9 research outputs found

    Filtration studies for separation of solid particles from slurry generated in hydrometallurgical processing of ores and concentrates

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    Polymetallic sea nodules are a source for the recovery of valuable non-ferrous metals. In this study the sea nodule residue from the leach slurry of Indian polymetallic sea nodules is filtered to separate solids from the leach solution. Separation of solid particles from slurry generated from hydrometallurgical processing of ores and concentrates. Separation of solid particles is usually carried out by the sedimentation and filtration operation. Sedimentation of slurry is done in a graduated cylindrical vessel. In filtration the slurry is filtered to get a clear filtrate solution and solid particles. Filtration of slurries such as sea nodule residue in ammoniacal liquor (20%) and Zinc carbonate slurry in water was carried out in a Buckner funnel attached to a graduated tube connected to a vacuum pump. The study was carried out under different conditions of pressure, slurry concentration, filter media et. The filtration studies have been carried out under vacuum pressure of 8 mm Hg to 100 mm Hg and 150 mm Hg gauge; slurry concentrations of 10% , 20% and 25%. Studies were done to know the filtration characteristicssuch as rate of filtration, plugging of pores in repeated use, filter cake resistance and filter medium resistance. The cake and medium resistance were calculated using the filtration equation.The cake and medium resistances were found to depend on filter medium pressure applied and nature of particles

    The Forkhead box F1 transcription factor inhibits collagen deposition and accumulation of myofibroblasts during liver fibrosis

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    Hepatic fibrosis is the common end stage to a variety of chronic liver injuries and is characterized by an excessive deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM), which disrupts the liver architecture and impairs liver function. The fibrous lesions are produced by myofibroblasts, which differentiate from hepatic stellate cells (HSC). The myofibroblast’s transcriptional networks remain poorly characterized. Previous studies have shown that the Forkhead box F1 (FOXF1) transcription factor is expressed in HSCs and stimulates their activation during acute liver injury; however, the role of FOXF1 in the progression of hepatic fibrosis is unknown. In the present study, we generated αSMACreER;Foxf1fl/fl mice to conditionally inactivate Foxf1 in myofibroblasts during carbon tetrachloride-mediated liver fibrosis. Foxf1 deletion increased collagen depositions and disrupted liver architecture. Timp2 expression was significantly increased in Foxf1-deficient mice while MMP9 activity was reduced. RNA sequencing of purified liver myofibroblasts demonstrated that FOXF1 inhibits expression of pro-fibrotic genes, Col1α2, Col5α2, and Mmp2 in fibrotic livers and binds to active repressors located in promotors and introns of these genes. Overexpression of FOXF1 inhibits Col1a2, Col5a2, and MMP2 in primary murine HSCs in vitro. Altogether, FOXF1 prevents aberrant ECM depositions during hepatic fibrosis by repressing pro-fibrotic gene transcription in myofibroblasts and HSCs

    Metal Complexes of Click-Derived Triazoles and Mesoionic Carbenes: Electron Transfer, Photochemistry, Magnetic Bistability, and Catalysis

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