second variant of sri, called d-srti, preference lists can include ties and are of length at most d. We show that the problem of deciding whether an instance of d-srti admits a stable matching is NP-complete even if d = 3. We also consider the “most stable” version of this problem and prove a strong inapproximability bound for the d = 3 case. However for d = 2 we show that the latter problem can be solved in polynomial time

    Nephrotoxizität Cisplatin-haltiger Chemotherapie und der Einfluss von Acetylcystein

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    Nephrotoxizität Cisplatinhaltiger Chemotherapie und der Einfluss von Acetylcystein (ACC). Cisplatin ist nephrotoxisch. Untersucht wurde, welchen Einfluss Cisplatin auf die Resorption von Elektrolyten und Proteinen hat. Außerdem sollte herausgestellt werden, ob ACC hier nephroprotektiv wirkt. Die Studie umfasste zwei Gruppen mit je 8 Patienten. Beide Gruppen erhielten eine Cisplatin-haltige Chemotherapie. Die 2. Gruppe erhielt zusätzlich während der Chemotherapie ACC. Untersucht wurden Kreatinin, Natrium und Magnesium im Serum, Kreatinin-Clearance, fraktionelle Natrium- und Magnesium-Clearance, sowie Proteine im Urin in jedem Chemotherapiezyklus. Cisplatin verursachte in der vorliegenden Studie ein akutes, reversibles Nierenversagen mit kurzfristiger Reduktion der Kreatinin-Clearance und Zunahme der fraktionellen Natrium-Clearance, sowie einen dauerhaften tubulären Schaden mit persistierendem Magnesiumverlust. ACC zeigte in der hier angewendeten Form keinen nephroprotektiven Effekt

    Hospital Cost and Efficiency Under Per Service and Per Case Payment in Maryland: A Tale of the Carrot and the Stick

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    The simultaneous operation of per case and per servicepayment systems in Maryland, and the varying levels of stringency used in setting per case rates allows comparison of effects of differing incentive structures on hospital costs. This paper presents such a comparison with 1977-1981 data. Cost per case and total cost regressions show evidence of lower costs only when per case payment limits are very stringent. Positive net revenue incentives appear insufficient to induce reductions in length of stay and in ancillary services use. Our results suggest these changes in medical practice patterns are more likely under the threat of financial losses.

    Monitoring the Birth of an Electronic Wavepacket in a Neutral Molecule with Attosecond Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy

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    Numerical simulations are presented to validate the possible use of cutting-edge attosecond time- resolved photoelectron spectroscopy to observe in real time the creation of an electronic wavepacket and subsequent electronic motion in a neutral molecule photoexcited by a UV pump pulse within a few femtoseconds

    Internal Displacement and Responses at the Global Level: A Review of the Scholarship

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    This paper reviews the scholarship that addresses internal displacement at a global or general level. This includes research on global frameworks or processes concerned with internal displacement as well as that which addresses internal displacement in a general, or non-region/country-specific, way. It starts by describing the main internal displacement trends at the global level. It then reviews how scholarship on internal displacement at a global or general level has developed, respectively, in the fields of law and policy, other social sciences and humanities, and health and medicine. It ends by offering conclusions on the scope of existing research and directions for future study. This review of the scholarly literature seeks to identify principal trends, gaps and opportunities relating to research on internal displacement. Towards this end, the review concentrates on academic publications, including monographs, chapters in edited volumes and peer-reviewed articles, from the early 1990s until the start of 2020, a period of approximately 30 years. It thus offers not only a critical review of the state of the art in this field of study but also a key point of reference for researchers looking to develop our understanding of internal displacement from the standpoint of a variety of different disciplines and themes. The paper forms part of a series of papers published in this Working Paper Series that review the state of the scholarship on internal displacement at the global level and in particular regions as we enter the decade of the 2020s. This research forms part of the Interdisciplinary Network on Displacement, Conflict and Protection (AH/T005351/1) and Global Engagement on Internal Displacement in sub-Saharan Africa (EP/T003227/1) projects, pilots of which were supported by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). It should be read in conjunction with the other review papers in this series

    Factors Influencing Utilization of Cervical Cancer Screening Services in Kenya: The Case of Nyeri County

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    Globally, cervical cancer continues to be a major cause of mortality and morbidity among women with developing countries accounting for more than 86% of the deaths from the disease. In Kenya, cervical cancer ranks as the second most frequent cancer among women: regrettably, with 80% of the cases presented during the late stages of the disease when the scope of successful treatment is limited. An opportunity to prevent occurrence of cervical cancer exists through cervical cancer screening for early detection and treatment of precancerous lesions before these develop to cancer. However, only a negligible proportion of women benefit from cervical cancer screening services in developing countries, including Kenya. The purpose of this descriptive survey study was to determine the factors influencing utilization of cervical cancer screening services; and focused on the women seeking maternal and family planning services at Central Provincial General Hospital, Kenya. The study established that, as in most developing countries, utilization of cervical cancer screening services was low, regardless of the women’s education level, autonomy in decision making and even good family support. The low level of awareness on the need for screening services and the long waiting time at the clinic for those seeking the services were identified as the two key issues that negatively influenced the utilization of the screening services, It is therefore recommended that the Ministry of Health and other agencies, including individuals of good will, collaborate in designing and implementing awareness campaigns through the media and other appropriate avenues, including one-to-one encounters, targeting both men and women in the communities. It is also recommended that the male partners support their women in accessing this vital life-saving service

    Influence of Cashflow Liquidity on Dividend Payout Among Deposit Taking Saving and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs) in Kenya

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    In the recent past Saving and Credit Cooperatives Societies in Kenya have gained popularity as a result of high interest being charged by commercial banks and borrowers have shifted their focus to the SACCOs due to their fixed interest rates on loans. SACCOs pay high dividends in comparison to commercial banks, however the level of dividend payout keeps on fluctuating and thus shareholders are not aware of what they expect in the next financial year. Studies have been carried out to examine the determinants of dividend of payout, where various factors have been identified and inconsistency results have been found in regard to the influence of cashflow liquidity on dividend payout. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to establish the influence of cashflow liquidity on dividend payout among deposit taking saving and credit cooperative societies (SACCOs) in Kenya. The study focused on deposit taking SACCOs as more researchers have focused on commercial banks and SACCOs in general. The study used descriptive and correlational research design. The target population was the 176 the deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya, out of which a sample of 108 respondents were randomly selected each SACCO that was included in the sample. Questionnaire and document analysis were used to collect data and which was analyzed with the help of SPSS (23). The study findings revealed that there was a significant positive relationship between cashflow liquidity and dividend payout.  It was concluded that cashflow liquidity influenced dividend payout, among deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya. It was recommended to improve cashflow liquidity SACCOs should adopt conservative approach for management of working capital elements. The study also recommended that to improve cashflow liquidity, SACCOs should reduce the proportion of their long-term loans to short term loans. The study recommended further analysis on the influence of cash reserve ratio on dividend payout. Keywords: Dividend payout, cash flow liquidity, Deposit-taking, SACCO